Request to Improve Video Options
I launched my smugmug site less than one month ago in the hopes of creating a family photos and video site to share with friends and family. I quickly learned to customize my site with banners, slideshows, themes, etc and love the layout of my photo pages. I applaud smugmug and its staff for creating such a great photosharing website.
However, I recently started exploring options to add video to my site and I was sorely disappointed. MPEG1? Are you serious? I understand that MPEG1 is the most universally compatible format for PC and Mac users, but with the explosion of youtube and other videosharing sites, almost everyone has browser plug-ins that support formats with much better compression technology such as MPEG4, Flash, WMV, etc. Another huge limitation with smugmug video is the 8MB file size limit for power users. I have to chop up my videos in short segments to make them fit. Phanfare, for example, puts smugmug's video to shame by allowing videos of up to 2GB (that's 250 times larger than a smugmug video)! They also make uploading extremely simple by allowing you to upload in any format and then making a conversion to Flash so videos are more easily viewed online.
After doing some research in these forums, I found that most other smugmug users are using outside videohosting services such as youtube or google video to host videos and including an embedded link on their smugmug sites. I don't like this option for two reasons: (1) I'm paying for smugmug service as a power user, which should include video support; and (2) I don't want to put my family videos on a public site for anyone to view.
I understand that smugmug is geared much more to photos because of the large pro photographer customer base, but there is A LOT of room for improvement for video sharing. Here are my suggestions: (1) create a new account level for "power video users"; (2) allow video files in all major formats; (3) increase the maximum file size to at least 2GB; (4) provide an auto converting feature like phanfare's; and (5) if you must, increase the annual fee to cover the increased bandwidth usage.
If there are other smugmug users that would be interested in improved video, let your voice be heard!
However, I recently started exploring options to add video to my site and I was sorely disappointed. MPEG1? Are you serious? I understand that MPEG1 is the most universally compatible format for PC and Mac users, but with the explosion of youtube and other videosharing sites, almost everyone has browser plug-ins that support formats with much better compression technology such as MPEG4, Flash, WMV, etc. Another huge limitation with smugmug video is the 8MB file size limit for power users. I have to chop up my videos in short segments to make them fit. Phanfare, for example, puts smugmug's video to shame by allowing videos of up to 2GB (that's 250 times larger than a smugmug video)! They also make uploading extremely simple by allowing you to upload in any format and then making a conversion to Flash so videos are more easily viewed online.
After doing some research in these forums, I found that most other smugmug users are using outside videohosting services such as youtube or google video to host videos and including an embedded link on their smugmug sites. I don't like this option for two reasons: (1) I'm paying for smugmug service as a power user, which should include video support; and (2) I don't want to put my family videos on a public site for anyone to view.
I understand that smugmug is geared much more to photos because of the large pro photographer customer base, but there is A LOT of room for improvement for video sharing. Here are my suggestions: (1) create a new account level for "power video users"; (2) allow video files in all major formats; (3) increase the maximum file size to at least 2GB; (4) provide an auto converting feature like phanfare's; and (5) if you must, increase the annual fee to cover the increased bandwidth usage.
If there are other smugmug users that would be interested in improved video, let your voice be heard!
You CAN make google/youtube videos private and embed them here, that's what I've done so far.
Here's my post from <this old thread>, which pretty much mirrors your comments
I can't believe I missed that thread in my searches. It's really funny that you and I had such similar suggestions for improving video on smugmug. I guess great minds think alike. <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
I really don't want to switch to phanfare, but I may have to given smugmug's reluctance to address the video problem. After spending a lot of time reading through these forums, I feel like non-pro photographers like me are second class citizens on smugmug. When a pro requests any change there is an immediate and thoughtful response from smugmug reps, but non-pros are often ignored on issues that are very important to us. Am I being too sensitive or is it true?
I think it just goes back and forth between features for pros and features for non-pros. Back in early 2006, the pros felt like they were being completely ignored and then they got a raft of useful features (proof delay, custom watermarks, etc...). It sounds like they're now in the middle of developing a bunch of mostly non-pro features that we generally haven't seen yet (smugislands, new cart, new slideshow, improved dynamic layout, XL sizes and a bunch we don't know about, etc...).
They haven't really said what they intend to do with video. I personallly think they're in a bad spot with video where they have old and lousy video support while the standards for video have moved a lot at other sites and it has gotten a lot more popular on the web. It seems to me that they either have to get current with tools and formats or announce that they're going to partner with some other sites that make their living hosting videos so that regular users (without custom HTML coding and without having to do video format conversion) could put videos in their Smugmug pages.
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But I see that maybe the perception is the opposite, is that true? We try very, very hard to respond to every post and request - it's possible that some have been missed? If you can point me to some, let me know please.
As to video: well, yes - photos are our focus. We'd love to support more formats, it's been on our list for some time, but other, more important (driven by all types of customers) features and development has always taken precedence.
I hope this helps.
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Also, I would gladly pay more for the service since it takes so much more harddisk space.
Which raises my question what people really want. With image, the original image is stored at full resolution with smug mug. So SM is not just a photo sharing place but also a storage and if necessary a recovery (backup) place for photos. For SM to live up to its photo standards they would not just be able to host a flash version of the video (much like youtube) but also the HD (high definition) version of it. I guess that could be a niche market but are people ready to pay for this?
It's pretty easy to add YouTube and GoogleVideo movies to your page. Why do you say that is now a pain? I haven't added movies in a while, has something changed?
Could you briefly let me know how to do this?
Next, we're going to embed that video into the description of a gallery. Back on your smugmug page, you can create a new gallery and then edit the description and paste the embed link you copied above into the gallery description between <html> and </html>.
