egyptian geese family
Hi thought I'd have ago, probably a closed assignment but I just found your sight last week and while exploring found the assignment tasks, and if it is ok may try a do a few.
Saw this family yesterday on a boat cruise in the park, thought it might qualify.
Hi thought I'd have ago, probably a closed assignment but I just found your sight last week and while exploring found the assignment tasks, and if it is ok may try a do a few.
Saw this family yesterday on a boat cruise in the park, thought it might qualify.
Nice catch, but I really can't get any Spring feeling out of it...
There are some breathtaking pictures in this thread!
A little late to the game, but how about this for spring? This is my very first picture I have posted on this site.
This was taken in April, in Maine. It is the start of my daffodils, which are now gone!
Nice picture, but you are breaking the major rule: fresh pictures only!
Meaning: you need to be aware of the assignment in the first place before you take the shot. You can't use your archive images just because they happen to match any of the themes.
But now that you know of it, there is always next Spring :-)
Nice picture, but you are breaking the major rule: fresh pictures only!
Meaning: you need to be aware of the assignment in the first place before you take the shot. You can't use your archive images just because they happen to match any of the themes.
But now that you know of it, there is always next Spring :-)
Well I have an excuse for my late entry- spring comes late in the mountains in Alaska. (and the dog ate my homework too... JK) Anyway, taken Memorial Day.
Pussy Willows from up Willow creek (backside of Hatchers Pass, Alaska)
Well I have an excuse for my late entry- spring comes late in the mountains in Alaska. (and the dog ate my homework too... JK) Anyway, taken Memorial Day.
Pussy Willows from up Willow creek (backside of Hatchers Pass, Alaska)
I guess there are benefits in living in Alasak - you can easily participate in Spring assignments after eerybody else fall off :-)
Very nice entry, Spring in every pixel!
How strange... I have been a member since 2004... first time posting!
Why?... because I am struggling with a new camera!!!
I took this yesterday... it is... fresh!!!
How strange... I have been a member since 2004... first time posting!
Why?... because I am struggling with a new camera!!!
I took this yesterday... it is... fresh!!!
I have never been to Virginia, but in most of other places I've this picture would be a definite sign of a Summer, not a Spring, especially now at the end of July...
"May the f/stop be with you!"
sapphire73Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,013moderator
edited May 2, 2009
Signs of Spring near Philadelphia
Seems like a good time of year (in the northern hemisphere) to tackle this assignment, and I thought others may want to jump in here as well. We are in the middle of spring here - the daffodils gone, the lovely dogwood trees coming into their own (one of my favorite things about spring here as opposed to my former home in Chicago), and the azaleas and rhododendrons yet to come.
Pink Dogwood after the Rain
Lilac Opening Up
White Dogwood in the Sky
Magnolia Blossom at Lorimer Park
I was able to get out several times earlier in the week but have had little time to process the images. Thanks.
Seems like a good time of year (in the northern hemisphere) to tackle this assignment, and I thought others may want to jump in here as well. We are in the middle of spring here - the daffodils gone, the lovely dogwood trees coming into their own (one of my favorite things about spring here as opposed to my former home in Chicago), and the azaleas and rhododendrons yet to come.
I was able to get out several times earlier in the week but have had little time to process the images. Thanks.
Thank you!
I must say, though, that with me living in the Country of Eternal Sunshine I'm so accustomed to see blooming flowers all the year round that they don't come accross like a symbol of Spring anymore
"May the f/stop be with you!"
sapphire73Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,013moderator
Thank you!
I must say, though, that with me living in the Country of Eternal Sunshine I'm so accustomed to see blooming flowers all the year round that they don't come accross like a symbol of Spring anymore
Most of the flowers I posted in my earlier message are atypical because they are the first indication that the flowering shrubs are making a come back after being dormant all winter. The flowers come out before the leaves on the redbud tree, magnolia, flowering dogwood, etc. But I realize now that the photos I posted earlier don't provide give much context. See what you think of the "bigger picture" shown here.
Pink Flowering Dogwood - before the Leaves
Branches of a Redbud Tree
BTW, I did as you suggested in some other assignment threads and showed one of these photos to someone and asked what idea or concept came to mind.
This 20 year old guy actually said something like, "Well it's so springy, I think of renewal or rebirth. The colors and the lines swooping up contribute to this...." etc. He recently took up photography and has been doing some internships in marketing and graphic design, so I thought he might be willing to share his thoughts.
Are tulips and daffodils more universally recognized as symbols of spring? That would be my guess, so I'll post two photos of tulips and call it a day.
