please don't ban flash. he didnt abuse in any way or anything, just expressed anger and criticism. that's fine, its different. lets accept that people get upset, it's ok, and it says something about themselves rather than what they are upset about. look what a nice conversation his outbreak has caused. it's easy to ban and dismiss, but it's not any wiser than his outbreak. do you want to be a uniform community of overly friendly people who actually mask their emotions? or rather a dinamic environment where everyone can express what they FEEL, within boundaries of decency of course?
his/her anger is completely unjustified (to other people, me included), but expressing it turned actually into a chance for him to get a different perspective, and to grow as a person. now whether he will take that opportunity is entirely up to him. but if you ban him, he won't have that chance again. it's almost like "responding to violence with violence".
but he was not violent. just imature and unpolite, but hey, have you always been mature and polite? there are other ways to show people where they belong. banning is the easiest one, and you can always do it as a last resort. so why hurry. it's true that you shouldn't let things disrupt harmony TOO MUCH, but a bit of spice doesn't harm, dontya think?
to me it was fun to read this thread. the replies i mean, very nice and elegant. a pleasure, folks.
This has to be the most discerning post I've read in years, well said
________________________________________________________________ Forgive me father for I have sinned I do admit I did not read the abridged rules and assumed that All that enter here will be judged.
I do see now that it’s not important that I got knocked down but how I handle myself getting up.
I’m a monitor for another contest page and we agree to have more fun with it having minimal guidelines With throwing out entrees it’s only human to feel hurt and seen as immaturity. (But yea I could have gotten off the floor nicer)
This has persuaded me even more to take the photograph truly for myself first and what ever happens after that is OK. Flash
This has to be the most discerning post I've read in years, well said
Forgive me father for I have sinned
I do admit I did not read the abridged rules and assumed that All that enter here will be judged.
I do see now that it’s not important that I got knocked down but how I handle myself getting up.
I’m a monitor for another contest page and we agree to have more fun with it having minimal guidelines
With throwing out entrees it’s only human to feel hurt and seen as immaturity. (But yea I could have gotten off the floor nicer)
This has persuaded me even more to take the photograph truly for myself first and what ever happens after that is OK.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie