Surely you jest, you, the creator of the baby sitting in the garden soil photo, that to this day still thrills when I see it plastered on the top banner?
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie! i'm so glad you liked it, coming from a master of portraits, this is humbling indeed. I really thought I was completely out of the running as it didn't seem to say "sedate" to very many....but I won't lie, I am so excited to finally make a cut!
Thanks Shay for all the hard work you do in this contest! clap
Pure magic that shot! I stop and look every time.
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
100 - sherstone - Aftermath
Very cool concept. It kinda works for me on an explosive level, and a little on the sedate level. But they don't tip one way or the other for me. But way cool!
Thanks Shay - I pretty much knew going in that this image was more metaphorical than explicit in theme conformity but regardless I liked the image too much not to give it a try.
An interesting concept, and there's certainly an eye for composition here with the way the spent matches have been arranged, I like the image but it didn't make my top ten.
Thanks Charlie, I am not alt all surprised that this image didnt make your top 10 as it is pretty obscure when it comes to explosive and or sedate.
I am quite pleased that it caught your eye though.
Thanks Aaron I appreciate your comments even after 100 of them have been typed
And thank you to all the other judges and behind the scenes people that work very hard to bring us not only a great venue but to bring us great insights into what we all see.
Thanks Judges
50 - Swartzy - Firery Frenzy (By Shay Stevens)
Explosive for sure, but needs more context for me. It could illustrate an encyclopedia entry, but it would have trouble standing on it's own in an art context.
I knew this wasn't a wow shot by any stretch of the imagination. Life has been difficult here lately but wanted to enter something. It did fit the theme as you said but knew there was no way it would keep the viewer's attention. I thought it was cool because it was explosive...but nothing more. Attempting to hit a home run at every at bat isn't realistic but this time around there will be some serious effort put forth. I appreciate the time you all take to make comments. Never fear.....I'll be back and give them all a run for the money
Shay, I can't tell you how much it means to me to get such wonderful feedback from you! Thank you so much. I'm floored beyond belief. This photo means a lot to me and makes me feel so much and I knew there was no way, after most of the responses, that I would make it into the top 10. But making it on *yours* was wonderful!
Love the Chance to Learn
"112 - menebo - Anticipation
I would normally warn of potential energy, however, the anticipatory face give the shot an explosive feel for me. A bit too much studio for my taste, the subject farther from the background would help it go black and not sure what to say about the reflections in the balloon other than moving or not using the umbrella. And the holder of the arrow should be wearing dark clothes or be behind a dark screen. But those are technical nitpicks of a fun and emotional photo."
I am very new at using lights and so 'untechnical' it isn't funny. (I know how I want my pictuers to look but I'm very sketchy on the shutterspeed/aperture stuff!.) I will try all of your suggestions.
Thanks also to the encouraging words from all the others who critiqued pictures. That's what makes all the hard work worth it!
I'm so used to taking portraits for my clients that I have really enjoyed waking up my creativity with all of these contests.
After allowing the good news to sink in for 24hrs, I just have to say that it is an honor and a privilege to see that Big Bang Redux was selected into the top 10.
A big thank you to those of you (judges and participants alike) who have taken the time and made the considerable effort to comment on the entries. Your efforts are well appreciated.
Surely you jest, you, the creator of the baby sitting in the garden soil photo, that to this day still thrills when I see it plastered on the top banner?
Ewwww! as they say, good fun but not on theme for me.
It’s pretty obvious what the slugs were up to, but I can asure you that when I took that picture they could not have been any more relaxed, calm and tranquil looking. They were probably having a break.
Thank you all for the feedback on my photo (Efferevescent #57) Shey, I am going to try to warm it up, I usually warm up most of my photos of my daughter because of her pale skin tone.... but I also tried it in black and white (yesterday) and love the results... it looks more unexpected in bw (to me)... anyway, I had a great time participating in my first round, and will come back again sometime, not sure if it will be with #9 as it is a head scratcher for me....
39 - Dalantech - She let me get close...
The detail on those eyes are amazing. But the closeness I think is working against a sedate feel, it looks too energetic to me.
Thanks for the feedback Shay -most appreciated! :cool
I looked at the raw file and my preset white balance settings available. Incandescent is not one of them.
Tungston created the following
I do not know if it is any better, but it is different.
An incandescent bulb is any bulb that emits light by heating something - nowadays usually a tungsten filament. Used to be carbon filaments in Edison's day. Fluorescent bulbs work by stimulating molecules with electricity. The movement (not heat) causes the molecules to throw off electrons, creating light. I'm sure, Google or Wikipedia could give you far more technical answers.
While not technically correct, people use tungsten and incandescent interchangably. Of course, there is halogen ...
"Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to. Oh well."
-Fleetwood Mac
27 - LiquidAir - Pop
Love the single eye peek, but all you have here is potential energy, so not enough to speak explosive for me.