If you want to add more than one video, you can insert a horizontal line and just copy another video link.
Here's one of my galleries with videos. These are from Google Video, but it works the same.
My description for this gallery looks something like this:
<h3>Ben - December 2006 <font color=red>NEW!</font></h3>
<embed style="width:800px; height:477px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars="">
<h3>Ben - October 2006 <font color=red>NEW!</font></h3>
<embed style="width:800px; height:477px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars="">
<h3>Ben - September 2006 <font color=red> </font></h3>
<embed style="width:800px; height:477px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="">
I've just used horizontal rules <hr> between the videos and used heading 3 for the titles.
There are some extra hacks you can use to hide the images, but I never got around to doing that for this gallery. If you look in the customization FAQ for how to do an HTML gallery, it will tell you. That's all we're doing here, just an HTML gallery that happens to have videos embedded.
Why not make a simple UI, Add Video, and allow users to paste the URL youtube provides for embedding? And then, smugmug would know how to add a video for each page, like a normal album instead of showing up all in one page?
I guess is it a little bit of a nuisance. The UI integration you mention is not something I had considered, but I agree that would be a very cool feature. If they're not gonna support hosting the files, at least make it a little easier to integrate third-party.
Thank you, scott! I will try it right away! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and time.
or from a link in this gallery
Caroline - Follow me on G+
Web hosting is cheap. Go get a host, upload your HD vids, show them off, store them, whatever you want but don't expect SM to become a video hosting site. Besides video isn't profitable for them. It doesn't sell and takes up much more space. The math isn't complicated here. SM is driven by their rake from photo sales. Video hosting makes their money from advertising.
regular site
smug site
Perhaps my title should be a question???, rather than a delcarative statement!!!
Nevertheless, I'm a first-timer when it comes to uploading video to smugmug. While I "hear" all the controversy over this ("outdated technology", "smugmug should not be a video hosting site", etc), I would like to add this commentary to the dialogue:
I subscribed to Smugmug primarily because I wanted to have a secure place to store and organize my pictorial archives for my legacy for all time. The bit of Smugmug functionality that most caught my attention was the ability to keyword my collection for easy searching (for me, and for my heirs)
"Gorgeous galleries", file sizes up to 8 Gazillion Mega Bites, etc. are all very nice (and certainly vital to the pros), but lower image resolution (most of mine are 4 Megapixel images and less than 2 MB) are entirely satisfactory for my purposes and, I believe, for most of my "non-professional" (read sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, parents, etc) viewers. My first 10 second video clips (SmugMug MPEG-1 quality) got "rave reviews" from this crowd, and the file size for each clip was way smaller than for my average still-photo files.
The point I'm trying to make is that I'd like Smugmug to be my SINGLE source repository...and I'd like it to be convenient for me and my family (heirs) to find anything of mine (pictorially) they'd like to see...24x7...for now, forever. The ability to search it all at once with a keyword or two makes this very appealing.
Storing still photos "hither" (SmugMug), video clips "thither" (U-Tube), photobook collections "yon" (God-Knows-Where) is technologically feasible, but just doesn't excite me like having everything in one place.
I'll survive, for a while at least... and so will my family, whatever it's not the end of the world if I don't get this wish. I'd just like it simple (elegant is fine), functional (nice mix of good stills and decent quality video), and secure (thank you SmugIslands!).
It must be a huge source of challenging frustration for the Smugmug team to continually be pulled in different directions by those of us who do not sell pictures for a living (in case you hadn't figured it out by now...I do not), and those of us who do.
here's my video page...
Hi Anthony
I had never noticed the videos on your site before though I often take a look because you have such great pics and have created such a great site with Smugmug
As a result of this thread, and as an experiment, I uploaded a video to google and made this gallery :-
When viewing the video it plays in the Smugmug gallery, not going to the google page - I'm wondering if it is by design that your videos play in the youtube interface (sorry if I'm getting the terminology wrong here) or is that the way it has to work ?
Does Youtube have features that made you choose it over google for video?
I would be reallly interested in any other comments/suggestions you have in this respect.
Caroline - Follow me on G+
My video will play on you tube if you double-click the screen. It's abuilt in link that I can not seems to get rid of. I only chose Youtube because it was suggested here. Knowing that the google screen can not redirect the user like this I might be changing over to them real soon...
by the way, can you share the code you had to use to embed your storm clip... I'd like to play around to see if I can use it inthe same way I have the youtube set up...
Here it is:-
<html><embed style="width:400px;height:326px;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" id="VideoPlayback" align="middle" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" scale="noScale" salign="TL" FlashVars="playerMode=embedded"></embed></html> - Follow me on G+
I loaded a video awhile back you google... I guess I forgot... but now I can not figure out how to get the code to embed it... help...
Assuming you can find your video on Google ?:D and can view it - on the RH side there is this :-
Is that what you meant ?
Caroline - Follow me on G+
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got it thanks... I switched my vids over to Google... better image quality (atleast it seems to me to be beeter) and no direct link to their site emebbed in the vid screen...
thanks for the info
This is a massive expectation of Smugmug, and also places great responsibility on their shoulders - my parents and grandparents left their treasures behind carefully wrapped in boxes and envelopes, labelled in shaky handwriting 'for Caroline' etc. now our photographs are the equivalent of those treasures and as you say papajay we need to preserve them for the future. Maybe this could be another USP for the Smugmug product ? Can there really be any such guarantee for the future ?
Caroline - Follow me on G+
The videos look really good now, glad to help. - Follow me on G+