Most of the flowers I posted in my earlier message are atypical because they are the first indication that the flowering shrubs are making a come back after being dormant all winter. The flowers come out before the leaves on the redbud tree, magnolia, flowering dogwood, etc. But I realize now that the photos I posted earlier don't provide give much context. See what you think of the "bigger picture" shown here.
Now I look, no: Now I see, or rather I look and I see now how poor were my images some time ago.:cry
I think I am doing something better these days ...
I am more demanding and I master LR (a little) and CS4 (a very small piece)
I post few pics and only those I think are good.
Thank you for the comment.
Hi thought I'd have ago, probably a closed assignment but I just found your sight last week and while exploring found the assignment tasks, and if it is ok may try a do a few.
Saw this family yesterday on a boat cruise in the park, thought it might qualify.
I love taking photos
new to it all :dunno exactly what I'm doing
Using Canon 350D
with Sigma 150mm Macro and 50-500mm
Nice catch, but I really can't get any Spring feeling out of it...
.......also just spotted this assignment , and thought I'd chime in with a few
Lot of good Spring entries! I really like how some of them turned:-)
No show:-(
hmm, very strange - maybe I'm posting them wrong cuz this is the 2nd no show i've had.
I'm just using the 'Insert Image' button and then linking to the location on my SmugMug page.
Is that correct?
I'm afraid no. Please read this:
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
A little late to the game, but how about this for spring? This is my very first picture I have posted on this site.
This was taken in April, in Maine. It is the start of my daffodils, which are now gone!
Nice picture,
Meaning: you need to be aware of the assignment in the first place before you take the shot. You can't use your archive images just because they happen to match any of the themes.
But now that you know of it, there is always next Spring :-)
k... gotcha!
Pussy Willows from up Willow creek (backside of Hatchers Pass, Alaska)
I guess there are benefits in living in Alasak - you can easily participate in Spring assignments after eerybody else fall off :-)
Very nice entry, Spring in every pixel!
here is the much anticipated photo (turned external links to on, which hopefully fixes it?)
Now I see it!
Good shot!
Why?... because I am struggling with a new camera!!!
I took this yesterday... it is... fresh!!!
It is over exposed...
a bit... a lifelong Journey on the road with Spirit...
This is Spirit by the way...
Be well...
Ara & Spirit
My Gallery in progress...
On the road, homeless, with my buddy Spirit...
Welcome to the Class and congratulations on officially losing your lurker status!
Seems like a good time of year (in the northern hemisphere) to tackle this assignment, and I thought others may want to jump in here as well. We are in the middle of spring here - the daffodils gone, the lovely dogwood trees coming into their own (one of my favorite things about spring here as opposed to my former home in Chicago), and the azaleas and rhododendrons yet to come.
Pink Dogwood after the Rain
Lilac Opening Up
White Dogwood in the Sky
Magnolia Blossom at Lorimer Park
I was able to get out several times earlier in the week but have had little time to process the images. Thanks.
My SmugMug Galleries
Thank you!
I must say, though, that with me living in the Country of Eternal Sunshine I'm so accustomed to see blooming flowers all the year round that they don't come accross like a symbol of Spring anymore
Most of the flowers I posted in my earlier message are atypical because they are the first indication that the flowering shrubs are making a come back after being dormant all winter. The flowers come out before the leaves on the redbud tree, magnolia, flowering dogwood, etc. But I realize now that the photos I posted earlier don't provide give much context. See what you think of the "bigger picture" shown here.
Pink Flowering Dogwood - before the Leaves
Branches of a Redbud Tree
BTW, I did as you suggested in some other assignment threads and showed one of these photos to someone and asked what idea or concept came to mind.
This 20 year old guy actually said something like, "Well it's so springy, I think of renewal or rebirth. The colors and the lines swooping up contribute to this...." etc. He recently took up photography and has been doing some internships in marketing and graphic design, so I thought he might be willing to share his thoughts.
Are tulips and daffodils more universally recognized as symbols of spring? That would be my guess, so I'll post two photos of tulips and call it a day.
Pink Tulip in the Yard
Five Red Tulips
Thanks for your input on these assignments!
My SmugMug Galleries
They sure are pretty! :-)
Hi Antonio,
I've been enjoying seeing your photographs for these assignments!
My SmugMug Galleries
Now I look, no: Now I see, or rather I look and I see now how poor were my images some time ago.:cry
I think I am doing something better these days ...
I am more demanding and I master LR (a little) and CS4 (a very small piece)
I post few pics and only those I think are good.
Thank you for the comment.