This will be my last time to this post. For anyone interested I will continue to keep shooting and I am going to keep on doing what I am doing simply because it is working for me. I don't care about becoming a "BIG" photographer. I simply want to target to portraits and small weddings in the local area. Photography is something I enjoy and isn't something I want to pursue a 'career' in. I want to be able to have children and still be able to work. This method would allow me to work at home. I don't want a career that is going to take me away from my future family. I believe that I am doing a great job. I do know that I still need tons of practice. I currently have a friend that has been in the wedding business only to quit and shoot sports for our college that I counsel with often. He critiques me and teaches me new things all the time. I know that I need to learn the functions of my camera better. That is why I was here in the first place. I am going to stick around and keep on keepin on though. I'm not going to stop or slow down, that's silly in my opinon. I enjoy my life, it's great, and having a little trouble down the road sounds great. I'll learn and grow from it when the time comes. Life challenges are why we're here to progress, which is what I plan on doing. Thank you everyone for all the advice and for keeping me going.
I'm not saying stop, I'm not saying retreat. I'm saying slow it down, stop trying to market it as a business, start shooting as much as you can to learn until you can be a business and a real freelancer. You may not understand it now but if you don't it will make your life harder. Believe me I know I have had my own company before and I did it your way and it was nothing but a problem. I have my own company now, doing it the other way (slowly, following the right steps, and others advice) and I promise you I am doing way better with this method than I was when I tried the brute force method.
That's a real shame that you're taking off like that. You've gotten a lot of great help, sympathy and feedback here. All of it with the intent of being helpful. I hope you stay.
This will be my last time to this post. For anyone interested I will continue to keep shooting and I am going to keep on doing what I am doing simply because it is working for me. I don't care about becoming a "BIG" photographer. I simply want to target to portraits and small weddings in the local area. Photography is something I enjoy and isn't something I want to pursue a 'career' in. I want to be able to have children and still be able to work. This method would allow me to work at home. I don't want a career that is going to take me away from my future family. I believe that I am doing a great job. I do know that I still need tons of practice. I currently have a friend that has been in the wedding business only to quit and shoot sports for our college that I counsel with often. He critiques me and teaches me new things all the time. I know that I need to learn the functions of my camera better. That is why I was here in the first place. I am going to stick around and keep on keepin on though. I'm not going to stop or slow down, that's silly in my opinon. I enjoy my life, it's great, and having a little trouble down the road sounds great. I'll learn and grow from it when the time comes. Life challenges are why we're here to progress, which is what I plan on doing. Thank you everyone for all the advice and for keeping me going.
Don't Go!!!!!
Erika we support whatever kind of photographer you wish to be! We are all just passionate about photography and wanted to help you avoid the pitfalls if you were heading into a business venture. Some of us may have misinterpreted your photographic vision. Due to your recent thread in the business forum, I think a lot of us thought you wanted to "go pro" and as Bill mentioned, telling people you are a freelancer suggests professional versus hobbiest. Whatever, we hope you will stick around and keep throwing out the questions and sharing your adventures in photography with us.
I decided to check back once to make sure I wrote how I wanted that to sound, and I'm glad I did because I didn't mean I wasn't sticking around this forum I just meant this one thread. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I just didn't want to keep dragging this out because it wouldn't be productive for me at this point. I will continue to hang around the dgrin forum though! You'll still see me around!
I'm sorry you took what I was saying as anything more than someone who has been there offering advice on how to make things easier and more enjoyable for yourself.
Erica...don't give up! I've been shooting for many years and there are many things that go with just pointing, clicking and seeing your results. Photography from some...come easy...others can develop this art by lots of practice, and lots of shooting.
Whatever was said here, don't be discouraged...keep on with your passion. I don't always agree with people here...but I will say that many of these forums...and I now belong to about 6 of them (and some of them I pay to be on their site)...have taught me so much about the Art of Photography. Some people can not only be honest...but also brutually honest. I have learned not to take it personal...I do fall...but I pick myself back up and try and find how I can make my art look better for next time.
I think you've learned that lighting is a major factor with these pictures. Remember this...LIGHTING IS EVERTHING IN YOUR PICTURES. Even when the sun is shining...use a flash! It's never a good idea to shoot outside in the bright hours of the sun...either do it in the early morning...or around 6:00 p.m.
But nonetheless...just keep shooting...even if this is not going to be a career. I think you have tons of potential...just keep at it...and like I said, don't be discouraged after reading some of these replies..
Take care...and all the best to you. Sorry I didn't help with the pictures...but ironically...I've been in a photography class the past 5 days.
Remember, photography is about light. Quality of light. If nature's not giving it to you, you have to control it. There's really no postprocessing that can make these photos "good," only less "bad" and I hope you'll take this constructively...
Holler with questions! We will all be here for you.
Andy, I really enjoyed seeing your work. I knew postprocessing could make a big difference but I didn't realize how much of a difference it could make. I have only though about learning how to use postprocessing software. You have inspired me to actually do it. Thanks.
I took some pictures for prom. The dad was continually wanting them to stand in the sunlight causing shadows across their faces. I kept trying to graciously put them in the shade but after awhile I gave up on trying to be polite. I'm now stuck with several terrible exposures that I haven't learned how to fix. Can some people please take a look and edit these and teach me what I can do to fix the rest of them? Thanks so much. The pictures are located in my smugmug website. Here's the link.
I haven't had time to read all the posts in here to see if anyone fixed them for ya,
but if you're trying to rid the wording on the horizontally tilted pictures - well tilting them vertically is easy,
but the only thing I know so far that can get rid of the words is ImageDoctor by AlienSkin.
