I've set Hello World to option 2 (Homepage Only) ( and Hello Smuggers to Option 3 (only on my smugmug site). Then I send an email to a non-smugger with a link to a 'public' gallery within my site. The invitee can see the public galleries in my site and view those photo's. However, it appears they cannot search (using filename or caption words). The instructions sound like these settings should let the non-smugger invitee search.
Let me state the problem another way. I would like to have my site private, but have the ability to invite non-smuggers to the site and search within the 'not private' gallaries of the site. Can this be done? It seemed to work very briefly in one of my tests, but I can't repeat that success.
Let me state the problem another way. I would like to have my site private, but have the ability to invite non-smuggers to the site and search within the 'not private' gallaries of the site. Can this be done? It seemed to work very briefly in one of my tests, but I can't repeat that success.
Do I have it wrong? Any help appreciated.
I have my SmugMug site set up as private and needing a password to view my "public" photos....That means no one can view my public albums unless they have the "password" I've sent them. Nothing will show up if someone searchs for my name or my SmugMug nick name,it just takes them to the SmugMug home page...
Who ever I send the URL link to has to enter the "password" I've given them and then they can view my public albums only, my private albums do not show up on my home page for them to see.
I'm no expert but I hope that helps you.
Look here for more info:
Home page: Security
Video guide: Site-wide password If you want to restrict access to your entire SmugMug site, you're in the right place.
If just certain galleries concern you, you'll prefer this help section. Setting a site-wide password
You can set a site-wide password in the account settings section of your control panel. Click the passwords: change link and you'll see the page shown.
Want to give a password hint? It's an option. Your admirers will see it when they're asked for the password.
You can also allow friends and family to skip the password. Note: They will have to be logged into SmugMug for us to recognize them as your friend or family. What it does
When a password is set:
A lock icon appears next to your name on your home page.
Your name, galleries, photos and keywords are removed from SmugMug's site-wide search. This can take a few minutes.
Your admirers will be asked for the site password on your home page, category & subcategory pages, and gallery pages without passwords. If your admirers follow a link directly to a password-protected gallery, they will be asked for that gallery's password.
Q: Hold on. I wasn't asked for a password. A: You won't be if (a) you're logged in or (b) you entered it in the last week on that computer. It's to keep us from making sane people crazy by prompting for the password too often. Q: How do I clear the password? A: Just empty the password field. Q: Does this foil Google? A: Yes. Your name, bio, gallery names, etc., should not appear in Google's search unless you place them on non-SmugMug pages.
Tug at a single thing in nature, and you will find it connected to the universe.
John Muir
I have my SmugMug site set up as private and needing a password to view my "public" photos....That means no one can view my public albums unless they have the "password" I've sent them. Nothing will show up if someone searchs for my name or my SmugMug nick name,it just takes them to the SmugMug home page...
I guess I didn't make myself clear - it is the searching ability that has me puzzled for folks I invite - can't seem to get that to work.
As I've played around, I get more confused. As of today, if I search my site (now 3,3) and gallaries private, I get a search result showing the number of images found, but no thumb of the images and no way to get tot them. Guests get nothing if they search.
I am also confused... I have these global settings:
Hello World! No
Hello Smuggers: No - make me an island
And this on my galleries:
Hello World: No
Hello Smuggers: No
I have keywords on all my photos, and everything worked fine with guests able to view and use keywords. Then I turned on a site-wide password.
Then only SOME of my keywords showed up for guests, but not all.
So I turned off the site-wide password.
Nothing changed -- most of my keywords don't work anymore.
I don't understand how the password has anything to do with it, but help@smugmug.com said this:
Setting a site-wide password will override any
SmugIsland settings. When you set a password, you are tacitly saying
you do not want the site to be found in a a search.
Well, I don't want it to be included in google or smugmug searches, but I thought that was the whole point of SmugIslands, was to allow you to create a private island that you *could* still search.
