>>> LPS#3 Feedback Thread



  • ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Yaaaay Shay!

    Thank you very much!

    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
  • davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Judges, once again, Thank you for the time and effort spent on the challenge.
    And Congrat's to the finalists.

    Andy, Thanks for throwing me into your top ten. April and picturesque just
    don't go together in Minnesota. (for outdoor shots anyways)

    Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
  • DalantechDalantech Registered Users Posts: 1,519 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    Price of

    Not irregular or picturesque to me. Bee looking away doesn't help.
    Suffers from underexposure - need more light IMO.

    Thanks for the feedback Andy! I do appreciate it!

    We were told to look up the theme words in a dictionary to get ideas, and this is from dictionary.com:
    8.Botany. a.not uniform. b.(of a flower) having the members of some or all of its floral circles or whorls differing from one another in size or shape, or extent of union.

    So I was a little stunned that there weren't more flower shots in the contest. There are other aspects about the image that I thought were irregular (like the pattern of dots on the spiders abdomen) -and I'm pretty sure that getting eaten by a spider was a pretty irregular experience for the fly ;)

    As for the eyes of the fly: Human beings are predators -we immediately look at the eyes of a creature to gage its intent even in images. It's the reason why a portrait can work even if the leading eye is the only thing in the images that's in focus. Macro photography is no different: If a photo includes an insect then there must be at least one eye visible and it must be in sharp focus or the image won't work. There are a few exceptions -a shot of a bee flying to a flower, for example, but the exception are few.

    In the image that I submitted there are two creatures, and therefore the leading eyes of both of them have to be in focus (if they were not then you would disqualify it). Take a portrait of two people standing at different angles, with a very limited depth of field, and you'll get some understanding of what it's like to get both of their leading eyes sharp -compositions that work are pretty limited, especially when you've only got a few millimeters of area that's in focus...

    The lighting -OK. I deliberately underexposed the scene because crab spiders have a very shiny skin and I was trying to cut down on glare. I normally under expose anyway since the sensor in a digital camera responds to under exposure in the same way as color positive slide film. I think your assessment of the exposure was fair, but I don't think I could have improved it. It's not easy to light a scene that was only about 14 millimeters wide (around half an inch).

    My SmugMug Gallery

    Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    I did not forget
    Thank you Shay as well for your great comments,
    and Nir too!

    Thanks to all the judges!

    Every insight or glimpse into the judges minds is very helpful!
  • lynnesitelynnesite Registered Users Posts: 747 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Boy did I differ from the others. Ain't it great to have 6 judges.

    10th to first favorite.
    Unpredictable by Winger
    I liked the irregular edge to this and how transitory the shapes are when the ocean meets the sand.
    Which way is up - akraptor
    I wished for better post processing, but felt this was Most irregular, with the (mangrove?) trunk shapes and underscored by the reflection.
    Fields of Gold by thebigsky
    Easter Egg Hung- Little Wombat
    This made me laugh, and met the theme, but I wished for better lighting/post processing.
    Cracked - Tlee
    I liked the close-up as opposed to others, the color popped.
    The Children's Fountain - ginger_55
    For the same reasons Andy did
    View from the window - Beach Bill
    Same reasons as the others
    Untitled (but at least there was something listed, so not dq) by Speck26
    Penn Railroad bridge - Tessa HD
    couldn't fault it.
    The Lookout - ristyz
    To me this combined picturesque AND irregular, with nice foreground lighting, composition, subject and RAW processing.

    Honorable mentions:
    Roller coaster-sherstone, just outta my top ten
    Down on the farm - greaper, wanted better lighting, slightly different comp
    Rural sunset - shatch- too dense, blocky blacks reduced the foreground to nuthin'
    While you were sleeping -tyler W-nice comp, wanted more contrast/punch
    Follow the light - windoze - sweet!
    The Individualist - Wren the Blurry - wanted a less tight shot, great idea
    Eggs for breakfast - Bendr - wanted more depth of field, better light perhaps might have made this one more compelling
    Snowed in in April - equiessence - great color pop.
  • annnna8888annnna8888 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 936 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 17, 2007
    Andy, Shay ... you guys rock! :sweet

    SmugMug Support Hero Manager
    My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
  • sunitasunita Registered Users Posts: 210 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Congratulations to the semi-finalists! Great going! clap.gif

    And a BIG thank you to the judges for the feedback! thumb.gifbowdown.gif

    Cheers, Sunita
  • RobertRobert Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Congratulations to the semifinalists. And thanks to the judges for all that extra work. thumb.gif It’ll take me longer to read through it all than it seems to have taken them to put it up. Great job and thanks again.
    And thanks for the hammering Andy. I still think it’s picturesque, but as I keep saying, I’m just an oddball. I’ll probably get worried if the judges like one of my pictures. :):
  • StrikeslipStrikeslip Registered Users Posts: 102 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Wow, thanks for the comment, I wasn't expecting to get any! I appreciate it very much!
  • jmaccs64jmaccs64 Registered Users Posts: 48 Big grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Thank-you to all the judges who commented on all the entries. I believe that it makes us all better photographers! It's like photo class in high school!
  • wingerwinger Registered Users Posts: 694 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    lynnesite wrote:
    Boy did I differ from the others. Ain't it great to have 6 judges.

    10th to first favorite.
    Unpredictable by Winger
    I liked the irregular edge to this and how transitory the shapes are when the ocean meets the sand.

    Cool someone got it :) that is kind of what I was thinking, the ocean is anything but regular.

    But much like getting photo work in the real world, people evaluate photos differently. Glad to know i made it in there somewhere.
  • photogmommaphotogmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,644 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Shay, thank you so much for taking the time to comment, as well!

    It's very interesting and enlightening to hear other peoples remarks on not just your own photos, but all the photos....

    Thanks again, guys, for taking the time!
  • JillGJillG Registered Users Posts: 285 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Thank you judges for taking the extra time to share your thoughts in this thread. clap.gifclapclap.gif
  • JimWJimW Registered Users Posts: 333 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Sincere thanks to the judges and Erik for their time & effort. It’s very helpful to read the photo comments. Congratulations to all who entered.

    This contest is making us all think, so we’ve got that going for us. Which is nice. :D

    I don't want the cheese, I just want to get out of the trap.

  • BendrBendr Registered Users Posts: 665 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Wow! Thanks for all the feedback!

    This is quite amazing!
  • Michiel de BriederMichiel de Brieder Registered Users Posts: 864 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    first batch
    Oka, now a lot of you are not going to like me for this, I'll be blunt and brief, because I want to say a word on all pictures. Here's the first batch, more to come!

    all shook up:
    nice composition, good colour, very fitting for the theme, nice diagonal too!

    Pen-ee S:
    I didn't like the composition and couldn't fit it to the theme

    A tough picture, it's very nice as an abstract, I really dig it, it nearly made my list... somehow it didn't speak as much to me as some of the others. Good job though!

    Security Blanket:
    I did not care for the shadow on the face and the expression isn't a moving one IMO. The colours could be a bit more saturated, the eyes should have been brighter. perhaps a tad extra sharpness too and some more care for the highlights.

    Teetering travels:
    good, very nice, been at the list from the beginning :) I just *dig* it!!!!

    Bubbles in bubbles:
    Bad thing: irregular in the title. Let me decide whether I find it to fit the theme as "irregular". That is a turn off for me. As for the picture itself, more wide-angle would have been nice, darker surrounding of the outer bubble, even added in post, would have been better. It did not get to me as fitting the theme.

    Fields of gold:
    [jerk mode]the pill picture was on my list....[/jerk mode] The picture doesn't really speak to me, it is flat in composition, probably because of the ratios (sky vs ground). This picture could be better with less ground, better toning, and more saturation IMO

    Way away:
    Could not fit this one to the theme...

    Nice, for irregular, but not that great, if you want to pull this off, I'd say you need moere contrast and perhaps some crosstoning to add depth.

    Mamma's biggest fear:
    It is nice, but I don't like it for the theme

    Pennsylvania Railroad:
    Very nice for picturesque, on my list from the moment I saw it :D a slight bit more detail would have made it higher on my list.

    Old grain silo:
    Nice, but unfortunately not good enough. I don't think this picture in itself could have been better though..

    Road kill:
    Excellent! There's a mastermind behind this idea :) I love the concept and I have *nothing* to add for composition etc.

    A very cool picture, not something I would choose for this theme though

    Snoqualmie Railway:
    Not really my bag, especially the bottom piece where the grass is showing deducts from the picture.

    One of a kind:
    Nice, but there should be more attention on composition, This is a picture with a lot of potential, but unfortunately in this case unused... Next time, try something with wide angle and more isolation of your 'irregular' subject

    Great picture in itself, frame it, hang it on your wall! For the challenge however....

    Beam me up, Scottie:
    Great picture, excellent for the theme, very well executed!

    Unnamed by Speck26:
    This picture deserves a title, if you can't come up with one, tough luck, the other photographers have taken their time to name the picture, it is a real part of the whole IMO. The picture is one that was on my list but didn't make it through lack of a title!

    Blue plate:
    Sorry, it doesn't work for me..

    Linens from the outlet:
    the focus is off, you should have focussed on the eyes...

    Frosted falls:
    Nice, but a bit too busy for me. Concentrating on the house would have been better IMO

    Irregular income:
    The picture is too small, sorry. The title is cool, but I'm not going to crawl into my screen to see it :D

    What is it?
    The composition isn't very interesting to me, it also lacks pop and saturation

    Down on the farm:
    A very nice picture, a nice runner up IMO. The tree on the most left part could have been cloned out to get some extra empty space to make it more interesting..

    cool concept, but it looks more regular than irregular :) could do wih some more sharpness

    Broken pattern:
    Cool shot! Close.... but no cigar. More contrast would have helped.

    very nice too! I couldn't fit it to the theme, but it would make a very cool print!

    So far the first few, I hope to get the next comments in tomorrow!
    *In my mind it IS real*
    Michiel de Brieder
  • ChrisJChrisJ Registered Users Posts: 2,164 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    A tough picture, it's very nice as an abstract, I really dig it, it nearly made my list... somehow it didn't speak as much to me as some of the others. Good job though!

    Thanks, Michiel. I knew it was a stretch, but I'm glad it least one of the judges got it.

    I appreciate *all* of the comments. I like seeing what people think about each picture. bowdown.gif
  • SelinaSelina Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited April 17, 2007

    thanks for the replies. I do have a SmugMug account, but it's one that I share with my partner. Is it acceptable if we both linked our entries to one SmugMug account or will both be disqualified?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Selina wrote:

    thanks for the replies. I do have a SmugMug account, but it's one that I share with my partner. Is it acceptable if we both linked our entries to one SmugMug account or will both be disqualified?
    No problemo :)
  • GREAPERGREAPER Registered Users Posts: 3,113 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Thx very much for all of the judges comments.

    I knew in my gut that the image I entered was not quite what it needed to be to place.

    I am gratefull for the time it takes to run this contest and for the time to comment. I know it is hard to do and takes some time, but I think it means a lot to everyone. (some kind of closure maybe :D )

    Thank you very much.
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    I loved the feedback!! Thank you for taking the time.

    Being in the top ten, I wept!!!

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    thanks Andy and the rest ,this is what you did with the first contests we had years back and it helps those that shoot as well as those that take the time to look at the picture and read the comments .So if you do take a shot before you enter think about all the comments they have taken the time to make and your shot WILL improve thumb.gif thanks again dgrin
    Jeff W


  • eoren1eoren1 Registered Users Posts: 2,391 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Just realized...
    ...so this contest and the great feedback threads have turned into the ultimate whipping post!

    I think that is great because we are all truly bringing our best to the table (within the confines of the theme) and are being rewarded for it with excellent critiques.

    I'm also realizing that there is at least one benefit to being an early entry - a better chance to get critiqued. I don't mean this to come out as a negative but it seems the first 50 entries have a slight edge in getting critiqued simply because the human brain can only do so much at one sitting. It's bound to get tired after 40-50 entries. Granted, this is probably my warped view being at #58 and praying that Shay and Michiel can muster up the energy to keep powering through the list.

