Frustrating Delivery Times

I am a little frustrated with fullfillment and delivery times. I recently placed and received an order from and from 2 from Smugmug. Here is how it stands....
Smugmug Order #1: (5) 4x6 prints
Ordered: Wed 9/13/2006 12:53 PM
Date email says it shipped: Fri 9/15/2006 12:13 PM
Received: Friday 9/22/2006
Shipped from Georgia
Smugmug Order #2: (5) 4x6 prints
Ordered: Thu 9/14/2006 1:26 PM
Date email says it shipped: Fri 9/15/2006 5:49 PM
Received:Wed 9/27/2006
Shipped from Georgia
Costco: (2) 20x30 prints
Ordered: Friday, 9/15
Date email says it shipped: Sun 9/17/2006 11:10 PM
Received: today, 9/20
Shipped From Maryland
All were shipped standard USPS shipping to the same home address in Michigan. Shipping costs were higher from Costco $5.78, but they had to come in a tube. SM shipping was $1.75 each.
Thoughts? :dunno Should it really take over a week for (5) 4x6's to get to me?
Smugmug Order #1: (5) 4x6 prints
Ordered: Wed 9/13/2006 12:53 PM
Date email says it shipped: Fri 9/15/2006 12:13 PM
Received: Friday 9/22/2006
Shipped from Georgia
Smugmug Order #2: (5) 4x6 prints
Ordered: Thu 9/14/2006 1:26 PM
Date email says it shipped: Fri 9/15/2006 5:49 PM
Received:Wed 9/27/2006
Shipped from Georgia
Costco: (2) 20x30 prints
Ordered: Friday, 9/15
Date email says it shipped: Sun 9/17/2006 11:10 PM
Received: today, 9/20
Shipped From Maryland
All were shipped standard USPS shipping to the same home address in Michigan. Shipping costs were higher from Costco $5.78, but they had to come in a tube. SM shipping was $1.75 each.
Thoughts? :dunno Should it really take over a week for (5) 4x6's to get to me?
Cameras: >(2) Canon 20D .Canon 20D/grip >Canon S200 (p&s)
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
Comments & smugmug
I know. It is still frustrating that the Costco prints (ordered two days later) shipped standard USPS still beat the prints though. It would be interesting to know how other USPS times work for people. In general, I see my SM prints in 2-3 days (for the shipping). These two orders are the exception.
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
Most orders ordered with the 3-14 days shipping, make it alot closer to the 3 days, than to the 14 days. But the 3-14 days is what USPS tells us. I guess it's just bad luck, that that mail bag misses a train or a plane? I am not sure, we would have to ask the USPS. & smugmug
Yeah, I'll have to agree with that theory. At an event, a customer and I were talking and he mentioned he placed two orders from me on the same day, one for a batch of 4x6's and another for two 8.5x11 magazine covers. They both reported being shipped out the same day and he recieved the 4x6s within a few days, but the 8.5x11's took an extra 5-7 days. If EZ Prints shipped them on the same day, it's gotta be USPS.
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
The good -- two day deliveries via regular USPS Priority Mail from Southern California to 1) New York (Saturday to Monday) and 2) Minnesota (Sat/Mon).
The bad -- just last week I shipped a Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 lens to my sister, who lives just 200 miles away. I shipped Tuesday morning via USPS Priority Mail expecting it to be there Thursday. It took a WEEK! Even worse, the tracking system never showed it leaving the local post office, so I thought it was stolen.
Go figure... 3,000 miles in two days and 200 miles in seven days.
Wow, that is crazy.
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
Yeah, I know many of us love having mail delivered daily to our homes, but the USPS has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to reliability. I routinely end up with my neighbors mail in my mailbox (or mail from the other side of town-- same street, different zip, different quadrant) and their tracking system is pretty much useless compared to UPS or Fed-Ex. Then there's the visits to the local post office where it often seems like everyone is out to lunch all at once and one clerk is dealing with a line of 10-20 people-- and that's at 10 a.m.
My favorite, though, is the locking mailbox I purchased and bolted to the outside of the house to prevent stolen mail. Some of the carriers just stuff the mail in the slot so it's half hanging out rendering the locked box useless. God forbid the carrier actually make that extra inch of effort to push the mail into the box...
Oh yeah, and there was the recent news that a local USPS maintenance worker had lost his universal mailbox key-- but the USPS waited two months to tell the public about it! So for two months, thieves were stealing mail from those supposedly secure corner mailboxes before the locks were changed.
Okay, okay, I'm sure we all have stories like this. Guess you could read Charles Bukoski's book about working for USPS while you wait-- it's a good read.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Well, Jim, we all would get frustrated, yeah? But the simple fact is, we have no control over the USPS. They tell us, 3-14 days. Economy shipping is just that, the least expensive, and no tracking. And so we publish that in the shopping cart, 3-14 days.. We do offer priority mail, and 2nd business day, and first business day... Your orders have been six days and five days, respectively. I expect that you'll get them soon. We do a lot of orders, and truthfully, hear only very few stories about orders that go to the longer end of that range.
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Only Express Mail is guaranteed, but I had to dig though the USPS site before I found this disclaimer about Priority Mail:
(note the bold in the quoted text is their emphasis not mine)
So they won't even guarantee it will take less than, oh let's say 2 weeks. Or 3 weeks. There's no guarantee period.
I live on a typical California residential street (house every 60'), and each house has a mailbox on a post by their driveway. From the street you have the curb, the sidewalk, then the mailbox.
I noticed the mailman would drive up to the mailbox in front of each house, shut off the engine in the mailtruck, take one step out of the truck to the mailbox to put the mail in. then back to the truck, start it up, drive to next house, shut off the truck, etc. Every single house! You could hear this truck starting up, moving forward, shutting off, etc for 1/2 hour while he is in the vicinity of my house...
I asked him why he shuts it off at every house.... mailman says the rule is he can't leave the truck running while unattended...(while technically, that makes sense, but come on, one step out of the truck?)
I wonder how many starters those trucks go through.
I ended up finding that info as well as I wanted to know the ground rules when I went back to the Post Office to locate the missing package. I expected two days, three at the worst. Once that had passed, I let the thought simmer over the weekend about the lens being stolen. When it had not arrived on Monday, I started calling pawn shops to see if they had any lenses in stock.
The other interesting thing I found was that you can't report lost mail until something like 21 days later. That definitely wasn't going to sit well with me. Fortunately, it didn't come to that as the lens arrived on the Tuesday, one week after I shipped it.
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
A former sports shooter
Follow me at:
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Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
It is too bad there is nothing you can do about this SM. Maybe you can work out special pricing with UPS ground for "regular shipping"?
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
We do many many thousands of orders per week. The number of USPS foulups is a small, small percentage. I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. If, after 14 days, the order is not there, we'll happily reprint it and ship it to you express mail or even 2nd business day. Just holler to the help desk and we'll take care of it.
USPS tries hard, but they are not guaranteed nor are they perfect. We wish they were, and wish we could control them even!
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We have USPS for Economy (First Class Mail).
We have USPS for "express" (Priority Mail)
Fedex for 2nd business day and
Fedex for 1st business day
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No FedEx 3-day Select? That's usually what I use if given the option. It's a direct competitor for Priority Mail, which I also usually have really good luck with. FedEx is also quite a bit easier to argue/complain to and take much more responsibility than the gov. Just a thought.
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
That'll learn me to not actually check. But i did mean what the above poster requested, for 3-day or even fedex ground instead.. much more reliable in my opinion. Good to hear you are in discussions though, hope it comes out good for us and you all.
The last order I placed (173723) has been in processing for a week now...I hope John Young was able to get that resolved...
You're not the only one that's upset with slow delivery times. I quit using smugmug because of that. I'd like to support them, but I won't put up with the slow delivery when shutterfly delivers ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY to me via first class USPS in no more than 3 or 4 days shipping time. Personally, I think the issue is the shipments from SmugMug are being shipped as 'bulk' or 'media mail' and not standard first class mail. I hear them constantly say it's not their fault and not up to them how quickly it arrives...but I don't think that's right. There's NO WAY they are using standard first class mail. And no, I'm not talking about Priority...that's something altogether different. I think the speed goes like this: media/bulk mail = SLOW, first class = reasonable (a few days), priority = always by 2 or 3 days.
Anyway, I feel for you. I know the feeling. I just wish they'd force their lab that they're contracted to use First Class at a minimum. I don't care what they say...there's no way their standard shipments are going first class. If they were, they'd be arriving in no more than 4 days. Like I said, I pay standard first class with shutterfly and they're all the way over there in CA and I never get them later than 3 or 4 days in shipment (usually by 3 days).
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
I used USPS once and though to myself "wow this is taking forever", so next time I paid more to have it shipped faster. Some people don't care how long it takes as long as it arrives in one piece...
Guess I learned my lesson. Funny thing is, all of the other prints I have ordered through USPS they have arrived in 2-3 days. Just not these two orders.
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
12 days in transit.
The prints look great.
Strange, on the Costco site they say standard USPS shipping should take 3-5 business days. Also strange, I am waiting on another Costco order that says it shipped on 9/20/06 (in which case, today would be the 5th business day).
Guess September is not my month for mailing photos through the post office.
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
I don't think I am shipping anything USPS anymore.
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos