vignetting control in adobe camera raw
now having done this about 6 or 7 times, the "vigging" controls in adobe camera raw do a fine job, the adjustment does not degrade the image and it's easy enough to perform.
and, not all images require it, which is a good thing!
the ff sensors show the light fall-off on even the best glass. i have seen vignetting on my 50 f/1.4, my 70-200L f/2.8L and my 16-35L. from others i've spoken with, this is a ff thing, and so if this camera is staying in my bag i have to learn to deal with it.
two ways, of course:
1) since there are 16.7 mpx, i could re-train myself to compose differently at shoot, leaving plenty of room to crop.
2) adobe just updated adobe camera raw to support the 1ds mark II files (yay on ya, thomas knoll and crew!) and so acr has a "anti-vignetting" feature, whereby you can minimze the vignetting in the raw conversion process. i've tried it, it works. need to play with the settings / sliders but it does work.
What you need now is...
...a monitor that could handle the viewing of those files. I have a friend who just put together a system with a monitor like that.
welcome aboard, olga i'm so glad you joined. you'll recognize many of the names here
ahh yes, the apple cinema 30 incher - way way cool, olga. i'd like to get one of those, but i cannot afford a trip to the jewelry store again for a little while
I *drool* over that display every time I visit the Apple store. Since I just bought a new Nikon D2H this morning, I will be editing pictures on my 12" PowerBook a little while longer.
I've only tried a large monitor (21 or 22") for business work, spreadsheets and the like, some time ago. I thought it was going to be the cat's meow. Instead I found myself getting dizzy trying to read spreadsheets. I didn't like having to move my head left-right-left so much. I kept losing track of where I was looking. So my husband inherited the big monitor and I went back to a 17" LCD and remain content with it.
working files in photoshop
i'm definitely going to have to upgrade my 'puter. present setup is a 2.4ghz, 2yr old sony desktop with 1.5gb ram. 7200rpm onboard disk.
so i took a fairly complex file, a beach scene with about 1000 birds in the pic, opened it in acr, converted as 16bit... in ps added a levels layer, curves layer, hue / saturation layer. saved the whole thing as a .psd ...
a whopping 183megs just for this one psd.
flattened, and then did an unsharp mask, 23 seconds to to process that.
so, without question, if one is to have any sort of rhythm going in post with these files, a fast badass pc is quite in-order
i'm definitely going to have to upgrade my 'puter. present setup is a 2.4ghz, 2yr old sony desktop with 1.5gb ram. 7200rpm onboard disk.
so i took a fairly complex file, a beach scene with about 1000 birds in the pic, opened it in acr, converted as 16bit... in ps added a levels layer, curves layer, hue / saturation layer. saved the whole thing as a .psd ...
a whopping 183megs just for this one psd.
flattened, and then did an unsharp mask, 23 seconds to to process that.
so, without question, if one is to have any sort of rhythm going in post with these files, a fast badass pc is quite in-order
Andy, my friend has a 2.5ghtz G5 DP and 1Ds mkII. I asked him to run a similar file though PS to see how long it takes. He is out of town through Sunday, but he should do it. If you want to give me all your specs (or upload the RAW file somewhere) I can have him use your parameters and give you some more info for your computer purchase.
Andy, my friend has a 2.5ghtz G5 DP and 1Ds mkII. I asked him to run a similar file though PS to see how long it takes. He is out of town through Sunday, but he should do it. If you want to give me all your specs (or upload the RAW file somewhere) I can have him use your parameters and give you some more info for your computer purchase.
This kind of problem specific benchmarking is exactly the right way to make your decision instead of listening to eveyone's opinion and reading marketing literature. See if you can run the exact same test on a modern PC with a modern PS. For integer problems (running gcc), I've found that single processor 3GHz Intel processors are as fast as my DB 2.0GHz G5 DP. But I don't have the resources to compare PS on both machines (almost all the Intel machines I have access to run Linux, else I'd do some benchmarking for you.)
This kind of problem specific benchmarking is exactly the right way to make your decision instead of listening to eveyone's opinion and reading marketing literature. See if you can run the exact same test on a modern PC with a modern PS. For integer problems (running gcc), I've found that single processor 3GHz Intel processors are as fast as my DB 2.0GHz G5 DP. But I don't have the resources to compare PS on both machines (almost all the Intel machines I have access to run Linux, else I'd do some benchmarking for you.)
If we had thought about it yesterday Andy could have brought a CD to the Apple store and tried it himself, sorry Andy I guess you will have to go to SOHO again.
If we had thought about it yesterday Andy could have brought a CD to the Apple store and tried it himself, sorry Andy I guess you will have to go to SOHO again.
will they let me bring a cd in the store and try it on their machines?
Andy, my friend has a 2.5ghtz G5 DP and 1Ds mkII. I asked him to run a similar file though PS to see how long it takes. He is out of town through Sunday, but he should do it. If you want to give me all your specs (or upload the RAW file somewhere) I can have him use your parameters and give you some more info for your computer purchase.
ask him to just do the same thing i did .. his file will be fine. i timed it by "one 1thousand, two 1thousand... etc ... very unscientific , but i missed the class on measurebating, i was out shooting
will they let me bring a cd in the store and try it on their machines?
np getting back to the store ...
