Nick, I've just made a public announcement. Please download it, and play with it.
Hi Claudio,
I played with SmugLoader and while I think it has a lot of potential I think there are still too many bugs in it to release on the Apps and Hacks page.
Also the Cancel button does not work on any window I tried it on.
I'm running XP Pro with the most recent Java install.
Let me know when these issues have been fixed and I can test it again. We do not want to add software in Alpha to the Apps and Hacks page since that is accessed by all users. For testing please continue to work in the Dgrin thread you started here:
I played with SmugLoader and while I think it has a lot of potential I think there are still too many bugs in it to release on the Apps and Hacks page.
Also the Cancel button does not work on any window I tried it on.
I'm running XP Pro with the most recent Java install.
Let me know when these issues have been fixed and I can test it again. We do not want to add software in Alpha to the Apps and Hacks page since that is accessed by all users. For testing please continue to work in the Dgrin thread you started here:
Thanks Nick,
I'm Claudiu, but it's a common mistake, because I'm Romanian, and it's a bit different.
I will look into the first issue you encountered. I've never had that problem before.
The quick settings has a reason not to be active yet, since I haven't got a reply to my email I sent to SmugMug support, regarding the quick settings. That's sad, and fires back, as you see. PLEASE, ask David to answer my question. I'm tired trying. I got the feeling that the support isn't what it was some time ago.
I know about the Cancel button. I guess I was lazy to either hide it, or implement it, when I had the close button of the window. It just got away.
In the end, I also have to shake the alpha label. But for that I will need more people testing, and that is happening very slowly.
And Nick, if you have other bugs, besides the ones you spotted, please let me know.
I'm Claudiu, but it's a common mistake, because I'm Romanian, and it's a bit different.
I will look into the first issue you encountered. I've never had that problem before.
The quick settings has a reason not to be active yet, since I haven't got a reply to my email I sent to SmugMug support, regarding the quick settings. That's sad, and fires back, as you see. PLEASE, ask David to answer my question. I'm tired trying. I got the feeling that the support isn't what it was some time ago.
I know about the Cancel button. I guess I was lazy to either hide it, or implement it, when I had the close button of the window. It just got away.
In the end, I also have to shake the alpha label. But for that I will need more people testing, and that is happening very slowly.
And Nick, if you have other bugs, besides the ones you spotted, please let me know.
Thanks again,
Sorry about the misspelling of your name Claudiu.
I've emailed David for you and I'll follow up for you tomorrow. I didn't test very much once I found those three issues on the first thing I tried. But if I have free time to test I'll let you know what I find.
SmugmugTab lets your take your smugmug galleries and photos and display them within your facebook profile and fan pages, but this is just the start, it also lets you turn your smugmug content into pretty fancy websites.
It's free to use this app, simply go here to install it, give it your smugmug username and add the new "smugmug" tab to your profile.
Feel free to send us your suggestions. If this app gets popular, we'll add lots more features including commenting on facebook and more layout options.
I've put together a graphical Java-based file uploader which can be integrated into your own projects. It uses the 1.2.2 API and supports uploading with authentication via OAuth or sessions.
It should be easy to drop into a Java project (basically just add a JPanel). I've posted a simple demo SmugMug uploader (it is included in the source code too).
SmuginProForAperture Now Available
I have just released SmuginProForAperture a more advanced version of SmuginForAperture.
The caption can be generated from any or all of IPTC Headline, IPTC Caption and the image version name.
The caption can be edited directly for each image being uploaded.
The keywords to be set on SmugMug can be edited.
Any keywords used are remembered and auto-completion is provided for keywords.
The destination gallery can be selected from a hierarchical menu based on the gallery category and subcategory details.
New galleries can be created either using the SmugMug default values or from user defined gallery templates.
32/64 bit Intel binary
SmuginProForAperture uses Growl (if installed) for status notifications.