I have to say, this wasn't on the list of critiques I expected on this photo. In my typical use of the word, explosive is how I describe something that could explode. Exploding is how I describe something that is actively exploding. I was deliberately trying to stay on the straight and narrow of the theme with this shot so your comment comes as something of a surprise. Am I being too nuanced on the theme here? Are you telling me that I have to show the explosion to convince you that the situation was explosive? Or is it that the threat implied by the shot is not convincing enough?
Here is a wider crop of the same shot:
Is the real problem that I cropped away too much of my story?
Edit: Aaron gave this feedback which seems similar in spirit
I wasn't a judge, but...
I put your photo in my top 10 because I saw the word explosive as an adjective describing something with the imminent threat to explode or in the process of exploding. I like your original crop the best. That intense color of red balloon filling up the screen with the mischievous little eye telling me he "was going to explode this balloon no matter what you say" created a sense of drama and tension for me.
Well done! Thanks for sharing your art with us!
"Just because no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist."
I put your photo in my top 10 because I saw the word explosive as an adjective describing something with the imminent threat to explode or in the process of exploding. I like your original crop the best. That intense color of red balloon filling up the screen with the mischievous little eye telling me he "was going to explode this balloon no matter what you say" created a sense of drama and tension for me.
Well done! Thanks for sharing your art with us!
Thank you. When I planned this shot I knew I was setting myself up for a tough task by trying to communicate intent rather than action. I picked this particular idea (like most of my LPS entries) as a personal challenge to stretch my skills and I consider successfullly selling my message to be a personal win even if I don't fare well in the judging (thank you Charlie for your comments and my 2 points). I am very proud of the positive feedback I have gotten in this thread and through PMs. I consider getting that message across to be a major accomplishment both for me as a photographer and, of course, for my 3 1/2 year old model Lewis.
........thanks to everyone who critiqued all the enteries! It still amazes me the time and effort y'all put into the feed back....we'all really appreciate it! clap
LiqAir, I just got to this, sorry to bring it up late like this. Yes, I felt the crop was a little tight. The theme though was good I thought. A great photo, but maybe just a little more expression from the babies eyes? Maybe thats what didn't give it enough credibility on the explosion subject. He looks alittle more posed. [again, this is not to be too critical, just some thoughts answering your questions.] Nicely done really.
Is the real problem that I cropped away too much of my story?
Edit: Aaron gave this feedback which seems similar in spirit
There does seem to be more variety in the interpretation of this theme than I expected. Ah, well. What can you do? [/quote]
LiqAir, I just got to this, sorry to bring it up late like this. Yes, I felt the crop was a little tight. The theme though was good I thought. A great photo, but maybe just a little more expression from the babies eyes? Maybe thats what didn't give it enough credibility on the explosion subject. He looks alittle more posed. [again, this is not to be too critical, just some thoughts answering your questions.]
I agree which I guess I worded incorrectly. In this challenge there were several repeated ideas and the other balloon shot had more feeling of possible explosion. Your photo is very nice but looks more posed than a child really attempting to pop the balloon.
You took a great picture- there is no denying that, so you should be happy about that and just understand the rest is the judges personal impression or tastes.
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
I agree which I guess I worded incorrectly. In this challenge there were several repeated ideas and the other balloon shot had more feeling of possible explosion. Your photo is very nice but looks more posed than a child really attempting to pop the balloon.
You took a great picture- there is no denying that, so you should be happy about that and just understand the rest is the judges personal impression or tastes.
IMO, the set of entries we had this round were far and away the best so far in the competition, so I don't feel bad at all about not making the top 10.
Your critique that the shot looks posed is an interesting and useful one. The reality of it was while set up the light and took pictures, Lewis' mom handed over the balloon and asked him to squeeze it until it popped. Lewis really took that idea and ran with it on his own while I did my best to caputure the wrestling match. Whether that is posed or not is really irrelevant; if the final image looks posed I can definitely see how it loses its impact.
Surely you jest, you, the creator of the baby sitting in the garden soil photo, that to this day still thrills when I see it plastered on the top banner?
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Pure magic that shot! I stop and look every time.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Thanks Shay - I pretty much knew going in that this image was more metaphorical than explicit in theme conformity but regardless I liked the image too much not to give it a try.
Thanks Charlie, I am not alt all surprised that this image didnt make your top 10 as it is pretty obscure when it comes to explosive and or sedate.
I am quite pleased that it caught your eye though.
Thanks Aaron I appreciate your comments even after 100 of them have been typed
And thank you to all the other judges and behind the scenes people that work very hard to bring us not only a great venue but to bring us great insights into what we all see.
50 - Swartzy - Firery Frenzy (By Shay Stevens)
Explosive for sure, but needs more context for me. It could illustrate an encyclopedia entry, but it would have trouble standing on it's own in an art context.
