How are you all fairing?

GreensquaredGreensquared Registered Users Posts: 2,115 Major grins
edited July 27, 2007 in The Dgrin Challenges
I've been watching the LPS threads daily, as is my habit, and I find it so interesting as to who posts, when and what. I get a feeling that many of us are on the same page, or in varying stages of the same emotional process. Each round leads to ups and downs, feelings of confidence and/or defeat. It seems so quiet out there lately, with the exception of a few good debates. Many of us who used to post for opinions, now do not. Personally, I've found that it skews how I feel about my own images. In fact, there are many who don't seem to post at all any more. There are lots of new and enthusiastic players, which I heartily welcome (I am still fairly new myself), but I miss seeing the rest of you out there. Not just your images, but your input and opinions. That's what makes this forum totally unique. It goes deeper, adding personalities to the awesome photography.

It is my hope that you all are just too busy with life, making tons of great images, and hopefully making more money than you're spending on new accessories! I'd love to hear what this forum means to you. Is it a moderately entertaining pasttime, your main contact with the outside world, your means of inspiration, or are you just in it for the cash?

Psalm 62:5-6



  • dlscott56dlscott56 Registered Users Posts: 1,324 Major grins
    edited July 21, 2007
    Hi Greensquared,

    Personally I love being a small part of DGrin. I find myself interested in different topics within it at different times. I don't have time to be active in every one of the forums all at once. Sometimes I'm taking photos for Nik's assignments, or coming up with something I'd like critiqued another day, or just reading about the interesting experiences others have had. No matter what, I seem to learn something every day about photography. Wish I was good enough, and ambitious enough, to have an entry for every LPS round but, so far, haven't been up to that challenge. I'll keep trying though.

    Just love being here sharing with others that have a similar interest in photography.
  • indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
    edited July 22, 2007
    I decided not to ask for feedback this round just to see what it's like. It helped I had a solid idea and was able to execute it fairly easily.

    I love seeing the discussions and feedback threads. I do miss the more lively atmosphere. I'm also interested in seeing how many participants we get on the last day!

  • jkenziejkenzie Registered Users Posts: 22 Big grins
    edited July 22, 2007
    Hi Emily,
    I find myself asking for input when I don't have something I truly like. Ultimately, most of us shoot for ourselves, it's just a bonus when someone else likes our work. That's how I am anyway.
    I'm even newer than you to all this, I've only had a DSLR for less than three months.
    I check the forums everyday in hopes of learning something new. A great bunch people here and a wealth of information.
    I know that most of my shots still fall into the snapshot category, but that that dosen't stop me from entering each challenge. I guess because it is a challenge for me to get out there and find an image to fit a specific theme in my limited time each week.
    I'm a General Contractor by trade so my time is very limited. Photography for me has always been joy, but also a victim of my career. I'm trying to rectify that.

  • TentacionTentacion Registered Users Posts: 940 Major grins
    edited July 22, 2007
    Hi Emily

    I have been a bit busy IRL lately, and needless to say life is more chaotic than usual, have done a few photo shoots, but it is my real job that has kept me busy, being in aviation we have deadlines to get certain manuals revised with new criteria for FAA approval, and as I often sing..."I owe, I owe, so it is off to work I go"...Laughing.gif

    I find these days, that I have been visiting DGRIN much more than all the other sites I'm currently involved in, I think this is largely due to the fact that I require Mental Stimulation and Dgrin gives me that. I am not one for drama, idle gossip, and/or needless jealousies, which is what I see going on in a lot of other sites and their message boards, and as I say...Leave the Drama for Your Mama, the net is my escape from the BIG BS in the Real World, I come here to banter, have good discussions, and if per chance I make a few "friends" I am cool with that too.

    I really like the mental stimulation that I get here in this forum, and it's members. Although, at times I'm a little hesitant to comment, as the written words on a page can be interpreted many different ways to different people, but it is good that people in the end can laugh and move on.

    I don't think I have ever posted a photo here for constructive critique, maybe I will soon, I do enjoy viewing others concepts on photography, ideas, and viewpoints.

    Have a Great Night, (and yes I'm hyperactive and this is the reason I am still AWAKE at 230 am...Laughing.gif)

    GOOD LUCK to all, there are some really FABULOUS ENTRIES posted!!

