Great shots, Russ, especially the two terns in chase. Fantastice capture--composition, framing, exposure, focus--the works. That first one is kind of gross, though, unless you're a house finch.
As for the dogs, I agree that at least she kept hers on a leash--but it's still a bad example in a nesting area of a wildlife refuge that's posted no dogs. The last time I was at Bolsa Chica the birds were being frightened away from the tidegate area by loose dogs and kids throwing stones. Everytime I see these things now I aim my camera at the offenders and start taking pics. It makes some of them stop.
Come to think of it, #1 does seem kind of gross,
on the other hand, house finches might share the same point of view of humans breast-feeding
hmmm house finches with a point of view...interesting
on the other hand, house finches might share the same point of view of humans breast-feeding
Thanks John