I am afraid sunsets may be a dime a dozen, and think that it will take a real top notch one to get in the final, don't get me wrong, that is a fine sunset too!
I am going to be shooting just about every day, I think. Yesterday afternoon, I had a doctor's appt across town, so my husband and I put the dogs in the car. We took me to the appt, then I joined Costco again, bought a book and some apples, took the dogs to the vet to get Rabies shots. I had no idea I was going to have the time or the energy to take photos.
I changed cars when we got home, bill took the dogs, i went in the other car to take photos. doG, everything was wrong. The tide was so high there was nowhere for a heron (the bird I was after in the marsh, camoflaged), the pelicans were OK, but I had expected more cohesive color if that makes sense. The marsh was.........well, it was the marsh with water in it.
I have been told I can't go out on the dock at that place anymore, so there is one place left to take sunsets. I never would have done that last night, except it was close, so was I, and my car just went that way. However, there were no pelicans flying around, no boats going in and out, just the sunset. I finished it off and came home. I don't plan, haha, to use a sunset as the final shot, but it was about all I had, all my husband liked. I know I won't get anything good til next weekend when the people and birds are out. As far as a sunset, I mean. And then it won't be spectacular, except as ours are spectacular, but there is only so much foreground interest one can get in the water. Our sun sets in the west, not over the ocean, etc, etc.
I am just ranting........was disappointed last night, and not hopeful today.
Had all those photos to get off of my cards, did that, worked a few up. Loved the trees, my husband hated them............we all knew I did not have "the" shot. This is going to be difficult.
I have another appt at 11:00 this morning. That will put me out at noon. I know, I just know me well enough to know that I will head somewhere to take photos at the worst time possible. But I have to be home for the dogs, so can't stay out all day. This challenge is starting out as a challenge in all ways.
Andy, if you are there, how do you take photos in the middle of the day?
Oh, I have to get the dogs licenses so we can still go to the beach at Sullivan's Island. That will put me there with flat light. Will not be taking the dogs.......
These challenges are getting more and more difficult. I was so aware last night that I couldn't crop. Can we crop for the horizon, I forgot?
I just want to be happy with my entry, thought it would be easy, and that was god's little joke with me this week.
...the pelicans were OK, but I had expected more cohesive color if that makes sense. The marsh was...
Interesting, I love the pelican shot because it is all shades of brown/tan. There is indeed a predominate color, However the color is not saturated through the picture, the color is thoughout the detail of the shot. the greatness of that shot, and I hope to shoot something along those lines, is that the predominate color is not flat, there is great detail, contrast and depth in the shot.
now I am blabing on and on. I really like the direction the pelican shot went. Sunsets are great, but they are known for their predominate color, we expect that in a sunset, it is easyier to find that subject. I think that going beyound what we expect will be entered will be what grabs our attention.
that being said, the sunset s great, and I suspect you will get at least 14 different great sunsets by the end of this, the pelican is outside the box so to speak.
Sorry I'll shut my trap now, Ginger, you are a great photog and I find myself waiting to see what you bring to us next. :-)
Winter trees and bushes, taken from the bridge, color, tans
(there is a flaw at the bottom, I might work up another one.....I took several)
what happened to the bottom of this photo? the fuzziness???
If it wasn't for that, i'd pick this one... if only it would pop just a bit. some minor (allowable) saturation bump? I like the abstractness/simplicity of it. Just me.
Oh, Erik, I am so glad you like that photo, I love it. The fuzziness at the bottom was probably the car window. We were going over the cooper river bridges. I had it on "burst" mode, though, and I am hoping to go find one that is OK. I didn't notice the fuzziness last night. I was probably more wiped from the day than I thought. Or i did notice it when I put it up, but did say I would redo it another day. One, I wanted to see if anyone else liked it. I am glad I took more.
That island used to be full of birds, was known as bird island, but the bushes grew up, then the racoons, or whatever bird egg eaters came in, the birds left. I have lived here long enough, I remember when that island was just covered with birds at certain times of the year. I only had a short time to get the photo, but I hope I have one that is ok, i have to avoid the car window, the side mirror and the bars on the side of the bridge.
Thanks, Eric. Have to leave now, but I feel better knowing someone likes that. Will try to bump it up. That is causing me problems, too, with the no PS, don't know what I can do, though it has been spelled out. I worked those up in RAW, thank god for rAW, then USM and that was it.
Hi Ginger
I think the first photo of the pelicans looks great.
