What I was talking about is in the "cutomize gallery" window the keywords are not listed in the box.
Moochass gracias....that's what I get for poaching other peoples CSS sheets. I better learn that stuff pronto.
It looks to me like you added the keywords to the individual pics. Under
customize gallery there's a box to add keywords gallery wide. The ones
for individual pics will not show there.
Make sense?
It looks to me like you added the keywords to the individual pics. Under
customize gallery there's a box to add keywords gallery wide. The ones
for individual pics will not show there.
Make sense?
Yes, but I had the galleries keyworded for months allready. They were there, and now they aren't. That's what is so odd. Even when i add them now and save they don't "stay". They should still be in the box where you enter them when I go back to the customize gallery page right? They always were before.
Yes, but I had the galleries keyworded for months allready. They were there, and now they aren't. That's what is so odd. Even when i add them now and save they don't "stay". They should still be in the box where you enter them when I go back to the customize gallery page right? They always were before.
Do you have a specific gallery link please? Thank you.
And you've not deleted any, is that correct?
Are they just gone from every gallery of yours?
Correct, I have not deleted any. It's only in some galleries. Now it seems like at least it's allowing me to re-enter the data. Earlier it would not save new entries.
I'm having the same problem trying to add keywords in the "customize gallery" window. It seems that if quotations are used any place in the keyword box, everything in the box dissappears when you save the customization.
How do I enter "New Mexico" without it becoming two separate words?
I'm having the same problem trying to add keywords in the "customize gallery" window. It seems that if quotations are used any place in the keyword box, everything in the box dissappears when you save the customization.
How do I enter "New Mexico" without it becoming two separate words?
Thanks for the response Andy. Using quotes works OK when adding keywords to individual pictures, but as "truth" stated in his post above, the problem is when adding keywords to the gallery customization page. In that instance, it seems that any use of quotation marks in the keyword box causes all keywords in the box to disappear when the gallery changes are saved.
Thanks for the response Andy. Using quotes works OK when adding keywords to individual pictures, but as "truth" stated in his post above, the problem is when adding keywords to the gallery customization page. In that instance, it seems that any use of quotation marks in the keyword box causes all keywords in the box to disappear when the gallery changes are saved.
For gallery keywords, I guess that's true.
OK sorry I misunderstood you.
@ truth : I'm pretty sure that if you use the "Bulk Settings" feature to change a bunch of gallery settings, you're going to lose any individually customised keywords wether you enter them blank during the "Bulk Settings" procedure or not... The same goes of passwords, descriptions etc...
I could be wrong of course!
I've highlighted this in the Feature request thread here, feel free to weigh in if you think this needs to change (possibly to the way I've suggested): http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=47572
I am having the same problem
I jsut went thru and was adding key words in the customize section - keywords and anything I put in there would not save. Type the bulk gallery kewords in and save - go back and there is nothing there. Not trying to input individual photo keywords - bulk galler keywords.
@ truth : I'm pretty sure that if you use the "Bulk Settings" feature to change a bunch of gallery settings, you're going to lose any individually customised keywords wether you enter them blank during the "Bulk Settings" procedure or not... The same goes of passwords, descriptions etc...
I could be wrong of course!
I've highlighted this in the Feature request thread here, feel free to weigh in if you think this needs to change (possibly to the way I've suggested): http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=47572
I jsut went thru and was adding key words in the customize section - keywords and anything I put in there would not save. Type the bulk gallery kewords in and save - go back and there is nothing there. Not trying to input individual photo keywords - bulk galler keywords.
Appears to be a system wide glitch?
Michael, are you putting quotes "" around any words or groups of words? When I removed all the quotation marks, the keywords were accepted. That, of course, creates another problem, but at least you can enter keywords at the gallery level this way.
Yes - using quotes,but that does not solve the problem
Keyworks are a very important part of your SM site - something is not working properly that needs to be looked into. I really dont want nor have the time to enter keywords once without quotes - and then go back in later and enter new quoted words. Really only want to have to do this once.
Michael, are you putting quotes "" around any words or groups of words? When I removed all the quotation marks, the keywords were accepted. That, of course, creates another problem, but at least you can enter keywords at the gallery level this way.
Any word on this problem yet?
I have a few large galleries that I need to enter bulk key words in (quote needed) and am waiting until I know this problem has been fixed. Fixed meaning I was able to do it in the past, just recently I (and others) are unable to enter bulk keywords when using quotes.
Keyworks are a very important part of your SM site - something is not working properly that needs to be looked into. I really dont want nor have the time to enter keywords once without quotes - and then go back in later and enter new quoted words. Really only want to have to do this once.
I have a few large galleries that I need to enter bulk key words in (quote needed) and am waiting until I know this problem has been fixed. Fixed meaning I was able to do it in the past, just recently I (and others) are unable to enter bulk keywords when using quotes.
I think I may be confused.
I want to enter gallery wide keywords (in the customize area) and I think I need the use of quotes - but now I just read that these keywords will not be displayed in my SM site.
