I think your first pair is right on the spot. You have birghter b/g which you want to be exposed properly and you have the all-important f/g subject (a thumbstone) that does not stand a chance unless you help it. Which you did.
The second one fails to provide the correct settings. It's simply too dark overall to use the "fill flash" concept. At this point a longer exposure would be your tool of choice. Also, note that there is no primary target on the f/g. You're shooting down the alley, and flash is a poor instrument for this kind of scene, since its light falls off too quickly with distance (squared too quickly, to be precise:-).
As a reminder: fill flash is not there to be noticeable. It is there to avoid the inadequacy of the linear "all-objects-are-created-equal" light recording capabilities of the camera as opposed to the target-oriented and real-time-adaptive human eye.
What surprised me was when the Wife was looking at them, the first one she said, that is our front yard tree... then she saw the second photo and tree so I think it worked. Still not shooting art yet, but getting closer.
Here is some tree photos I took. This one is without flash
This one is with flash
What surprised me was when the Wife was looking at them, the first one she said, that is our front yard tree... then she saw the second photo and tree so I think it worked. Still not shooting art yet, but getting closer.
You have seen this place before-
1.1/6 F8 ISO 100 23mm 2nd one same but with FL50 flash - manual mode +3.0
2.1/13 F8 ISO 100 14mm 2nd same but with FL50 flash - manual mode +3.0
Not supper but it works right?
It'll do. A bit later (after sunset, I mean) and it wouldn't cut it, but you've made it :-)
Nice entries, thanks!
outdoor, daylight fill
I posted this in people, but I was thinking of this assignment today when I was shooting my son playing in the sprinkler...
EDIT: Whoops! Got ahead of myself...I took a ton with flash but this wasn't one of them! I'll replace the pic with one that did use flash in a bit!
EDIT 2: Thanks for the reminder about needing an unflashed and a flashed! I guess I was rushing to dinner and wasn't paying very good attention...sorry about that.
Here is unflashed and untouched...
ISO 200, f/5, 1/100, about 4 feet away, 50mm
Here is flashed, with some post processing (admittedly more than I would have liked, but only possible because I used flash, I believe. The light on the face was much more even and the eyes have a bit of catch-light).
ISO 200, f/5, 1/125, on-camera flash dialed down to -2... I think I could have used a bit more!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
New Curtains
I took these yesterday, wasn't actually taking them for the assignment, but turns out they work VERY well for it. We just got new curtains thanks to the in-laws visiting and helping us pick them out (we've only been in our house for a little over a month). So in an effort to show my parents who live in New York, I was taking different shots to show them.
I took these yesterday, wasn't actually taking them for the assignment, but turns out they work VERY well for it. We just got new curtains thanks to the in-laws visiting and helping us pick them out (we've only been in our house for a little over a month). So in an effort to show my parents who live in New York, I was taking different shots to show them.
Without flash:
With flash:
And another angle:
Sorry, girl, this is not a fill flash environment. No bright b/g, no large DOF... This is simply a dark scene that requires an extra lighting.
Please read the lead post again and also check the whole thread, you'll see what I mean...
Sorry, girl, this is not a fill flash environment. No bright b/g, no large DOF... This is simply a dark scene that requires an extra lighting.
Please read the lead post again and also check the whole thread, you'll see what I mean...
I consider these assignments more like technical exercises than aesthetics.
I shot these 2 pics some moments ago.
They have no interest what so ever under the aestetical point of view. They even are a photo of myself with my too serious face. May be I was too concentrated
a. Camera on a tripod. I was using the 16-35 mm. The photos were taken with CPF to get a darker a deep sky.
b. Manual mode - I went outside and read half to the scene and half to the green you see at the right. I have chosen a "pleasant" aperture: 7.1 for enough depth of field and sharpness. I set the focus to about 3 meters and switched off the auto-focus. I wanted me and the castle at the end to be focused.
c. 1.st shot - no problems. Shoot away.
d. 2. ed shot - Flash on. Power at 0
e. Photoshop - Took the 2.ed picture and melt two copies. One for the background and another for myself
That's it.
Technically I think it is well done. But I think I could even get a better picture.... Just may be.
Saturday I am going to a much different scenario: I am going to shoot sky-surf with the 20D + 1.4 multiplier + 70-200 + CPF at 200 ISO. The light will be very harsh... Please, click on the pictures for a larger view. Thank you.
I consider these assignments more like technical exercises than aesthetics.
I shot these 2 pics some moments ago.
They have no interest what so ever under the aestetical point of view. They even are a photo of myself with my too serious face. May be I was too concentrated
a. Camera on a tripod. I was using the 16-35 mm. The photos were taken with CPF to get a darker a deep sky.
b. Manual mode - I went outside and read half to the scene and half to the green you see at the right. I have chosen a "pleasant" aperture: 7.1 for enough depth of field and sharpness. I set the focus to about 3 meters and switched off the auto-focus. I wanted me and the castle at the end to be focused.
c. 1.st shot - no problems. Shoot away.
d. 2. ed shot - Flash on. Power at 0
e. Photoshop - Took the 2.ed picture and melt two copies. One for the background and another for myself
That's it.
Technically I think it is well done. But I think I could even get a better picture.... Just may be.
Saturday I am going to a much different scenario: I am going to shoot sky-surf with the 20D + 1.4 multiplier + 70-200 + CPF at 200 ISO. The light will be very harsh... Please, click on the pictures for a larger view. Thank you.
While blending two exposures in PS is often a good idea, this particular exercise is geared towards using the fill flash to take one correct shot, since IRL you often don't have a chance for a second. The non-flash version I ask for is only requested for comparison/educational purposes.
We're not looking for perfect pictures here (although the good quality is always appreciated), but for improving our techniques...
While blending two exposures in PS is often a good idea, this particular exercise is geared towards using the fill flash to take one correct shot, since IRL you often don't have a chance for a second. The non-flash version I ask for is only requested for comparison/educational purposes.
We're not looking for perfect pictures here (although the good quality is always appreciated), but for improving our techniques...
Then, here it is.
Just a little Curves and Smart Sharpness
Now it doesn't look so good. It is almost straight from the camera !
I'd say: not enough flash power Not by much, but still not enough.
Sorry Nikolai.
I don't agree ! :toni ( I had to use it some day )
Look at the first treated photo. It's good.
It is a good example of fill flash. OK OK those white spots in the window I know ...
But let me state what I think about fill flash:
The charme, the class of the use of fill flash is in using it in a so subtle way that, beeing present, it looks as it wasn't.
My pictures - those posted here - are not "class" examples. Just examples.
Shall I have time to try again tomorrow ? I don't know.
...My pictures - those posted here - are not "class" examples. Just examples...
Exactly. They are examples of the technique that is not for this class. In school, if you bring a homework that has little or nothing to do with the assignment, you won't get good grades. Please think along the same lines here. This not the place where one can go ballsitic. Simple task - simple results. For everything else there are Cool shots.
BTW, as you remember, one of the rules is moderate PP. You've broken it too.
Sorry, my friend, but you're up against a tall and thick concrete wall here, with the barbed wire on top .
Exactly. They are examples of the technique that is not for this class. In school, if you bring a homework that has little or nothing to do with the assignment, you won't get good grades. Please think along the same lines here. This not the place where one can go ballsitic. Simple task - simple results. For everything else there are Cool shots.
BTW, as you remember, one of the rules is moderate PP. You've broken it too.
Sorry, my friend, but you're up against a tall and thick concrete wall here, with the barbed wire on top .
A couple examples. These are not retouched. The following examples are shot with a Canon 30D, Canon 17-55 f2.8 EF-S lens, Canon 430 EX flash off camera & triggered with el'cheapo ebay wireless triggers. Both the camera and flash were in manual mode. Oh, and the flash was handheld by my beautiful wife!
Here, Johnny is very sad : because his flash did not go off = no fill flash.
Ok, I guess it is not really an "entry" becuase there is no "before" shot, only an "after" shot with fill flash. But I like this picture and I think it is a good example of fill flash! The fill flash was off camera to the right held by my wife and triggered using the cheap'o ebay triggers.
Details: long exposure, 30mins.... powerful flash light on the rock art for about 20 seconds or so.
EDIT: OK, rules are rules..
Temple of the Moon, no light:
Temple of the Moon, with light
Nice of you to join us!
I was almost ready to give you a good friendly:whip for breaking the rules, but you've recovered just in time.
I still think it's more "painting with light" which we didn't cover yet (and we're going to! ), but with the objects of that size and distance no flash unit is feasible.
And judging by the fun you guys had with the flash lights in Utah, I think my 18 million candles toy will be rather popular in Montana
Thanks Nikolai, got it.
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
Fill flash is very helpful in such circumstances.
The only trick is to hide its tell-tell signs
Here is some tree photos I took. This one is without flash
This one is with flash
What surprised me was when the Wife was looking at them, the first one she said, that is our front yard tree... then she saw the second photo and tree so I think it worked. Still not shooting art yet, but getting closer.
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you definitely got it right now!
You have seen this place before-
1/6 F8 ISO 100 23mm 2nd one same but with FL50 flash - manual mode +3.0
1/13 F8 ISO 100 14mm 2nd same but with FL50 flash - manual mode +3.0
Not supper but it works right?
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
It'll do. A bit later (after sunset, I mean) and it wouldn't cut it, but you've made it :-)
Nice entries, thanks!
I posted this in people, but I was thinking of this assignment today when I was shooting my son playing in the sprinkler...
EDIT: Whoops! Got ahead of myself...I took a ton with flash but this wasn't one of them! I'll replace the pic with one that did use flash in a bit!
EDIT 2: Thanks for the reminder about needing an unflashed and a flashed! I guess I was rushing to dinner and wasn't paying very good attention...sorry about that.
Here is unflashed and untouched...
ISO 200, f/5, 1/100, about 4 feet away, 50mm
Here is flashed, with some post processing (admittedly more than I would have liked, but only possible because I used flash, I believe. The light on the face was much more even and the eyes have a bit of catch-light).
ISO 200, f/5, 1/125, on-camera flash dialed down to -2... I think I could have used a bit more!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
We need a matching pair: with the flash and without it
Thanks for the reminder, Nik! I edited my previous post. Hope this one qualifies!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
I took these yesterday, wasn't actually taking them for the assignment, but turns out they work VERY well for it. We just got new curtains thanks to the in-laws visiting and helping us pick them out (we've only been in our house for a little over a month). So in an effort to show my parents who live in New York, I was taking different shots to show them.
Without flash:
With flash:
And another angle:
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
Sorry, girl, this is not a fill flash environment. No bright b/g, no large DOF... This is simply a dark scene that requires an extra lighting.
Please read the lead post again and also check the whole thread, you'll see what I mean...
Woops... sorry... will do
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
I shot these 2 pics some moments ago.
They have no interest what so ever under the aestetical point of view. They even are a photo of myself with my too serious face. May be I was too concentrated
a. Camera on a tripod. I was using the 16-35 mm. The photos were taken with CPF to get a darker a deep sky.
b. Manual mode - I went outside and read half to the scene and half to the green you see at the right. I have chosen a "pleasant" aperture: 7.1 for enough depth of field and sharpness. I set the focus to about 3 meters and switched off the auto-focus. I wanted me and the castle at the end to be focused.
c. 1.st shot - no problems. Shoot away.
d. 2. ed shot - Flash on. Power at 0
e. Photoshop - Took the 2.ed picture and melt two copies. One for the background and another for myself
That's it.
Technically I think it is well done. But I think I could even get a better picture.... Just may be.
Saturday I am going to a much different scenario: I am going to shoot sky-surf with the 20D + 1.4 multiplier + 70-200 + CPF at 200 ISO. The light will be very harsh...
While blending two exposures in PS is often a good idea, this particular exercise is geared towards using the fill flash to take one correct shot, since IRL you often don't have a chance for a second. The non-flash version I ask for is only requested for comparison/educational purposes.
We're not looking for perfect pictures here (although the good quality is always appreciated), but for improving our techniques...
Just a little Curves and Smart Sharpness
Now it doesn't look so good. It is almost straight from the camera !
I don't agree ! :toni ( I had to use it some day )
Look at the first treated photo. It's good.
It is a good example of fill flash. OK OK those white spots in the window I know ...
But let me state what I think about fill flash:
The charme, the class of the use of fill flash is in using it in a so subtle way that, beeing present, it looks as it wasn't.
My pictures - those posted here - are not "class" examples. Just examples.
Shall I have time to try again tomorrow ? I don't know.
I'll try.
Exactly. They are examples of the technique that is not for this class. In school, if you bring a homework that has little or nothing to do with the assignment, you won't get good grades. Please think along the same lines here. This not the place where one can go ballsitic. Simple task - simple results.
BTW, as you remember, one of the rules is moderate PP. You've broken it too.
Sorry, my friend, but you're up against a tall and thick concrete wall here, with the barbed wire
Here, Johnny is very sad
Now look, Johnny is much happier
Again, Johnny is not very happy because no fill flash
Ah, there we go, much better with fill flash!
Ok, these are all mistakes rather than deliberate, but they still illustrate the point!
No Fill Flash
Ok, I guess it is not really an "entry" becuase there is no "before" shot, only an "after" shot with fill flash. But I like this picture and I think it is a good example of fill flash! The fill flash was off camera to the right held by my wife and triggered using the cheap'o ebay triggers.
here's one
And an animation of a few different takes
Details: long exposure, 30mins.... powerful flash light on the rock art for about 20 seconds or so.
EDIT: OK, rules are rules..
Temple of the Moon, no light:
Temple of the Moon, with light
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Great entries, thank you very much!
Nice of you to join us!
I was almost ready to give you a good friendly:whip for breaking the rules, but you've recovered just in time.
I still think it's more "painting with light" which we didn't cover yet (and we're going to!
And judging by the fun you guys had with the flash lights in Utah, I think my 18 million candles toy will be rather popular in Montana