I like the second photo too, but I'm not sure that having the horizon and the bird dead center in the photo really works. Have you considered trying a different crop?
The pelicans shot is an awesome shot, but it doesn't give me the feeling of a predominant color as much as, say, the backs of a million penguins or a large herd or horses that all happen to be dapple gray. I feel pelicans are slightly too colorful!
I think it'll be really hard to make an imaginitive sunset shot since there are so many amazingly good sunset shots.
The bushes are great! I'm wondering if you could get one with more texture, maybe with more dark empty spots that make you wonder what's in there, or maybe a strange small spot of a different color, like if there was a blue jay in the middle of it all.
Hi Ginger
I think the first photo of the pelicans looks great.
I like the second photo too, but I'm not sure that having the horizon and the bird dead center in the photo really works. Have you considered trying a different crop?
I hate to break everyone's heart, but we can't crop. I have trouble focusing fast unless the subj is in the middle. Am not going back to the pelican place for a few days. they are getting testy about my hanging around all the time
Those were the most pelicans I have seen together, ever. The high tide had all the birds out of the marsh. But I am not through with them, and I will remember to try to do one "offsides". I may have one, but it is kind of weird.....just for kicks might post it.
On the trees, before I left the house I found one, checked it out, started to work it up. It has a bit of blue ocean in the top left corner. And it has a dark spot.
Sunset photos, hahaha, there is a catch there, at least with mine. We are supposed to be working with one color, mine are multi colored, usually. I can see someone coming up with this great sunset, all one color with just the punch needed, but it would not be a great winter Charleston sunset. I just do them, should stop. But then again, winter will be over and the sunsets will change from the drama we are getting now. My son said they look fake, like they came from a back lot in Hollywood.
I went somewhere different today. An ocean/harbor type place. Top of the day, geez. But I got a lot to unload. May get one out of them. Hope for more, but it was high noon. It takes me so long to upload these RAW files I dread doing it. Is there a secret I don't know. I use an uploader, sandisk.
One reason to post, at least for me, is to get a feel of what "dominant" color actually is/means. Only color, predominant color with accents, where the line is drawn is a question of mine. Andy's examples did have other colors.
I hate to break everyone's heart, but we can't crop.
Hey, wait a second. Croping is a no no, but Dodge, burn, contrast, color correction are ok?
I read no photoshop as this:
"It is ok to do what ever you could do to your image with photoshop, AS IF it were a negitive sitting on an enlarger." oh I miss the smell of the dark room!
Man I really wish I could get away from these florecent lights, just for a few hours!
Hey, wait a second. Croping is a no no, but Dodge, burn, contrast, color correction are ok?
I read no photoshop as this:
"It is ok to do what ever you could do to your image with photoshop, AS IF it were a negitive sitting on an enlarger." oh I miss the smell of the dark room!
Man I really wish I could get away from these florecent lights, just for a few hours!
Is it just me, or has it been a while since we've had the no photoshop thread? Lot of people bringing it up/confused by it this time around. We've tried to clarify this one before, but maybe we need a whole seperate sticky on it. Andy, you out there?????
Is it just me, or has it been a while since we've had the no photoshop thread? Lot of people bringing it up/confused by it this time around. We've tried to clarify this one before, but maybe we need a whole seperate sticky on it. Andy, you out there?????
Andy's gone for a day or so.. if my memory (god help us) serves me right and Sid and Path should be able to dig this out as I have to leave: You can crop very slightly just to straighten the horizon. You can sharpen and contrast brighten etc, things that get done in the camera but major photoshop like, cloning, major crop, color changes, (although tone like sepia, black and white I think is ok).. there is a thread out there from the last no photoshop challenge but I have'nt got time to look for it.. I'll look later if WX or Path does'nt clarify this confusion.
Andy's gone for a day or so.. if my memory (god help us) serves me right and Sid and Path should be able to dig this out as I have to leave: You can crop very slightly just to straighten the horizon. You can sharpen and contrast brighten etc, things that get done in the camera but major photoshop like, cloning, major crop, color changes, (although tone like sepia, black and white I think is ok).. there is a thread out there from the last no photoshop challenge but I have'nt got time to look for it.. I'll look later if WX or Path does'nt clarify this confusion.
Rutt is the one who asked the question last time re the straightening the horizon. (that is how long ago it was, but I looked in the thread and couldn't find it)
I do know that Andy said we were to compose in the camera. I know that some of the things we were allowed to do shocked me, too. Basically the things we were allowed to do were all I knew how to do at the time. Except the cloning. And I don't understand why we can't do minor cloning to get rid of a tiny spot, if we can fix horizons. Which I am pretty sure we can.
I was really surprised.
I agree that it is time to review the rules. The turnover has been tremendous since the last one. I mean in people.
I personally think that no PS should mean that we can't do anything except turn the print into a jpeg, or it becomes a matter of interpretation. And since we can do a few things, people, including me, are going to Andy and asking about every little thing.
However, now that we are doing RAW, it would not be fair to not be able to do the things we can do in RAW. Maybe that is all we should be able to do.
As it stands now, though, and it is totally up to Andy.........well some things are allowed and others aren't.
Wow! I like both! The blue in the corner of the bushes does draw your eye away from the rest of the picture which makes it a liability, though I'm not very clear rule-wise if it's a liability. I doubt it.
I wish I could get a orca picture like that! I wonder if a greater DoF would improve it? I'm thinking a wall of water in focus might be a stronger predominant color statement. With just the area around the orcas in focus, I get the feeling of a plane of water (which of course it is) which doesn't make as strong a color statement, to me anyway.
Wow! I like both! The blue in the corner of the bushes does draw your eye away from the rest of the picture which makes it a liability, though I'm not very clear rule-wise if it's a liability. I doubt it.
I wish I could get a orca picture like that! I wonder if a greater DoF would improve it? I'm thinking a wall of water in focus might be a stronger predominant color statement. With just the area around the orcas in focus, I get the feeling of a plane of water (which of course it is) which doesn't make as strong a color statement, to me anyway.
EDIT: Oops, dolphins, not orcas.
I was wondering if it would help if I darkened it. They were playing, and my CF card was full. I emptied a 512 from the other day and got that one good photo. I have never gotten two at once before. I would love to crop it. (In fact I have never gotten one that good before.) Then they left........
I was standing on a kind of bluff above them. I was actually going to the car when I saw them. They were rolling over and playing, can't get a photo of that..........then they went off. I am sure they came back.
Having greatest ascendancy, importance, influence, authority, or force. See Synonyms at dominant.
Most common or conspicuous; main or prevalent: the predominant color in a design.
Reading that I would guess that your blue is more than fitting, but then does it help or detract from the shot. It does draw us to the corner, but it fits.
I love the brown shots on page 3, you are going to get a GREAT shot, I feel it!
I like this one...just wish it had a bit more DOF.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Ginger, these are all good.
I love Mr. Pelican. I think the brown as predominate color is great.
On the trees with the touch of blue, having some blue is OK. The dominant color is what is important. It doesn't have to be ALL one color. But, in this case the blue area should be larger. Remember the rule of thirds for the composition. Looking at Andy's examples, I see that one color dominates the image, but the composition is still good.
Now then, Mr. Pelican is a good composition. It has one color that dominates. All neutrals is a great idea. And it has personality. It engages the viewer. I think it's outstanding.
I like this one...just wish it had a bit more DOF.
Me too, Fish, me too.
The weather is supposed to turn crummy. That whole area will change, and I hope my composition is as good next time. I lucked out on that today, but I need to find my DOF preview button and use it. I was using the 75-300 at F8, I thought about DOF, then I thought the f8 would carry me, and it didn't.
At least now I know it is an idea to pursue. I think I know kind of where I was. I should print the ones out that I like and take them with me, I get confusted which way to put lines, and I did these right.
Thanks, Fish, if I wake up in the AM, maybe I can go out before it turns crummy, but I think the clouds are moving in tonight, and I need sun, this was about 1 or 2 in the afternoon.
The weather is supposed to turn crummy. That whole area will change, and I hope my composition is as good next time. I lucked out on that today, but I need to find my DOF preview button and use it. I was using the 75-300 at F8, I thought about DOF, then I thought the f8 would carry me, and it didn't.
DOF preview is sometimes very hard to use on relatively slow lenses. You should be safe anywhere between f8 and f16, so just take you tripod and stop it down. As you know, it's damn near impossible to verify critical focus on the LCD screen and it's even harder in the viewfinder, imho. Something else to consider is the more perpendicular you keep your lens to the subject, the shallower your DOF can be. Don't know if that's an option for that particular area, but it's something to think about and something I try to setup on macro shots, if at all possible.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I darkened the water a bit and framed it........g
Am going to redo the abstracts. As Andy keeps pointing out, we have three weeks. So I just have to wait til the sun is out. Maybe I should use my 50mm f1.8 lens that I never think about. I was really sloppy, my problem with abstracts like that is not getting over the subject, just tilting the lens and snapping the shot. I will increase the F stop bracketing, though. After all, to duplicate it, I am still in the middle of the day. I actually read that shooting at that time of day was only good for abstracts with sand, funny.