I noticed that I can enter keywords and they will show up when I re-enter the customize area, but when using "quotes" - these words will not stay.
I had entered keywords in the past (using quotes) and am certian that I did these in bulk. How or where do I need to go and enter keywords on a gallery bulk basis and have the use of quotes - ex: "Kennett Square"
In gallery look under "photos tools" for "edit captions/keywords bulk".
At the top enter "key1 key2" in quotes, toggle keyword at right and
hit preview button. They will now be on every pic in that gallery.
Put in another and do same.
That what you're looking for?
This does raise a good point... What is the purpose of gallery keywords? I have recently cottoned onto (and taken the time to enter) photo keywords via the bulk tool... They're great... But how are the gallery keywords implemented / used? Should I even bother entering them? Apologies if this is a subject already discussed elsewhere...
This does raise a good point... What is the purpose of gallery keywords? I have recently cottoned onto (and taken the time to enter) photo keywords via the bulk tool... They're great... But how are the gallery keywords implemented / used? Should I even bother entering them? Apologies if this is a subject already discussed elsewhere...
They are important for searches. Both SmugMug searches and external searches (google, yahoo, altavista, etc)
#photoKeywords { display: none; }
I hope this helps, please let us know.
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Maybe just turned off showing under pictures.
This is turning them off in your CSS.
#photoKeywords { display: none; }
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Moochass gracias....that's what I get for poaching other peoples CSS sheets. I better learn that stuff pronto.
customize gallery there's a box to add keywords gallery wide. The ones
for individual pics will not show there.
Make sense?
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It's happening in all the street scenes and architecture galleries and sub gallleries. I have yet to check the rest but nature seems ok right now.
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Maybe we are talking about dif thing.
I'm talking about the field where you enter keywords on the gallery level, not the box of keywords that you cna choose to display on you home page.
Yesterday adding keywords using bulk, I had to save and then go
back into bulk and save again before they took. Happened in a
bunch of galleries.
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Are they just gone from every gallery of yours?
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Correct, I have not deleted any. It's only in some galleries. Now it seems like at least it's allowing me to re-enter the data. Earlier it would not save new entries.
How do I enter "New Mexico" without it becoming two separate words?
This is the gallery I was working on.
High Desert Racing Photography
Ed, I just used "edit keywords" on the page, here:
and added "new mexico" and you can see it now.
here's more help. Holler back if you have more questions: http://www.smugmug.com/help/keywords-tags
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High Desert Racing Photography
OK sorry I misunderstood you.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
High Desert Racing Photography
I could be wrong of course!
I've highlighted this in the Feature request thread here, feel free to weigh in if you think this needs to change (possibly to the way I've suggested):
85mm f/1.8, 17-50 + 28-75m f/2.8 lenses
iMac 24" 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Extreme, 4Gb RAM, OSX 10.5.7
http://encosion.com/ | http://encosion.smugmug.com/
I jsut went thru and was adding key words in the customize section - keywords and anything I put in there would not save. Type the bulk gallery kewords in and save - go back and there is nothing there. Not trying to input individual photo keywords - bulk galler keywords.
Appears to be a system wide glitch?
High Desert Racing Photography
Keyworks are a very important part of your SM site - something is not working properly that needs to be looked into. I really dont want nor have the time to enter keywords once without quotes - and then go back in later and enter new quoted words. Really only want to have to do this once.
I have a few large galleries that I need to enter bulk key words in (quote needed) and am waiting until I know this problem has been fixed. Fixed meaning I was able to do it in the past, just recently I (and others) are unable to enter bulk keywords when using quotes.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I want to enter gallery wide keywords (in the customize area) and I think I need the use of quotes - but now I just read that these keywords will not be displayed in my SM site.
I noticed that I can enter keywords and they will show up when I re-enter the customize area, but when using "quotes" - these words will not stay.
I had entered keywords in the past (using quotes) and am certian that I did these in bulk. How or where do I need to go and enter keywords on a gallery bulk basis and have the use of quotes - ex: "Kennett Square"
camera: Nikon Corporation (Nikon D70s) |
more details: [URL="javascript:window.open('http://MLKImages.smugmug.com/photos/newexif.mg?ImageID=99460286','exif99460286','toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,width=350,height=500'); void('');"]exif[/URL] |
original size: 3008px x 2000px |
current: 600px x 399px |
other sizes: S · Medium · L |
keywords: bicycle race cyclocross lily pond mens c womens b mabra · [URL="javascript:toggleDIV('editKeywords','photoKeywords','block');"]edit[/URL]
Andy, Thanks and sorry if I am missing something very basic here.
At the top enter "key1 key2" in quotes, toggle keyword at right and
hit preview button. They will now be on every pic in that gallery.
Put in another and do same.
That what you're looking for?
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85mm f/1.8, 17-50 + 28-75m f/2.8 lenses
iMac 24" 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Extreme, 4Gb RAM, OSX 10.5.7
http://encosion.com/ | http://encosion.smugmug.com/
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug