Here's the unofficial feedback thread for LPS 9--go nuts!

Post YOUR top ten favorites from LPS 9 here. Beat the judges and have some fun! This is THE thread to read while waiting for the results, so play along instead of being all nervous and edgy.
You wanna be a critic? Let's here your feedback, too.
Don't pick your own image, we all know you'd vote for it.
You wanna be a critic? Let's here your feedback, too.
Don't pick your own image, we all know you'd vote for it.
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My postion -- Posted Postion -- Photographer -- Title
1 53 traunerk O Lord, Hear My Prayer…
I love it when a shot is multi-layered with meaning like this one. I love pretty much everything about this shot.
2 2 Tsk1979 Second Skin
This was not on my list until the b/w conversion. It is so much more powerful in b/w. Nice conversion, composition and statement.
3 52 saurora ADOPTION (A Lifesaving Option)
Good gravy. Talk about heartstrings. Haunting.
4 47 drdane Free at Last!
Um, how fun can one shot be? This one made me laugh loudly. I dig it man, cool cool cool.
5 40 Agila Freedom
Even though we're not supposed to use the theme in our titles, how can I pass this one by? Stunning image. How in the world did you capture this? Or was the bird PS-ed in? Wait, don't tell me. It might ruin it for me.
6 44 SaltFork Asphalt is so Overrated
Dude, you're so cool. Can I come on a vacation with you? I read you said your kids helped you pick the shots. Not only do I totally love this piece, I want you to be my dad. Ok, my dad is a rockstar so I'll keep him. Still...
7 25 Those who would give up...
To steal a Shayism, "Holy Macaroni"
8 22 Peter Dumont Gasmask anyone ?
Yes, I know it's a fresh image but it could have just as easily been taken in the 40's. It's spooky and eerie and fun all at the same time. I almost wish I didn't know the story behind it so I could extrapolate my own.
9 18 PaulThomasMcKee workin’ for The Man
10 26 Greensquared Kitty Torture
Not very many could have pulled this one off and made it work. You are obviously a master and your cat is a saint.
My long list...
11 36 Amy Wilburn birds of a feather stuck together
Love the color, texture and title. Great shot amid a really strong field.
12 43 shatch I Can’t Breathe!
Fun image. It's theme speaks volumes. I don't like the black lines and it is lacking something for me emotionally. You should submit this as a stock image.
Feedback forthcoming...
The visual and artistic growth is simply amazing
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
11 - Speak No Evil - tlee
14 - Up, Up and Away! - Pat664422
17 - Freedom of the open road - Eric&Susan
19 - A Glimpse - LiquidAir
20 - Caged - imax
28 - The Escape - Debboggy
29 - Libertad! - Nikolai
40 - Freedom - Agila
44 - Asphalt is so Overrated - SaltFork
47 - Free at Last! - drdane
I think that this was the hardest round so far.
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1. sherstone - run for it!
Love the concept and the image of a captive crab stampede out of a bottle to freedom (even as short lived as it will likely be, heh). I love the composition of the picture, but I think I might like it even more if more of the crabs were in focus.
2. Second skin - tsk1979
This is my favorite example of oppression in the contest - although I admit it really hit me when I read the explanation of it on its feedback thread. I actually liked the color version better.
3. indiegirl-can't find a better man
I love the hopeless and sad expression on the woman's face - a very personal oppression.
4. paulthomasmckee-workin for the man
I thought this was a great idea as something to which many people could likely relate - and I thought the title made it humorous at the same time.
5. shatch - i can't breathe
I thought this was a very funny image and again another concept that many people could relate to.
6. Eric&Susan- Freedom of the open road
I like the winding road off in the distance, really helps the idea that the youngster is on his way to freedom.
7. PyroPrints - Those who...
I think this is one of the more thought-provoking images I have seen in a while. I really like it, but it seems like more of a political statement to me - like a protest - than a picture illustrating freedom or oppression or I would have ranked it higher. I guess I am just thinking differently about the theme of the contest.
8. Xia Ke - proselytization
I'm not sure if I am getting the author's intent of this image - I can see it fitting either theme honestly. I really liked the contrast of the black and white.
9. Janie - a hard master
I was impressed by the expression of the dog and the relection in his pupils of his oppressive master and how well it was all pulled off.
10. saltfork - asphalt is so overrated
I wholeheartedly agree with the concept of this image. I think I would have liked something you said about this image in another post for a better title - What freedom means to me - but I know we aren't supposed to use those words.
My Top Ten in Order of Submission
Second Skin
Run For It
Gasmask Anyone?
Kitty Torture
The Escape
When Will it End?
Asphalt is Overrated
Free @ Last
And My Winner...
Run for It
Runner Up...
But hey. I'm just me.
# 2 - "Second Skin", by tsk 1979
# 8 - "Don't Fence Me In", by vandana
#14 - "Up, Up and Away!", by Pat664422
#17 - "Freedom of the Open Road", by Eric&Susan
#20 - "Caged", by imax
#25 - "Those Who Would...", by
#26 - "Kitty Torture", by Greensquared
#44 - "Asphalt is so Overrated", by SaltFork
#47 - "Free at Last!", by drdane
#57 - "Free to Choose", by The Curious Camel
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in no particular order
53 - traunerk - O Lord, Hear My Prayer...
Not only is this image my favorite of all the entries, I think it has the potential to be a timeless image.
47 - drdane - Free at Last!
Oh so fun, Oh so Free!
16 - indiegirl - "...can't find a better man..."
The idea behind this image, was one of the first that came to my mind when I was planning out my own entry. The sometimes oppressive nature of men towards women plays strongly in my mind. This communicates that very well.
20 - imax - Caged
Another strong image that plays on my fears, sympathies and sense of morality. I am wishing for more detail in the eyes but I wonder if that would change the feel?
26 - Greensquared - Kitty Torture
At first I did not like this one, but it grew on me and now I like the fresh fun of it compared to all the dark.
33 - hurricanesteve - Behind Enemy Lines
Hits the theme of oppression home for me. Where I fall short of liking this one more is how so very dark it is. I do get the feeling we are in a dark room but I also need to see the image better to like it better.
40 - Agila - Freedom
The composition and tonal feel to this one are what gives this one life. I do feel free.
36 - amy wilburn - birds of a feather stuck together
Creative title, I love the color and feel to this one. I almost feel like I'm another bird observing our predicament.
44 - SaltFork - Asphalt is so Overrated
And so it is. This is one of my favorite things to do, driven of course by the desire to find that perfect scene to capture. I realize haze is a normal thing in a distant landscape scene but for me this has just a teeny bit more than I would have liked to see.
52 - saurora - ADOPTION (A Lifesaving Option)
This pulls at just about every heart string I have. The reflection in the poor dogs eyes is what drives this message home. I feel that the dog is not oppressed nor free
but a victim of circumstance and societies neglect.
56 - urbanaries - o p e n
This reminds me of a car commercial, makes we want to go out and buy a car with a sun roof just so I too can do this.
43 - shatch - I Can't Breathe!
Love the concept, hate the black lines on the bills. I understand why but there must have been a better way?
I do not envy the job of any of the judges - this feedback thing is a ton of work, but it was fun, thanks indiegirl for starting it.
2nd place - Behind Enemy Lines by hurricanesteve
3rd place - Let Me Out! by polyvios_s
4th plce - Bound by lbphotography
5th place - Free at Last! by drdane
6th place - Proselytization by Xia_Ke
7th place - Caged by imax
8th place - Up, Up and Away! by Pat664422
9th place - ADOPTION (A Lifesaving Option) by saurora
10th place -"The Escape" by Debboggy
#16 - "can't find a better man" - indiegirl (My #3)
#18 - workin' for The man - PaulThomasMcKee
#19 - A Glimpse - LiquidAir
#25 - "Those who would give up Essential Liberty..." -
#28 - The Escape - Debboggy
#33 - Behind Enemy Lines - hurricanesteve
#47 - Free at Last - drdane (My #1)
#52 - Adoption (A Lifesaving Option) - saurora
#53 - O Lord Hear My Prayer - traunerk (My #2)
#54 - These Truths - eoren1
(edit – thought I'd take a shot at adding my reasoning for the picks)
#17 - Freedom of the open road I really think I liked the original sepia version of this and the blown out spot on top of the head bothers me a little but, it's still great. The open gate at the end of the drive adds to the feeling he's going for freedom. I feel like I should be cheering him on.
#2 - Second skin This is my top pick. Simple, doesn't show more than is required to get the point across, and hits the theme dead on. The eyes don't give away the answer to which it is. That adds to it by leaving the viewer to decide.
#25 - Those who ... I love this photograph. The bright colors of the flag really add to it and, as I said in another thread, no matter how you look at this it seems to hit the oppression theme. The only thing that bothered me, but only slightly, is the transition between the masking and the actual background on the lower right side. It's probably just me though.
#26 - Kitty Torture ROTFL – Great composition, everything seems to draw my eye toward the cats face. And that expression says it all!
#28 - The Escape I think this is nicely done. Reminds me of the freedom we had to roam free and play with our friends when I was a kid. Sad to say that it seems those days are mostly gone in this country. It seems we've got to watch over them all the time.
#40 – Freedom This is a great shot. The bird flies free while us humans are building borders to keep each other in or out. The wispy clouds in the background are perfect.
#43 - I Can't Breathe! The only thing I can say about this is ... how did you get into my office to take that picture of me? That person does look a little younger, but ... no, that's my office.
#47 - Free at Last! Beautiful. I want to go with them.
#53 - O Lord, Hear My Prayer... I like the lighting and the great shadow of the mans face. Even without knowing the meaning of the wall it still reflects the theme well.
#6 - A Hard Master Nicely done. The facial expression of the dog matches well with the reflection. Lot's of news around here lately of animal abuse. So sad.
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In no particular order......
#2 Second Skin by tsk1979 - photographically beautiful. Loved the color and the black and white version both. Found it hard to pick between the two, but I think the b&w is less distracting to the issue of oppression.
#13 Run For It - Sherstone - This one just made me laugh! Would have liked to seen a little more depth of field, but the lightheartedness of this one won me over.
#14 Can't Find a Better Man - Indiegirl - One of the strongest in theme for me. Very well done and I could relate to this as I have known several friends in this position.
#18 Working For the Man - PaulThomasMckee - Great image nicely done.
#20 Caged - Imamo - A haunting, chilling, and a societal problem we seem to be hearing more about these days. At first I wasn't sure about not seeing the eyes, but actually, I now find it strengthens the theme.
#26 Kitty Torture - Greensquared - At the other end of the spectrum, some more light-hearted fun! This cracked me up!
#28 The Escape - Deboggy - This just takes me right back to being a kid and those long days of running free with friends. Love the B&W!!!
#36 Birds Of A Feather - Amy Wilburn - Loved the coloring in this and the creative titling. I always have empathy for caged creatures. Also, they just seem to be contemplating their predicament!
#40 Freedom - Agila - Well done image! Love the composition.
#43 I Can't Breathe - shatch - Oh ho ho!!! Can we all relate to this one? Delightful.
#47 Free At Last! - drdane - Super! Speaks freedom loud and clear! Love the outfits!!! What fun!
#56 Open - Urbanaries - Why didn't I think of this? This is one of my favorite personal "freedoms" along with blasting my music!!!! Love the angle and the blue, blue sky!
I'll have more to say later, after I have a chance to catch up and look at the entries, but for now to say that LPS9 was such a humbling display of talent that I was about to not even enter. I only saw about 20 entries before dissapearing to an annual event I do so was off the net for a good 3 days and just had to find a way to connect, even if it was sitting in a hotel parking lot an scabbing off an unsecure network!
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Rounding out my top ten, in order of appearance:
#6, Hard Master ... talk about oppression, my heart immediately sank when I saw the reflection in the dog's eyes. This shot brought me into the moment and I truly felt the dog's oppression.
#14, Up Up & Away ... beautiful colors, and a great illustration as to the concept of freedom! Very lighthearted amid a sea of heavy contributions.
#18, Working for The Man ... Clever concept! I like the lighting - his more shadowy profile makes him every single one of us lol.
#25, Those Who ... Incredibly striking picture from a technical standpoint. Concept wise I related to it and was immediately strucken by the it. It's a picture that stops you in your tracks, whatever political standpoint - that's a great thing IMO.
#26, Kitty Torture ... Crazy funny concept (my daughter makes me keep going back so she can see it again and again) and excellent execution ... the expression on both subjects' faces is priceless and the DOF you chose was spot on! If this one is available for purchase I can guarantee you at least one sale
#32, Die Fly ... LOVE the lighthearted take on the topic ~ again, refreshing in a sea of heavy contributions. I like how I can see a hint of the person beyond the foot.
#40, Freedom ... lovely colors, great angle, both really do the bird justice and beautifully describe the title.
#47, Free At Last ... no words, just a HUGE FAN of this picture. Great subjects, awesome colors, perfect shot. It elicited an involuntary smile from me, really drew me in
#55, We Are Waiting ... I SO live under the oppression of these birds!! Love the thought behind the submission and found the picture visually interesting.
Honorable Mention to the Birds of a Feather Stuck Together for the play on phrase and overall vibe of the picture - another great submission.
#2-second skin
I like this photo, as a photo. The B&W conversion is good, and I prefer it to the earlier color version. I think it does fit into the theme, although I would have been interested in seeing something in the photo that would draw out the more controversial aspects of hijab. Is Hijab liberating, or oppressing. Easy for me to say this, I' couldn't do it myself.
#3- Bound
A subject that could easily have been trite, this one is rather powerful. The lighting is particularly good. Excellent detail on the rope.
#4- the world is against her
Interesting expression, particularly in the eyes, but the overal photo is a tad blown out for me. Too much detail is lost. I think this conveys anger or discontent more than oppression.
#5- Red Pill Blue Pill
Clever idea, good photoshop. My one gripe is that I am not sure how well this fits into the theme. Then again, it's a tough theme.
#6- A hard master.
At first I thought this photo was a bit lame. A dog face? But when I looked at it again the thing that definesit for me is a barely noticable detail. The reflected image of the "master" in the dog's cornea is very cool, and totally changes how I look at this photo. Very interesting, and on topic.
#7- Schooled
I would prefer a little different take on the B&W conversion ( a bit more "harsh" perhaps). Not a bad photo, but it's in a tough race.
#8- don't fence me in
Good composition and good DOF. I was expecting a shot like this, but not a good shot like this, which this one is. Especially nice is the fact that only one squinty eye is visible. A lot of thought went into making this, I think, which shows that even a cliche shot can be done powerfully, if the photographer has patience and a good idea.
#9- Free me from my thoughts
I would prefer a tighter focus. Also, and then is a general thought inr eference to the theme, I really think this theme lent itself to political rather than emotional shots. Just my take on it, however.
#10- Unjust Coercion
I see the idea, but I'm not so sure about the filter you used. I think it distracts, rather than adds to the photo. I would like to see the unedited shot, or perhaps a B&W.
#11 Speak no evil
good conversion. Creepy. Timely. I dig it.
#12 Her Choice
My biggest problem is that it seems OOF. Also, since it's a theme about "social deviance" (sociologically speaking) I would have done something even more "in your face." But I'm not sure if that would fly around here.
#13- Run for it.
Not sure how well it fits into the theme (again, I really lean towards agitprop or political stuff), but I dig the DOF, also, I have to give the photog props for setting up what must have been a difficult shoot- how much time did it take to get the crabs in position? Like herding cats, no? anything that is a pain in the ass to shoot gets my respect.
#14- Up, Up and Away
This is a very pretty shot. The blues are vibrant, the orange balloon grabs the attention, the hand draws the viewrs gaze through the photo.
#15 big Brother's eyes
Not much going on here. I guess the theme is surveillance, but I would look for a stronger subject, the car overwhelms the frame, and doesn't really contribute. to my mind, the center of the shot (thematically speaking) should be the camera.
#16- Can't find a better man
Very good. Excellent setup, good expression on the model. Good lighting. I think I would prefer B&W, but I am naturally prejudiced against Sepia (a tad gimmicky IMHO). But that's a very fine nit to pick.
#17- the freedom of the open road
A good idea, but I would prefer to see the subject (the kid) take up more of the frame. Also, it would have been better to get down on the kids level, and do it more from the perspective of the child. I think that's the most important thing to remember when shooting kids, and the easiest to forget. We literally look down on them.
#18- Workin' for the man
Nice idea, but prefer either more lighitng and detail, or much less. It's too in between here.
