Advanced peek: new add to cart interface

BigWebGuy has been working hard on a better interface for adding to the cart. The goals are:
- To beautify. :tuesday
- To simplify buying more products per item (upsell).
- To provide product descriptions and prices up front.
- To pave the way for providing coupons, packages, and customizable products like books & calendars.
(Don't get too excited about #4 yet! They aren't part of this release. Paving the way are the watchwords.)
- Will eventually enable the cart to handle thousands of items quickly.
- Pros will be able to see their prices and base prices together.
- You can see file numbers (not shown in this screenshot).
This is step #1, and the cart itself will be step #2. The interface for buying multiple photos at once is a later step.
Why are we showing this to you now? Because we don't want to blind-side you with changes so critical as these. Our hope is to release this piece soon, but if there are gotchas we can delay.
Gotcha: we're still working on the lower left (this photo, all photos, the size of buttons, etc.)
Screen shot below. Your thoughts.
- To beautify. :tuesday
- To simplify buying more products per item (upsell).
- To provide product descriptions and prices up front.
- To pave the way for providing coupons, packages, and customizable products like books & calendars.
(Don't get too excited about #4 yet! They aren't part of this release. Paving the way are the watchwords.)
- Will eventually enable the cart to handle thousands of items quickly.
- Pros will be able to see their prices and base prices together.
- You can see file numbers (not shown in this screenshot).
This is step #1, and the cart itself will be step #2. The interface for buying multiple photos at once is a later step.
Why are we showing this to you now? Because we don't want to blind-side you with changes so critical as these. Our hope is to release this piece soon, but if there are gotchas we can delay.
Gotcha: we're still working on the lower left (this photo, all photos, the size of buttons, etc.)
Screen shot below. Your thoughts.

Things like "Ben01" and "LEELEE" aren't real products, for example. (Ben and Lee are two of our employees who created bogus products to test things). "Common" and "Digital" aren't likely to remain as the headings for types of products, since that's confusing, etc.
Mostly what we're looking for is feedback on the layout and usability, not wording.
I'm not sure the little crop icon next to print sizes will make sense to folks who don't use photoshop on a regular basis though-- just sort of looks like a weird square with a line through it.
Otherwise, I'm all for updating and improving!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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I'd love to see what it looks like when you're buying multiple photos.
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Here's my first reaction to the UI:
- It's a massive improvement to get to specify what you want to buy right after you hit the buy icon, rather than putting a picture in the cart and then later assigning to it an actual product.
- It's awesome to be able to see prices easier (see below, I think you need to go even further on that)
- A separation of "prints", "merchandise" and "downloads" seems logical and should be clear to most customers.
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I would also think most would probably prefer to just type in a quantity.
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I get the point, but that's only an issue if you have to set it on every single image. I'd like to solve that problem first, so the one-clickness of the radio isn't as important. Also, the radio has a hard time showing the price for each finish without getting even more cluttered.
My experience has been that a given user often orders most (if not all) prints of the same type to be of the same finish. In my event photography, I see lots of orders like this: I want these 30 images in 4x6, these four in 5x7 and these two in 8x10. They always pick the same finish for the 30 4x6 images and it's a bummer if they have to manually set the finish on each image. I'm not saying that some people don't intentionally order prints in the same order with different finishes, but that it's more common to just decide which finish you like and order that way.
So ... I think that means that the best way to approach this is to allow a user to have an intelligent default (per order or per orderer) so that they don't have to constantly pick a finish on every image. Not only would it save time, make things seem simpler and improve the visual interface, but it could also cut down on mistakes where the customer forgets to specify the finish they wanted.
This is a long way of saying that I'd rather solve the problem of having to set the finish on every single image so that a drop-down isn't a burden on anyone and can make it much easier to show the price for each finish and improve the cluttered look.
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I second the idea that something needs to be done to the interface for selecting the finish.
Moreso, I would like to see a somewhat structural change in the cart itself. I hate that I have to pick the crop more than once if I decide to get the same photo more than once, just a different size (same aspect ratio) or different finish. When I choose a crop, it should apply to all prints of the same aspect ratio, or at least give me the choice to do so.
Lastly, an issue with the image above (and the current cart actually).. If you arn't going to add some sort of radio buttons or list boxes, please make sure that the finishes are in the same order for all print sizes. I've ordered the wrong finish once (and almost done it more than once) because they vary in order. Looking at the example above, for the 4x6 it goes Matte, Lustre, Gloss. For the 5x7 it goes Gloss, Matte, Lustre. For the 8x10 it goes Luster, Gloss, Matte.
In the current cart, it goes Gloss, Matte, Lustre for 4x6 and 8x10 and it goes Lustre, Matte, Gloss for 5x7 and 8x12.
Please tell me this feature is a definite! If there is ONE thing that I don't like about SM, it's that I can't see what the file name is in the shopping cart. It's been driving me crazy fulfilling customer orders (I offer a print credit to the bride and groom).
You say there's a possibility of offering books in the future? PLEASE consider what I call proof books of contact sheets spiral bound with a cover page. Mpix and Printroom offer them and I had just started offering them before I switched to SM. That would be great!
When will file names start appearing?
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Not in the shopping cart.
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I Agree... Adding the ability to see filenames IN the cart is extremly important to me also.
NOTE: You can not currently see the filenames IN the shopping cart, no matter what.
I can't WAIT to see these things implemented! I understand "paving the way", but at least it's looking sooner! This will be HUGE for me!
Thanks! Can't wait to see what's next....
Just my 2¢
BigWebGuy has been re-working some of it as a result of the feedback and I don't have a new screenshot yet, but maybe in a few days.
The multiple-finish issue is a big problem. We get tens of thousands of them. And pull-down menus are tough on performance.
One thing we've considered is dropping matte as a finish... If we got lustre prices in line with gloss, maybe it'd fly? Some pros price all their stuff in matte exclusively, however.
But what BigWebGuy is doing now is adding filters as checkboxes on top to turn off the display of finishes you don't want to see. Maybe we can default to off for matte.
How does the cart indicate what products will require cropping? And, are you talking about the current (in production) cart or the screen shot of the new cart in this thread?
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the new cart will indicate that certain products will need to be cropped by having a note that says "The photo will need to be cropped to buy this item"..or something to that effect. It hasn't been through final wordsmithing yet.
Thanks for soliciting and listening to feedback. Here is some more thinking to consider.
This is clearly a complex problem which, I think, presents an incredible opportunity for you to do it significantly better than others which should both result in more print sales and be a competitive differentiator versus other services.
The complexity of the problems comes from a full 3-way matrix of images, products/sizes and finishes. Layer on potentially different pricing for each spot in the matrix and the need to specify crop and color adjustments and it's clearly a messy problem.
One of the first approaches I try take is to find a way to make simple things simple while still offering more advanced paths for doing the more advanced things. If common, simple things get polluted by all the complexity needed to do more advance things, the interface will fail for the largest part of the population. I think a mistake that is often made in interface design is to start with the most complex case and design for accomplishing that without optimizing for the more common and simpler cases. By "keeping simple things simple", I don't mean that more advanced things should be hard, but that one shouldn't lose site of keeping simple things simple while enabling more advanced things.
There are certainly different kinds of Smugmug sites and their corresponding customers. For the non-pro users (not trying to make a living off their galleries), I see the following things that should be as simple as possible.
- Order a recommended small size print of every image in the gallery or of selected images in the gallery. In this use case, the customer should not have to find which sizes will match the aspect ratio well, should not have to know about color correction, should easily be able to see prices and should easily be able to select multiple photos for the same product.
- Order a recommended size enlargement of a particular image or of a few selected images in the gallery. In this use case, the customer should be able to easily see how much different sized enlargements cost and should be able to easily see which ones will "fit" better with the subject matter. They probably also need to be able to see how the impact of print bleed area and framing allowances might affect their enlargement or can be planned for in the order/crop since most enlargements are destined for some sort of frame.
If you try to make these two scenarios simpler, you will find that you quickly want to take the current design and make it easier and simpler to do these things:- Find a well matched size print (largely based on whether it's a 3:2, 4:3 or custom crop image)
- See prices before you hit any button labeled "buy". I still think it would be awesome to have some sort of prices pop-up in the main gallery that encourages people to explore prices without having to feel like they are making a commitment to buying something before they know the prices.
- Not have to see the entire giant matrix of products/sizes/finishes just to select a print size and see approx prices.
- Not have to see or understand true color vs. auto color. This is just extra confusion waiting for the customer to make a wrong choice and significantly complicates the interface. I'm not saying it shouldn't be offered, but it shouldn't be at the top level. Other print services put it in an "options" sub dialog where you go only for more advanced settings.
Some other things to consider.- Having the crop option present all this "crop", "crop" and "adjust" in a major spot in the primary interface just to change cropping seems like a lot of clutter. It seems like you need one button for "adjust crop" which is going to take you to a sub-dialog where more detailed choices can be offered. Reducing clutter will improve perceived simplicity. It looks like maybe you are moving in this direction in the new cart, but I don't think the crop symbol will work for the whole audience.