I knew this wasn't a wow shot by any stretch of the imagination. Life has been difficult here lately but wanted to enter something. It did fit the theme as you said but knew there was no way it would keep the viewer's attention. I thought it was cool because it was explosive...but nothing more. Attempting to hit a home run at every at bat isn't realistic but this time around there will be some serious effort put forth. I appreciate the time you all take to make comments. Never fear.....I'll be back and give them all a run for the money
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
Shay, I can't tell you how much it means to me to get such wonderful feedback from you! Thank you so much. I'm floored beyond belief. This photo means a lot to me and makes me feel so much and I knew there was no way, after most of the responses, that I would make it into the top 10. But making it on *yours* was wonderful!
Thanks again for your feedback!
"112 - menebo - Anticipation
I would normally warn of potential energy, however, the anticipatory face give the shot an explosive feel for me. A bit too much studio for my taste, the subject farther from the background would help it go black and not sure what to say about the reflections in the balloon other than moving or not using the umbrella. And the holder of the arrow should be wearing dark clothes or be behind a dark screen. But those are technical nitpicks of a fun and emotional photo."
I am very new at using lights and so 'untechnical' it isn't funny. (I know how I want my pictuers to look but I'm very sketchy on the shutterspeed/aperture stuff!.) I will try all of your suggestions.
Thanks also to the encouraging words from all the others who critiqued pictures. That's what makes all the hard work worth it!
I'm so used to taking portraits for my clients that I have really enjoyed waking up my creativity with all of these contests.
A big thank you to those of you (judges and participants alike) who have taken the time and made the considerable effort to comment on the entries. Your efforts are well appreciated.
It’s pretty obvious what the slugs were up to, but I can asure you that when I took that picture they could not have been any more relaxed, calm and tranquil looking. They were probably having a break.
Thanks for the feedback Shay -most appreciated! :cool
Since you like eyes
Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.
I looked at the raw file and my preset white balance settings available. Incandescent is not one of them.
Tungston created the following
I do not know if it is any better, but it is different.
An incandescent bulb is any bulb that emits light by heating something - nowadays usually a tungsten filament. Used to be carbon filaments in Edison's day. Fluorescent bulbs work by stimulating molecules with electricity. The movement (not heat) causes the molecules to throw off electrons, creating light. I'm sure, Google or Wikipedia could give you far more technical answers.
While not technically correct, people use tungsten and incandescent interchangably. Of course, there is halogen ...
-Fleetwood Mac
I have to say, this wasn't on the list of critiques I expected on this photo. In my typical use of the word, explosive is how I describe something that could explode. Exploding is how I describe something that is actively exploding. I was deliberately trying to stay on the straight and narrow of the theme with this shot so your comment comes as something of a surprise. Am I being too nuanced on the theme here? Are you telling me that I have to show the explosion to convince you that the situation was explosive? Or is it that the threat implied by the shot is not convincing enough?
Here is a wider crop of the same shot:
Is the real problem that I cropped away too much of my story?
Edit: Aaron gave this feedback which seems similar in spirit There does seem to be more variety in the interpretation of this theme than I expected. Ah, well. What can you do?
I put your photo in my top 10 because I saw the word explosive as an adjective describing something with the imminent threat to explode or in the process of exploding. I like your original crop the best. That intense color of red balloon filling up the screen with the mischievous little eye telling me he "was going to explode this balloon no matter what you say" created a sense of drama and tension for me.
Well done! Thanks for sharing your art with us!
Thank you. When I planned this shot I knew I was setting myself up for a tough task by trying to communicate intent rather than action. I picked this particular idea (like most of my LPS entries) as a personal challenge to stretch my skills and I consider successfullly selling my message to be a personal win even if I don't fare well in the judging (thank you Charlie for your comments and my 2 points). I am very proud of the positive feedback I have gotten in this thread and through PMs. I consider getting that message across to be a major accomplishment both for me as a photographer and, of course, for my 3 1/2 year old model Lewis.
Is the real problem that I cropped away too much of my story?
Edit: Aaron gave this feedback which seems similar in spirit
There does seem to be more variety in the interpretation of this theme than I expected. Ah, well. What can you do?
I agree which I guess I worded incorrectly. In this challenge there were several repeated ideas and the other balloon shot had more feeling of possible explosion. Your photo is very nice but looks more posed than a child really attempting to pop the balloon.
You took a great picture- there is no denying that, so you should be happy about that and just understand the rest is the judges personal impression or tastes.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
IMO, the set of entries we had this round were far and away the best so far in the competition, so I don't feel bad at all about not making the top 10.
Your critique that the shot looks posed is an interesting and useful one. The reality of it was while set up the light and took pictures, Lewis' mom handed over the balloon and asked him to squeeze it until it popped. Lewis really took that idea and ran with it on his own while I did my best to caputure the wrestling match. Whether that is posed or not is really irrelevant; if the final image looks posed I can definitely see how it loses its impact.