Monday 12:01 AM

While it's not an issue for me personally (I'm not going to count seconds to deadline before submitting my Totally World Dominating Picture:-), wouldn't you agree that saying the deadline is "12:01 am Monday" is a very sophisticated way to say "End of Sunday" or "Sunday Midnight"?
For all practical purposes the deadline is the end of Sunday. However, I can pretty much guarantee that each time we would have some newcomers who'd see "Monday" and think that they have an extra day or so. As we all know, reading is hard...
As a quick, easy and rather effective solution I would humbly:-) suggest to steal two minutes from each two weeks period and move the end to "Sunday 11:59 pm". IMHO, way less ambiguous and misleading...
For all practical purposes the deadline is the end of Sunday. However, I can pretty much guarantee that each time we would have some newcomers who'd see "Monday" and think that they have an extra day or so. As we all know, reading is hard...
As a quick, easy and rather effective solution I would humbly:-) suggest to steal two minutes from each two weeks period and move the end to "Sunday 11:59 pm". IMHO, way less ambiguous and misleading...
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I don't know if it would have helpped everyone...but had the time been posted as Monday MORNING 12:01 AM....that would have gotten my attention.
For example, if we use your new time, it should read:
Sunday 11:59 pm (i.e., 23:59 in military time, that is, late Sunday night, one minute before midnight).
Or, using the original time, it would read:
Monday 12:01 am (i.e., 00:01 in military time, that is, late Sunday night/very early Monday morning, one minute past midnight).
CWC Photography: “Painting pictures with cameras.” • Nature & Animals • Around the World • New York City • Miscellaneous • Sunsets • Central Park
Thank you for bring that up! Subsequent entry threads should get that same format.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
So, we're still going to have the end on Monday, even though there is only 60 seconds of it that counts?
If it helps, think of it as ending Sunday night, two minutes late. Kind of like a bakers dozen, two minutes free for you slackers out there
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
The 12:01 am ending time is tricky, but only to those who are not paying attention. I think it makes for a great filter and trainer to pay attention to things that matter. Deadlines can be make or break for a working photographer. Better to learn to pay attention to such things here than make a huge mistake on the job out in the real world
We need a kick in the pants smiley :whip
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
OK, I tried.
After all, it's gonna be your guys job to answer all those countless
As I mentioned in the very beginning, for me personally it's not an issue...
Why not say : by sunday; that makes it clear that you have all 24 hours of sunday and no more...........
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You feelin' lucky, punk?
At Fred Miranda, the second hand passes 12. A day goes by. Then another. Than the contest is extended for a week, maybe. Then the second hand passes 12. Nothing. People post: will this contest ever close? Meanwhile the voting on the last one stays open until the current one closes... Have another glass of wine and enjoy the sunset.
And does FM have a $27K prize pot?
Rules are rules. Deal with it. We have a ton of hard working volunteers here, who, if they weren't making things happen for the folks who participate in this challenge, would participate themselves. Let's cut them all a break, shall we, and leave this type of nonsense alone.
Rules are rules, deal with it.
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That's a good thing, keeps us on our toes
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Is this when we hug and get cookies?
mmmm cookies at ANY time of the day.
Don't you have some big paper to write.
I can just share my cookies with people that are NOT you. :-P The Photo Section
Actually I love both Italy and Switzerland. And they can both be frustrating. I certainly know better than to expect the Swiss to behave like the Italians or visa-versa. It's fun to compare, though, isn't it?
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Yeah I've done that. What the &*#$%$ am I doing sitting here in front of this stupid computer, come to think of it?
Even in Italy, I suppose, they stop running the ski lift approximately when they say they will. So if that lunch gets too long, you either have to take a taxi, stay in an Italian hotel, or climb (which is no joke in the Alps.)+
Can we put the choclate in some cookies.
Look at the kitten! dont deny the kitten.
You know, this is kind of profound. I love Italian chocolate as it turns out. Bacci. And why isn't there a Swiss motorcycle? They make great trains and roads. But no cars or motorcycles. Why not?