Smug searchable is a pull-down menu with 5 options:
2. Local (you are an island, but on your site search and browse work and you get your own keyword cloud. When you're logged in, the keyword cloud, searching, and browsing includes private and passworded galleries; when you're logged out, it doesn't include private and passworded galleries)...
I think you hit it the nail on the head with this option (#2)!
As one told me yesterday, "Why would I care if someone sees a photo of my child? I take them to the mall, I let them go to movies, I let them be seen in my neighborhood... That's where it's dangerous for them to be seen."
I hate for this thread to get off track on this opinion, but being seen here or there is not the same... if "this person" didn't mind people taking pictures of their kids at the mall, beach, then yes, I would agree that we have a difference of opinion.
But I bet most people, even "this person", would agree that they would not appreciate someone taking pictures of their kids, and to me that is the same as them searching for pictures on the internet. We just want the option to not make it easy for them.
I think you hit it the nail on the head with this option (#2)!
I hate for this thread to get off track on this opinion, but being seen here or there is not the same... if "this person" didn't mind people taking pictures of their kids at the mall, beach, then yes, I would agree that we have a difference of opinion.
But I bet most people, even "this person", would agree that they would not appreciate someone taking pictures of their kids, and to me that is the same as them searching for pictures on the internet. We just want the option to not make it easy for them.
DMC -- I agree whole heartedly. Before I installed StatCounter on my site, I was blissfully ignorant and adding photos of my daughter at age 1 - 4 to my website [photos at the beach, at home, in the tub at age 18 months w/ her 3 year old cousin, etc.] I added statcounter and found out that someone in Germany was visiting the same pictures of my daughter at the beach (at age 3 in a bathing suit) and in the tub (at age 18 months) every day. At least once a day. For a week. Until I locked all my pictures down. Did this technically injure my daughter? No. But it sure has a high "ick" factor and I find it hard to believe that there are any parents out there who would either condone or dismiss this behavior. But maybe I'm just over-protective relative to other parents.
Long way to say that I appreciate Chris and Don and co. implementing this, what was once considered impossible, feature.
Originally Posted by Baldy "Why would I care if someone sees a photo of my child? I take them to the mall, I let them go to movies, I let them be seen in my neighborhood... That's where it's dangerous for them to be seen."
That's why this thread is so fascinating to me. But hey, chalk yet another one up to SmugMug pWning customer service. I said it before and I'll say it again. SmugMug has the best customer service of any organization of any kind that I've ever encountered.
I really don't have the drive to search your site, so if you don't mind please be a pal email me any pics of your wife/daughter(s)/nieces(s) if you don't mind...ones at the mall would be fine but preferably ones at the beach or pool.
Originally Posted by Baldy "Why would I care if someone sees a photo of my child? I take them to the mall, I let them go to movies, I let them be seen in my neighborhood... That's where it's dangerous for them to be seen."
I really don't have the drive to search your site, so if you don't mind please be a pal email me any pics of your wife/daughter(s)/nieces(s) if you don't mind...ones at the mall would be fine but preferably ones at the beach or pool.
No problemo! You want the picture of my son's head coming out of my wife's vagina? I'll be happy to forward it on to you.
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
BaldyRegistered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,853moderator
edited March 9, 2007
Ugh. We've run into a problem of how to keep popular photos and maps going on your home page if you've opted out of Smug search (you've become an island). Difficult fix. If in opting for option 2 you lost the popular photos feature and maps, how big a blow would this be?
Ugh. We've run into a problem of how to keep popular photos and maps going on your home page if you've opted out of Smug search (you've become an island). Difficult fix. If in opting for option 2 you lost the popular photos feature and maps, how big a blow would this be?
not that bad... as long as keywords work it's a useable phase one for me...
hopefully you will figure out the other stuff eventually...
Ugh. We've run into a problem of how to keep popular photos and maps going on your home page if you've opted out of Smug search (you've become an island). Difficult fix. If in opting for option 2 you lost the popular photos feature and maps, how big a blow would this be?