    You're only as good as your next photo....
    One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
  • VisualXpressionsVisualXpressions Registered Users Posts: 860 Major grins
    edited July 22, 2007
    moderately entertaining pasttime, and the cash, definately the cash...rolleyes1.gif

  • SaltForkSaltFork Registered Users Posts: 98 Big grins
    edited July 22, 2007
    What does this forum mean to me?
    It's not about the cash - never was. For me this forum has been about a little mental stimulation, photographic inspiration and plain old fashioned fun. But, it's turned into something more . . .

    Here's the thing: It's become another great way for me to connect with my kids. We are on an extended vacation in the mountains of Idaho and Wyoming and sometimes it's a little difficult to keep my 12 and 14-yr-old engaged when they think they are missing something back home. The LPS themes have become a stimulating new area of conversation for us. We've brainstormed ideas and we've debated the merits of some of the other entries. We've even planned out some of their ideas for "shoots." It's turned into a lot of fun for us. They're as anxious to see who wins as I am.

    For LPS 8 I entered a shot of my feet at the "End of the Trail," with the Wyoming-side of the Teton range in the background. For LPS 9 I've entered another shot of my feet - never meant for it to be a foot thing - enjoying the freedom that can only come with a Jeep in the mountains. This time I'm on the Idaho side of the Tetons looking across Teton Valley.

    The LPS contest has been something to enjoy with my kids and it has helped me to discover a little more about myself. It turns out that even though my kids have lots of good ideas about Freedom and Oppression, the photo that I entered was more about me and what Freedom means to me at this point in my life.

    Enjoying Idaho and LPS....

  • Scotty_RScotty_R Registered Users Posts: 108 Major grins
    edited July 22, 2007
    Dgrin is an important part of my day. It helps me unwind and I learn much from the discussions. The images inspire me and help me improve my own work. Unfortunately, I'm working about 60 to 70 hours a week these days and I have little time for anything but work, a couple hours of time with my family in the evening and sleep. When I do have the time I remember the tips I've read about and try to put them to good use. One day soon I'll work less and shoot more. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my time here and look forward to learning from the collective experience.
  • Pat664422Pat664422 Registered Users Posts: 225 Major grins
    edited July 22, 2007
    I have had my only dslr for about three months now and I enjoy any excuse to use it. I also like participating in contests... it gives me one more thing to get excited about, although I try not to let my hopes/expectations get carried away. It's also been very educational. The creativity and wonderful composition I have seen in the other entries has really floored me at times.

    Being a computer programmer, I need help stimulating the artistic side of the mind. My job sometimes allows for creative approaches to problem solving, but capturing an image that conveys concepts like freedom or oppression to other people is definitely a new type of challenge for me.

    For the Explosive/Sedate challenge, I felt like I had an idea that really fit the theme well so I just entered it without getting feedback first. For this one, I've found it much more difficult so I sought the opinions of the members of this forum and they helped immensely. If I'm ever wavering again, I won't hesitate to seek out their help again!
  • FeliciaFelicia Registered Users Posts: 385 Major grins
    edited July 22, 2007
    ...Well... I confess I've been up all night reading the latest Harry Potter book :D . Almost done...
    "Just because no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist."
  • HoofClixHoofClix Registered Users Posts: 1,156 Major grins
    edited July 23, 2007
    I myself knew at the beginning of this LPS that I would have a hard time during the reasonable hours to get anything along the lines of what I wanted to get. I had ideas, but no opportunity to set them up the way I imagined. Come Thursday at Midnight I was thinking that the entries so far were so powerful and so intentionally creative that I was about to toss it in on this round. It was a good thing I was away with no access to the net for three days. It made me forget about all of the great entries I'd seen so I'd not lose focus. I found what I found and no worry if others don't see it!
    Mark / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
    and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
  • stirfrystirfry Registered Users Posts: 242 Major grins
    edited July 23, 2007
    I hope the ebb comes back so I can know this forum as you remember it being iloveyou.gif

    IRL I've never been one to seek opinions on my work, photography or otherwise. I create what appeals to me, and I gear my art towards my own tastes and influences (you'll find me under "starving artist" in the wiki Laughing.gif). It's not a large segment of the population that *gets* my vision mwink.gif I learned early on to just stay true to what I like and to never be without a day job!

    Specific to dgrin, I think I'm less conventional and perhaps on the younger end of the spectrum ... conceptually speaking I'm just not on the same page as the vocal majority here. I love hearing feedback in that vein because I'm always interested in how people interpret ALL art ... but that feedback isn't something I necessarily seek out. I am more interested in technical feedback and help. Lots of both :D.

    On a technical level I don't flatter myself to think I'm in a comparable league to many of the contributors. On a conceptual level I'm much more at ease in my own league, and strive to remain true to my visions (however seemingly obscure to the dgrin masses!). For me, this forum is a means to challenge myself artistically - it hands me a theme and a timeline, neither of which I'm good with on my own. I'll continue to contribute and hopefully grow, until y'all kick me out and pin me with the LPS scarlet 'A' for too many violations: "Doesn't Fit The Theme". rolleyes1.gif

    Along the way I've seen some outfreakingstanding pictures that have *stuck* with me, and I appreciate that far more than anything else. I just love art for the sake of art. This seems like a rad place to get my fix. wings.gif
  • GreensquaredGreensquared Registered Users Posts: 2,115 Major grins
    edited July 23, 2007
    I have loved reading all the replies on this thread. Such a wonderful and diverse group of artists!

    Psalm 62:5-6

  • menebomenebo Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited July 23, 2007
    Who knew?
    Do you mean this board gets even better? Hot dog!

    I've been a lurker here for a few months and I've enjoyed reading all the feedback y'all give eachother. So the first time I post a thread I stir up a hornets nest! Laughing.gif! This sure is a passionate group and it's gotten me thinking and creating. My goal a few months ago was to take at least one picture a day, and while I'm not doing that, at least I'm not just doing pictures for my clients.

    My girlies (I have three young ones) have also had a good time helping me come up with ideas for pictures so it's fun to see their creativity sparked as well.

    Thanks for all the fun!

  • JusticeiroJusticeiro Registered Users Posts: 1,177 Major grins
    edited July 23, 2007
    Like any social group, the participation varies according to what's going on in our lives. I get busy for a few months, but I always come back.

    BTW menebo, that's an outstanding shot. I hope to see more from you in the future.

    The best thing I get out of the board is seeing folks who have new ideas, and getting ideas from them. There's a lot of good work out there.
    Cave ab homine unius libri
  • SwartzySwartzy Registered Users Posts: 3,293 Major grins
    edited July 23, 2007
    Sorry for the absence
    Life has taken a rugged turn here as of late business wise and I've been out quite a bit pounding the street. On a much more positive note.....I'm using the camera for pay. Time has been divided between financial responsibilities and family as of late. This is the first challenge that I haven't entered sick is that? You've all been so kind giving me feedback and truly desire to do the same...then what happens?....bam....I'm away for 3 days..geez...sorry.

    Dgrin is a second home to me and miss it terribly....of course, it's all you wonderful people that make it that way. I'm hoping very very soon to get things back to some balance that participation may begin again.

    I've been shooting lots of new things..especially people/ enjoying it very much!...oh, and I spent a solid week updating the website with pro account....finally have a one place even......yaaaaa!

    Certainly is great to have a home away from home.....thanks!
    NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
    Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
    Model Mayhem site
  • menebomenebo Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited July 23, 2007
    Justiceiro wrote:
    BTW menebo, that's an outstanding shot. I hope to see more from you in the future.


    Thank you for the kind words and for all the feedback you gave on the other thread. THAT is why I do these challenges. THAT is how we are going to get better!

  • GreensquaredGreensquared Registered Users Posts: 2,115 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    Okay, now I'm just faring like crap basically...except...

    I did make some of your "unofficial" top tens, and got some really nice feedback (especially from Stirfry who gave me the ultimate compliment). So thanks everyone. Ya'll are the best. iloveyou.gif
    Psalm 62:5-6

  • LiquidAirLiquidAir Registered Users Posts: 1,751 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    It's been a busy summer so I haven't been all that quick on the forum lately.

    The whole digital photography thing is actually pretty new to me as well. I replaced my aging EOS-3 with a 5D just over a year ago and I signed up with Smugmug in August to share photos with my family who are scattered all over the world. My first ever competition entry was shot on September 1, 2006 for one of the old dgrin challenges. That was also my first ever use of the clone tool in Photoshop to give you some context of where I was at the time. Anyhow, since then it has been quite a wild ride and my approach to photography has grown by leaps and bounds.