#19 A glimpse
Good composition, but this is a tough one to expose. This would have worked much better as an HDR I think.
#20 Caged
totally Disturbing and absolutley creepy. Especially the fact that the kid seems to have no eyes. This photo is entirely wrong. That's why I love it. definitely in my top 10.
#21 Adverse conditions
I feel your pain man. This photo is great. Good exposure, nice lighting, rare subject. I really really like this photo. Unfortunately, I can't imagine how this owuld fit into the theme.
#22 gasmask Anyone?
good conversion, I love gasmasks, and always have. There should definitely be more gasmask shots. I do feel, however, that this is skirting the edge of the theme. The fact is that gasmasks are inherently oppresive and scary. So it slides in. but just barely. Still, a great shot.
#23 noncombatant casualties
Very colorful, despite the fact that its a picture of dead frogs, it is beautiful. All I can think of is that those legs look tasty. I'm not sure if that is the intent you had, but I believe my love of frog legs is providing serious interference to your thematic endeavors here.
#25 Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Excellent. Bold colors, a sort of agitprop poster. This is exacty what I had in mind when I heard the theme, and I think this one fills the bill very well. I would have gone for a scarier old school lock, but that's a minor quibble. I think this theme cries out for propaganda (as is obvious from my entry), and your idea is great. In my top 10.
#26- Kitty torture
I dig this. I don't know how you got the disgusted expression on the cat, but it's classic. My only problem is that I think the exposure is off. It needs more pop.
#27 Look the way you want
this photo does not move me. I'm sorry, but I don't think it addresses the theme at all.
#28 The escape
Cute. It's on the kids level, which I like. I would have preferred a snappier conversion.
#29 Libertad!
this is pretty cool. I like the idea and I like the fact that you boldly went totally"artificial" in the look. To my mind, its still a photo, which is above all an image. Nice job. Fits the teme, in my top 10.
#30 Ambiguity
this photo needs something else in it. I don't know what it needs, but it needs it. Some sort of subject other than the wire.
#31 "Adventure time" - White dress; no problem!
OK Shot, but I don't see how it fits the theme.
#32 Die Fly
Very cool shot. Two quibbles, the fly is a bit cut off, and I don't think this counts as oppression. Flies deserve it. However, the POV is fantastic and the lighting is great. Good idea.
#33 Behind Enemy lines
This is an excellent photo. Of all of them, I think I like it the best (second to my own, of course). The lighting is fantastic, the color choice is perfect- it's understated, but extremely powerful. I can look at it for quite some time. It fits the theme perfectly.
#34 Faith
this is a great shot about faith. but I don't think it conveys freedom or oppresion. I would also like to see the human subject closer to the crux of the cross.
#35 The power of fear
I like this photo. I liked the original version that didn't pass the censors even better. I'm going to rant a bit here. The original photo without the "censored" bit was interesting, funny, and captivating. It was a very joyous photo. I can't believe that it would be yanked due to "morality concerns" or whatnot. I am very dissapointed that this was an issue. Anyone finding anything pervey about this photo has perviness in his own head. Good job Menebo, bad show dgrin. In my top 10.
#36 Birds of a feather stuck together
Not theme appropriate and a bit OOF.
#37 the truth
Good DOF, but this subject is, for me, a bit overdone
#38 Let me out
I like this one. I like the composition as well. I can't tell you why, but I feel the need to stare at it.
#39 When will it end
Interesting expression, but it has two major strikes against it. 1- I usually hate Sepia. (see above). 2- The theme is not "disgust" or "Boredom." A cool shot, but I don't think it fits.
#40 Freedom
Agila, please tell me you photoshopped that bird in, lest I am forced to destroy you due to my insane jealousy of your eye. This is a fantastic shot. If you described it to me ("I'm going to take a picture of a bird flying over a fence") I would guess that it would be terrible, but this shot is in fact excellent. good conversion, good POV, excellent framing. In my top 10.
#41 Lori Myers used to live upstairs
i don't dig the chrome filter. Also, I don't think this convey oppression or freedom. I understand it when you hook it up to the lyrics, but I think the image doesn't stand alone.
#42 Incognito
Very cool shot. Menacing, and great vignetting. I think it would have been good for explosive or sedate, but I don't think it fits oppression or freedom.
