When things went into the crapper today (is that ok to say here?), I didn't even bother writing a gripe, or a question, or an eta on when things would
Adam Scull
While I agree with most of you "diatribe", I don't think there is anything at all wrong with asking "hey, is there a problem with the site or is it just something on my end" which is what I started with in a nutshell.
If you notice a problem, why not go ahead and ask? Perhaps they didn't even know there was a problem at the time. Perhaps they did and they were already two knuckles deep into the problem. THAT'S WHAT THIS FORUM IS FOR.
Great posts...I luv smug mug, I had an inquiry from a client today who said, "I can't get to your gallery, all i can see is a little dude getting his hair cut"
I grumbled to myself thinking... (that's the homepage idoit)
So when i went to email the link direct to my website and when Icouldn't get there I knew there was a problem, but nothing that wasn't settled after hitting the forum to find that i wasn't alone in the outage!
I agree with FatBoy, it dosen't hurt to ask the question...I had a problem with a gallery a couple of weeks ago that would have gone undetected had I not brought it up
let me rephrase..
i also agree there is NOTHING wrong with asking and questioning... my feelings were meant to instill the idea that one should ask and question, but not think that smugmug would ignore, drag their feet, or otherwise not care about each and every problem that arises.
too many times i surely see the "spirit" of the problem posts go downhill quickly and sometimes get downright gutteral.....
so, excuse my lack of clarity on that point....
it is indeed, our right, and our "job" to make points, indicate problems and
such; that is what makes smugmug so great. these forums really give us our voice.
you see, my own lessons were learned the hard way... i've had
a hellacious two years with my business.. i mean its taken me down inti hell's bowels... the competition in the world of celebrity photography has gotten SO intense with the advent of getty images, wireimage and other giants with LOTS and LOTS of cash, I came within aa WHISKER of closing up shop.... I never had the luxury of investors and deep pockets to do what i want.... i've had to learn to temper (no pun intended) my hopes and desires for my business with the realities of poor cash flow.
my depression and intense anxiety over such matters drove me
to the wall to such a degree, that when i went recently to my doctor
for my annual checkup, i told him i needed to finally admit i needed
medical help to get myself over this huge depression and as mel brooks said "HIGH ANXIETY".
I look at things these days with a much calmer outlook and although
its still a daily struggle, I've learned to curb my temper when such matters such as teh site goes down, by understanding what i wrote before. in trying to get some "balance" back into my life, i have come to understand it does no good to dump all over smugmug. better is, as you indicate, to indeed voice my problems and troubles with my site in a calm and lucid fashion, so they can indeed,as you say, be made aware of the problems.
ok, i'm done with my "diatribe"...back to sandbagging for another year.....
Adam Scull
error page please
It'd be nice if visitors could be forwarded to an "error page" of some kind when there's a problem instead of Smugmug's homepage, which makes them think they're at the wrong website or that my photo business is a joke. I understand that most people who use Smugmug probably don't mind but some of us are running businesses. At least give the pro account users an error page to let visitors know to come back later.
It'd be nice if visitors could be forwarded to an "error page" of some kind when there's a problem instead of Smugmug's homepage, which makes them think they're at the wrong website or that my photo business is a joke. I understand that most people who use Smugmug probably don't mind but some of us are running businesses. At least give the pro account users an error page to let visitors know to come back later.
The notice that you posted during your outage is inadequate.
Don stated there is nothing he can do.
He can do the following:
1) Place a current date and time on the screen, with time zone. This can be done on any web page.
2) No one from Smugmug has acknowledged my concern that my clients should not read anything about a 'Data Loss'. Change the notice.
Some of us have business to conduct.
I show my appreciation for Smugmug by paying for it.
The notice is a real problem and must not confuse our web site visitors.
Thank you.
Hello Nick, we're sorry that you are unhappy with the notice that's used. Thanks very much for posting about it, and for letting us know how you'd like to see it changed. We really appreciate it when our customers tell us exactly how you feel. In fact, we thrive on it!
I hate when slaves get behind, perhaps you need to buy some bigger whips
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
While I agree with most of you "diatribe", I don't think there is anything at all wrong with asking "hey, is there a problem with the site or is it just something on my end" which is what I started with in a nutshell.
If you notice a problem, why not go ahead and ask? Perhaps they didn't even know there was a problem at the time. Perhaps they did and they were already two knuckles deep into the problem. THAT'S WHAT THIS FORUM IS FOR.
Great posts...I luv smug mug, I had an inquiry from a client today who said, "I can't get to your gallery, all i can see is a little dude getting his hair cut"
I grumbled to myself thinking...
So when i went to email the link direct to my website and when Icouldn't get there I knew there was a problem, but nothing that wasn't settled after hitting the forum to find that i wasn't alone in the outage!
I agree with FatBoy, it dosen't hurt to ask the question...I had a problem with a gallery a couple of weeks ago that would have gone undetected had I not brought it up
Cheers and once again, thank you Smuggers:saurora
i also agree there is NOTHING wrong with asking and questioning... my feelings were meant to instill the idea that one should ask and question, but not think that smugmug would ignore, drag their feet, or otherwise not care about each and every problem that arises.
too many times i surely see the "spirit" of the problem posts go downhill quickly and sometimes get downright gutteral.....
so, excuse my lack of clarity on that point....
it is indeed, our right, and our "job" to make points, indicate problems and
such; that is what makes smugmug so great. these forums really give us our voice.
you see, my own lessons were learned the hard way... i've had
a hellacious two years with my business.. i mean its taken me down inti hell's bowels... the competition in the world of celebrity photography has gotten SO intense with the advent of getty images, wireimage and other giants with LOTS and LOTS of cash, I came within aa WHISKER of closing up shop.... I never had the luxury of investors and deep pockets to do what i want.... i've had to learn to temper (no pun intended) my hopes and desires for my business with the realities of poor cash flow.
my depression and intense anxiety over such matters drove me
to the wall to such a degree, that when i went recently to my doctor
for my annual checkup, i told him i needed to finally admit i needed
medical help to get myself over this huge depression and as mel brooks said "HIGH ANXIETY".
I look at things these days with a much calmer outlook and although
its still a daily struggle, I've learned to curb my temper when such matters such as teh site goes down, by understanding what i wrote before. in trying to get some "balance" back into my life, i have come to understand it does no good to dump all over smugmug. better is, as you indicate, to indeed voice my problems and troubles with my site in a calm and lucid fashion, so they can indeed,as you say, be made aware of the problems.
ok, i'm done with my "diatribe"...back to sandbagging for another year.....
Adam Scull
It'd be nice if visitors could be forwarded to an "error page" of some kind when there's a problem instead of Smugmug's homepage, which makes them think they're at the wrong website or that my photo business is a joke. I understand that most people who use Smugmug probably don't mind but some of us are running businesses. At least give the pro account users an error page to let visitors know to come back later.
Thanks for posting, we appreciate your suggestion.
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[What is this? A mutual Admiration Society?
The notice that you posted during your outage is inadequate.
Don stated there is nothing he can do.
He can do the following:
1) Place a current date and time on the screen, with time zone. This can be done on any web page.
2) No one from Smugmug has acknowledged my concern that my clients should not read anything about a 'Data Loss'. Change the notice.
Some of us have business to conduct.
I show my appreciation for Smugmug by paying for it.
The notice is a real problem and must not confuse our web site visitors.
Thank you.
Have a great day, Nick, and thanks again.
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