    These challenges have been a primary motivator for me to push my photography beyond family, friends and travel. When LPS kicked in, I went beyond shooting when the theme inspired me to the goal of entering every round. In many cases that has been a test as it pushed my outside my comfort zone with the camera. I think I really needed the motivation of the contest to push my skills, improve my technique and broaden my vision. However, now I am trying to swing the pendulum a bit in the other direction and my last few entries have been more about my personal vision than a test of my skills with camera and light. As such, I haven't been asking for feedback as much as I used to.

    I can't say the competition is about the prizes for me as I don't realistically expect to win any of them. My hope for the competition is just to earn a spot in the final. If I get that far, I'll be very happy.
  • JusticeiroJusticeiro Registered Users Posts: 1,177 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    Okay, now I'm just faring like crap basically...except...

    I did make some of your "unofficial" top tens, and got some really nice feedback (especially from Stirfry who gave me the ultimate compliment). So thanks everyone. Ya'll are the best. iloveyou.gif

    You shouldn't feel like crap at all Greensie. I really, really loved your photo. It was very funny, and definitely an image that required more than a passing glance (making one of those is a real feat).
    Cave ab homine unius libri
  • GreensquaredGreensquared Registered Users Posts: 2,115 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    Justiceiro wrote:
    You shouldn't feel like crap at all Greensie. I really, really loved your photo. It was very funny, and definitely an image that required more than a passing glance (making one of those is a real feat).

    Psalm 62:5-6

  • JusticeiroJusticeiro Registered Users Posts: 1,177 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    I've spent much of the last 24 hours wrestling with whether I should post my thoughts on this competition or not. One thing I very much like about this board, rather than others, is the almost total lack of personal fueding and snarkiness. I hope that I do not contribute to any sort of culture like that here.

    I'm in the Great White North for the week, so I hate to be, as they would say here a disturber de merde, but I am very unhappy with the exclusion of some of the photos for the top ten semi-finalists list.

    Particularly this photo:


    I don't understand, given the theme and the quality of this photo, how it could not have gotten ranked higher than it did.

    I wish, at this point, that I had not entered into the competition, as whatever I have to say now will likely appear to many as sour grapes. Let me state that my entry was a rather slapdash effort that was done more for a lark than anything else. It is not in the top ten, nor should it be. It was fun to do, so there you have it. Personally, I have gotten all out of this contest that I would have expected.

    That being said, I am looking forward to the judges critiques, because I am very curious to hear what exactly they thought this theme was, and how they fit some of their choices into the conception of the theme. Frankly, I think they have a bit of explaining to do.

    If I understand correctly, after the next cylce, we'll be in final rounds for a long time. I hope to see some great stuff there. I do, however, quite miss the open to everybody,prize free, but always interesting contests that we used to do just for the art and, of course, the glory of it.

    Good luck with "Surf and Turf" everybody.
    Cave ab homine unius libri
  • k2butterk2butter Registered Users Posts: 259 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    I have been a member for a while, but come in and out as far as being an active posting member... I read a lot. I am still wet behind the ears as far as photography goes.... I don't really take it overly serious as it is a hobby for me... I found when I entered the one contest it sort of put me on edge and made me worry more about the photo than I really wanted to... not sure if that makes sense.... I enjoy watching the contests, but don't feel that I know enough to critique other's work and be more involved....
  • stirfrystirfry Registered Users Posts: 242 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    I wish, at this point, that I had not entered into the competition, as whatever I have to say now will likely appear to many as sour grapes.
    I for one am glad that you DID. I liked where you went with the concept, and my (ex-military) husband did also. He appreciated the minor details that went into the weaponry. It just goes to show that art is supposed to be engaging and fun - you kept it that way and seemed to have had a blast making an undeniably strong image.

    I think that many of the reasons you stated for liking the community here are exactly why your comments now are less likely to be taken as sour grapes, as they might be taken in other forums FWIW. It seems more relaxed here; less cutthroat - genuine folks with genuine input and a genuine desire to help each other succeed. Yourself included. (If I'm way offbase due to my short amount of time here, don't clue me in - I like thinking it's nice here!) Sure some folks will think you're bitter for commenting now, but ne_nau.gif eh, who cares. Pretend they are faceless internet personalities and be done with it :D. Put that energy towards your next work of art, which I have no doubt will be as compelling as your last contribution.
    That being said, I am looking forward to the judges critiques, because I am very curious to hear what exactly they thought this theme was, and how they fit some of their choices into the conception of the theme. Frankly, I think they have a bit of explaining to do.
    I think this is my single gripe for this type of competition,and it isn't unique to this particular one. I don't think images should be judged on perception of concept fitting the theme because it stands to reason that each contributor BELIEVES his or her image fit the theme and it's just so incredibly subjective that it is almost irrelevant IMO. (Holy run-on sentence, Batman). I think the theme should be put out there, and artists trusted to meet it and interpret it individually; I think it encourages risktaking and growth as an artist, though it could be argued that a competition is not the appropriate place for that.

    I think a great example of WHY this is important is outlined in your recent dialogue with the My Pond contributor - our realities are just so different that we require explanation to understand HOW a concept fits any given theme. I think any images submitted be judged according to a less arbitrary standard: technique, execution, etc. and appointed a value in that regard but that's JMO and I don't have any cash prizes to award anyone so take it FWIW Laughing.gif.

    Some of my favorite images were those that interpreted the theme less literally. That is the beauty of art - injecting much more of ourselves into a work rather than just going a bit intentionally out of the lines in a color by number and calling it 'ours' IYSWIM? Some of my favorites didn't make the judges' top ten, and like you I'm curious to hear their respective critiques. Enjoy your trip, and thanks again for taking the time to individually comment on each image iloveyou.gif
  • indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    stirfry wrote:
    I don't think images should be judged on perception of concept fitting the theme because it stands to reason that each contributor BELIEVES his or her image fit the theme and it's just so incredibly subjective that it is almost irrelevant IMO. (Holy run-on sentence, Batman). I think the theme should be put out there, and artists trusted to meet it and interpret it individually; I think it encourages risktaking and growth as an artist, though it could be argued that a competition is not the appropriate place for that.

    I feel ya on the artist interp. side of things, but one thing Shay has pointed out several times is the idea that we are artists first but in the trade of photography we are called to execute the wishes of others--in this case, theme fullfillment. If an ad agency hired you to shoot "freedom" or "oppression" and you submitted some kitchy, fetching, lovely-but-out-there image, you wouldn't get hired much.

    The Semi-final rounds are where the artistry gets to shine as they are open-themed.

    To sustain ourselves financially and spiritually, I think we all need to be able to shoot in this sometimes-directed, sometimes-free manner. It stretches us beyond our comfort zone into territory we never knew existed.

  • stirfrystirfry Registered Users Posts: 242 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    indiegirl wrote:
    but one thing Shay has pointed out several times is the idea that we are artists first but in the trade of photography we are called to execute the wishes of others--in this case, theme fullfillment.

    To sustain ourselves financially and spiritually, I think we all need to be able to shoot in this sometimes-directed, sometimes-free manner.

    Hi, Jesse :)

    Yeah I think I'm still getting used to the vibe in this forum ~ it's definitely more biased towards business than art, which is a new enviroment for me. iloveyou.gif

    I'm totally guilty of forgetting that many people here either make or desire to make their livelihood from something that is merely a passing interest to me personally. Yours was a good reminder that I ought to poke my head out from under my rock every so often Laughing.gif.

    From the sounds of it, the Semi-Finals will be a fabulous round to stick around for ~ seeing the artistry that comes from a more rigid theme, I can't even begin to wrap my mind around the stuff we'll be privy to given an open theme!

    ETA: I just figured out who Shay is and why his words are gospel lol. So then your words, Jesse, make a lot more sense to me than when I wrote my original post. (When all else fails, read .... 11doh.gif). TBH, given this new insight (the last 'paid' photographer standing) makes me join Justiceiro in questioning some of the selected top ten - as entries into a more directed contest versus that of a less directed challenge. I sort of get his gripe now. I wondered what y'all meant when it was asked earlier in some thread about shooting for yourself versus skewing an image towards a judging panel. Duh :hide.
  • VisualXpressionsVisualXpressions Registered Users Posts: 860 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    indiegirl wrote:
    but one thing Shay has pointed out several times is the idea that we are artists first but in the trade of photography we are called to execute the wishes of others--

    I disagree with the "Shay" idea... I don't think this contest and shooting for a client are comparable... With a client you would have a lot more information available to make your image a success... Even if a client simply said, "Shoot me an image of happiness". and that was all the info provided, then I would proceed to pick the clients brain, interrogate if necessary, to get enough info to come up with the image they envisioned.

    With this apposing theme contest I'm shooting my own vision not someone else’s... and it is just luck of the draw so to speak weather or not my shot is chosen as a top 10er… just depends on the judges… That's why Justiceiro is questioning why a certain image didn't make it... Well the why just doesn't matter, the judges liked 10 different images better. And thats thatrolleyes1.gif

  • JusticeiroJusticeiro Registered Users Posts: 1,177 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007

    and it is just luck of the draw so to speak weather or not my shot is chosen as a top 10er… just depends on the judges… That's why Justiceiro is questioning why a certain image didn't make it... Well the why just doesn't matter, the judges liked 10 different images better. And thats thatrolleyes1.gif


    If that's the case, lets be transparent about it, and blatently say that the theme doesn't matter. I think it does matter, in practical application, and not in a way that's good.
    Cave ab homine unius libri
  • HoofClixHoofClix Registered Users Posts: 1,156 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    I've only came into the LPS in round 6, and after that, I had all the same questions and gripes as I read today. Then I read back to the threads that followed rounds 1-5 and saw all of the same gripes. It's basically a group of about 150 folks who come in and out, somewhat less who are always here. Some names dropped out because they couldn't accept that they didn't win.
    I see now some names who I don't recall in earlier rounds, and my suggestion is that you see this as a means to improve your work, and that's it. If you get caught up in how infair it is, you'll never be happy with it.
    As for the business end, take it from someone who's been in that end too long and now needs to freshen his outlook. It's hard, and I'm humbled, and so are all of you! Well, maybe not Paul, who seems to get in there every time... I for one am getting more thankful that it remains somewhat vague!
    As Jessie pointed out, we're all freinds here, or at least heading that way!
    Mark / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
    and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
  • VisualXpressionsVisualXpressions Registered Users Posts: 860 Major grins
    edited July 24, 2007
    I think it does matter, in practical application, and not in a way that's good.

    Images submitted for this contest have to relate to the theme (no matter how tenacious it may be to some of us) to be a contender for the top ten. (I have not seen an image make top ten that didn’t relate to the theme in some way) For some judges the theme might be a big deal for others, the technical end of it might be more important… As far as I know there are no strict guidelines for judges…

    I don’t know what you mean by “and not in a way that’s good”?
  • TentacionTentacion Registered Users Posts: 940 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2007
    I personally like the contest, and maybe, just maybe, I'm not always in agreement with the "winners"...but you know what....It doesn't matter...WELL maybe except for the VERY end...when the BIG PRIZE is the outcome....and I reiterate, the outcomes of the qualifying rounds can be frustrating.
    You can either except the contest for what it is worth to you, and/or just enjoy it
    when you get a lot of money, you can sponsor your own contest and make your own rules....
    until then....
    LETS PLAY and HAVE FUN...HOPE that ONE OF OUR ENTRIES makes it into the TOP 10......Whooooohahhhh!!

    I enjoy stimulating my brain with the theme.......I am one that gets bored very quickly and these keep me if not for anything else..."Mind Stimulatingly Entertained"....

    I have to say...Today ...Problems at the office with they had to swich out my WONDERFUL PHOTO MONITOR and they replaced it with some crappy monitor...and when I re-viewed photos here at DGRIN.....OMGGGGGGGGGGGGawd....I was like...sheesh, I wonder if this is what people see when they don't have monitors that are for graphics and viewing photos.....YUCK then it made me wonder what kind of monitors the judges have???

    Example...I liked the "Behind Enemy Lines" looked GREAT with my Flat Monitor ...but when viewed with the other monitor.....IT was SOOOOO dark...I could hardly see that it was a man in the photo....I even upped the brightness....but to no avail....Makes ya think eh??

    Have a GREAT ONE everyone!! I have to get some sleep..

    Tootles, Ta, So Long, Ciao, Hasta La Vista and all that jazz....Laughing.gif
    You're only as good as your next photo....
    One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
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