Either way, when I turned off the site-wide password, my keywords still didn't come back
I am also confused... I have these global settings:
Hello World! No
Hello Smuggers: No - make me an island
And this on my galleries:
Hello World: No
Hello Smuggers: No
I have keywords on all my photos, and everything worked fine with guests able to view and use keywords. Then I turned on a site-wide password.
Then only SOME of my keywords showed up for guests, but not all.
So I turned off the site-wide password.
Nothing changed -- most of my keywords don't work anymore.
I don't understand how the password has anything to do with it, but help@smugmug.com said this:
Well, I don't want it to be included in google or smugmug searches, but I thought that was the whole point of SmugIslands, was to allow you to create a private island that you *could* still search.
Either way, when I turned off the site-wide password, my keywords still didn't come back
I'm sorry for the confusion. I hope I can clear things up for you.
If you had set your site-wide Hello Smuggers to "yes", putting a site-wide password would mean your photos were still unavailable in SmugMug searches. No-one can see your photos without first entering a password, so naturally a random searcher shouldn't be able to stumble across them on a search from www.smugmug.com .
However, if you had set your site-wide hello smuggers to any of the other settings, the site-wide password doesn't really affect a thing. It just requires a password before your visitors can see and search for your photos within your SmugMug site.
The "hello smuggers" and "hello world" settings in CUSTOMIZE GALLERY are birds of a different feather. A "yes" means they inherit your sitewide settings. A "no" means that gallery will NOT show up in Google and no visitor can search that gallery, no matter what your site-wide settings are.
It's basically a way to section off your SmugIsland and say "Sure, visitors can search my photos, but not THIS gallery's photos."
I have my SmugMug site set up as private and needing a password to view my "public" photos....That means no one can view my public albums unless they have the "password" I've sent them. Nothing will show up if someone searchs for my name or my SmugMug nick name,it just takes them to the SmugMug home page...
I guess I didn't make myself clear - it is the searching ability that has me puzzled for folks I invite - can't seem to get that to work.
As I've played around, I get more confused. As of today, if I search my site (now 3,3) and gallaries private, I get a search result showing the number of images found, but no thumb of the images and no way to get tot them. Guests get nothing if they search.
Help still needed.
I'd love to help. What's the url of your SmugMug homepage? You can always shoot an email to our Help Desk if you'd rather not post it here.
I can look for myself, but for the benefit of others reading this thread, what are your settings? You say you "search your site and galleries private"... can you be more specific?
I'm sorry for the confusion. I hope I can clear things up for you.
If you had set your site-wide Hello Smuggers to "yes", putting a site-wide password would mean your photos were still unavailable in SmugMug searches. No-one can see your photos without first entering a password, so naturally a random searcher shouldn't be able to stumble across them on a search from www.smugmug.com .
However, if you had set your site-wide hello smuggers to any of the other settings, the site-wide password doesn't really affect a thing. It just requires a password before your visitors can see and search for your photos within your SmugMug site.
The "hello smuggers" and "hello world" settings in CUSTOMIZE GALLERY are birds of a different feather. A "yes" means they inherit your sitewide settings. A "no" means that gallery will NOT show up in Google and no visitor can search that gallery, no matter what your site-wide settings are.
It's basically a way to section off your SmugIsland and say "Sure, visitors can search my photos, but not THIS gallery's photos."
I've just started fooling around with adding in keywords, so hadn't encountered the problem to which you are responding. Your post clears up a distinction between the smugisland gallery settings and the smugisland site-wide settings that I (and, it seems, others) had not realized existed. While there is a reference to gallery settings on the smugislands help page, I think it would be helpful to elaborate on the difference a little more and, in particular, explain what gallery specific settings do. After reading your post and help pages I think I've got it, but the reference to gallery settings on the help pages was not something I paid much attention to because I was not thinking of excluding a gallery from a search once someone visited my site and got in using the password. I think it would be useful if the help pages had a specific section on gallery settings (as well as site-wide settings) explaining the effect of each choice we're given.
I'm sorry for the confusion. I hope I can clear things up for you.
If you had set your site-wide Hello Smuggers to "yes", putting a site-wide password would mean your photos were still unavailable in SmugMug searches. No-one can see your photos without first entering a password, so naturally a random searcher shouldn't be able to stumble across them on a search from www.smugmug.com .
However, if you had set your site-wide hello smuggers to any of the other settings, the site-wide password doesn't really affect a thing. It just requires a password before your visitors can see and search for your photos within your SmugMug site.
The "hello smuggers" and "hello world" settings in CUSTOMIZE GALLERY are birds of a different feather. A "yes" means they inherit your sitewide settings. A "no" means that gallery will NOT show up in Google and no visitor can search that gallery, no matter what your site-wide settings are.
It's basically a way to section off your SmugIsland and say "Sure, visitors can search my photos, but not THIS gallery's photos."
Happy, because SmugIsland has been "discovered" (created, really, by the Smugmug team)! It's taking a while for me (and others, it appears) to learn the nuances. Unlike the poster in another thread who was happier before SmugIsland and other recent changes, and threatens to leave Smugmug, I come down on the "now I'll stay with Smugmug" side.
There are two bits of confusion in my mind currently, however...1st) I set my site to Hello World NO ( no google) and Hello Smuggers NO (make me and island).
As dmc pointed out...google (apparently) does seem finally to be foiled! Hurray!.
But, even with the above settings, Statcounter results from just a couple of days ago show numerous visitors to my site as a result of a "Smugmug Browse-Holidays" link showing up. I thought "Make me an island" was supposed to "protect" my island's shores from invasion (even by members of my own tribe...aka other Smuggers). For now, I've reset my Hello Smuggers setting to Total Lockdown.
Which leads to issue 2):
With the total lockdown setting, and when I am Logged In...if I perform a search using the search box near the "your photos" line at the top by entering two separate keywords, I get results, but not exactly the results I expected.
Keyword 1 has 239 hits, keyword 2 has 129 hits, as noted in the "keywords matching" setction. The combination of keywords 1 and 2 occurring together has 28 hits, as noted in the "photos matching" section, but no thumbnails or page links appear.
I've just started fooling around with adding in keywords, so hadn't encountered the problem to which you are responding. Your post clears up a distinction between the smugisland gallery settings and the smugisland site-wide settings that I (and, it seems, others) had not realized existed. While there is a reference to gallery settings on the smugislands help page, I think it would be helpful to elaborate on the difference a little more and, in particular, explain what gallery specific settings do. After reading your post and help pages I think I've got it, but the reference to gallery settings on the help pages was not something I paid much attention to because I was not thinking of excluding a gallery from a search once someone visited my site and got in using the password. I think it would be useful if the help pages had a specific section on gallery settings (as well as site-wide settings) explaining the effect of each choice we're given.
Just a thought.
Thanks again for getting these features in place.
Hi Steve
Thanks for the feedback. I agree, we don't have the customize gallery settings properly displayed anywhere and that needs to changed. Rest assured, I'm on the case!
Happy, because SmugIsland has been "discovered" (created, really, by the Smugmug team)! It's taking a while for me (and others, it appears) to learn the nuances. Unlike the poster in another thread who was happier before SmugIsland and other recent changes, and threatens to leave Smugmug, I come down on the "now I'll stay with Smugmug" side.
There are two bits of confusion in my mind currently, however...1st) I set my site to Hello World NO ( no google) and Hello Smuggers NO (make me and island).
As dmc pointed out...google (apparently) does seem finally to be foiled! Hurray!.
But, even with the above settings, Statcounter results from just a couple of days ago show numerous visitors to my site as a result of a "Smugmug Browse-Holidays" link showing up. I thought "Make me an island" was supposed to "protect" my island's shores from invasion (even by members of my own tribe...aka other Smuggers). For now, I've reset my Hello Smuggers setting to Total Lockdown.
Sorry for the confusion here. It's possible these photos just got behind in indexing (as more people discover the feature, it's caused a bit of a slow-down as we have to re-index entire SmugMug sites).
To be clear, "No, make me an island" and "No, total lockdown" and "My name only" for site-wide Hello Smuggers all mean this:
Your photos will not show up in SmugMug's searches, browsing, maps or popular photos. It doesn't matter whether what your gallery settings are, if you have a site-wide password, etc. Your photos will not show up, period. If they have been indexed already, and they still ARE showing up, then the feature isn't working as it should and we'd love to hear about it.
Which leads to issue 2):
With the total lockdown setting, and when I am Logged In...if I perform a search using the search box near the "your photos" line at the top by entering two separate keywords, I get results, but not exactly the results I expected.
Keyword 1 has 239 hits, keyword 2 has 129 hits, as noted in the "keywords matching" setction. The combination of keywords 1 and 2 occurring together has 28 hits, as noted in the "photos matching" section, but no thumbnails or page links appear.
Am I doing something wrong?
So, I'm a bit confused. No matter what your Hello Smuggers settings are, you should have full access to keywords, etc. when you are logged in.
You get 28 results for the combination, but no photos come up? It says 28 results and doesn't give any results? That's certainly odd! Could you tell me the keyword combination so I can give it a go?
I agree, we don't have the customize gallery settings properly displayed anywhere and that needs to changed. Rest assured, I'm on the case!
OK, I think I finally understand! I definitely had no clue that the gallery-specific hello settings would do anything like that, especially since they were set the "same" as the site-wide. I think everything is working the way I want now, though I'm going to wait 24 hours just to be sure my keywords don't disappear again
You get 28 results for the combination, but no photos come up? It says 28 results and doesn't give any results? That's certainly odd! Could you tell me the keyword combination so I can give it a go?
If we don't change our "customize gallory" settings, what are the defaults for these new options? Or must we go and re-customize each gallory with the settings?
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
Sorry for the confusion here. It's possible these photos just got behind in indexing (as more people discover the feature, it's caused a bit of a slow-down as we have to re-index entire SmugMug sites).
To be clear, "No, make me an island" and "No, total lockdown" and "My name only" for site-wide Hello Smuggers all mean this:
Your photos will not show up in SmugMug's searches, browsing, maps or popular photos. It doesn't matter whether what your gallery settings are, if you have a site-wide password, etc. Your photos will not show up, period. If they have been indexed already, and they still ARE showing up, then the feature isn't working as it should and we'd love to hear about it.
So, I'm a bit confused. No matter what your Hello Smuggers settings are, you should have full access to keywords, etc. when you are logged in.
You get 28 results for the combination, but no photos come up? It says 28 results and doesn't give any results? That's certainly odd! Could you tell me the keyword combination so I can give it a go?
Closing the loop, here...this hiccup has been fixed as of the thursday nite maintenance work on the site. WORKS GREAT NOW!
It appears my SmugIsland is, indeed, an island (no Google access, no keyword access unless I decide to allow it, no Smugmug browse or Popular photos hits showing up in my stats)!
AND... I have full keyword functionality when I am logged into my site. PERFECT!
Thank you Smugmug.
I think you should soon retire this thread (before it outranks the Zenfolio thread) once and for all!
You have achieved the original objective (photos don't have to be "public", but one can still make use of the wonderfully robust keyword search functionality without exposure to uninvited lurkers).
If we don't change our "customize gallory" settings, what are the defaults for these new options? Or must we go and re-customize each gallory with the settings?
The defaults for the customize gallery settings are "yes" for Hello World and "yes" for Hello Smuggers. "Yes" means that gallery falls under the site-wide settings.
