SmugSSP - SmugMug/SlideShowPro Integration (php)



  • MeMobscene666MeMobscene666 Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited April 29, 2008
    need help
    jerryr wrote:
    Hi -
    Here is an example:

    The 'swf' file is within the smugsspjrtest directory on the server.
    The 'fla' file has the following parameters set:
    (The opml.xml is located within the smugsspjrtest directory on the server)

    The OPML.xml has the following code:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <opml version="1.1">
    <title>My list of SMUGMUG feeds</title>
    <outline type="rss" xmlUrl="; />

    The gallery: 1060889 is 'public' and has the 'easy share' option on

    It uses this feed:

    For course, the 'fla' file slideshowhthumb172.fla - you can set the parameters, etc, etc...

    So basically, I edit the fla file, create the swf file and upload the 'swf' and 'xml' file to the SAME directory.

    Works like a charm

    Questions - please ask :) jerryr
    Here is the thing...

    I have ssp swf file and xml. Trough that xml I'm getting images from flickr. The code of xml is like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <opml version="1.1">
    <outline xmlUrl="link to flickr album" />

    What I want to do is to give outline xmlUrl a ID so in that case I can have the link on my website which will lead dirrectly to the album photos and not on gallery preview (my gallery preview is set "Open at Startup").

    Tnx, and excuse me for my enlish :D
  • robwri32robwri32 Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited May 5, 2008
    Is this still supported?
    Thanks in advance for the post... I've been trying to get this method working. Seem like your example has stopped working also. Can someone please let me know if this method is still supported by the API


    jerryr wrote:
    Hi -
    Here is an example:

    The 'swf' file is within the smugsspjrtest directory on the server.
    The 'fla' file has the following parameters set:
    (The opml.xml is located within the smugsspjrtest directory on the server)

    The OPML.xml has the following code:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <opml version="1.1">
    <title>My list of SMUGMUG feeds</title>
    <outline type="rss" xmlUrl="; />

    The gallery: 1060889 is 'public' and has the 'easy share' option on

    It uses this feed:

    For course, the 'fla' file slideshowhthumb172.fla - you can set the parameters, etc, etc...

    So basically, I edit the fla file, create the swf file and upload the 'swf' and 'xml' file to the SAME directory.

    Works like a charm

    Questions - please ask :) jerryr
  • jerryrjerryr Registered Users Posts: 595 Major grins
    edited May 5, 2008
    Hi !
    This link below uses smugmug api (feeds) with SSP.
    I created the OPML file as stated above :)

    Just click on the link :)

    Please try it again...
    I will be more than happy to help you - send me your e-mail and I can send you more specifics - jerryr
  • jerryrjerryr Registered Users Posts: 595 Major grins
    edited May 5, 2008
    Here is the thing...

    I have ssp swf file and xml. Trough that xml I'm getting images from flickr. The code of xml is like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <opml version="1.1">
    <outline xmlUrl="link to flickr album" />

    What I want to do is to give outline xmlUrl a ID so in that case I can have the link on my website which will lead dirrectly to the album photos and not on gallery preview (my gallery preview is set "Open at Startup").

    Tnx, and excuse me for my enlish :D

    That should work - just insert you flickr album and make sure you change the .fla file xml path - enter the entire path

    - jerryr
  • neo314neo314 Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited July 31, 2008
    A couple of mods/patches
    Perhaps I don't have the latest copy or something, but the preview images sizes were not coming out right. I fixed it by replacing
    $xml .= ' tn="'.$image['TinyURL'].'" caption="'. htmlspecialchars($image['Caption']) .'" />';
    $xml .= ' tn="'.ereg_replace("-Ti", "-".$this->config['thumb_size'], $image['TinyURL']).'" caption="'. htmlspecialchars($image['Caption']) .'" />';
    I also added a config value to control whether or not the image was linked to open smugmug or not.

    Changed line 216 of the class file from
    $xml .= '<img src="'.ereg_replace("-M", "-".$this->config['photo_size'], $image['MediumURL']).'" link="'.$image['AlbumURL'].'" tn="'.$image['TinyURL'].'" caption="'. htmlspecialchars($image['Caption']) .'" />';
    $xml .= '<img src="'.ereg_replace("-M", "-".$this->config['photo_size'], $image['MediumURL']).'"';
    $xml = ($this->config['use_link'])? ' link="'.$image['AlbumURL'].'"':$xml;
    $xml .= ' tn="'.ereg_replace("-Ti", "-".$this->config['thumb_size'], $image['TinyURL']).'" caption="'. htmlspecialchars($image['Caption']) .'" />';
    and added
    $smugssp_config['use_link'] = false;
    to the config file.
  • jerryrjerryr Registered Users Posts: 595 Major grins
    edited August 2, 2008
    Hi - I use the OPML function in slideshow pro....