Having keywords on that island would be a good first step. Hopefully the Dharma guys air drops popular photos and maps in due time. I'll push the button until then.
Yeah that's the general plan.well, it's possible but we can't make any promises on this bit.
How about appending a passworded gallery keyword list to the public keyword
list when password is enter? Would require separate isolated lists for each
password. Also with a site password the isolated keywords would be
Coming from someone that has no idea what they're talking about but seems logical.:D
Thisis my first contribution to thisthread...I started myown about the popular photos andthen found this thread again. Anyway, as it stands I've been looking around for a photosite forages constantly putting off doing it but this week I finally bit the bullet and decided that SM seemed to be the best product out there. With that in mind and as a new customer (okay so in 12 days when the trial runs out..) I wanted to agree with the consensus here. It is important to me that the site have a passworded, with a young daughter the idea of certain people looking at certain photos definately has an "ick factor" (as someone else stated previously...). Out of the listed options, #2 certainly seems to meet my needs (providing that by logged in it means people logged into a passworded site). As for keywords, and popular photos - I suppose if I had to choose between the two keywords wins but popular photos would be really fantastic (the family is big on rating things [and since this will be hosting all the photos] - it speaks to the group competitiveness). I just added the last part since I really don't want keywords to be fixed and then nothing else done on this project because it's "good enough" for some people.
I have really appreciated seeing this thread/feature request in action, I'm very impressed by you Smugmug folks and the way you've handled this issue. This sort of responsiveness seems very rare these days.
BaldyRegistered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,853moderator
edited March 13, 2007
Update: our two honkin' Sun servers to help power this arrived today and are being put in the racks. With a little luck, these features could come sooner than I had thought, but you never know until the last bug is fixed and we've actually tried to put it in production.
I think you've persuaded us that more customers probably care about these features than we understood. There are how many families that share photos online? It's a small percentage of the total. There's evidence that a significant percent of those who don't share fear the ick factor you mention.
I think you've persuaded us that more customers probably care about these features than we understood.
Now that's not something you read every day. I love you SmugMug, and I want to have your babies.
A few family members will be receiving gift memberships due in part to your lasting decency and vision!
There are how many families that share photos online? It's a small percentage of the total. There's evidence that a significant percent of those who don't share fear the ick factor you mention.
Evidence or not, you can rest secure in the knowledge that you're doing the right thing. Prevention is better than cure. Thank you for taking this seriously.
Ugh. We've run into a problem of how to keep popular photos and maps going on your home page if you've opted out of Smug search (you've become an island). Difficult fix. If in opting for option 2 you lost the popular photos feature and maps, how big a blow would this be?
Personally, I have NO problem losing the popular photos or the maps feature. The island you describe is starting to sound like Paradise!
Ugh. We've run into a problem of how to keep popular photos and maps going on your home page if you've opted out of Smug search (you've become an island). Difficult fix. If in opting for option 2 you lost the popular photos feature and maps, how big a blow would this be?
Not a blow at all in order to be able to keyword search everything once logged in. This really does rock.
If I understand correctly from original '5 levels of smugsearch' post we would still be able to be 'world searchable' even if we opt for suggestion 2 the smug search island approach? (obviously not for password protected galleries of course)
I don't use keywords at all and my Galleries are showing up in the SmugMug search based on title and description. I have stopped using SmugMug and will be deleting my images soon. They are only there right now to take up space that I paid for before finding out about the LACK OF PRIVACY on SmugMug. This discussion has been going on for months now with no clear solution in sight. Making the site private is not an answer nor is it a solution to the problem. There have been many good ideas sugested to the SmugMug team but no action has been taken and from what I have seen no action will be taken in the near or even distant future.
Please don't do low, med, high etc.... you will have to constantly translate what each does, etc. Have options, but be explicit...
Like this:
Allow Google to index your Account? [N] (Y/N)
Allow Smugmug's Public Search tool to access your pics? [N] (Y/N)
Allow Smugmug's Public MapThis show your pics [N] (Y/N)
My opinion regarding a photo sharing site (not photographer's selling site) is that the site be totally private by default... then as users want to share, they open it up explicitly with the above example options.... If there was a "Family Share Smugmug", the keywords, MapThis, Popular photo's, Search, Browse, would only relate to your site only, nothing to do with anybody elses pictures. People only find my site by my invitation. If a password is required (to keep lookyloos out), fine, but I don't want to loose all the cool Smugmug features.
I don't use keywords at all and my Galleries are showing up in the SmugMug search based on title and description. I have stopped using SmugMug and will be deleting my images soon. They are only there right now to take up space that I paid for before finding out about the LACK OF PRIVACY on SmugMug. This discussion has been going on for months now with no clear solution in sight. Making the site private is not an answer nor is it a solution to the problem. There have been many good ideas sugested to the SmugMug team but no action has been taken and from what I have seen no action will be taken in the near or even distant future.
Hi, ouch - I'm sorry you feel that no action is being taken. In fact, we are in the midst of testing out a whole bunch of new search/browse/privacy parameters that we think are going to satisfy the needs of all who've spoken up here. Including you These things do take time, and they will be be released only when and if everything is just perfect - and not a moment sooner. We're sorry that it takes longer than you'd like.
I don't use keywords at all and my Galleries are showing up in the SmugMug search based on title and description. I have stopped using SmugMug and will be deleting my images soon. They are only there right now to take up space that I paid for before finding out about the LACK OF PRIVACY on SmugMug. This discussion has been going on for months now with no clear solution in sight. Making the site private is not an answer nor is it a solution to the problem. There have been many good ideas sugested to the SmugMug team but no action has been taken and from what I have seen no action will be taken in the near or even distant future.
You mean other than actually ordering and installing the hardware required to make this work? It looks to me like they are actively engaged in tackling this issue and will come to a resolution quite soon. These sorts of things take time to implement, code doesn't write itself, Rome wasn't built in a day, etc.
But hey, it's not even my hot button issue.
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
Just found this thread and I have to say that I thank SmugMug for 1) listening to its customers and b) taking some action to protect the privacy and ick-resistance of our families and friends' identities (even if it's just in our precious photos).
Just another way that SmugMug is persuading me to give my credit card info after my trial ends.
Ted My Site My Gallery "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint on his knees."
BaldyRegistered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,853moderator
edited March 22, 2007
Update: Bad news first. The new Sun servers are performing but the data storage arrays we bought from them aren't, so we spent the entire week working with Sun trying to understand why. Neither we nor Sun's top geeks yet understand why we see performance bottlenecks with the disks.
If we can't get the Sun arrays to perform, we have to find other arrays that can, get them in the racks and resume testing. That's a weeks not days delay. :cry
Good news: testing is going well so we get to see these features in action on our private test servers. We just can't release them into production until performance bottlenecks are solved.
Also, we hope to take this opportunity to add some badly-needed search enhancements. Film at 11.
Update: Bad news first. The new Sun servers are performing but the data storage arrays we bought from them aren't, so we spent the entire week working with Sun trying to understand why. Neither we nor Sun's top geeks yet understand why we see performance bottlenecks with the disks.
If we can't get the Sun arrays to perform, we have to find other arrays that can, get them in the racks and resume testing. That's a weeks not days delay. :cry
Good news: testing is going well so we get to see these features in action on our private test servers. We just can't release them into production until performance bottlenecks are solved.
Also, we hope to take this opportunity to add some badly-needed search enhancements. Film at 11.
Baldy...A big thank you for the status update (even the bad news*) :cry
*Bad news is much better than no news, and much appreciated, because there's clearly action underway that will most likely lead to a positive outcome!
Update: Bad news first. The new Sun servers are performing but the data storage arrays we bought from them aren't, so we spent the entire week working with Sun trying to understand why. Neither we nor Sun's top geeks yet understand why we see performance bottlenecks with the disks.
If we can't get the Sun arrays to perform, we have to find other arrays that can, get them in the racks and resume testing. That's a weeks not days delay. :cry
Good news: testing is going well so we get to see these features in action on our private test servers. We just can't release them into production until performance bottlenecks are solved.