If you manually change those settings to "no", you are choosing to leave that gallery out of Google and/or SmugMug searches, regardless of what your site-wide settings are.
Closing the loop, here...this hiccup has been fixed as of the thursday nite maintenance work on the site. WORKS GREAT NOW!
It appears my SmugIsland is, indeed, an island (no Google access, no keyword access unless I decide to allow it, no Smugmug browse or Popular photos hits showing up in my stats)!
AND... I have full keyword functionality when I am logged into my site. PERFECT!
Thank you Smugmug.
I think you should soon retire this thread (before it outranks the Zenfolio thread) once and for all!
You have achieved the original objective (photos don't have to be "public", but one can still make use of the wonderfully robust keyword search functionality without exposure to uninvited lurkers).
... You have achieved the original objective (photos don't have to be "public", but one can still make use of the wonderfully robust keyword search functionality without exposure to uninvited lurkers).
Good job.
Yep, exactly what I wanted, hidden in plain sight.
No security lock down necessary for me. I didn't want to put in site wide passwords, or gallery passwords, or make the galleries hidden (private) ,nothing to hide here. I just wanted to keep the uninvited lurkers, gallery browsers, popular photo peekers, map geeks, keyword pervs, and of course google searchers from finding my pics.
If I purposely give out the link to my site, anyone (without having to "log in"), can enjoy my MapThis! with my pics, keyword searching of my pics, view my popular photos, etc.
It is like you turned off the swaying search light that was on in front of my house bringing people by... my house is still sitting there, but the drive by's have stopped!
According to my statcounter, it is working, no more hits from all over the world, from various search paths landing on my site!
Thank u smugmug
Hi there! This may very well be my first post on dgrin though I have been a lurker here almost daily for almost a year.
I've learned alot about photography in that time for the friendly people here and bought my first real (dslr) camera. hehe
I've been following this thread with much interest. I'm so very happy to see SmugIsland up and running!!
I have many many friends that I have turned on to smugmug. Most site don't allow you to share high res pics and also set up private galleries.
But the keywords were the one feature that we've had many discussions about that would make it much easier to sort thru our large family galleries.
Thank you so much for this, I hadn't used keywords in the past, do I do on my local pics folder, my family's privacy does mean the world to me.
I'm very impressed with how much you communicate with your customers and how much you listen. Its not the norm and I'm impressed with your openess throughout this process...
Thank you so much Andy, Don, Baldy and the whole smug crew!
Hi there! This may very well be my first post on dgrin though I have been a lurker here almost daily for almost a year.
I've learned alot about photography in that time for the friendly people here and bought my first real (dslr) camera. hehe
I've been following this thread with much interest. I'm so very happy to see SmugIsland up and running!!
I have many many friends that I have turned on to smugmug. Most site don't allow you to share high res pics and also set up private galleries.
But the keywords were the one feature that we've had many discussions about that would make it much easier to sort thru our large family galleries.
Thank you so much for this, I hadn't used keywords in the past, do I do on my local pics folder, my family's privacy does mean the world to me.
I'm very impressed with how much you communicate with your customers and how much you listen. Its not the norm and I'm impressed with your openess throughout this process...
Thank you so much Andy, Don, Baldy and the whole smug crew!
In case you hadn't noticed....SmugIsland's update!
Now that the dust has settled a bit, I thought you might appreciate some current feedback.
It's been several weeks since SmugIslands features went live....and although there were a couple bumpy spots immediately following the launch, I'm pleased to report that it's been working flawlessly for me, at least. My site is set for Hello World NO and Hello Smuggers "No...make me an island".
My Statcounter "hits" are almost entirely from folks I invite to my site, or folks who have it bookmarked.
The cached google pages have become little more than a memory. I tried googling known previously cached search results using captions and gallery titles this morning, and was pleased to see that google has finally lost sight of them. Same is true for googling keywords!