    Here is the instructions.

    Try that - it might solve your thumbnail problems.

    - jerryr
  • takmadtakmad Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited February 22, 2009
    OPML method with SSP for Lightroom

    I spent the weekend trying to get different methods to work cleanly for the smugmugssp, including your OPML approach above. I can get smugmugssp standard to work except that my previews are not loading correctly. Here is a sample of problem (note that no previews come through for the first screen of galleries, but do for later galleries)

    I tried to get the OPML method to work but have no .fla file to modify (from my LR export).

    I'm a bit of a newby but am willing to try take on most any technical challenge. So a couple of questions, regarding OPML method:

    1) Does one stil use the "images.xml" as the cached xml file in the smugssp.php file?
    2) Is OPML method only for SSP for Flash and not for SSP for LR?

    Any guidance you can provide would be much appreciated.

  • jerryrjerryr Registered Users Posts: 595 Major grins
    edited February 23, 2009
    Hi Tom - I looked at your example - looks great!
    In answering your questions, yes, the new method I have been using does not uses the images.xml. Rather, I use the OPML file. Within the OPML file I state the specific gallery or galleries to pull the images from.
    Remember, I am using this to obtain the information for a specific gallery or galleries and not the album preview view. Therefore, I use the FLA to modify via flash and modify it.
    If you wish, send me what you have and I can take a look at it.

    Note - you might want to read this :

    - jerryr
  • takmadtakmad Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited February 26, 2009
    Thanks - busy now but will get back to you soon
    Thanks, jerryr. I appreciate the offer to help. Im currently buried in work and other responsibilities. I'll probably take you up on your offer to help...just can't pull things together right now.

  • vugrinvugrin Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited March 6, 2009
    I've gotten SSP's demo file working:

    And I've set smugssp.php to single gallery.
    Which line in param.xml do I modify to get it to start showing the images inside the gallery, rather than a gallery list?
  • vugrinvugrin Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited March 6, 2009
    vugrin wrote:
    I've gotten SSP's demo file working:

    And I've set smugssp.php to single gallery.
    Which line in param.xml do I modify to get it to start showing the images inside the gallery, rather than a gallery list?

    1) right now, previews work just fine
    2) slideshow currently shows a gallery list upon opening. You must click on a gallery to start seeing pictures
    3) desired behavior is for the slideshow to show images from gallery XXXXXXX, without displaying a gallery list at all.
  • vugrinvugrin Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited March 6, 2009
    vugrin wrote:
    1) right now, previews work just fine
    2) slideshow currently shows a gallery list upon opening. You must click on a gallery to start seeing pictures
    3) desired behavior is for the slideshow to show images from gallery XXXXXXX, without displaying a gallery list at all.
    Found it in params.xml
        startup = "Load Album"
    Should be changed to
    startup = "Load Album(0,0)"
    Which will load the first image in the first album, skipping the album list.
  • sharpfotozsharpfotoz Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
    edited May 24, 2009
    devbobo wrote:
    Based on this thread, I decided to look into integrating SmugMug with SlideShowPro.

    I came across FlickrSSP by Brian Sweeting. I used Brian's design as the template for SmugSSP.

    Download SmugSSP. See it in action here.

    - Version 1.0.1 - released 19 June 2007
    - Version 1.0.2 - released 20 June 2007

    Please note that this is primarily for someone who has an external website who wishes to retrieve SmugMug images for use with the SlideShowPro flash component.



    Is it possible to make the SmugSSP the default slideshow on my smugmug site?

  • SindikinsSindikins Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited July 20, 2009
    Slideshowpro integration with smugmug
    Has there been any new information to use SlideShowPro with Smugmug so that we can integrate slideshows to our smugmug site rather then having an outside site? I know there are a few webisites using slideshowpro and it would be nice if someone could post code and instructions to use it with our smugmug pro accounts.

    devbobo wrote:
    Based on this thread, I decided to look into integrating SmugMug with SlideShowPro.

    I came across FlickrSSP by Brian Sweeting. I used Brian's design as the template for SmugSSP.

    Download SmugSSP. See it in action here.

