oh snappy...that looks GOOOD! Can I have your recipe? Is that a Calphalon pan? Nice manicure too.
oh wait...we're talking about the image, huh? Sorry, it's hard to separate the image from the content when it's about food for me.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
This is not an opinion......... I went to the beach, then collapsed asleep. I have no opinions on anything right now.
I just noticed this thread and read it, my daughter is so excited that it is the weekend, after work tonight, uh, Snappy, you do have ALL weekend. 24 hrs a day, all weekend, do we not live for this? Is this not our life?
Etc, etc,.................just joking, I know exactly how you feel! Both are nice shots, IMHO. After awhile, it is time to say 'til the next time.
ginger (I wonder why Andy, and anyone with him, gets all that time to eat?) Actually the person with him has to spend time taking a picture of Andy eating.
doG, love the shot of the ribs, haven't had any in a few years.
I was too tired to look at the shots in my camera, bye
oh snappy...that looks GOOOD! Can I have your recipe? Is that a Calphalon pan? Nice manicure too.
oh wait...we're talking about the image, huh? Sorry, it's hard to separate the image from the content when it's about food for me.
Oh Fish.... so funny. The recipe? ... a pinch of this, a dab of that, and a handful of the other. The way my mama taught me.
Yes, that's a Calphalon pan. The one on special last year.
The manicure.... Well, gee thanks.
Now about the picture. Seeeeee.... that's why I took that shot. It brings you right there. Want a taste? So "first person"!! Colorful too! Nice steam! That's why I can't decide. I think any one would be an OK entry, but which is best? Which would people vote for?
This is not an opinion......... I went to the beach, then collapsed asleep. I have no opinions on anything right now.
I just noticed this thread and read it, my daughter is so excited that it is the weekend, after work tonight, uh, Snappy, you do have ALL weekend. 24 hrs a day, all weekend, do we not live for this? Is this not our life?
Etc, etc,.................just joking, I know exactly how you feel! Both are nice shots, IMHO. After awhile, it is time to say 'til the next time.
ginger (I wonder why Andy, and anyone with him, gets all that time to eat?) Actually the person with him has to spend time taking a picture of Andy eating.
doG, love the shot of the ribs, haven't had any in a few years.
I was too tired to look at the shots in my camera, bye
Look who's talking about time to say "till next time". You never quit!
The ribs? Did I see them? Where are they? I remember the crabs at Fisherman's Warf, mmmmm! :andy
My guests just left. I feel like I've been cooking and doing dishes for a month. Whew, has it only been a week? Love the grandkids though.
This weekend I have to change the 3 guest beds, wash all the sheets and towels. Oh, did I tell you, the grandkids put too much paper in the toilet and it overflowed all over the floor. Carpeted floor, no less. More towels used to mop it up.
Then I have to put away all the Christmas decorations. Exchange some gifts. Respond to some Christmas notes. (I never did send any cards, no time.) Put the living room back in order. Still have the table and chairs in the middle of the room from the chess shot. Go grocery shopping - we're out of food....again! :yikes
No more pictures for me. I have to use one of these. I tried to reshoot the chess game shot. Spent hours figuring out the moves to set up a checkmate. Then, messed up all the photos. Gave up! :splat
Oh Fish.... so funny. The recipe? ... a pinch of this, a dab of that, and a handful of the other. The way my mama taught me.
Could you be just a little more specific?
Yes, that's a Calphalon pan. The one on special last year.
I thought I recognized the flared edge. Fishwife just got a set yesterday for her bday.
The manicure.... Well, gee thanks.
You're welcome...it looks much nicer than waxy's.
Want a taste?
So "first person"!! Colorful too! Nice steam! That's why I can't decide. I think any one would be an OK entry, but which is best? Which would people vote for?
I'd vote for the food...in fact, I can SMELL it! I'll vote for you if you send me the recipe
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Look who's talking about time to say "till next time". You never quit!
The ribs? Did I see them? Where are they? I remember the crabs at Fisherman's Warf, mmmmm! :andy
My guests just left. I feel like I've been cooking and doing dishes for a month. Whew, has it only been a week? Love the grandkids though.
This weekend I have to change the 3 guest beds, wash all the sheets and towels. Oh, did I tell you, the grandkids put too much paper in the toilet and it overflowed all over the floor. Carpeted floor, no less. More towels used to mop it up.
Then I have to put away all the Christmas decorations. Exchange some gifts. Respond to some Christmas notes. (I never did send any cards, no time.) Put the living room back in order. Still have the table and chairs in the middle of the room from the chess shot. Go grocery shopping - we're out of food....again! :yikes
No more pictures for me. I have to use one of these. I tried to reshoot the chess game shot. Spent hours figuring out the moves to set up a checkmate. Then, messed up all the photos. Gave up! :splat
Shall we change your username to "Crabapple"?
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Bitch, bitch, bitch. I get very cranky when I'm tired. Glad they have a big assortment of cranky smilies.
Now, to secure my vote, the recipe:
Disclaimer - My mama was a great cook and made her sauce from scratch. I no longer do that part. I do however follow her traditional Italian methods and measure by pinching a bit of seasonings between my fingers and pouring a small mound in the palm of my hand "until it looks right". So all amounts are approximate. I was serious about the pinches and handfulls.
In a small bowl, crumble up one or two slices of bread, or substitute 1/2 cup of bread crumbs or oatmeal. Add one egg, a squirt of ketchup, about 1/4 cup milk, a little diced onion, about two tablespoons parsley (small mound in palm), a pinch of Italian seasoning or some basil and oregano, some Mrs Dash or salt and pepper to taste. Mash this all together with a fork and pour into the large bowl in which you have crumbled up about 1 1/3 pounds of ground beef (the leanest I can find, since I'm on a low fat diet). Mix together and form into balls. Brown meat balls in a skillet. Pour over a jar of Classico Pasta Sauce - any flavor. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Pour over cooked pasta. Enjoy!
A whole set of Calphalon!!
I just realized, I forgot to mention that. I don't have a set. Just two skillets. Wow, she got a whole set. And right after Christmas too! She must have been a very good girl. Or more likely, she has a husband who loves to eat. Hehehe:D and he knows how to get what he wants too. Clever guy.
Lynn, Cletus, Laurie, thanks - I can't decide either. So far my thinking goes like this: The ornament has good focus and good light. The French ornament and tag sort of tell the story. I used window light and spent a couple minutes on the shot. I like it a lot for it's simplicity, great detail, and great light.
The orange juice shot, on the other hand, took hours to shoot. I set up white poster board on the kitchen table. Used pole lamps in addition to the kitchen lighting. Used the flash set on a low level. I shot the thing every which way from Sunday. The time is a big factor in my mind and, of course, colors my thinking.
But, back to the picture... The most important thing, I think, is the "first person" aspect. It really shows me doing something. It catches the action. The composition seems good. It's clean and simple. The repitition of the oranges is a good thing. I caught the motion of the juicer. I caught the juice going into the glass. (some tries had no juice flowing) I got lots of nice bubbles in the glass of juice. The lighting is good. There is just a lot more to this shot than the ornament shot. (but is it too much?) When I moved the cut orange, it left two drips on the white-board. At first I was bothered by this, but later I decided that it made the shot a little less sterile. A like it for it's bright, crisp, colorful look and the life shown in the action going on.
For now, I picked the oranges because it's a more unique entry. Great reason, huh?
This challenge has really been tough. I know we've all been wracking our brains for ideas. It's the first time I've used a "studio" set-up. A great learning experience. St-r-e-a-c-h-e-d again!! I've put in all the time I can spare on this. I do have a day job, too.
Thanks again for your input. If you have any other nits about either shot, please let me know.
I think you have done a fine job on all of your shots, but I also like the juice shot the best. I agree with you, I think it shows first person action very well. The colors really catch the eye to.
Yeah, these challenges never stop stretching our comfort bubbles. I have been struggling with the last few challenges, but in the process I've learned a lot more then I thought I would.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Wow, she got a whole set. And right after Christmas too! She must have been a very good girl. Or more likely, she has a husband who loves to eat. Hehehe:D and he knows how to get what he wants too. Clever guy.
Yes to all the above.
The mounting was pretty quick and dirty. I need to make it
more permanent this weekend.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
In a small bowl, crumble up one or two slices of bread, or substitute 1/2 cup of bread crumbs or oatmeal. Add one egg, a squirt of ketchup, about 1/4 cup milk, a little diced onion, about two tablespoons parsley (small mound in palm), a pinch of Italian seasoning or some basil and oregano, some Mrs Dash or salt and pepper to taste. Mash this all together with a fork and pour into the large bowl in which you have crumbled up about 1 1/3 pounds of ground beef (the leanest I can find, since I'm on a low fat diet). Mix together and form into balls. Brown meat balls in a skillet. Pour over a jar of Classico Pasta Sauce - any flavor. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Pour over cooked pasta. Enjoy!