But I can keyword to my heart's content and successfully search using the smugmug search box (even for multiple keyword combinations) at my home page level, or drill down to gallery-specific searches, even without having to log in.
Now that the dust has settled a bit, I thought you might appreciate some current feedback.
It's been several weeks since SmugIslands features went live....and although there were a couple bumpy spots immediately following the launch, I'm pleased to report that it's been working flawlessly for me, at least. My site is set for Hello World NO and Hello Smuggers "No...make me an island".
My Statcounter "hits" are almost entirely from folks I invite to my site, or folks who have it bookmarked.
The cached google pages have become little more than a memory. I tried googling known previously cached search results using captions and gallery titles this morning, and was pleased to see that google has finally lost sight of them. Same is true for googling keywords!
But I can keyword to my heart's content and successfully search using the smugmug search box (even for multiple keyword combinations) at my home page level, or drill down to gallery-specific searches, even without having to log in.
Thanks SmugMug Team.
Thank you and everyone else in this thread for caring enough to help us identify a way to make our site better for everyone. Thanks for having the patience to understand that the development process for something like this can be a long winding road. Thanks for reporting to us that it works as advertised.
We couldn't be the kind of company we are without the kind of customers you are.
So thank you!ivar
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
OK, I may need more help.
I've set Hello World to option 2 (Homepage Only) ( and Hello Smuggers to Option 3 (only on my smugmug site). Then I send an email to a non-smugger with a link to a 'public' gallery within my site. The invitee can see the public galleries in my site and view those photo's. However, it appears they cannot search (using filename or caption words). The instructions sound like these settings should let the non-smugger invitee search.
Let me state the problem another way. I would like to have my site private, but have the ability to invite non-smuggers to the site and search within the 'not private' gallaries of the site. Can this be done? It seemed to work very briefly in one of my tests, but I can't repeat that success.
Do I have it wrong? Any help appreciated.
I have my SmugMug site set up as private and needing a password to view my "public" photos....That means no one can view my public albums unless they have the "password" I've sent them. Nothing will show up if someone searchs for my name or my SmugMug nick name,it just takes them to the SmugMug home page...
Who ever I send the URL link to has to enter the "password" I've given them and then they can view my public albums only, my private albums do not show up on my home page for them to see.
I'm no expert but I hope that helps you.
Look here for more info:
Home page: Security
Video guide: Site-wide password
If just certain galleries concern you, you'll prefer this help section.
Setting a site-wide password
You can set a site-wide password in the account settings section of your control panel. Click the passwords: change link and you'll see the page shown.
Want to give a password hint? It's an option. Your admirers will see it when they're asked for the password.
You can also allow friends and family to skip the password. Note: They will have to be logged into SmugMug for us to recognize them as your friend or family.
What it does
When a password is set:
- A lock icon appears next to your name on your home page.
- Your name, galleries, photos and keywords are removed from SmugMug's site-wide search. This can take a few minutes.
- Your admirers will be asked for the site password on your home page, category & subcategory pages, and gallery pages without passwords. If your admirers follow a link directly to a password-protected gallery, they will be asked for that gallery's password.
Q: Hold on. I wasn't asked for a password.A: You won't be if (a) you're logged in or (b) you entered it in the last week on that computer. It's to keep us from making sane people crazy by prompting for the password too often.
Q: How do I clear the password?
A: Just empty the password field.
Q: Does this foil Google?
A: Yes. Your name, bio, gallery names, etc., should not appear in Google's search unless you place them on non-SmugMug pages.
John Muir
Hello World! No
Hello Smuggers: No - make me an island
And this on my galleries:
Hello World: No
Hello Smuggers: No
I have keywords on all my photos, and everything worked fine with guests able to view and use keywords. Then I turned on a site-wide password.
Then only SOME of my keywords showed up for guests, but not all.
So I turned off the site-wide password.
Nothing changed -- most of my keywords don't work anymore.
