Copyright - Someone stole my images.....
Hello All,
As my title reads someone stole my images and are using them on their web site without credit to GDI ... well the ripped ones with my watermark too.. ahahhaha... Some are placed on the site so it actually looks like a different photographer "owns" them. Oh and the images look really really bad!
I called this person and stated to them all my images must be removed within 24 hours or a lawyer will contact her. She stated that images that can be copied from the internet are fair game... this is in email as well from her. So my point of seeking help is I'm in Charlotte N.C. and would like to know if anyone knows a simple solution to this matter or a good lawyers name.
I have "Saved" this information (her website) several ways including a website ripper, archived and I printed each page for my records... I have prepared a firm email including copyright information that I would love to send but know I must back away right now and not feed into her ignorance of the copyright laws... So if anyone has any suggestions I'm ready to hear them....
A big thank you in advance for your time and information.
Erin L. Hubbs
As my title reads someone stole my images and are using them on their web site without credit to GDI ... well the ripped ones with my watermark too.. ahahhaha... Some are placed on the site so it actually looks like a different photographer "owns" them. Oh and the images look really really bad!
I called this person and stated to them all my images must be removed within 24 hours or a lawyer will contact her. She stated that images that can be copied from the internet are fair game... this is in email as well from her. So my point of seeking help is I'm in Charlotte N.C. and would like to know if anyone knows a simple solution to this matter or a good lawyers name.
I have "Saved" this information (her website) several ways including a website ripper, archived and I printed each page for my records... I have prepared a firm email including copyright information that I would love to send but know I must back away right now and not feed into her ignorance of the copyright laws... So if anyone has any suggestions I'm ready to hear them....
A big thank you in advance for your time and information.
Erin L. Hubbs
Erin L. Hubbs
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
Check out LawGirl at: for information on copyrights and other Internet related law info. Any lawyer should be able to handle this fairly easy as it sounds like a simple case of theft that is feuled by ignorance and with a bit of arrogance thrown in on the part of the thief.
Good luck.
Contact her ISP/web hosting service and inform them of the copyright violation. Provide copies of emails, pages, etc.
Also, many IP lawyers will draft a cease and desist letter to an alleged violator for relatively low cost. That should wake her up to the realities of Title 17 United States Code (USC). There are, however, several steps to take prior ro actually taking legal action; e.g., suing. Furthermore, if you need, 17 USC 505 allows for possible recovery of your attorny fees from the alleged violator, too.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
I have reviewed the 1988 copyright law thinking I must have missed something prior to posting. So thank you for the advise and I shall seek legal action if my images are not removed. I'm just in shock with her attitude of "Well they are free" and "your images don't make or break my website" ... well if over 75% of my images are on her site I would say ... YEAH THEY DO.....
So again thanks
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
Also, keep reality in check here. The costs for legal action may well exceed the costs for recovery. Especially if there no actual damages or monetary losses and/or she is a 14 year-old with no resources. For example, you aren't selling the pictures she copied so how will there be a financial loss to you? I am not an IP lawyer, but a consultation with one can be worthwhile. My guess is that a cease and desist letter will suffice. Recovery of attorney fees is not guaranteed. Now, if she is making money with the assistance of having your images.....that can be another matter.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
And yes I know the lawyer fee would be out of this world BUT.... I simply don't care and really It's based on principal. I want to bring her down. Especially when she is saying its bad business for me to call her when the images (watermarked/ripped) are free. Oh My God! I can't walk into a museum and just take art of the wall ... Anyway
Thank you again and I will let you all know how this turns out.
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
As a matter of fact she is a wedding planner and the first images you see on her site are mine, my images are on every page except one. So the way I see it she is making my work her signature image. I failed to mention she ripped images from a event she had nothing to do with..... and posted my image under a photographers name and information... ahhhhhh
Ok so I will stop posting until I have more info... Again thank you! I just love Smugmug...
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Copy - Yes, some have my smugmug watermark (ripped)
Rename - Kinda of she called the something like "Dance" All my images are numbered
Linked - No
They look pretty bad on her site also one image is listed under a photographers name and actually when you "click" the link to another photographer she has listed it pops back to the top of the page to my cake image. I know this sounds like I'm crying over here... But I'm just angry.
I took some advise and contacted her web hosting people Hopefully that will help...
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
Ok so I'm torn would it be bad business to say who she is while I'm trashing her and hoping to have her site removed.
Unfortunately I still believe in integrity... I'm simply that girl who returns the lost wallet ... yes the contents too.
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
Don't post the URL here unless Andy says its OK. I lean in the direction of "no."
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
It's a business website, and not only is she using the images without permission, she's crediting them to another photographer. Giving notice to her ISP about this should be a pretty quick way to get the images removed or her site shut down.
Key step: Make sure you have your images registerred with the copyright office. While certain damages are covered regardless of the registration, you won't be able to include attorney fees unless the images are on file with the copyright office.
You can also find a number of "Cease and Desist" sample letters through google. Considering that this is the first step towards a lawsuit, I would probably spring for the minor costs of having a lawyer draft it for you.
I was wondering and hopefully someone in this thread can answer, is there a way to put a copyright on the photos that I have in smugmug? Also, how do you add the name to your photos, I have heard the term watermark. Excuse me for asking...very new to all this ( a totaly newbie ), just trying to see what I need to do to my photos. Not that anyone would actually want them but just in case.
I have to snail mail the information including a signed document outlining the problem to her Global Internet Solutions (her people...they are so nice). It may take two weeks or a month for them to "Slap" her on the wrist. But they will. This company has a 3 strike rule. At that point they will remove her site. Keep in mind she can go else where... so I have to track her I guess for life....
Hire a Lawyer to send a letter
When posting images in a "locked/password" protected gallery
1. Don't use a simple name .... Yes I used my client (brother) name...
2. ALWAYS use right click protection.
3. Don't ASSUME someone will not pick you lock and walk into your "house" and steel the art off your walls.
4. Don't be me!
Again thank you to the Smugmug users for your support. What a great community we have! Smugmug is the best!
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
One thing I've wondered about is if someone were to steal my images, how would I ever know? (especially if they're not linking back to my site, but simply reloaded my images to their servers).
CWC Photography: “Painting pictures with cameras.” • Nature & Animals • Around the World • New York City • Miscellaneous • Sunsets • Central Park
You probably wouldn't, unless you or someone who knows your work runs into them by accident. Depends on who steals them and what they do with them.
I was simply checking my "keywords" making sure my name is where is should be. Meaning a "vanity" search (web&image). As a wedding photographer I'm on several random sites and thought it was time to check in and update my information if needed. I looked at a site address I did not know and then Ahhh hahahaha my images.
so read below learn from my mistakes and if you have time to kill "vanity search..
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
i know you can't post the offendor's website, but i'm curious to see your work!
promise, I won't be stealing any images
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Carolyn E. Wright, Esq.
Hope this helps. Keep us posted as to how you make out.
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Hello All,
We have success! She has removed all the "ripped" images. A few threats ..contacting ISP owner, BBB & legal action.
I would like to thank everyone for the support and direction
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!