Also, we hope to take this opportunity to add some badly-needed search enhancements. Film at 11.
Thanks Baldy. The changes are much appreciated even if we have to wait for them a bit. Really makes me appreciate smugmug and its commitment to its customers.
I do have a couple of related questions --
1) I've got a significant number of photos to process and upload now. If I add in keywords in the processing and upload them, will those keywords work once the changes are implemented?
2) Also, in the past, I recall that there was a bug that if you entered in keywords with password-protected galleries or sites, instead of the keywords not working, the keywords worked, undercutting the password protection. Is my recollection correct that this was fixed long ago. (I just want to make sure that if I get ready for the changes by uploading photos with keywords now, I don't do anything to undercut the privacy/password-protection features I now have in place).
1) I've got a significant number of photos to process and upload now. If I add in keywords in the processing and upload them, will those keywords work once the changes are implemented?
2) Also, in the past, I recall that there was a bug that if you entered in keywords with password-protected galleries or sites, instead of the keywords not working, the keywords worked, undercutting the password protection. Is my recollection correct that this was fixed long ago.
The answers to Shiffy's questions are of interest to me as well...and since the post has drifted down a few pages, I thought it might have fallen thru the cracks. So I'm just "refreshing it" here.
The answers to Shiffy's questions are of interest to me as well...and since the post has drifted down a few pages, I thought it might have fallen thru the cracks. So I'm just "refreshing it" here.
1) I've got a significant number of photos to process and upload now. If I add in keywords in the processing and upload them, will those keywords work once the changes are implemented?
Yes indeed.
2) Also, in the past, I recall that there was a bug that if you entered in keywords with password-protected galleries or sites, instead of the keywords not working, the keywords worked, undercutting the password protection. Is my recollection correct that this was fixed long ago.
Indeed, the keywords will not undermine your privacy right now.
Update: Bad news first. The new Sun servers are performing but the data storage arrays we bought from them aren't, so we spent the entire week working with Sun trying to understand why. Neither we nor Sun's top geeks yet understand why we see performance bottlenecks with the disks.
If we can't get the Sun arrays to perform, we have to find other arrays that can, get them in the racks and resume testing. That's a weeks not days delay. :cry
Good news: testing is going well so we get to see these features in action on our private test servers. We just can't release them into production until performance bottlenecks are solved.
Also, we hope to take this opportunity to add some badly-needed search enhancements. Film at 11.
It's been three weeks what is the current status and eta for these features to go live to the users?
I hate for this thread to get off track on this opinion, but being seen here or there is not the same... if "this person" didn't mind people taking pictures of their kids at the mall, beach, then yes, I would agree that we have a difference of opinion.
But I bet most people, even "this person", would agree that they would not appreciate someone taking pictures of their kids, and to me that is the same as them searching for pictures on the internet. We just want the option to not make it easy for them.
DMC -- I agree whole heartedly. Before I installed StatCounter on my site, I was blissfully ignorant and adding photos of my daughter at age 1 - 4 to my website [photos at the beach, at home, in the tub at age 18 months w/ her 3 year old cousin, etc.] I added statcounter and found out that someone in Germany was visiting the same pictures of my daughter at the beach (at age 3 in a bathing suit) and in the tub (at age 18 months) every day. At least once a day. For a week. Until I locked all my pictures down. Did this technically injure my daughter? No. But it sure has a high "ick" factor and I find it hard to believe that there are any parents out there who would either condone or dismiss this behavior. But maybe I'm just over-protective relative to other parents.
Long way to say that I appreciate Chris and Don and co. implementing this, what was once considered impossible, feature.
"Why would I care if someone sees a photo of my child? I take them to the mall, I let them go to movies, I let them be seen in my neighborhood... That's where it's dangerous for them to be seen."
I really don't have the drive to search your site, so if you don't mind please be a pal email me any pics of your wife/daughter(s)/nieces(s) if you don't mind...ones at the mall would be fine but preferably ones at the beach or pool.
not that bad... as long as keywords work it's a useable phase one for me...
hopefully you will figure out the other stuff eventually...