- Duplicate is a funny option to have in the cart. "Duplicate" is not the action the customer wants. It's a means to an end where they want to buy something different of the same image. The function should be labeled something more like the task the user is really trying to accomplish, not the means to an end. "Buy other products/sizes of this image" is the actual verb which may need to be shortened to fit in the UI well. I don't see this option at all in the new cart.
- It should be hard to accidentally leave the cart. I think it's highly desirable in ecommerce that once you get a user to the cart, you make it as easy as possible for them to complete their order and as unlikely as possible that they are taken away from the cart when they didn't intend to. For example, now when you click on a thumb in the cart, you are just taken to that gallery. That's not a bad thing in itself (so perhaps you can order more prints), but there are lots of others intentions that might lead you to click there (like trying to change the crop which is indicated in that thumb) and it seems like it shouldn't be that easy to lose sight of your cart. I can't tell what you're proposing for this in the new cart.
- In my opinion, the "quick copy" stuff at the top of the cart is generic and powerful, yet beyond the comprehension of many buyers. Buyers are task oriented, not tool oriented and you make them have to learn some tools in order to figure out how to complete their tasks. In this case, a task might be "set all or selected finishes to lustre" or "change all sizes to 5x7" or "change all color settings to auto color". If you look at what's required to "change all color settings to true color", it's a really odd design and never what you would design for that particular task. In this particular example, you have to first understand how the tool works so you know what precedent actions to take, then set one image the way you want it, then select quick copy/color from a dropdown, then select the image # you previously set, then select "all", then hit apply. Since this option is so brain-dead simple in the first place, wouldn't it be massively simpler to just offer a drop-down menu option to "set all selected items to true color" or "set all selected items to auto color". Nobody would have to learn how any tools work at all. They'd just find the task they want in the actions drop-down and pick it. Changing finish would be another simple task in this way. Mass changing sizes is a little more complicated, but could be done this way. Mass changing crops is a bit problematic without using a reference item as the source, but I'm at a loss to understand when you'd ever mass set crops anyway. I find that bulk crop settings always gets screwed up in ACR. When I want to set a whole bunch of images all the same way in ACR, I always have to remember to uncheck the crop because I never want to apply the same crop to a whole bunch of images. I've got to assume that is usually the case in the Smugmug cart too.
In my experience both with Smugmug and with other print order sites and according to the statistics that Andy cites about how low auto color returns are, it seems like the auto/true color option should be pushed out of the top level interface. It should default to auto unless the site owner has specified that it should default to true and it should only be available at a second level in the UI. As it is now, it only serves to confuse most buyers and more often than not, they probably select the wrong option because of that confusion. This would also allow pros to lock in true color if that's what they want.Also, for pros, if you combined some real user interface simplicity innovation with packages, coupons and specials, you'd have a pro package that would be hard for any of the competitors to measure up to and would likely drive even more pro sales.
Thanks for listening.
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That'll teach you
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Sweet. Is there a way for us to default that filter on in the gallery settings like we can for the auto/true? That would be great, especially when selling art prints where you don't really want to present cropping as an option to the customer.
yeah but the iPhone is sexy-cool, and you just use your fingers to make the page biggerer - works! I have made a few posts now, including this one
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OK, I've got to ask the question. We now have iPhone sightings in Smugmug Virginia (bigwebguy) and Smugmug New York (Andy) and you just know there has to be at least one (probably several) at Smugmug HQ.
So ... at the risk of contributing to the hijaacking of this thread, is there going to be an iPhone-optimized display style for Smugmug that is optimized for the screen size on the iPhone, is automatically served on that user agent and is fully tested and certified with iPhone's Safari?
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At least with the current system, setting that up is a hassle. What I have done is create some dummy galleries so I can store the price settings for each aspect ratio so I don't have to type them in for each individual photo. However with the current cart interface I finally gave up on that because the cart interface is really akward when only a few products are enabled. The wierdest one is that 8x10 and 16x20 are considered common prints, but 4x5 is in the the other prints category. The cart then defaults to 8x10 and my customers have no idea how to find the 4x5 print size. Hopefully the new interface will make that work better.
Also keep in mind those of us who only offer one finish. Any options to select a finish should be hidden in this case otherwise you might confuse the customer.
I'd rather be able to dump a finish completely. For example, I do not even make glossy or matte available for sale.
Packages packages packages.