SmuginProForAperture can add custom fields to the Aperture metadata for exported images[1]. The generated custom fields can then be used to create smart albums of all images that have been uploaded to SmugMug, or to a specific album.
Each image can be exported to a different gallery if required.
You can choose whether to replace an existing image with a new version or add a second version of the same image to a new gallery [2].
Thanks for developing smBrowse. Nice, clean format. Seems to work without bugs. Would be nice to have up and download (I saw somewhere that you plan download for future version). Even with strong EV signal for Sprint/Nextel 3G network, it takes a while for the thumbs and full photos to load. To speed it up, perhaps add a choice of resolution for the full photos and/or an option to first load a gallery at a lower resolution and when complete, replace each photo at a higher resolution.
Thanks for developing smBrowse. Nice, clean format. Seems to work without bugs. Would be nice to have up and download (I saw somewhere that you plan download for future version). Even with strong EV signal for Sprint/Nextel 3G network, it takes a while for the thumbs and full photos to load. To speed it up, perhaps add a choice of resolution for the full photos and/or an option to first load a gallery at a lower resolution and when complete, replace each photo at a higher resolution.
Thanks for the feedback, Rick. Can you give me an estimate of how big some of your slower galleries are? I may be able to improve the thumbnail load times. For the full size photos, I'm actually only using SmugMug's medium .jpg. IIRC, the medium .jpg is right around the screen resolution of the Pre.
The latest version of my GeoLogTag iPhone app now supports SmugMug. It's an all-in-one geotagging solution for SmugMug users. There is a free version available that's fully functional except for the fact that tracked locations are automatically deleted after 2 hours.
It would be nice to have GeoLogTag added to the iPhone apps list.
Hi, I've built a tool that uploads to Smugmug with FTP. It's at Can I add it to the wiki under 'Uploaders'. Its really close to launch now. If any of you are interested, there's a beta user sign up form on the site. Thanks!
Smug Sync for BlackBerry PlayBook
Upon the request of a SmugMug user, I have created 'Smug Sync' for BlackBerry PlayBook, which can be used to keep your PlayBook up-to-date with your SmugMug photos:
I'm authoring an image viewer for photographers and I just added web publishing to it as an auxiliary function. The first plugin I created is for SmugMug and I just released an update - - with the web publisher and SmugMug plugin inbox.
The plugin let you pick an existing gallery or create a new one. It uses the 1.3.0 API with OAuth (no username/password: authorize from your web browser). It can upload images as-is, or trim metadata and control what goes up (copyright, XMP rating, EXIF shooting data, GPS coordinates, IPTC Core), or resample the images and downscale them to any target resolution, such as for example 1024 pixels, or enough pixels for a 10" print etc. Everything non-JPEG such as TIFF, RAW etc supported by the viewer is converted on-the-fly, and color-converted to sRGB if necessary.
Windows 7 64-bit preferred platform. Vista SP2+PlatformUpdate as 2nd choice. Also works on XP SP3 but don't expect too much.
I missed this one, and created my own thread. Please delete my thread(since i don't have the permission).
I just finished the second version of my free windows phone 7 smugmug app(called MySmug).
It's a App to browse through your own album.
Authentication is implemented via oAuth. This means the App never knows the password of the user.
You also can upload from your phone to a certain album, or download images to your phone.
Let me know if you have any suggestions or problems with this app.
MySmug, my Windows phone 7 smugmug client.
News about can be found on my website.
The Wiki is designed to be a community-edited resource, and we'd love to see everyone link their API projects up there so everyone knows what's available.
Post the name of your application and a reliable, semi-permanent URL for where someone can get information about it, in this thread and someone will get around to adding it.
Familiar Picture Frame - easy photo sharing across IOS/Android/Kindle/PC/MAC
Please include Familiar ( on your API Hacks/Apps page. Familiar is the easiest way to privately share photos with your family & friends. We recently added SmugMug account integration - this lets you share SmugMug albums privately with only the people you choose.