I would think they would not care. I have done it in Atlanta, just tell them you are a PC user and want to know if the G5 really is faster and processing your files will give you the answer. The hitch is you may have to download the PS ARC 2.4b, which they will have to help you with (or do for you, with the admin password). So really it is finding a time when they are not super busy and finding the person that will help. You should be able to pop in the disk and still run other PS filters to see how they run on files. They may wonder, but they may be too busy to notice. One big difference my friend notices on his machine is that he can run PS and still run other programs in the background and not slow down the computer.
ask him to just do the same thing i did .. his file will be fine. i timed it by "one 1thousand, two 1thousand... etc ... very unscientific , but i missed the class on measurebating, i was out shooting
stupid is as stupid does ... :lol
which part did you time? The USM? or all of it? I would think the ARC to 16bit would be a good number and the USM time.
i timed the usm ... about 25 seconds i think?
i timed the saving of that three layer .psd - whoa that was 1 minute or mebbe a bit less....
That should be easy enough. If you wanted to test that stuff at the Apple store they should let you do that no problem. You could always just download originals off smugmug and they would probably not be the wiser. When I use Safari on one of the stores machines I always go to Safari in the menu and then hit "reset Safari">Reset, after logging out it will cover your tracks very well.
That should be easy enough. If you wanted to test that stuff at the Apple store they should let you do that no problem. You could always just download originals off smugmug and they would probably not be the wiser. When I use Safari on one of the stores machines I always go to Safari in the menu and then hit "reset Safari">Reset, after logging out it will cover your tracks very well.
They offer the best free internet service while traveling if a store is nearby.
I was in Las Vegas in February. I went to the Apple Store in the Fashion Mall and used my powerbook from the tables outside. All of a sudden the floor rises up to a runway and they have a Fredrick's of Hollywood fashion show in the mall, not a bad way to access the internet.
Andy, will be interesting to see, as you play with this camera more, given all the pixles it has, if you feel the need to uprez and sharpen disappears simply because there is so much native data already present.
i'm definitely going to have to upgrade my 'puter. present setup is a 2.4ghz, 2yr old sony desktop with 1.5gb ram. 7200rpm onboard disk.
so i took a fairly complex file, a beach scene with about 1000 birds in the pic, opened it in acr, converted as 16bit... in ps added a levels layer, curves layer, hue / saturation layer. saved the whole thing as a .psd ...
a whopping 183megs just for this one psd.
flattened, and then did an unsharp mask, 23 seconds to to process that.
so, without question, if one is to have any sort of rhythm going in post with these files, a fast badass pc is quite in-order
Andy, my files are not quite as big with a 1DMkll - but my psds may easily run from 25 or 30 to 80 or 90 Mbytes, and if all I'm doing is USM, they seem to be instantaneous. Running the Neat Image plug in may run 20 or 30 seconds if I use it at its maximum strength. I am running a 2.5 Ghz MAC.
I have 2GB cards and will soon upgrade to 4GB. As for the thought that 8GB is to much to maybe lose and only use 2GB cards, well, back when 2GB cards were huge everyone wanted to use 512MB cards. And when 512MB cards were huge, 64MB was the safe number. The day will come, maybe for the 1Ds Mark IV, that folks will wonder if a 512GB card is too big and to avoid losing information they will stick with 128GB cards.
One option I have is to use two cards in my camera so I have a backup. Also sometimes if I shoot something really good I will change cards and get the image on as many cards as possible for backup.
Hopefully the iage recovery software will keep getting better and better as well.
re previous remarks on # of images brought home, and the benefits of deletion...
I find myself saving images I am not sure of. I don't trust my little window to tell me the total and true story. That means I upload lots of junk, but save some gems.
With the 20D, is the window more accurate. For instance sharpness can be a question mark, especially without extensive examination. And other things.
I figure I would have to go a lot higher than 20D to get a window where I would sort a lot more. I already delete much of what I shoot.
I use 1gb cards, two. And I have two 512s. At this point that seems all I need, I have wanted more. I shoot like a deranged child. But I do have to think of weighing down my hard drive.
I would like to upgrade the hard drive situation.
External? Internal? Other important considerations? I will probably do that in a month.
ginger (excuse me, I missed the sweet light, but the birds are still there)
now having done this about 6 or 7 times, the "vigging" controls in adobe camera raw do a fine job, the adjustment does not degrade the image and it's easy enough to perform.
and, not all images require it, which is a good thing!
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...a monitor that could handle the viewing of those files. I have a friend who just put together a system with a monitor like that.
ahh yes, the apple cinema 30 incher - way way cool, olga. i'd like to get one of those, but i cannot afford a trip to the jewelry store again for a little while
if you need any help 'round here, just holler!
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I *drool* over that display every time I visit the Apple store. Since I just bought a new Nikon D2H this morning, I will be editing pictures on my 12" PowerBook a little while longer.
One day it will be mine
Welcome aboard.
Dave (gallery)
I've only tried a large monitor (21 or 22") for business work, spreadsheets and the like, some time ago. I thought it was going to be the cat's meow. Instead I found myself getting dizzy trying to read spreadsheets. I didn't like having to move my head left-right-left so much. I kept losing track of where I was looking. So my husband inherited the big monitor and I went back to a 17" LCD and remain content with it.
Not nearly as nice as that 23" Apple though.
the meter reads true, at least in my experience thus far. i shot this with +2/3s ec. it was a very bright white overcast sky.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
i'm definitely going to have to upgrade my 'puter. present setup is a 2.4ghz, 2yr old sony desktop with 1.5gb ram. 7200rpm onboard disk.
so i took a fairly complex file, a beach scene with about 1000 birds in the pic, opened it in acr, converted as 16bit... in ps added a levels layer, curves layer, hue / saturation layer. saved the whole thing as a .psd ...
a whopping 183megs just for this one psd.
flattened, and then did an unsharp mask, 23 seconds to to process that.
so, without question, if one is to have any sort of rhythm going in post with these files, a fast badass pc is quite in-order
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Andy, my friend has a 2.5ghtz G5 DP and 1Ds mkII. I asked him to run a similar file though PS to see how long it takes. He is out of town through Sunday, but he should do it. If you want to give me all your specs (or upload the RAW file somewhere) I can have him use your parameters and give you some more info for your computer purchase.
If we had thought about it yesterday Andy could have brought a CD to the Apple store and tried it himself, sorry Andy I guess you will have to go to SOHO again.
will they let me bring a cd in the store and try it on their machines?
np getting back to the store ...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
ask him to just do the same thing i did .. his file will be fine. i timed it by "one 1thousand, two 1thousand... etc ... very unscientific
stupid is as stupid does ... :lol
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I would think they would not care. I have done it in Atlanta, just tell them you are a PC user and want to know if the G5 really is faster and processing your files will give you the answer. The hitch is you may have to download the PS ARC 2.4b, which they will have to help you with (or do for you, with the admin password). So really it is finding a time when they are not super busy and finding the person that will help. You should be able to pop in the disk and still run other PS filters to see how they run on files. They may wonder, but they may be too busy to notice. One big difference my friend notices on his machine is that he can run PS and still run other programs in the background and not slow down the computer.
which part did you time? The USM? or all of it? I would think the ARC to 16bit would be a good number and the USM time.
i timed the usm ... about 25 seconds i think?
i timed the saving of that three layer .psd - whoa that was 1 minute or mebbe a bit less....
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That should be easy enough. If you wanted to test that stuff at the Apple store they should let you do that no problem. You could always just download originals off smugmug and they would probably not be the wiser. When I use Safari on one of the stores machines I always go to Safari in the menu and then hit "reset Safari">Reset, after logging out it will cover your tracks very well.
I do the same thing
Dave (gallery)
They offer the best free internet service while traveling if a store is nearby.
I was in Las Vegas in February. I went to the Apple Store in the Fashion Mall and used my powerbook from the tables outside. All of a sudden the floor rises up to a runway and they have a Fredrick's of Hollywood fashion show in the mall, not a bad way to access the internet.
Andy, will be interesting to see, as you play with this camera more, given all the pixles it has, if you feel the need to uprez and sharpen disappears simply because there is so much native data already present.
A former sports shooter
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Andy, my files are not quite as big with a 1DMkll - but my psds may easily run from 25 or 30 to 80 or 90 Mbytes, and if all I'm doing is USM, they seem to be instantaneous. Running the Neat Image plug in may run 20 or 30 seconds if I use it at its maximum strength. I am running a 2.5 Ghz MAC.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
One option I have is to use two cards in my camera so I have a backup. Also sometimes if I shoot something really good I will change cards and get the image on as many cards as possible for backup.
Hopefully the iage recovery software will keep getting better and better as well.
1Ds Mark II, 50mm f/1.4 aboard
here's a crop:
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Is that your daughter? The camera really does her justice.
(The pink color of coat, hat,gloves and cheeks are good, too)
I find myself saving images I am not sure of. I don't trust my little window to tell me the total and true story. That means I upload lots of junk, but save some gems.
With the 20D, is the window more accurate. For instance sharpness can be a question mark, especially without extensive examination. And other things.
I figure I would have to go a lot higher than 20D to get a window where I would sort a lot more. I already delete much of what I shoot.
I use 1gb cards, two. And I have two 512s. At this point that seems all I need, I have wanted more. I shoot like a deranged child. But I do have to think of weighing down my hard drive.
I would like to upgrade the hard drive situation.
External? Internal? Other important considerations? I will probably do that in a month.
ginger (excuse me, I missed the sweet light, but the birds are still there)
He ran USM on a 183mb file in about 2 seconds this morning. It is very fast. Let me know if you want anything else.
yeah, i'm still looking, deciding....
thanks for this info. it really helps. tell me again, model / specs of his system?
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G5 DP 2.5 ghtz. I think he has 4gb of ram.
Just get the Mac, you know you want to.