Site is down :-(
My hosting company (mysitespace) changed the name servers on me.
I've updated the DNS, but it may take up to 48 hours to propagate.
In the mean time please contact me if you need an assistance.
Full text search rocks!
Gosh, I love this new feature!!!
My mom sent me a letter asking about one particular picture. I remember it had "cypress" in the caption or a file name, I had no idea where on SM it could reside.
S*E to the rescue!
Ctrl+F, type "cypress", select the full scope, hit OK.
Two seconds later I got two hits - one copy in its original gallery, another in "best of..". Double-click - and I'm on the spot.
Google only found one link, but it was in the "popular" photos, which spans across a few hundreds images (44 pages!), so it would take me far longer to scan them all..
thanks for the update!
I guess John's right, it needs to go through various backbones and ISPs. It's possible that all our area (both work and home) are sitting on the same leg, which also happens to be topologically "close" to the domain managing servers...
Let's check it again tomorrow....
Site is down again
Sorry guys, looks like my hosting company decided to play this game on me again....
Please contact me at "support_se -at- photosocal -dot- com" should you have a question or need a trial...
I can't believe my hosting company
First they have changed the nameservers from ns11/12 to ns1/2. Now, two days later, they have changed it back.
Each time I have to update the DNS and wait until it crawls around the world... Argh :bash
First they have changed the nameservers from ns11/12 to ns1/2. Now, two days later, they have changed it back.
Each time I have to update the DNS and wait until it crawls around the world... Argh :bash
Sorry to hear that. Sounds really stupid. How much are you paying per year? Maybe it's time for a change?
Sorry to hear that. Sounds really stupid. How much are you paying per year? Maybe it's time for a change?
Yeah, me, too.
Not much, about $100 or so. Thus far is their 2d major (site is unavailalbe for several days in a row, not even close to "five nines") f#$kup in 3 years. If they start doing this more often I will definitely have to switch.
Yeah, me, too.
Not much, about $100 or so. Thus far is their 2d major (site is unavailalbe for several days in a row, not even close to "five nines") f#$kup in 3 years. If they start doing this more often I will definitely have to switch.
Did they at least explain to you what and why it happened?
100 bucks are a lot! I pay 3 Eur per *year* (~$4) for a domain inclusive hosting I use not very much. I can't tell if any big outages happened, but if they did happened they would be justified - after all you get what you pay for. The difference is that I don't have to rely on it. You on the other side pay a lot...
Did they at least explain to you what and why it happened?
100 bucks are a lot! I pay 3 Eur per *year* (~$4) for a domain inclusive hosting I use not very much. I can't tell if any big outages happened, but if they did happened they would be justified - after all you get what you pay for. The difference is that I don't have to rely on it. You on the other side pay a lot...
Have a nice weekend,
No, they didn't. Not everybody here are on par with SM (or S*E:-) re:customer service..
I'll keep an eye on this. If they do anything stupid this year again I'll switch...
I did a search and could not find a query about this posted previously.
I am realizing that I did a poor job of creating my keywords as I was creating them. So this results in odd keyword choices. So now I am in the process of cleaning this up. My basic plan is to use Lightroom to do it. So here is my plan and then will come the question.
Download all the Smug Mug Photos using Star*Explorer (Completed)
Refresh Image Info (Completed) - At least I think that will do what I want of bringing down any key word changes since I last got the photos
Import them into a Lightroom Library (I wish there was a way to have it import the subfolders and not have to do each one)
Edit the Keywords (I am making a master list first)
Export them all back out to have the keywords updated
Now comes the question, do I have to replace/upload the photos or is there a way to just upload the new keywords?
I did a search and could not find a query about this posted previously.
I am realizing that I did a poor job of creating my keywords as I was creating them. So this results in odd keyword choices. So now I am in the process of cleaning this up. My basic plan is to use Lightroom to do it. So here is my plan and then will come the question.
Download all the Smug Mug Photos using Star*Explorer (Completed)
Refresh Image Info (Completed) - At least I think that will do what I want of bringing down any key word changes since I last got the photos
Import them into a Lightroom Library (I wish there was a way to have it import the subfolders and not have to do each one)
Edit the Keywords (I am making a master list first)
Export them all back out to have the keywords updated
Now comes the question, do I have to replace/upload the photos or is there a way to just upload the new keywords?
thank you for your inquiry!
I may be gravely mistaken, but unless there was some changes, there was no API for
1) reupload the image on top of the existing one, or
2) (re)upload keywords only.
If such API (production, RPC-XML) does exist I'd be happy to work on this issue in a priority mode.
The only other way is to delete/rename existing categories/subcategories albums and upload the whole set. Depending on the number of images you have it may be quite an undertaking...I know it would be in my case, that's why I apply keywords to RAW files as soon as they hit my HDD, and then they are propagated to jpegs and eventually to SM.
I got his tip from one of my users today. Looks like S*E and LR can go hand-in-hand!
Thank you, Mike!
Well, this didn't work quite as well a I expected. I did as Mike had suggested and it worked fine up to 17 images. If I exported 18 or more at once, SE didn't start after LR had finished the export. [FONT="]Has anyone else had a problem with this?
No duplicates please on an upload restart
I ran into a bit of a problem with the latest version of StarExplorer. I had 17 galleries and 550 total photos to upload. I set up StarExplorer for the upload and let it start. I realized after about 10 minutes that it wasn't configured for two threads so I told it to stop, changed the configuration and told it to start again. To my surprise, it started at the very beginning of the upload sequence and started uploading duplicates of the images it had already done. I had to manually then go clean up the duplicates.
Since StarExplorer is so smart about persisting the upload queue, I assumed that it would be smart about what it had already successfully uploaded and when I restarted the process it wouldn't make duplicates. Unfortunately, that isn't what happened. So, this is a feature request for it to keep track of what it has successfully uploaded and when resumed, it will pick up where it left off with no missed images and no duplicates.
I ran into a bit of a problem with the latest version of StarExplorer. ...
Thank you for bringing it to my attention!
I apologize for the inconvenience. This is not an intended behavior.
FWIW, I have never observed it myself.
I will take a look.
StarExplorer needs support for all gallery settings on create gallery
I do not use StarExplorer to create my galleries for two reasons:
1) It doesn't let me set all the gallery options when creating the gallery so if I'm going to have to visit each one in the Smugmug UI, I might as well just create it there. In this thread, DevBobo says that you are on an older version of the API when the newer versions of the API support all the current gallery customization options.
2) It doesn't support quick settings. When I need StarExplorer for creating galleries, I'm usually trying to create 10-20 galleries all with the same settings (passwords, privacy settings, SmugIsland settings, filename display, etc...). I doesn't appear that I can do that in StarExplorer.
I do not use StarExplorer to create my galleries for two reasons:
1) It doesn't let me set all the gallery options when creating the gallery so if I'm going to have to visit each one in the Smugmug UI, I might as well just create it there. In this thread, DevBobo says that you are on an older version of the API when the newer versions of the API support all the current gallery customization options.
2) It doesn't support quick settings. When I need StarExplorer for creating galleries, I'm usually trying to create 10-20 galleries all with the same settings (passwords, privacy settings, SmugIsland settings, filename display, etc...). I doesn't appear that I can do that in StarExplorer.
I'm sorry to hear that. :cry
I will be working with the new API (which is barely 2 weeks old to my knowledge) soon. However, even with the old one only islands and themes were not supported AFAIK, everyhting else you've mentioned was there for over two years... And unlike web UI, S*E does allow you simultaneous creation of dozens of galleries with the same set of settings. I'm not even talking about auto creation, when S*E can match the folders to galleries and create proper ones automatically...
I'm sorry to hear that. :cry
I will be working with the new API (which is barely 2 weeks old to my knowledge) soon. However, even with the old one only islands and themes were not supported AFAIK, everyhting else you've mentioned was there for over two years... And unlike web UI, S*E does allow you simultaneous creation of dozens of galleries with the same set of settings. I'm not even talking about auto creation, when S*E can match the folders to galleries and create proper ones automatically...
Here are the options I see missing from the create album dialog. I've starred the missing options that I wanted to set on the last set of galleries I created.
If there's any API access to quicksettings, I'd be fine with creating one gallery manually in Smugmug, saving a quicksetting and then assigning that quicksetting for the rest of the mass created galleries in StarExplorer.
Here are the options I see missing from the create album dialog. I've starred the missing options that I wanted to set on the last set of galleries I created.
If there's any API access to quicksettings, I'd be fine with creating one gallery manually in Smugmug, saving a quicksetting and then assigning that quicksetting for the rest of the mass created galleries in StarExplorer.
out of your list:
Geography: not in Produciton API
Appearance: not in Produciton API
Password hint: recent change, will implement asap
Hello World: recent change, will implement asap
Hello Smuggers: recent change, will implement asap
Hide owner: I believe this is combination of Clean and Header, otherwise not availalbe in the Production API
Photorank: not in Produciton API
Default color: not in Produciton API
Proof Days: recent change, will implement asap
Backprinting: recent change, will implement asap
As to the quick settings - there is no production API support for it AFAIK, please let me know otherwise.
Hello Smuggers: recent change, will implement asap
Hide owner: I believe this is combination of Clean and Header, otherwise not availalbe in the Production API
Photorank: not in Produciton API
Default color: not in Produciton API
Proof Days: recent change, will implement asap
Backprinting: recent change, will implement asap
As to the quick settings - there is no production API support for it AFAIK, please let me know otherwise.
Bummer. This is why I don't create galleries in StarExplorer. Without being able to see all the options and not having memorized the default values for all the missing settings, I can't be sure that things are set the way I want them.
To have any confidence that the galleries I create in StarExplorer are configured properly, I need to either be able to see all the settings values (and know I'm not missing anything) or apply a quicksetting that I have previously looked at all the options on. If you don't have access to all the options and don't have access to quicksettings, then the only thing I know of you could do is to show the default values for the missing options (even though they can't be changed) so, if the default values are the way I want them, then I could still use your interface.
Now I guess I go need to work on convincing devbobo to make everything available in the API. I'm not sure why he'd add a bunch in the latest round of API developments, but not add everything.
Bummer. This is why I don't create galleries in StarExplorer. Without being able to see all the options and not having memorized the default values for all the missing settings, I can't be sure that things are set the way I want them.
To have any confidence that the galleries I create in StarExplorer are configured properly, I need to either be able to see all the settings values (and know I'm not missing anything) or apply a quicksetting that I have previously looked at all the options on. If you don't have access to all the options and don't have access to quicksettings, then the only thing I know of you could do is to show the default values for the missing options (even though they can't be changed) so, if the default values are the way I want them, then I could still use your interface.
Now I guess I go need to work on convincing devbobo to make everything available in the API. I'm not sure why he'd add a bunch in the latest round of API developments, but not add everything.
Showing the default values... Interesting idea... I'll think about it.
As to the convincing David to surface everything.. I'm so with you on this.
Let's open a Devbobo Bribery Fund and all pitch in
awesome, I guess I can save my bribe money for the INS then:-)
I'll be most likely working this coming weekend on those, I'll be nudging you if I have a problem... :-)
To start with... I was looking at production API, I can't see those new items. Am I looking at the wrong page?
correction.. quicksettings - is available; called AlbumTemplateID
Sorry, I didn't realise that the documentation was that out of date, i will update it over the weekend sometime....another reason why I am rewritng the documentation for 1.2.1.
correction.. quicksettings - is available; called AlbumTemplateID
Sorry, I didn't realise that the documentation was that out of date, i will update it over the weekend sometime....another reason why I am rewritng the documentation for 1.2.1.
do you think you can email me an update on CreateImage maybe prior to midday Saturday Pacific Time (GMT-8). Then I'll have good chances actually implementing all this CreateImage stuff over this weekend and make John happy again..
Actually, even simple header/interface snippets (in any language or even prseudo-code notation) will do...
Ta, mate!
My hosting company (mysitespace) changed the name servers on me.
I've updated the DNS, but it may take up to 48 hours to propagate.
In the mean time please contact me if you need an assistance.
Gosh, I love this new feature!!!
My mom sent me a letter asking about one particular picture. I remember it had "cypress" in the caption or a file name, I had no idea where on SM it could reside.
S*E to the rescue!
Ctrl+F, type "cypress", select the full scope, hit OK.
Two seconds later I got two hits - one copy in its original gallery, another in "best of..". Double-click - and I'm on the spot.
Google only found one link, but it was in the "popular" photos, which spans across a few hundreds images (44 pages!), so it would take me far longer to scan them all..
DNS changes reached the West Coast, hope everybody else can see it, too...
SmugMug Support Hero
Not here in Northern CA yet. It probably just needs to get out to the various ISPs still.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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Nik I am getting a 403 Forbidden here on the east coast...I expected a 404...maybe I am wrong...
thanks for the update!
I guess John's right, it needs to go through various backbones and ISPs. It's possible that all our area (both work and home) are sitting on the same leg, which also happens to be topologically "close" to the domain managing servers...
Let's check it again tomorrow....
Sorry guys, looks like my hosting company decided to play this game on me again....
Please contact me at "support_se -at- photosocal -dot- com" should you have a question or need a trial...
First they have changed the nameservers from ns11/12 to ns1/2. Now, two days later, they have changed it back.
Each time I have to update the DNS and wait until it crawls around the world... Argh :bash
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Support Hero
Yeah, me, too.
Not much, about $100 or so. Thus far is their 2d major (site is unavailalbe for several days in a row, not even close to "five nines") f#$kup in 3 years. If they start doing this more often I will definitely have to switch.
Groovy, baby! Looks OK here in SoCal, too...
100 bucks are a lot! I pay 3 Eur per *year* (~$4) for a domain inclusive hosting I use not very much. I can't tell if any big outages happened, but if they did happened they would be justified - after all you get what you pay for. The difference is that I don't have to rely on it. You on the other side pay a lot...
Have a nice weekend,
SmugMug Support Hero
No, they didn't. Not everybody here are on par with SM (or S*E:-) re:customer service..
I'll keep an eye on this. If they do anything stupid this year again I'll switch...
Have a good one too!
Hello All-
I did a search and could not find a query about this posted previously.
I am realizing that I did a poor job of creating my keywords as I was creating them. So this results in odd keyword choices. So now I am in the process of cleaning this up. My basic plan is to use Lightroom to do it. So here is my plan and then will come the question.
Now comes the question, do I have to replace/upload the photos or is there a way to just upload the new keywords?
Pictures | Website | Blog | Twitter | Contact
thank you for your inquiry!
I may be gravely mistaken, but unless there was some changes, there was no API for
1) reupload the image on top of the existing one, or
2) (re)upload keywords only.
If such API (production, RPC-XML) does exist I'd be happy to work on this issue in a priority mode.
The only other way is to delete/rename existing categories/subcategories albums and upload the whole set. Depending on the number of images you have it may be quite an undertaking...I know it would be in my case, that's why I apply keywords to RAW files as soon as they hit my HDD, and then they are propagated to jpegs and eventually to SM.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thank you for using Star*Explorer!
Well, this didn't work quite as well a I expected. I did as Mike had suggested and it worked fine up to 17 images. If I exported 18 or more at once, SE didn't start after LR had finished the export. [FONT="]Has anyone else had a problem with this?
I ran into a bit of a problem with the latest version of StarExplorer. I had 17 galleries and 550 total photos to upload. I set up StarExplorer for the upload and let it start. I realized after about 10 minutes that it wasn't configured for two threads so I told it to stop, changed the configuration and told it to start again. To my surprise, it started at the very beginning of the upload sequence and started uploading duplicates of the images it had already done. I had to manually then go clean up the duplicates.
Since StarExplorer is so smart about persisting the upload queue, I assumed that it would be smart about what it had already successfully uploaded and when I restarted the process it wouldn't make duplicates. Unfortunately, that isn't what happened. So, this is a feature request for it to keep track of what it has successfully uploaded and when resumed, it will pick up where it left off with no missed images and no duplicates.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Thank you for bringing it to my attention!
I apologize for the inconvenience. This is not an intended behavior.