We have beautiful iPhone, iPad and Android apps, so Familiar is also a very pretty way to view your SmugMug photos on those devices.
Basically, it just matches up the time stamps in the GPX track segments with the timestamps from the photos. There's an intermediate step where it shows the photos on a map and the timestamps can be adjusted, because my camera and GPS unit are always out of sync.
It also has a "Remove Geotags" page to remove the geotags from an album.
It's still a work in progress, but I've used it to add location data to several of my albums already. I will say right off the bat that it can be a little slow, but I'm already investigating some ways of making it faster and hope to improve the speed in the next few days.
The Hacks and Apps page should be up to date. If I'm missing any projects that have been posted in this thread please reply to this thread with a link and short description so I can add it.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
I played with SmugLoader and while I think it has a lot of potential I think there are still too many bugs in it to release on the Apps and Hacks page.
Here's one of the bugs I ran across. When trying to create a new album I'm getting errors:
The SmugMug default quick setting is not showing up in the Gallery Settings window:
Also the Cancel button does not work on any window I tried it on.
I'm running XP Pro with the most recent Java install.
Let me know when these issues have been fixed and I can test it again. We do not want to add software in Alpha to the Apps and Hacks page since that is accessed by all users. For testing please continue to work in the Dgrin thread you started here:
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Thanks Nick,
I'm Claudiu, but it's a common mistake, because I'm Romanian, and it's a bit different.
I will look into the first issue you encountered. I've never had that problem before.
The quick settings has a reason not to be active yet, since I haven't got a reply to my email I sent to SmugMug support, regarding the quick settings. That's sad, and fires back, as you see.
I know about the Cancel button. I guess I was lazy to either hide it, or implement it, when I had the close button of the window. It just got away.
In the end, I also have to shake the alpha label.
And Nick, if you have other bugs, besides the ones you spotted, please let me know.
Thanks again,
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
I've emailed David for you and I'll follow up for you tomorrow. I didn't test very much once I found those three issues on the first thing I tried. But if I have free time to test I'll let you know what I find.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Hey Smugmug'ers,
We just released our Facebook app (SmugmugTab ) for all smugmug members.
SmugmugTab lets your take your smugmug galleries and photos and display them within your facebook profile and fan pages, but this is just the start, it also lets you turn your smugmug content into pretty fancy websites.
It's free to use this app, simply go here to install it, give it your smugmug username and add the new "smugmug" tab to your profile.
It's a very similar to an app we already created for Flickr members (, but for Smugmug users.
Feel free to send us your suggestions. If this app gets popular, we'll add lots more features including commenting on facebook and more layout options.
I've just realised the real reason why the example you gave didn't work.
It's the NiceName value. According to Smugmug, that value can be "Alphanumeric characters and dashes. No spaces."
I think that I'll add a validator in a future build.
So it's not a bug, but a misinterpretation of the error message.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
I have just released v1.0 of SmuginForAperture my Aperture to SmugMug export plugin, could you please add it to your Wiki page.
Richard Laing
Very cool Richard, I added it!
It should be easy to drop into a Java project (basically just add a JPanel). I've posted a simple demo SmugMug uploader (it is included in the source code too).
For more info, please see the JCustomUploader homepage (or jump to the screenshots).
I have just released SmuginProForAperture a more advanced version of SmuginForAperture.
If you want to know more please visit my website.
I just released smBrowse for beta testing. It's a free SmugMug browser for Palm webOS phones. Please give it a try if you happen to have a Pre or Pixi.
Currently, I'm using a SmugMug gallery for information and support for the app:
Thanks! I'll check this out
Thanks for developing smBrowse. Nice, clean format. Seems to work without bugs. Would be nice to have up and download (I saw somewhere that you plan download for future version). Even with strong EV signal for Sprint/Nextel 3G network, it takes a while for the thumbs and full photos to load. To speed it up, perhaps add a choice of resolution for the full photos and/or an option to first load a gallery at a lower resolution and when complete, replace each photo at a higher resolution.
