New Dgrin Header and New Style!

Hot off the presses, we have a new header full of rotating images for you! Many of you have asked to be able to see the images bigger, as well as, who took the images? Now, you can click on the image and be taken to the gallery in a new window. This will also allow us to feature all sorts of images whenever we want to, so stay tuned!
Also today, I put up a new style for you to choose from, "Enlighten" is the name for it right now (anyone have a better name?)... if you aren't familiar with the forum style chooser, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and choose one :thumb

We hope you enjoy these new features :thumb
Also today, I put up a new style for you to choose from, "Enlighten" is the name for it right now (anyone have a better name?)... if you aren't familiar with the forum style chooser, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and choose one :thumb

We hope you enjoy these new features :thumb
I'd sure appreciate it if you would remove that photo from your banner-- here's a screen shot. Plus, in the future, please ask permission first! This actually quite surprises me since dgrin/smugmug are usually quite dedicated to protecting users images.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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One minor complaint: clicking on the pic takes you to the gallery containing the pic, but you are positioned at the first pic in the gallery, not the pic you have clicked on. I suppose people's expectations vary, but I would click on an image to see a larger version of the image or find more images from the same photographer. I wouldn't expect to have to hunt through several gallery pages to get there.
Just reminds me of the sand theme on smugmug is all.
Here's what I replied in the email you sent our help desk on the same issue:
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I know I submitted that photo for the photo of the year contest-- but I was ONLY submitting it to the photo of the year contest. I never agreed nor did I give permission nor was I asked if it was okay or told that it would be used in the dgrin banner nearly four months after the contest.
In fact, I was actually quite surprised to see it in the banner-- it's usually common courtesy to ask the owner of an image before using their image in a case like this.
If it's linked, I'd appreciate the link removed from the banner. I don't get a sense from your reply that this is going to happen? I'm really holding back here and trying to approach this without flipping out. It's my photo, I own the copyright, and I don't want it used in the dgrin banner.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Hello Pete. Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that you are nearly flipping out. Pete, our rules state that we can use the image in the manner that we've just done. Nevertheless, we are not evil, and I have removed your photo from the competition gallery, though for the life of me I can't understand why having your wonderful work exposed in such a manner could ever be bad.
I hope this helps.
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Anyway, just to be clear-- it's only photos submitted for dgrin contests that can be used by dgrin in other places? If I post something for critique or an example on dgrin, that won't show up unexpectedly in a banner or somewhere else?
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Again, you have me completely baffled, can't imagine why you'd not want a photo that promotes you, but hey, it's up to you.
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What about having a submission thing like our art gallery guild does here for new people to be able to display their art as members of the Guild.
I don't enter much anymore, much of my stuff is on Dailies, but this would be conducive to spending more dGrin time, without the stress of entering every competition and whatall.
just a thought.
And, that controversial photo by dogwood that was taken off, it was a very nice photo, just my opinion, of course.
Ah, I see my super cool!!!!
Personally I see it as an honor, and I know others who do too. Warms the cockles of their hearts, it does.
It was controversial?
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Just to clarify-- in my opinion (note: this is just MY opinion) the photo seemed to be promoting dgrin and smugmug-- not me. I don't remember seeing my name or link anywhere in the banner. But I do see both dgrin and smugmug in the banner.
Now click on the banner. It takes you to a dgrin gallery. Click on a photo-- you can right-click/ctrl-click download anything there (something I rarely if ever enable on my website)! But even worse, there's still not a link to my site. It's all dgrin. Yes, there's a photo credit, but unfortunately I can't use photo credits to pay the bills.
And... in any other situation, I would actually charge people to use one of my images to promote their website. Yes, now I'm fully aware I messed up by misunderstanding the rules of the contest but I'm very pleased as usual that dgrin/smugmug was willing to work with me to clear this up.
Also, consider the audience here. It's a bunch of photographers-- not a bunch of potential clients. My clients tend to be local clothing designers and boutiques-- they don't hang out here. My marketing plan does not include promoting my services to photographers-- they don't need my services.
This actually seems to be a good topic for the 'mind your own business' section-- so I'll post something related there on 'photo contests' in general.
I do want to end on a positive note though. Typical of the outstanding customer service here and at smugmug, even though it was my error, dgrin and smugmug cleared it up. I really applaud that and it's what will likely keep me as a smugmug customer for life.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
But Pete, we're not evil, we don't do such things
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In your screen grab the type looks much more readable than what I see in FF on my Mac. Is there an option to make the type larger?
I can't believe you're retiring my favorite WHITE style! :-( (There's one in every bunch, right?
Also on my screen the Dgrin and SmugMug links in the banner are really cut off.....but only on the "enlighten" theme..........just thought you might like to know :-}}
Also, try shift-refreshing, you might have the old image cached.
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What I see...
My Firefox:
My screen resolution:
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Screen capture.....
yep still the same after all these minutes:D...Oh yeah before doing screen capture...I shut everything down to clear out all cache.....
Art, shift-refresh, The logo's fine in FF.
If that doesn't work, try the diagnostics here:
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And here I thought you liked using yellow
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