FWIW, I have never observed it myself.
I will take a look.
I do not use StarExplorer to create my galleries for two reasons:
1) It doesn't let me set all the gallery options when creating the gallery so if I'm going to have to visit each one in the Smugmug UI, I might as well just create it there. In this thread, DevBobo says that you are on an older version of the API when the newer versions of the API support all the current gallery customization options.
2) It doesn't support quick settings. When I need StarExplorer for creating galleries, I'm usually trying to create 10-20 galleries all with the same settings (passwords, privacy settings, SmugIsland settings, filename display, etc...). I doesn't appear that I can do that in StarExplorer.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
I'm sorry to hear that. :cry
I will be working with the new API (which is barely 2 weeks old to my knowledge) soon. However, even with the old one only islands and themes were not supported AFAIK, everyhting else you've mentioned was there for over two years...
Here are the options I see missing from the create album dialog. I've starred the missing options that I wanted to set on the last set of galleries I created.
*Geography: on/off
Appearance: Smugmug/custom
*Password hint: abc
*Hello World: yes/no
*Hello Smuggers: yes/no
Hide owner: yes/no
*Photorank: yes/no
*Default color: true/auto
*Proof Days: xx
*Backprinting: abc
If there's any API access to quicksettings, I'd be fine with creating one gallery manually in Smugmug, saving a quicksetting and then assigning that quicksetting for the rest of the mass created galleries in StarExplorer.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
out of your list:
- Geography: not in Produciton API
- Appearance: not in Produciton API
- Password hint: recent change, will implement asap
- Hello World: recent change, will implement asap
- Hello Smuggers: recent change, will implement asap
- Hide owner: I believe this is combination of Clean and Header, otherwise not availalbe in the Production API
- Photorank: not in Produciton API
- Default color: not in Produciton API
- Proof Days: recent change, will implement asap
- Backprinting: recent change, will implement asap
As to the quick settings - there is no production API support for it AFAIK, please let me know otherwise.Bummer. This is why I don't create galleries in StarExplorer. Without being able to see all the options and not having memorized the default values for all the missing settings, I can't be sure that things are set the way I want them.
To have any confidence that the galleries I create in StarExplorer are configured properly, I need to either be able to see all the settings values (and know I'm not missing anything) or apply a quicksetting that I have previously looked at all the options on. If you don't have access to all the options and don't have access to quicksettings, then the only thing I know of you could do is to show the default values for the missing options (even though they can't be changed) so, if the default values are the way I want them, then I could still use your interface.
Now I guess I go need to work on convincing devbobo to make everything available in the API. I'm not sure why he'd add a bunch in the latest round of API developments, but not add everything.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Showing the default values... Interesting idea... I'll think about it.
As to the convincing David to surface everything.. I'm so with you on this.
Let's open a Devbobo Bribery Fund and all pitch in
The items below are all available from version 1.1.1 onwards...
- Geography - is available; called Geography
- Appearance - is available; called Header
- HideOwner - is available; called HideOwner
- PhotoRank - is available; called CanRank
- DefaultColor - is available; called DefaultColor
- QuickSettings - is available; called TemplateID
To get a list of quick settings, call method smugmug.albumtemplates.get.The items below have been available for some time, check my SmugBrowser revision history...
- PasswordHint
- ProofDays
- Backprinting
If you need any other help, please let me know.Cheers,
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
awesome, I guess I can save my bribe money for the INS then:-)
I'll be most likely working this coming weekend on those, I'll be nudging you if I have a problem... :-)
To start with... I was looking at production API, I can't see those new items. Am I looking at the wrong page?
correction.. quicksettings - is available; called AlbumTemplateID
Sorry, I didn't realise that the documentation was that out of date, i will update it over the weekend sometime....another reason why I am rewritng the documentation for 1.2.1.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
do you think you can email me an update on CreateImage maybe prior to midday Saturday Pacific Time (GMT-8). Then I'll have good chances actually implementing all this CreateImage stuff over this weekend and make John happy again..
Actually, even simple header/interface snippets (in any language or even prseudo-code notation) will do...
Ta, mate!