I still prefer the juicer. On this one, the yolk looks a little dark and colorless.
But, dark and colorless? I don't understand. That's the color it was, I think. Yellow.
So, I went back and looked at it. Yes it was a little grey and flat. Eeeew, kind of a greenie yellow. I increased the saturation and brightness and tapped the hue slider a tad to the left. Better?
But, you're probably right. The orange juice shot is more bright and colorful. I'm really glad we have those blood oranges. That red orange flesh and juice is great for photographs!
I like this one a lot. I like the colors, the composition and the exposure. Could be in a catalogue.
I'm with Sid here. I like the juicer best. It is hard to beat real saturated primary colors in a white field. And I always like a good diagonal line as well. Nicely done, Snappy
Really looks great, Fish. When you have gourmet cookware, you really need to show it off.
Thanks. I did the permanent mounting today...four ea 1/4-20 x 4" eyebolts, fender washers, and toggles and it should be bombproof.
I'm nto so sure about the showing-off part. Where the hell else would you put it? We don't have a huge kitchen, so it we put it all in the cabinets, we wouldn't have room for much else. Plus, this keeps them from banging into eachother, as well as making it really easy to get to any one pan. I remember coming home from college one summer and trying to cook a mean in my mom's kitchen. I had to pull almost all her pots and pans out onto the kitchen floor to find what I was looking for. So there really are functional reasons for hanging them from the ceiling. Tonight was creamy chick breasts, pasta, and steamed veggies. I think tomorrow night will be meatball night. I'll let you know how much success we have with your recipe. Thanks again, snappy.
oh...and sorry to hijack your thread.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
The last egg shot looks good, but I like the juicer best. I like the motion and color.
I've never had a red orange...do they taste better then orange ones? They are definately more beautiful to photograph!
Thanks Laurie,
We have one blood orange tree. The oranges are really sweet when fully ripe, but I don't think they're any different in taste from regular oranges. They are just red on the inside. A novelty I guess.
I'm with Sid here. I like the juicer best. It is hard to beat real saturated primary colors in a white field. And I always like a good diagonal line as well. Nicely done, Snappy
Thanks Pathfinder,
I like the juicer shot best too. I'm still just trying stuff. Never know what I might come up with. These food shots make me realize how important "food stylists" are. They spray the food with all kinds of inedible stuff to make it look good. I wanted to crack an egg and try to catch it just as it sizzled in the pan and the whites were still dripping from the shell. Do you know how many eggs that would have taken? Would need split second timing.
Wish we had snow to play with here. It's just rainy and miserable outside. Maybe I could do a shot of my toes squishing in the mud. No it's too cold out there. Maybe my boots splashing in a puddle. We'll see what tomorrow brings. If anything.
Thanks for your comments. I appreciate the input. I like your snow shot. And, Lynn, I like your snowball shot too. I hope your camera is OK after being hit by a snowball.
Moot for this week, but in case you try these "boy in the hand" ones again for the future "special effects" challenge, this thought may apply:
I notice in both your boy-in-hand shots that the feet overlap he thumb. My GUESS is that you have a camera with a viewfinder that is not "through the lens" so that you were getting a "parallax offset" with your near-by hand. If your viewfinder is more-or-less directly above the lens, you could try taking this shot in portrait orientation - your thumb will then be shifted to the right a bit which may be less problematic in this case. Or use the lcd screen of course.
I notice in both your boy-in-hand shots that the feet overlap he thumb. My GUESS is that you have a camera with a viewfinder that is not "through the lens" so that you were getting a "parallax offset" with your near-by hand. If your viewfinder is more-or-less directly above the lens, you could try taking this shot in portrait orientation - your thumb will then be shifted to the right a bit which may be less problematic in this case. Or use the lcd screen of course.
Or...take a clear shot of your hand. Take a clear shot of the boy. Overlap them in PS.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
oh...hey snappy. fishwife made the meatballs tonight. next time I think we're gonna spice them up a bit more with some fresh garlic, more onion, and more of the italian herbs. I briefly thought about snapping a shot of them in the pan (that's just like yours), but there wasn't any time as I was HONGRY.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
oh...hey snappy. fishwife made the meatballs tonight. next time I think we're gonna spice them up a bit more with some fresh garlic, more onion, and more of the italian herbs. I briefly thought about snapping a shot of them in the pan (that's just like yours), but there wasn't any time as I was HONGRY.
You've got the idea now on these approximate measurements. When I'm in a hurry, I use a very large sprinkle of Mrs. Dash. It has lots of garlic and herbs. But, most of the time I keep a jar of minced garlic in the fridge and I have two pots of basil growing on my patio. I also have a rosemary hedge. The basil is gone now (it's an annual). I'll have more in the spring, along with Italian parsley. So, it's dried basil leaves for now and dried oregano and parsley. I get a large container of "Italian Seasonings" at Costco. It goes into sauces and over meats etc. Crush it in the palm of your hand and rub it over a pork loin roast. Mmmmm.
Don't forget to snap a picture next time. Enjoy that cookware!!
oh wait...we're talking about the image, huh? Sorry, it's hard to separate the image from the content when it's about food for me.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I just noticed this thread and read it, my daughter is so excited that it is the weekend, after work tonight, uh, Snappy, you do have ALL weekend. 24 hrs a day, all weekend, do we not live for this? Is this not our life?
Etc, etc,.................just joking, I know exactly how you feel! Both are nice shots, IMHO. After awhile, it is time to say 'til the next time.
ginger (I wonder why Andy, and anyone with him, gets all that time to eat?) Actually the person with him has to spend time taking a picture of Andy eating.
doG, love the shot of the ribs, haven't had any in a few years.
I was too tired to look at the shots in my camera, bye
Yes, that's a Calphalon pan. The one on special last year.
The manicure.... Well, gee thanks.
Now about the picture. Seeeeee.... that's why I took that shot. It brings you right there. Want a taste? So "first person"!! Colorful too! Nice steam! That's why I can't decide. I think any one would be an OK entry, but which is best? Which would people vote for?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Look who's talking about time to say "till next time". You never quit!
The ribs? Did I see them? Where are they? I remember the crabs at Fisherman's Warf, mmmmm! :andy
My guests just left. I feel like I've been cooking and doing dishes for a month. Whew, has it only been a week?
This weekend I have to change the 3 guest beds, wash all the sheets and towels. Oh, did I tell you, the grandkids put too much paper in the toilet and it overflowed all over the floor. Carpeted floor, no less. More towels used to mop it up.
Then I have to put away all the Christmas decorations. Exchange some gifts. Respond to some Christmas notes. (I never did send any cards, no time.) Put the living room back in order. Still have the table and chairs in the middle of the room from the chess shot. Go grocery shopping - we're out of food....again! :yikes
No more pictures for me. I have to use one of these. I tried to reshoot the chess game shot. Spent hours figuring out the moves to set up a checkmate. Then, messed up all the photos. Gave up! :splat
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I thought I recognized the flared edge. Fishwife just got a set yesterday for her bday.
You're welcome...it looks much nicer than waxy's.
I'd vote for the food...in fact, I can SMELL it! I'll vote for you if you send me the recipe
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Shall we change your username to "Crabapple"?
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Bitch, bitch, bitch. I get very cranky when I'm tired. Glad they have a big assortment of cranky smilies.
Now, to secure my vote, the recipe:
Disclaimer - My mama was a great cook and made her sauce from scratch. I no longer do that part. I do however follow her traditional Italian methods and measure by pinching a bit of seasonings between my fingers and pouring a small mound in the palm of my hand "until it looks right". So all amounts are approximate. I was serious about the pinches and handfulls.
In a small bowl, crumble up one or two slices of bread, or substitute 1/2 cup of bread crumbs or oatmeal. Add one egg, a squirt of ketchup, about 1/4 cup milk, a little diced onion, about two tablespoons parsley (small mound in palm), a pinch of Italian seasoning or some basil and oregano, some Mrs Dash or salt and pepper to taste. Mash this all together with a fork and pour into the large bowl in which you have crumbled up about 1 1/3 pounds of ground beef (the leanest I can find, since I'm on a low fat diet). Mix together and form into balls. Brown meat balls in a skillet. Pour over a jar of Classico Pasta Sauce - any flavor. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Pour over cooked pasta. Enjoy!