    Another big thanks to all the judges who are taking time from their lives to help us all become better at something that we truly love.

    Though I was saddened to see my entry missing from the top ten (again), it is now the first photo of my new site's slideshow (just entered the world of Power User!)

    I never, ever would have taken it were it not for this contest. THANKS FOR THAT!

  • indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    eoren1 wrote:
    I'm also realizing that there is at least one benefit to being an early entry - a better chance to get critiqued.

    I thought of this, too!
  • NanaMoNanaMo Registered Users Posts: 189 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    My Top 10 picks:

    Thanks again Andy, I went back and took pics of the cows trying to "give you more" and now I realize why I cropped the pic the way I did. On the right the scrub oak were not green yet and on the left the trees blocked the mountains in the background.

    Here is a link if you have an opportunity I would love to hear what you have to say. It was awesome what you and the other judges who gave us feedback did for all us contestants.


    Thanks in advance,

  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2007
    NanaMo wrote:
    Thanks again Andy, I went back and took pics of the cows trying to "give you more" and now I realize why I cropped the pic the way I did. On the right the scrub oak were not green yet and on the left the trees blocked the mountains in the background.

    Here is a link if you have an opportunity I would love to hear what you have to say. It was awesome what you and the other judges who gave us feedback did for all us contestants.


    Thanks in advance,



    I edited your post, you had quoted Andy's entire thesis. Please, if you're going to quote long passages, find a way to cut them down. It's too much scrolling for everyone. Also, you don't need to quote, you can just reply without quoting.

    Thanks! :D
    Moderator Emeritus
    Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
  • TentacionTentacion Registered Users Posts: 940 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2007
    Oka, now a lot of you are not going to like me for this, I'll be blunt and brief, because I want to say a word on all pictures. Here's the first batch, more to come!

    Security Blanket:
    I did not care for the shadow on the face and the expression isn't a moving one IMO. The colours could be a bit more saturated, the eyes should have been brighter. perhaps a tad extra sharpness too and some more care for the highlights.

    It's ok Michiel, I am not offended, and I still like you even though I don't know who you are :D .

    Your Constructive Critique and efforts are appreciated, but I thought I would let you know that this photo won the Photo of the Day category at another site.

    It just proves my point once again, everyone percieves things differently, I'm glad I have learned to have thick skin, or I might be totally devastated....wings.gif . :D

    Have a great one.
    You're only as good as your next photo....
    One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
  • pemmettpemmett Registered Users Posts: 507 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2007
    I know it's been said before, but let me say it again. Thank you to all the judges who take time to go through the photos in the first place but especially to those who take time to comment on each photo. thumb.gif

    As a beginner it means a lot to me to get good feedback to help me improve myself and my photography skills and this seems to be an excellent place and event to do both :D

    "Take a moment to capture a memory that will last forever"
    My images | My blog | My free course
  • lynnesitelynnesite Registered Users Posts: 747 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2007
    ChrisJ wrote:
    Thanks, Michiel. I knew it was a stretch, but I'm glad it least one of the judges got it.

    I appreciate *all* of the comments. I like seeing what people think about each picture. bowdown.gif

    Chris, sorry I didn't comment, but actually, your picture stuck in my mind all week, almost more than any other. And not just because it was so early in the thread, really liked it, it defintely said "irregular" to me.
  • ChrisJChrisJ Registered Users Posts: 2,164 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2007
    lynnesite wrote:
    Chris, sorry I didn't comment, but actually, your picture stuck in my mind all week, almost more than any other. And not just because it was so early in the thread, really liked it, it defintely said "irregular" to me.

    Thanks, Lynne! That's heartening. iloveyou.gif I think it was one of those shots that either hit you or it didn't. I got good (but few) comments in my thread, but the non-judges top-10's didn't favor it either. S'okay, I still like it, though I'm not sure I'll hang it on my wall! It's still a little creepy looking at myself like that...
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