I don't understand how the password has anything to do with it, but help@smugmug.com said this:
Well, I don't want it to be included in google or smugmug searches, but I thought that was the whole point of SmugIslands, was to allow you to create a private island that you *could* still search.
Either way, when I turned off the site-wide password, my keywords still didn't come back
If you had set your site-wide Hello Smuggers to "yes", putting a site-wide password would mean your photos were still unavailable in SmugMug searches. No-one can see your photos without first entering a password, so naturally a random searcher shouldn't be able to stumble across them on a search from www.smugmug.com .
However, if you had set your site-wide hello smuggers to any of the other settings, the site-wide password doesn't really affect a thing. It just requires a password before your visitors can see and search for your photos within your SmugMug site.
The "hello smuggers" and "hello world" settings in CUSTOMIZE GALLERY are birds of a different feather. A "yes" means they inherit your sitewide settings. A "no" means that gallery will NOT show up in Google and no visitor can search that gallery, no matter what your site-wide settings are.
It's basically a way to section off your SmugIsland and say "Sure, visitors can search my photos, but not THIS gallery's photos."
I've just started fooling around with adding in keywords, so hadn't encountered the problem to which you are responding. Your post clears up a distinction between the smugisland gallery settings and the smugisland site-wide settings that I (and, it seems, others) had not realized existed. While there is a reference to gallery settings on the smugislands help page, I think it would be helpful to elaborate on the difference a little more and, in particular, explain what gallery specific settings do. After reading your post and help pages I think I've got it, but the reference to gallery settings on the help pages was not something I paid much attention to because I was not thinking of excluding a gallery from a search once someone visited my site and got in using the password. I think it would be useful if the help pages had a specific section on gallery settings (as well as site-wide settings) explaining the effect of each choice we're given.
Just a thought.
Thanks again for getting these features in place.
Happy, because SmugIsland has been "discovered" (created, really, by the Smugmug team)! It's taking a while for me (and others, it appears) to learn the nuances. Unlike the poster in another thread who was happier before SmugIsland and other recent changes, and threatens to leave Smugmug, I come down on the "now I'll stay with Smugmug" side.
There are two bits of confusion in my mind currently, however...1st) I set my site to Hello World NO ( no google) and Hello Smuggers NO (make me and island).
As dmc pointed out...google (apparently) does seem finally to be foiled! Hurray!.
But, even with the above settings, Statcounter results from just a couple of days ago show numerous visitors to my site as a result of a "Smugmug Browse-Holidays" link showing up. I thought "Make me an island" was supposed to "protect" my island's shores from invasion (even by members of my own tribe...aka other Smuggers). For now, I've reset my Hello Smuggers setting to Total Lockdown.
Which leads to issue 2):
With the total lockdown setting, and when I am Logged In...if I perform a search using the search box near the "your photos" line at the top by entering two separate keywords, I get results, but not exactly the results I expected.
Keyword 1 has 239 hits, keyword 2 has 129 hits, as noted in the "keywords matching" setction. The combination of keywords 1 and 2 occurring together has 28 hits, as noted in the "photos matching" section, but no thumbnails or page links appear.
Am I doing something wrong?
Hi Steve
Thanks for the feedback. I agree, we don't have the customize gallery settings properly displayed anywhere and that needs to changed. Rest assured, I'm on the case!
Sorry for the confusion here. It's possible these photos just got behind in indexing (as more people discover the feature, it's caused a bit of a slow-down as we have to re-index entire SmugMug sites).
To be clear, "No, make me an island" and "No, total lockdown" and "My name only" for site-wide Hello Smuggers all mean this:
Your photos will not show up in SmugMug's searches, browsing, maps or popular photos. It doesn't matter whether what your gallery settings are, if you have a site-wide password, etc. Your photos will not show up, period. If they have been indexed already, and they still ARE showing up, then the feature isn't working as it should and we'd love to hear about it.
So, I'm a bit confused. No matter what your Hello Smuggers settings are, you should have full access to keywords, etc. when you are logged in.
You get 28 results for the combination, but no photos come up? It says 28 results and doesn't give any results? That's certainly odd! Could you tell me the keyword combination so I can give it a go?
Anne, thanks very much for clearing this up!
It's been so long since I've seen my keyword cloud that I didn't recognize it at first.
This was a bug and it should now be fixed.
Sorry about that!
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Closing the loop, here...this hiccup has been fixed as of the thursday nite maintenance work on the site. WORKS GREAT NOW!
It appears my SmugIsland is, indeed, an island (no Google access, no keyword access unless I decide to allow it, no Smugmug browse or Popular photos hits showing up in my stats)!
AND... I have full keyword functionality when I am logged into my site. PERFECT!
Thank you Smugmug.
I think you should soon retire this thread (before it outranks the Zenfolio thread) once and for all!
You have achieved the original objective (photos don't have to be "public", but one can still make use of the wonderfully robust keyword search functionality without exposure to uninvited lurkers).
Good job.
The defaults for the customize gallery settings are "yes" for Hello World and "yes" for Hello Smuggers. "Yes" means that gallery falls under the site-wide settings.
If you manually change those settings to "no", you are choosing to leave that gallery out of Google and/or SmugMug searches, regardless of what your site-wide settings are.
I hope that helps!
Thanks Papa!
We don't "retire" or close threads here - thanks!
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No security lock down necessary for me. I didn't want to put in site wide passwords, or gallery passwords, or make the galleries hidden (private) ,nothing to hide here. I just wanted to keep the uninvited lurkers, gallery browsers, popular photo peekers, map geeks, keyword pervs, and of course google searchers from finding my pics.
If I purposely give out the link to my site, anyone (without having to "log in"), can enjoy my MapThis! with my pics, keyword searching of my pics, view my popular photos, etc.
It is like you turned off the swaying search light that was on in front of my house bringing people by... my house is still sitting there, but the drive by's have stopped!
According to my statcounter, it is working, no more hits from all over the world, from various search paths landing on my site!
Thanks to Smugmug for listening...:D
Hi there! This may very well be my first post on dgrin though I have been a lurker here almost daily for almost a year.
I've learned alot about photography in that time for the friendly people here and bought my first real (dslr) camera. hehe
I've been following this thread with much interest. I'm so very happy to see SmugIsland up and running!!
I have many many friends that I have turned on to smugmug. Most site don't allow you to share high res pics and also set up private galleries.
But the keywords were the one feature that we've had many discussions about that would make it much easier to sort thru our large family galleries.
Thank you so much for this, I hadn't used keywords in the past, do I do on my local pics folder, my family's privacy does mean the world to me.
I'm very impressed with how much you communicate with your customers and how much you listen. Its not the norm and I'm impressed with your openess throughout this process...
Thank you so much Andy, Don, Baldy and the whole smug crew!
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Now that the dust has settled a bit, I thought you might appreciate some current feedback.
It's been several weeks since SmugIslands features went live....and although there were a couple bumpy spots immediately following the launch, I'm pleased to report that it's been working flawlessly for me, at least. My site is set for Hello World NO and Hello Smuggers "No...make me an island".
My Statcounter "hits" are almost entirely from folks I invite to my site, or folks who have it bookmarked.
The cached google pages have become little more than a memory. I tried googling known previously cached search results using captions and gallery titles this morning, and was pleased to see that google has finally lost sight of them. Same is true for googling keywords!
But I can keyword to my heart's content and successfully search using the smugmug search box (even for multiple keyword combinations) at my home page level, or drill down to gallery-specific searches, even without having to log in.
Thanks SmugMug Team.
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We couldn't be the kind of company we are without the kind of customers you are.
So thank you!
I agree. The new smugmug privacy features are the fulfillment of many wishes. Works great - exactly as advertised.