If ridding words and images can be done with PS7 or other photo-editors, let me know how,`cos I can't figure it out.
I think that erikadorie vbmenu_register("postmenu_538618", true); took it the wrong way, which is a pity.
This site is here to help people and unfortunately
not all the feedbacks a praising one's good work. This is actually a good thing, for this is pretty much the best way of learning. Often time other people can see right away your mistake. I have to say that when one has a site displaying his/her work and asking for advices, that person should be a bit more knowledgable with the equipment used for the shooting. Now saying that it is ok to ask even silly question (I 'm pretty good a that) but being humble is still the best skill that anyone can ever wish to have. I am pretty sure that erikadorie vbmenu_register("postmenu_538618", true); will see it differently in the near (or not so near ) future. For the time being asking question on this forum goes both way and the answer aren't always what one might expect, but what a heck this is all about learning and enjoying photography.
The fact of the matter is that I learned a a bit more just reading this thread started by erikadorie vbmenu_register("postmenu_538618", true); . So in a way thank you
This will be my last time to this post. For anyone interested I will continue to keep shooting and I am going to keep on doing what I am doing simply because it is working for me. I don't care about becoming a "BIG" photographer. I simply want to target to portraits and small weddings in the local area. Photography is something I enjoy and isn't something I want to pursue a 'career' in. I want to be able to have children and still be able to work. This method would allow me to work at home. I don't want a career that is going to take me away from my future family. I believe that I am doing a great job. I do know that I still need tons of practice. I currently have a friend that has been in the wedding business only to quit and shoot sports for our college that I counsel with often. He critiques me and teaches me new things all the time. I know that I need to learn the functions of my camera better. That is why I was here in the first place. I am going to stick around and keep on keepin on though. I'm not going to stop or slow down, that's silly in my opinon. I enjoy my life, it's great, and having a little trouble down the road sounds great. I'll learn and grow from it when the time comes. Life challenges are why we're here to progress, which is what I plan on doing. Thank you everyone for all the advice and for keeping me going.
Take one d ay at a time. :photo
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
That's a real shame that you're taking off like that. You've gotten a lot of great help, sympathy and feedback here. All of it with the intent of being helpful. I hope you stay.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Erika we support whatever kind of photographer you wish to be! We are all just passionate about photography and wanted to help you avoid the pitfalls if you were heading into a business venture. Some of us may have misinterpreted your photographic vision. Due to your recent thread in the business forum, I think a lot of us thought you wanted to "go pro" and as Bill mentioned, telling people you are a freelancer suggests professional versus hobbiest. Whatever, we hope you will stick around and keep throwing out the questions and sharing your adventures in photography with us.
Take one d ay at a time. :photo
I would suggest checking out the Technique section here. Lots of good useful information there to help us all grow!
Whatever was said here, don't be discouraged...keep on with your passion. I don't always agree with people here...but I will say that many of these forums...and I now belong to about 6 of them (and some of them I pay to be on their site)...have taught me so much about the Art of Photography. Some people can not only be honest...but also brutually honest. I have learned not to take it personal...I do fall...but I pick myself back up and try and find how I can make my art look better for next time.
I think you've learned that lighting is a major factor with these pictures. Remember this...LIGHTING IS EVERTHING IN YOUR PICTURES. Even when the sun is shining...use a flash! It's never a good idea to shoot outside in the bright hours of the sun...either do it in the early morning...or around 6:00 p.m.
But nonetheless...just keep shooting...even if this is not going to be a career. I think you have tons of potential...just keep at it...and like I said, don't be discouraged after reading some of these replies..
Take care...and all the best to you.
Had a look at your web page, nice work....
The images I see...
Andy, I really enjoyed seeing your work. I knew postprocessing could make a big difference but I didn't realize how much of a difference it could make. I have only though about learning how to use postprocessing software. You have inspired me to actually do it. Thanks.
I haven't had time to read all the posts in here to see if anyone fixed them for ya,
but if you're trying to rid the wording on the horizontally tilted pictures - well tilting them vertically is easy,
but the only thing I know so far that can get rid of the words is ImageDoctor by AlienSkin.
If ridding words and images can be done with PS7 or other photo-editors, let me know how,`cos I can't figure it out.
My Gear
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Sigma 18-50mm F3.5-5.6 DC
Flash: Nikon SB600 SpeedLight
Vertical Powergrip: Opteka Platinum Series
Flash Diffuser: Lightsphere II (Clear)
Teleconverter: Quantaray 2x
Lens Filters: 2 SunPak UV 58mm
Card: Lexar Platinum II 512mb/60x
Bag: Canon 200DG
Printer: Canon PIXMA iP6700D
Fisher-Advent Audio
This site is here to help people and unfortunately
not all the feedbacks a praising one's good work. This is actually a good thing, for this is pretty much the best way of learning. Often time other people can see right away your mistake. I have to say that when one has a site displaying his/her work and asking for advices, that person should be a bit more knowledgable with the equipment used for the shooting. Now saying that it is ok to ask even silly question (I 'm pretty good a that) but being humble is still the best skill that anyone can ever wish to have. I am pretty sure that erikadorie vbmenu_register("postmenu_538618", true); will see it differently in the near (or not so near ) future. For the time being asking question on this forum goes both way and the answer aren't always what one might expect, but what a heck this is all about learning and enjoying photography.
The fact of the matter is that I learned a a bit more just reading this thread started by erikadorie vbmenu_register("postmenu_538618", true); . So in a way thank you