Choosing A Business Name

I've decided to focus on portraiture and start a small business. I have been researching websites and gathering ideas about design for my own website. I want to get started on this soon and I also need to design some business cards. Problem is that I can't seem to get past the first step.........naming my business. Seems there are 2 ways to go, either using your name or a fictious business name. I am not crazy about my last name, which people always have trouble spelling, pronouncing and maybe, as a business, remembering. Should I be concerned about this, or am I making much ado about nothing? Would a fictious name be a better business choice, and what do I need to be concerned about? This will probably be a small part-time business unless I should really luck out. I don't have room for an in-home studio so it would be strickly on location for me, which may be limiting. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for any input or suggestions!

hey saurora, obviously i need a life if i'm on here this late on a friday night! but your question is a good one. I started with a "word" name myself. When my business started growing, it was by word of mouth, and my name was getting passed on, but not my 'word'. So folks would use my name to search for my old site, and get lost. Once I changed my URL to my name, and started promoting myself that way, it seemed to stick better. My google ranking (searching for my name) finally put my photography website at the top, and not various other sites where I was listed as a contact at my day job! Everyone is different, but that's my limited experience.
If you're not thrilled about your last name, maybe use your [very unique and pretty] first name in conjunction with something else. Andi Tippie (a.k.a. photogmomma) is a great example of this, with her TippiePics business name.
sorry i'm rambling, it is definitely a decision worth careful thought, as you want to do it right the first time, and then you can move forward.
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
I went the road of several name over the years: SUN AIRE PHOTOGRAPHY (The housing additon I was living in), Arthur Scott Photography (had to change due to another ART in same city......his customers were calling complaining), Contemporary Visons....decided to go back to my name because I wanted people to know who the photographer is.....but using a different business names has its pros people think you are just and employee......
Good luck...
Before photography I was a music performance major, doing vocal performance. So reverb kind of jumped at me. Reverb Photography, so next I check out the domain availability and it's free so I jumped right on it.
And that's the way uh huh uh huh I like it.
Nikon D300
Nikkor 85mm f/1.8D
Tamron 28-75 f/2.8
Nikkor 80-200 AF-D ED f/2.8
2 Alien Bees AB800
Nikon Speedlight SB800
Elinchrome Skyport Triggers
Don't stress over the name too much. Work on all the other aspects of setting up your business, and let your sub-conscience chew on while you sleep. If you actually get to the point where everything else is done and you still don’t have a name, then
The name doesn’t need to be magic just something to convey what you do, and hopefully something they will remember. You make the name. The name will not make you. Who ever heard of calling a major company Apple!
Your name doesn’t seem to be that hard, but that’s your choice.
Orange County Photography:
Photos by DeSisto
Aurora is a great word if you decide to go that route:
However, some people will (like me!) assume it's your given name.
DeSisto is a very cool name and not that hard to remember I think.
Well, you're pretty darn close! Actually the brand name of my first monitor was Aurora....I added the S from Susan and became Saurora!
Go to a domain registration site and just start typing in words. They'll suggest lots of names that are available and maybe you'll find a name you like. I've had a business for years that got its name this way (not a photo business).
Go with your first name......MEMORIES by SUSAN........BABIES by SUSAN (Ohh no no that won't work will it....sorry).....BABES by SUSAN
I personally think that an artist should Promote themselves, so their ART is remember for them not for some company name.....reason I finally decided to go back to my name on all my work.......
Saurora is catchie just replace Susan with Saurora
Thanks Sam for responding. Apple is a popular search word....maybe I can come up with a good Apple name?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Several years back my ex had bought me a oldsmobile aurora v8. That car was awesome until and it was stolen and totaled!
what were we talking about again?
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
I'm coming into the game a little late, but here's my thoughts on the matter (I had the same questions some months ago when I started out).
My focus (no pun intended) is to capture the happy moments in peoples lives. I do this through portraits, events (parties, etc), weddings - that sort of thing.
What I'm really interested in is spreading love (throw back to my hippy days, even if I was very young at the time) and making people laugh.
Hence the name Love N Laughter Photography. I've had lots of people remember that name and have lots of problems with my real name (just look in the upper left corner of this post - that's my name!).
Hope this helps.
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Great thread! I don't think I have much to offer except to say that I agree with sam that you just need to do it and move to the next step; there are still a million things to do (I'm on like number 35 of a million
I spent a number of days trying to figure out what I was going to do my self. I finally ended up using my name, even though it's hard to pronounce, because I felt that I could always "grow" or expand into a Brand Name but it would be very difficult for me to try to reassociate people with my name if I started with a BrandName and tried to revert back.
Also, this may sound a bit dreamy (I'm a big dreamer) kind of relates to what lynne said....I don't think I have ever seen a "brandName" below a published print (e.g. table top books, magazines, newspapers, etc) Even if it's through agency the photographers name comes first followed by a slash then the agency. So I could be wrong....but I've kind of assumed that in the portrait/head shot business that it's all in a name and, as the old saying goes, "...who you know".
With all that said, you have a beautiful name if you decide to go that route.
Jonathan R. Walcher
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
That's another great point Jonathan, about signing your work. There are a million things to think of (I agree!!!) and I spent the 3 day weekend doing alot of them, but still fussing with the name. I may end up using just my first and middle name (Susan Leslie) least the domain is available! I think your name works's not a totally common name, but not difficult to spell. Good luck....I've been following some of your posts in the cusomizing thread as that is my next step.....gulp.
So what do you do when there is another company using your name even though he doesn't have that name? If someone else is useing it in another state does that mean you cannot use it where you are? I think my name is pretty good and had high dreams of being the next Ansel Adams (well okay maybe a fantasy) but the URL is already taken.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
After thinking on this I think you should stick to your name.
I know you seem to have an issue with your last name, but I really don't see it at all. It's short, seems easy to remember, and doen't matter if they misspronounce it, as long as they remember it.
You said your targeting prrtraits. This is a personal service rendered by one person to another. People have names. They will remember you and your name far better than a generic business name.
Would you remember a photo done by XYZ Studio, or Ansel Adams better?
My full name is Wendell Duane Beitzel.
Wendell Duane Studios
Wendell Beitzel Photography
Wendell's Photography Studio
Nothing sounds right. That's why even though I want to go with something of my name I may have to make something up. That's what I've been trying to do for a week now, and everything I come up with I find out has already been taken! Grrrr....
Eidt: Hmm, it seems isn't taken. Maybe I'll just have to get that, and try to work with it. you've got to own your name dude! It's a great name....I'm not sure exactly how it's pronounced but thats what is so great about it! Think of all the poor chaps with easy names out hard must it be for John Smith to start a photog business when there a million of them already doing it (I have to admit...the distant relative thing with a studio is pretty amazing....a good eye must run in your family or something
My advice:
You have to make your name what you want it to be....not let your name make you!
Just my 2 cents
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
good link. i think we have a winner for you saurora.......Aaaaaardvark Photos!
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
I have the same issue, my name is long and German, but not in that easy-to-day kinda way.
So, I just kicked around certain thoughts, concepts, experiences, and came up with "Lightbranch Media" - which I was lucky enough to have easy access to the domiain name as well.
The name is based off a memorable conversation with a friend of mine that went from being an electrical research scientist to a Buddist Monk. Essentially he stated that light is the primevil energy that branchs off to create all other energies and powers all other efforts.
Trip back over a few deep meaningful conversations of your own and see what idea's pop up.
Well, thanks to Jonathan I decided to just go ahead with my name, and make my business name Wendell Beitzel Photography. Thanks Jonathan!! And I hope everyone else is able to find just that right name!
Thanks for the link....some good input in there.
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Did you decide already?
I'm going to vote for just using your name, and not so much 'naming your business'. It's a lot more unique as opposed to a lot of other more generic way, but also very important (to me at least) it's more personal.
I'd rather have my portraits taken by "susan" or "susan desisto" as opposed to with "desisto photography" or "desisto studios". Sounds a little :crazy i know. & smugmug
Another meme for "can't think of a name'.
I too am also looking at jumping into the semi-pro pool and have been wondering on what to call it. I (like yourself) want to get it right the first time too.
I guess I am reasonably lucky, my name is 'Matthew Corr'.
So "matt corr photography" is not too bad.
Since I am such a huge bugger (6'7") I was also looking for a business name that was a play on height.. (eg. Hightower photos) but to my suprise most of the ones I looked at were already taken!
Let us know what you chose!
Canon 30D
17-40 f/4 L
24-70 f/2.8 L
50 f/1.4
70-300 /f4-5.6 IS
Nikon D300
Nikkor 85mm f/1.8D
Tamron 28-75 f/2.8
Nikkor 80-200 AF-D ED f/2.8
2 Alien Bees AB800
Nikon Speedlight SB800
Elinchrome Skyport Triggers