Washington DC: Where taxation without representation thrives.
Thanks for the feedback, Rick. Can you give me an estimate of how big some of your slower galleries are? I may be able to improve the thumbnail load times. For the full size photos, I'm actually only using SmugMug's medium .jpg. IIRC, the medium .jpg is right around the screen resolution of the Pre.
The latest version of my GeoLogTag iPhone app now supports SmugMug. It's an all-in-one geotagging solution for SmugMug users. There is a free version available that's fully functional except for the fact that tracked locations are automatically deleted after 2 hours.
It would be nice to have GeoLogTag added to the iPhone apps list.
App Store
Current supports embedding photo, video and photosets.
Plan to upgrade it to media module for Drupal 7 when it is ready which should provide a nice UI.
Could you add Melts My Heart? - Described here:
I just published a new android viewer app. In the future I will do an uploader, perhaps more.
It is Basically beta. I need people to try and use it and give feedback on it.
The app is called SmugDroidViewer and has a package com.cjnoyessw.smug.viewer
If anyone has any comments or questions, they can reach me at cjnoyes at cjnoyessw dot com
Can you please add Giraffe Upload ( to the list?
It's a photo upload / automatic backup software for Windows.
Nir Dobovizki
Upon the request of a SmugMug user, I have created 'Smug Sync' for BlackBerry PlayBook, which can be used to keep your PlayBook up-to-date with your SmugMug photos:
Hi there,
I'm authoring an image viewer for photographers and I just added web publishing to it as an auxiliary function. The first plugin I created is for SmugMug and I just released an update - - with the web publisher and SmugMug plugin inbox. (program info) (trial downloads) (web publishing tutorial, using SmugMug as example)
The plugin let you pick an existing gallery or create a new one. It uses the 1.3.0 API with OAuth (no username/password: authorize from your web browser). It can upload images as-is, or trim metadata and control what goes up (copyright, XMP rating, EXIF shooting data, GPS coordinates, IPTC Core), or resample the images and downscale them to any target resolution, such as for example 1024 pixels, or enough pixels for a 10" print etc. Everything non-JPEG such as TIFF, RAW etc supported by the viewer is converted on-the-fly, and color-converted to sRGB if necessary.
Windows 7 64-bit preferred platform. Vista SP2+PlatformUpdate as 2nd choice. Also works on XP SP3 but don't expect too much.
I missed this one, and created my own thread. Please delete my thread(since i don't have the permission).
I just finished the second version of my free windows phone 7 smugmug app(called MySmug).
It's a App to browse through your own album.
Authentication is implemented via oAuth. This means the App never knows the password of the user.
You also can upload from your phone to a certain album, or download images to your phone.
Let me know if you have any suggestions or problems with this app.
News about can be found on my website.
Our new iPhone app, iSmug -
uSmug, for grandma!
Please include Familiar ( on your API Hacks/Apps page. Familiar is the easiest way to privately share photos with your family & friends. We recently added SmugMug account integration - this lets you share SmugMug albums privately with only the people you choose.
We have beautiful iPhone, iPad and Android apps, so Familiar is also a very pretty way to view your SmugMug photos on those devices.
I've created a web app that uses an uploaded GPX file to add location data to photos in a SmugMug gallery.
It's at
Basically, it just matches up the time stamps in the GPX track segments with the timestamps from the photos. There's an intermediate step where it shows the photos on a map and the timestamps can be adjusted, because my camera and GPS unit are always out of sync.
It also has a "Remove Geotags" page to remove the geotags from an album.
It's still a work in progress, but I've used it to add location data to several of my albums already. I will say right off the bat that it can be a little slow, but I'm already investigating some ways of making it faster and hope to improve the speed in the next few days.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!