(there is a flaw at the bottom, I might work up another one.....I took several)
I am afraid sunsets may be a dime a dozen, and think that it will take a real top notch one to get in the final, don't get me wrong, that is a fine sunset too!
SmugMug Support Hero
I changed cars when we got home, bill took the dogs, i went in the other car to take photos. doG, everything was wrong. The tide was so high there was nowhere for a heron (the bird I was after in the marsh, camoflaged), the pelicans were OK, but I had expected more cohesive color if that makes sense. The marsh was.........well, it was the marsh with water in it.
I have been told I can't go out on the dock at that place anymore, so there is one place left to take sunsets. I never would have done that last night, except it was close, so was I, and my car just went that way. However, there were no pelicans flying around, no boats going in and out, just the sunset. I finished it off and came home. I don't plan, haha, to use a sunset as the final shot, but it was about all I had, all my husband liked. I know I won't get anything good til next weekend when the people and birds are out. As far as a sunset, I mean. And then it won't be spectacular, except as ours are spectacular, but there is only so much foreground interest one can get in the water. Our sun sets in the west, not over the ocean, etc, etc.
I am just ranting........was disappointed last night, and not hopeful today.
Had all those photos to get off of my cards, did that, worked a few up. Loved the trees, my husband hated them............we all knew I did not have "the" shot. This is going to be difficult.
I have another appt at 11:00 this morning. That will put me out at noon. I know, I just know me well enough to know that I will head somewhere to take photos at the worst time possible. But I have to be home for the dogs, so can't stay out all day. This challenge is starting out as a challenge in all ways.
Andy, if you are there, how do you take photos in the middle of the day?
Oh, I have to get the dogs licenses so we can still go to the beach at Sullivan's Island. That will put me there with flat light. Will not be taking the dogs.......
These challenges are getting more and more difficult. I was so aware last night that I couldn't crop. Can we crop for the horizon, I forgot?
I just want to be happy with my entry, thought it would be easy, and that was god's little joke with me this week.
now I am blabing on and on. I really like the direction the pelican shot went. Sunsets are great, but they are known for their predominate color, we expect that in a sunset, it is easyier to find that subject. I think that going beyound what we expect will be entered will be what grabs our attention.
that being said, the sunset s great, and I suspect you will get at least 14 different great sunsets by the end of this, the pelican is outside the box so to speak.
Sorry I'll shut my trap now, Ginger, you are a great photog and I find myself waiting to see what you bring to us next. :-)
If it wasn't for that, i'd pick this one... if only it would pop just a bit. some minor (allowable) saturation bump? I like the abstractness/simplicity of it. Just me.
That island used to be full of birds, was known as bird island, but the bushes grew up, then the racoons, or whatever bird egg eaters came in, the birds left. I have lived here long enough, I remember when that island was just covered with birds at certain times of the year. I only had a short time to get the photo, but I hope I have one that is ok, i have to avoid the car window, the side mirror and the bars on the side of the bridge.
Thanks, Eric. Have to leave now, but I feel better knowing someone likes that. Will try to bump it up. That is causing me problems, too, with the no PS, don't know what I can do, though it has been spelled out. I worked those up in RAW, thank god for rAW, then USM and that was it.
I think the first photo of the pelicans looks great.
I like the second photo too, but I'm not sure that having the horizon and the bird dead center in the photo really works. Have you considered trying a different crop?
I think it'll be really hard to make an imaginitive sunset shot since there are so many amazingly good sunset shots.
The bushes are great! I'm wondering if you could get one with more texture, maybe with more dark empty spots that make you wonder what's in there, or maybe a strange small spot of a different color, like if there was a blue jay in the middle of it all.
Those were the most pelicans I have seen together, ever. The high tide had all the birds out of the marsh. But I am not through with them, and I will remember to try to do one "offsides". I may have one, but it is kind of weird.....just for kicks might post it.
On the trees, before I left the house I found one, checked it out, started to work it up. It has a bit of blue ocean in the top left corner. And it has a dark spot.
Sunset photos, hahaha, there is a catch there, at least with mine. We are supposed to be working with one color, mine are multi colored, usually. I can see someone coming up with this great sunset, all one color with just the punch needed, but it would not be a great winter Charleston sunset. I just do them, should stop. But then again, winter will be over and the sunsets will change from the drama we are getting now. My son said they look fake, like they came from a back lot in Hollywood.
