Which direction to go with logo

On the road to customizing. I like the written script but suspect it is too difficult to read, so went this other direction.
Feedback -good, bad, ugly, please.
Which logo direction 11 votes
sample one
2 votes
sample two
1 vote
sample three
8 votes
sample four
0 votes
Good work
Mikek - thanks. I will see what I can do by way of combining the two (#3 & #4)
Hi Art - yes, exactly my intent to use my initials as a brand. Obviously still need to tweek it some. Thanks
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--- Denise
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The second one also doesn't work for the same reasons. Additionally, it would be next to impossible to read if made into a greyscale image. That is, BTW, one test for all logo candidates -- B&W conversion.
The third comes closest to readability, but I would like to see only one color there. The second color is too close to the first, and as such, becomes a distraction.
The fourth, while being one color (good), says "photoshop filter" with the drop shadow. One is usually best to avoid shadows or gradients if they ever wish a logo to be translated into line art (like an embroidery).
Here is a great resource Mike Lane offered up a few weeks ago, and also works as a library for inspiration:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I voted for 3d one and here's why:
The first two bear too much of the "I'm yet another chick with camera" feeling, they are bot too girly.
The fourth one is too much of a "I'm a construction worker" type of things.
The third, however, looks like written in runes, and it stands out.
I'd even make one step further and make the glyph itself more runic, more celtic, more petroglyphic if you will...
And yes, just as David said, one color only, please...
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I looked at logo pond a little while ago - there is a really cool version of 'ann' on there that I would love to mimic - but it is really stylized and not readable.
I will go try the greyscale thing.
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Feedback would be great.
A couple of potential choices:
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Just maaaybe a little less yellow a a tad more red...
I like the runessness (tm:-) and chizelness
I think you should start over. Sorry to say it, but the first two are too difficult to read, and the other ones are to tall.
You might want to check out the bamagazine.com article on creating a logo from letters. Or not. But I'd keep working on it.
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I'd love to hear your opinion.
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Okay - look here:
(I need to sort the page out - the slidshow works when I am logged in but not when I am logged out asking in customization...)
and look at the logo against this nice rich brown:
Certainly givig me some clues abot future color schemes.
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1) Logo: I like it!
2) I honestly think that the picture doesn't do you justice
You look *much* better IRL. I understand that probably you, just like many of us, don't have many a chance to be in front of the camera and prefer to be on the VF side of it, but....
Let's work on it when we meet in Glacier NP, OK?
Do you watch Monty Python - i don't but hubby does and regularly recites line from it that fit the situation. This remind me of a line that is something like:
"it's an inaccurate representation of the sweetmeat"
Sadly, though, I am aging, and am in need of softening filters!!! And a good work out regime that I can do between work and soccer taxi duties!
I am going to leave the logo etc alone. Got lots done this weekend - really feel some progress.
Thanks for your help!!
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Ann, I guess it really comes down to how you want to spend your time. I think you can do better with your logo, but maybe it's fine as it is, and you should concentrate on your family and getting some shooting done....
I don't care for the extrusion, the shadowing, etc.
I'm also not sure why your logo is as it is. I mean, a logo should make sense unto itself, and for my money, yours doesn't.
If you want to spend more time on it, I would ask what you want your logo to say to the viewer....clean, sophisticated, fun, playful, creative, etc. Then take a look at your logo and determine how it meets those goals.
Or just go shoot.
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I have wanted to get some customizing done, and I have finally done a bit - so that is an accomplishment.
I think the logo/monogram will evolve - probably for a while.
Shooting is really sporadic now - lousy weather, too many other commitments.
In any case, as you are a pro at visual arts, I really respect your pnion and will take your words to heart.
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I will keep your suggestion in mind.
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It compliments so many of my photos.
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Would love some feedback.
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OK here it is: the logo is jarring and the color scheme is detracting from your great photos. I don't have the answer for you, but this logo and color scheme has got to go! Perhaps a different logo with the orange theme, would work better.
:cry This hurts me as much as you I'm sure.
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I saw this one recently, Adobe's John Nack's post on logos, maybe it'll give you a few ideas:
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Wouldn't want you to hold back, not at all.
You know when you work on something all day, you loose your objectivity.
So lets break the problem apart:
1. Is it the font that you dislike?
2. Is it the monogram?
3. Is it the color of the logo?
4. Is it the color of the page? (look at the soccer page to see the logo on green)
The idea is to showcase the photography, so what would do that best?
I am much more worried about the changes I am making to content - cosmetic changes like new banner or new page color I understand how to change...and probably will many, many more times.
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