Having keywords on that island would be a good first step. Hopefully the Dharma guys air drops popular photos and maps in due time. I'll push the button until then.
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list when password is enter? Would require separate isolated lists for each
password. Also with a site password the isolated keywords would be
Coming from someone that has no idea what they're talking about but seems logical.:D
My Website index | My Blog
Thisis my first contribution to thisthread...I started myown about the popular photos andthen found this thread again. Anyway, as it stands I've been looking around for a photosite forages constantly putting off doing it but this week I finally bit the bullet and decided that SM seemed to be the best product out there. With that in mind and as a new customer (okay so in 12 days when the trial runs out..) I wanted to agree with the consensus here. It is important to me that the site have a passworded, with a young daughter the idea of certain people looking at certain photos definately has an "ick factor" (as someone else stated previously...). Out of the listed options, #2 certainly seems to meet my needs (providing that by logged in it means people logged into a passworded site). As for keywords, and popular photos - I suppose if I had to choose between the two keywords wins but popular photos would be really fantastic (the family is big on rating things [and since this will be hosting all the photos] - it speaks to the group competitiveness). I just added the last part since I really don't want keywords to be fixed and then nothing else done on this project because it's "good enough" for some people.
I have really appreciated seeing this thread/feature request in action, I'm very impressed by you Smugmug folks and the way you've handled this issue. This sort of responsiveness seems very rare these days.
So that's my 2 (or 3 or 4) cents.
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I think you've persuaded us that more customers probably care about these features than we understood. There are how many families that share photos online? It's a small percentage of the total. There's evidence that a significant percent of those who don't share fear the ick factor you mention.
Good luck with the install and thanks for the update. I'll be looking forward to this feature.
Now that's not something you read every day. I love you SmugMug, and I want to have your babies.
A few family members will be receiving gift memberships due in part to your lasting decency and vision!
Evidence or not, you can rest secure in the knowledge that you're doing the right thing. Prevention is better than cure. Thank you for taking this seriously.
Personally, I have NO problem losing the popular photos or the maps feature. The island you describe is starting to sound like Paradise!
Not a blow at all in order to be able to keyword search everything once logged in. This really does rock.
If I understand correctly from original '5 levels of smugsearch' post we would still be able to be 'world searchable' even if we opt for suggestion 2 the smug search island approach? (obviously not for password protected galleries of course)
We hope you'll stay.
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But hey, it's not even my hot button issue.
Just found this thread and I have to say that I thank SmugMug for 1) listening to its customers and b) taking some action to protect the privacy and ick-resistance of our families and friends' identities (even if it's just in our precious photos).
Just another way that SmugMug is persuading me to give my credit card info after my trial ends.
My Site
My Gallery
"Satan trembles when he sees
the weakest saint on his knees."
If we can't get the Sun arrays to perform, we have to find other arrays that can, get them in the racks and resume testing. That's a weeks not days delay. :cry
Good news: testing is going well so we get to see these features in action on our private test servers. We just can't release them into production until performance bottlenecks are solved.
Also, we hope to take this opportunity to add some badly-needed search enhancements.
Baldy...A big thank you for the status update
*Bad news is much better than no news, and much appreciated, because there's clearly action underway that will most likely lead to a positive outcome!
Thanks Baldy. The changes are much appreciated even if we have to wait for them a bit. Really makes me appreciate smugmug and its commitment to its customers.
I do have a couple of related questions --
1) I've got a significant number of photos to process and upload now. If I add in keywords in the processing and upload them, will those keywords work once the changes are implemented?
2) Also, in the past, I recall that there was a bug that if you entered in keywords with password-protected galleries or sites, instead of the keywords not working, the keywords worked, undercutting the password protection. Is my recollection correct that this was fixed long ago. (I just want to make sure that if I get ready for the changes by uploading photos with keywords now, I don't do anything to undercut the privacy/password-protection features I now have in place).
Thanks again.
The answers to Shiffy's questions are of interest to me as well...and since the post has drifted down a few pages, I thought it might have fallen thru the cracks. So I'm just "refreshing it" here.
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Great. Thanks again.
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