#2 90 Degrees. Tried for a clear shot but missed my mark.
#3 90 Degrees again. I like the contrast of the far fence in focus against the near one blurred, for what it's worth.
#4 ...and finally, forward.
This assignment. like all the assignments, was a great motivator to get me out shooting, and creatively learning more about my equipment, but I have resolved that I don't really like to shoot out of a moving vehicle. But if the need ever arises, I now have about 75 miles of practice.
This assignment. like all the assignments, was a great motivator to get me out shooting, and creatively learning more about my equipment, but I have resolved that I don't really like to shoot out of a moving vehicle. But if the need ever arises, I now have about 75 miles of practice.
a couple oldies but goodies... yes I realize we're supposed to go out and shoot new stuff but "W". I ran across this thread and immediately thought of these two shots I took
a couple oldies but goodies... yes I realize we're supposed to go out and shoot new stuff but "W". I ran across this thread and immediately thought of these two shots I took
Well, I took this shot after I read this assignment (but not really intended for the assignment ). I hope it still counts . The story, my girlfriend and I were heading to the coast a few weeks ago and I had my new dSLR for a few days. I was just playing with the settings and had an idea. She was pretty mad when I started setting up the tripod in the front of her car.
13 sec shutter speed, F7.1, 14mm focal length (28mm on a 35mm camera)
Well, I took this shot after I read this assignment (but not really intended for the assignment ). I hope it still counts . The story, my girlfriend and I were heading to the coast a few weeks ago and I had my new dSLR for a few days. I was just playing with the settings and had an idea. She was pretty mad when I started setting up the tripod in the front of her car.
13 sec shutter speed, F7.1, 14mm focal length (28mm on a 35mm camera)
Thanks, nice motion blur!
I hope you were not steering while taking this 13 sec exposure:-)
50mm 1/20th f16 ISO100
John Muir
Horrid rain on the West Coast this day....so the speed was about 50km
Looks like a dangerous road, esp. during the rain...:hide
Howz this? I thought I would also try Shay's 10:4 ratio...
ExposureProgram - Shutter priority
ISOSpeedRatings - 100
ShutterSpeedValue - 1/20 seconds
ApertureValue - F 32.00
ExposureBiasValue - -2.00
FocalLength - 17 mm
Actually, I had been experimenting and forgot I had the EC so low...
Very cool, and I love the ratio!
I am only afraid you were driving...
-Fleetwood Mac
Playing Catch Up
These are all 'as shot', resized for smugmug
#1 90 degrees
#2 90 Degrees. Tried for a clear shot but missed my mark.
#3 90 Degrees again. I like the contrast of the far fence in focus against the near one blurred, for what it's worth.
#4 ...and finally, forward.
This assignment. like all the assignments, was a great motivator to get me out shooting, and creatively learning more about my equipment, but I have resolved that I don't really like to shoot out of a moving vehicle. But if the need ever arises, I now have about 75 miles of practice.
Thank you for your entries!
I must say, the last one is not quite straight
XTi, G9, 16-35/2.8L, 100-300USM, 70-200/4L, 19-35, 580EX II, CP-E3, 500/8 ...
DSC-R1, HFL-F32X ... ; AG-DVX100B and stuff ... (I like this 10 years old signature :^)
for your viewing pleasure and inspiration
I know I'm bustin' both of the rules, but this one came to mind...(I was all alone on the road)
Last Sept, Tetons.
"I Can't Get Away"
Thought it might spur some ideas for the members.
Look forward to participating in proper fashion later.
Nice shot, but, as you said - too many rules are broken
and one at night:
Wanna try the 90 degrees ones? ;-)
i was going to but other drivers kept giving me the crazy eye.
13 sec shutter speed, F7.1, 14mm focal length (28mm on a 35mm camera)
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
I hope you were not steering while taking this 13 sec exposure:-)
"If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use?" - Anonymous
Canyonlands at the speed of Iso (and man he drives fast):