I went somewhere different today. An ocean/harbor type place. Top of the day, geez. But I got a lot to unload. May get one out of them. Hope for more, but it was high noon. It takes me so long to upload these RAW files I dread doing it. Is there a secret I don't know. I use an uploader, sandisk.
One reason to post, at least for me, is to get a feel of what "dominant" color actually is/means. Only color, predominant color with accents, where the line is drawn is a question of mine. Andy's examples did have other colors.
I read no photoshop as this:
"It is ok to do what ever you could do to your image with photoshop, AS IF it were a negitive sitting on an enlarger."
Man I really wish I could get away from these florecent lights, just for a few hours!
I do know that Andy said we were to compose in the camera. I know that some of the things we were allowed to do shocked me, too. Basically the things we were allowed to do were all I knew how to do at the time. Except the cloning. And I don't understand why we can't do minor cloning to get rid of a tiny spot, if we can fix horizons. Which I am pretty sure we can.
I was really surprised.
I agree that it is time to review the rules. The turnover has been tremendous since the last one. I mean in people.
I personally think that no PS should mean that we can't do anything except turn the print into a jpeg, or it becomes a matter of interpretation. And since we can do a few things, people, including me, are going to Andy and asking about every little thing.
However, now that we are doing RAW, it would not be fair to not be able to do the things we can do in RAW. Maybe that is all we should be able to do.
As it stands now, though, and it is totally up to Andy.........well some things are allowed and others aren't.
This one is OK at the bottom, and I like it better. Predominant color is shades of brown. (I did another one and framed them both)
I wish I could get a orca picture like that! I wonder if a greater DoF would improve it? I'm thinking a wall of water in focus might be a stronger predominant color statement. With just the area around the orcas in focus, I get the feeling of a plane of water (which of course it is) which doesn't make as strong a color statement, to me anyway.
EDIT: Oops, dolphins, not orcas.
I was wondering if it would help if I darkened it. They were playing, and my CF card was full. I emptied a 512 from the other day and got that one good photo. I have never gotten two at once before. I would love to crop it. (In fact I have never gotten one that good before.) Then they left........
I was standing on a kind of bluff above them. I was actually going to the car when I saw them. They were rolling over and playing, can't get a photo of that..........then they went off. I am sure they came back.
(Yeah, aren't orcas whales, or something bigger?)
Two helicopters flying over Morris Island lighthouse.
- Having greatest ascendancy, importance, influence, authority, or force. See Synonyms at dominant.
- Most common or conspicuous; main or prevalent: the predominant color in a design.
Reading that I would guess that your blue is more than fitting, but then does it help or detract from the shot. It does draw us to the corner, but it fits.I love the brown shots on page 3, you are going to get a GREAT shot, I feel it!
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I love Mr. Pelican. I think the brown as predominate color is great.
On the trees with the touch of blue, having some blue is OK. The dominant color is what is important. It doesn't have to be ALL one color. But, in this case the blue area should be larger. Remember the rule of thirds for the composition. Looking at Andy's examples, I see that one color dominates the image, but the composition is still good.
Now then, Mr. Pelican is a good composition. It has one color that dominates. All neutrals is a great idea. And it has personality. It engages the viewer. I think it's outstanding.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
The weather is supposed to turn crummy. That whole area will change, and I hope my composition is as good next time. I lucked out on that today, but I need to find my DOF preview button and use it. I was using the 75-300 at F8, I thought about DOF, then I thought the f8 would carry me, and it didn't.
At least now I know it is an idea to pursue. I think I know kind of where I was. I should print the ones out that I like and take them with me, I get confusted which way to put lines, and I did these right.
Thanks, Fish, if I wake up in the AM, maybe I can go out before it turns crummy, but I think the clouds are moving in tonight, and I need sun, this was about 1 or 2 in the afternoon.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I darkened the water a bit and framed it........g
Am going to redo the abstracts. As Andy keeps pointing out, we have three weeks. So I just have to wait til the sun is out. Maybe I should use my 50mm f1.8 lens that I never think about. I was really sloppy, my problem with abstracts like that is not getting over the subject, just tilting the lens and snapping the shot. I will increase the F stop bracketing, though. After all, to duplicate it, I am still in the middle of the day. I actually read that shooting at that time of day was only good for abstracts with sand, funny.