    - Version 1.0.1 - released 19 June 2007
    - Version 1.0.2 - released 20 June 2007

    Please note that this is primarily for someone who has an external website who wishes to retrieve SmugMug images for use with the SlideShowPro flash component.


  • jerryrjerryr Registered Users Posts: 595 Major grins
    edited July 20, 2009
    Sindikins wrote:
    Has there been any new information to use SlideShowPro with Smugmug so that we can integrate slideshows to our smugmug site rather then having an outside site? I know there are a few webisites using slideshowpro and it would be nice if someone could post code and instructions to use it with our smugmug pro accounts.

    Hi - i have customized several smugmug sites and have integrated slideshow pro into the smugmug site. The 'flash file' (swf) must be hosted on an external server to smugmug.

    I put this information together :
  • SindikinsSindikins Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited July 24, 2009
    Slideshowpro integration with smugmug
    Hi DB:

    I'm jumping in with this smugmug and slideshowpro and saw your post as I am treading water (drowning pretty fast too) reading all of the information on how to get this thing to work. Can you tell me what "package" you are referring to on your post?

    I do have the Adobe CS3 package that includes flash but haven't a clue how to use it. But I'm willing to make all the mistakes necessary to get this thing to work.

    Any insight would be great. headscratch.gif

    G'day DB,

    First, thanks for your efforts on this mate - I really appreciate it!

    I've given up on trying to integrate smugmug with Monoslideshow . . . and seeing as Slideshowpro is inexpensive and seems well built AND you've gone to all theses trubs to make this API hack available . . . I'm going to move to Slideshowpro (Hmmmm . . . cost of Flash could be an issue?)

    I've downloaded your package and set it uo . . . I've had some luck, however I'm confused about two issues.

    (1) When I try to reference multiple galleries I only get one gallery?

    (2) Is there a "workflow" where we are meant to edit the images.xml file - or is that automatically overwritten by the script (hence the need for 777)?

    Thanks again mate for all your efforts.

    Cheers from Tasmania,

  • SindikinsSindikins Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited July 24, 2009
    Hi Jerry:

    Thanks for the post - I had a quick question. There are a couple of versions of SlideShowPro - one is for Lightroom which is self contained and does not need the director or flash to work. With the Lightroom plug in for SmugMug I was curious if you could load a .swf file into a gallery and if it would run on it's own since the program has a self contained engine, or would it just not run?

    I am going to purchase SlideShowPro - can you advise which one is what I need and if I do need the director? I have CS3 with Flash too but I've never used it. I guess it's time to learn :o).

    jerryr wrote:
    Hi - i have customized several smugmug sites and have integrated slideshow pro into the smugmug site. The 'flash file' (swf) must be hosted on an external server to smugmug.

    I put this information together :
  • uglyoldbobuglyoldbob Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited August 20, 2009
    I am trying to perform some integration between a flash application (panosalado - open source) and smugmug also. It is coded with flex3/as3 and uses xml for configuration.
    I saw this and figured that I could take notes from this integration tool.

    What kind of changes (if any) were made to the slideshow pro code? What things in this integrator are ssp specific?
    Doors Photography by Thomas Epperson
  • neo314neo314 Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited August 30, 2010
    I was having a problem getting the album thumbnails to work. I do not know if Smug Mug changed their API, but changing the following 2 lines gets it to work again.

    Line 192
    $tmp = '<album title="'. htmlspecialchars($album['Title']) .'" description="'. htmlspecialchars($album['Description']) .'" lgPath="" tn="'.$AlbumID.'&amp;Size='.$this->config['thumb_size'].'">';
    Should be
    $tmp = '<album title="'. htmlspecialchars($album['Title']) .'" description="'. htmlspecialchars($album['Description']) .'"  tn="'.$AlbumID.'&amp;AlbumKey='.$album['Key'].'&amp;Size='.$this->config['thumb_size'].'">';
    Line 233
    $xml .= '<album title="'. htmlspecialchars($album['Title']) .'" description="'. htmlspecialchars($album['Description']) .'" lgPath="" tn="'.$album['id'].'&amp;Size='.$this->config['thumb_size'].'">';
    Should be
    $xml .= '<album title="'. htmlspecialchars($album['Title']) .'" description="'. htmlspecialchars($album['Description']) .'"  tn="'.$album['id'].'&amp;AlbumKey='.$album['Key'].'&amp;Size='.$this->config['thumb_size'].'">';

    The album key is required in the url to get the random image to come back.
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