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I just realized, I forgot to mention that. I don't have a set. Just two skillets. Wow, she got a whole set. And right after Christmas too! She must have been a very good girl. Or more likely, she has a husband who loves to eat. Hehehe:D and he knows how to get what he wants too. Clever guy.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I think you have done a fine job on all of your shots, but I also like the juice shot the best. I agree with you, I think it shows first person action very well. The colors really catch the eye to.
Yeah, these challenges never stop stretching our comfort bubbles. I have been struggling with the last few challenges, but in the process I've learned a lot more then I thought I would.
Anyway, nice job.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
The mounting was pretty quick and dirty. I need to make it
more permanent this weekend.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Could you send me one so I can taste it?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Thanks Sid, glad you like it. The catalogue part sounds good.
I'm really on a food kick. I tried another one this morning. What do you all think?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Really looks great, Fish. When you have gourmet cookware, you really need to show it off.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I still prefer the juicer. On this one, the yolk looks a little dark and colorless.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
But, dark and colorless? I don't understand. That's the color it was, I think. Yellow.
So, I went back and looked at it. Yes it was a little grey and flat. Eeeew, kind of a greenie yellow. I increased the saturation and brightness and tapped the hue slider a tad to the left. Better?
But, you're probably right. The orange juice shot is more bright and colorful. I'm really glad we have those blood oranges. That red orange flesh and juice is great for photographs!
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I've never had a red orange...do they taste better then orange ones? They are definately more beautiful to photograph!
I'm with Sid here. I like the juicer best. It is hard to beat real saturated primary colors in a white field. And I always like a good diagonal line as well. Nicely done, Snappy
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I'm nto so sure about the showing-off part. Where the hell else would you put it? We don't have a huge kitchen, so it we put it all in the cabinets, we wouldn't have room for much else. Plus, this keeps them from banging into eachother, as well as making it really easy to get to any one pan. I remember coming home from college one summer and trying to cook a mean in my mom's kitchen. I had to pull almost all her pots and pans out onto the kitchen floor to find what I was looking for. So there really are functional reasons for hanging them from the ceiling. Tonight was creamy chick breasts, pasta, and steamed veggies. I think tomorrow night will be meatball night. I'll let you know how much success we have with your recipe. Thanks again, snappy.
oh...and sorry to hijack your thread.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Thanks Laurie,
We have one blood orange tree. The oranges are really sweet when fully ripe, but I don't think they're any different in taste from regular oranges. They are just red on the inside. A novelty I guess.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Thanks Pathfinder,
I like the juicer shot best too. I'm still just trying stuff. Never know what I might come up with. These food shots make me realize how important "food stylists" are. They spray the food with all kinds of inedible stuff to make it look good. I wanted to crack an egg and try to catch it just as it sizzled in the pan and the whites were still dripping from the shell. Do you know how many eggs that would have taken? Would need split second timing.
Wish we had snow to play with here. It's just rainy and miserable outside. Maybe I could do a shot of my toes squishing in the mud. No it's too cold out there. Maybe my boots splashing in a puddle. We'll see what tomorrow brings. If anything.
Thanks for your comments. I appreciate the input. I like your snow shot. And, Lynn, I like your snowball shot too. I hope your camera is OK after being hit by a snowball.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I notice in both your boy-in-hand shots that the feet overlap he thumb. My GUESS is that you have a camera with a viewfinder that is not "through the lens" so that you were getting a "parallax offset" with your near-by hand. If your viewfinder is more-or-less directly above the lens, you could try taking this shot in portrait orientation - your thumb will then be shifted to the right a bit which may be less problematic in this case. Or use the lcd screen of course.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
You've got the idea now on these approximate measurements. When I'm in a hurry, I use a very large sprinkle of Mrs. Dash. It has lots of garlic and herbs. But, most of the time I keep a jar of minced garlic in the fridge and I have two pots of basil growing on my patio. I also have a rosemary hedge. The basil is gone now (it's an annual). I'll have more in the spring, along with Italian parsley. So, it's dried basil leaves for now and dried oregano and parsley. I get a large container of "Italian Seasonings" at Costco. It goes into sauces and over meats etc. Crush it in the palm of your hand and rub it over a pork loin roast. Mmmmm.
Don't forget to snap a picture next time. Enjoy that cookware!!
Susan Appel Photography My Blog