#43 I can't breath
Exceedingly well thought out and set up shot. Very very clever, and fits the theme well. The eyes on this guy are classic.
#44 Asphalt is so overated
Good idea, but I find the fact that the jeep is cut off distracting, and the haze makes this shot seem very fuzzy. This shot badly needs some psot processing.
#45 I know what it means to me. What does it mean to you?
I'm not feeling this photo at all. No real technical problems, I just don't think we are on the same page. But hey, that's the problem about "critiquing" aesthetics, innit?
#46 Breezin' on in
This is a tough shot to get, but its too OOF for me. Do you have an IS lens? If you do, using stabilization mode 2 makes these panning shots easier. Otherwise, they are almost impossible. I like the blurred background, but the horse and rider need to be sharp.
#47 Free at Last!
This is a good panning shot. I can't quite pin down why, but I really like this photo, particularly the expression of the driver. Focus on the main subject is very good.
#48 Timeout: A Child's Dream, A Parent's Nightmare
The face of the child on the right is too blown out, and there is not enough detail in the table, it's like a giant white blob. This is a tough situation, because you have some very light bits, and very dark areas to shoot in as well. It's hard to do it without shooting an HDR, but next time, if it is RAW, you mgiht want to make two clones of the shot, with different exposure setting for the different areas, and then blend them in.
# 49 marriage
So which is it, oppresion or freedom?
#50 Speaking my peace
Not at all a bad piec of advice. Love the "Kilroy was here" riff on the subject as well. I would like to see it a little bit less centered, however.
#51 Prosetylization
This is a really nice photograph. I love the contrast between the steeple and the sky, and the roiling look of the clouds. However, the message in the image doesn't seem to connect to the theme.
#52 Adoption (a lifesaving option)
Excellent conversion, great subject. Those iron bars look very chilling. This would make an excellent advert for a humane society. Normally the "sad poochie" shot makes me itch, but this one is extremely well done, and , surprisingly, not at all cliche.
#53 O lord, hear my prayer
This one is very cool, I think it skirts the theme, but the beseeching the lord for delvierance aspect puts it over the edge. Thematic aspects aside, this photo is awesome. The one falling sidelock, the fact that you can see the outline of the face in the shadow. I think this could be one for the wall. I really really like it, and its a close call for the #1 spot. I have to go for "behind enemy lines" instead, but only because of the theme. I love this photo. This is the kind of photo that I would like to take.
#54 These Truths
I see what you were going for, but I think it's tough to get a good shot in this situation. You really need a tilt shift lens for this shot (I've tried to take the same one, and gotten the same prespective distortion). The space inside the rotunda is so small, relatively speaking, that a straight shot is almost impossible.
#55 We Are Waiting
this is a very cool shot Thusie. In line with your usual good work- exposure and framing are dead on. It's certainly a powerful image. However, I really don't think it fits the theme. I can't wait until we have "death and despair" as a theme, and you can post more cool vulture shots.
#56 open
Pretty cool idea, subject is a little too dark, for my taste.
#57 Free to Choose
I dig what you are going for here, Camel, I jsut am not sure f you quite pull it off. The transparent image overlay is a risky move. Then again, I always dig risk taking. The crosses, however, don't seem to fit. I would try this with a photo of three actual crosses, rather than shopping them in.
#58 My Pond
I don't think this shot fits the theme.
#59 Right to Keep and Bear Arms
As an Exiled Tennesseean, I dig this high Camp shot. Particularly the natural Ice can. That's a nice touch. However, I think the subject should have played it straight, he's needs to at least appear to take it more seriously.
#60 United We Are Strong, United We Will Win!
What can I say about this obvious work of Pure Genius. Clearly, the individual who took this shot is a true, albeit unappreciated, artist. Buy War Bonds!
#61 Boxed In
Interesting idea, but not powerful enough to overcome some intense competition in this round. Technically, it is good. Good DOF, nice lighting, conversion could be a bit snappier, but not bad.
#62 I'm innocent
I like the idea, but I have issues with the composition. I would have chosen a "wider" format. Great B&W conversion, however. Usually I hate selective coloring in a photo, but this one I like.
#63 This land is my land
Everybody thinks their mutt is the cutest snuggliest, most adorable creature ever, which is why I usually hate pet shots. Your dog, however, is actually a very cool looking dog, and this shot works. Unfortunately, it doesn't, to my mind, address the theme tightly enough.
#64 The end of an error
I am going to go hang myself now. Seriously, clever title, and good idea. I would like a snappier conversion, however.
#65 Yeah, now where?
I don't think this photo is interesting at all.
#66 The freedom of flight
I like this shot, it's pretty. However, the part of the balloon that takes up the greatest amount of the frame is the part that is dark. I would like to see it the other way around.
All in all I think there were a lot of fabulous shots. A lot of people did some strange and risky stuff, and really pushed themselves I think. I wish that you all sucked, because it would make it eaier for me to obtain $25,000 in cash and prizes. Sadly, that is not the case.
Well done.
Second Skin
Up Up & Away
Run for it
Free at Last
Oh Lord, Hear my Prayer
Better Man
Hard Master
Behind Enemy Lines
Workin for the Man
Thanks for the critique, Justiceiro. I appreciate the time you took to critique all of the photographs!
There was no dgrin action taken against this photo. The OP took it down after the discussion about safety and the internet. It wasn't a moral issue, but rather one of safety/perceived risk of posting nude photographs of children online.
The "censored" bit was about self-censorship. Whether the fear that caused the action was valid or not is up to the viewer, IMO.
Thanks for taking the time to give feedback on all the images! WTG.
My apologies to Dgrin. I understood, from my reading of the exchange, that the photos had "been pulled" by someone other than the OP (which could only be the site itself).
Apparently, you really didn't see the concept of my compostion at all....Sometimes it doesn't have to BE IN YOUR FACE to get a point across.
BTW how much more can the word DYKE tell you?? Huh?
DYKE....GAY...LESBIAN....LABELED...HER freedom to love who she pleases, her freedom to wear the Tshirt and be proud, BUT she is still oppressed by the world for they have labeled her a DYKE, they shun her for being GAY, and she although PROUD to be GAY, hides from the world under the curvature of her hat, so that she is not easily recognized, because although some are "tolerant" of her sexuality, there are still those that Gay Bash, and for her protection, or that of her family, she continues to some degree to keep hidden in the closet.
My composition is soft, yet strong, and for this I displayed it as such....sorry you did not quite get it.
As for the photo POWER OF FEAR...that debate was IN NO WAY a MORAL issue that debate was about "SAFETY and AWARENESS"...
Hmmmm FREEDOM we all speak about here.....well you know when I posted my SEMI-NUDE here a few rounds back..
I had NO CHOICE, it was REMOVED, due to COMPLAINTS from the Viewers..
Menobo had a choice, she chose to protect her family , and remove, and then renter her photo....
Oh I forgot to say thanks for the Critique it was appreciated...Have a GREAT ONE!!
That's why I went the propaganda route. It's definitely unambiguous.
This is the tightrope you walk when you post on that sort of theme on this board. Sometimes, I think the folks here are overconservative. Still, they're nice folks, and its the best game in town, so what are you going to do?
I wanted to just throw myself into this contest so I can say I've submitted one. Maybe more work will go into the next round, however competition is pretty tough around here! The entries were awesome this round!
Holy frijoles, I cannot believe you took the time to comment on all the photos! Amazing... (Wish I had the time!
Thanks so much for your comments. I have to say, I completely agree on the conversion. While I had (have) no hopes of this placing, I actually liked the idea behind it, but had problems with the execution....
But I have to say you missed the point on it slightly if you're off ot hang yourself.
Thanks again! I can't tell you how much I love reading other people's views!
I totally understand where your coming from.
But like you said, I have to be careful with what I post, cuz I can see, at times, WAY OUT of the BOX, which might not go over to well...lmao....
In regards, to my "other" photo, I have to say, DGRIN Staff couldn't have been more apologetic in their decision. and I respect what they had to do..
Although, when I think of this round it makes me wonder..LMAO LMAO........I only brought up that point because of the other photo that was in question...i.e. "choices"...(did that make sense)??
Again, thanks for the critique, it was well taken and your efforts appreciated.
PS: Good Luck to ALL!!
Thanks for the critique, especially regarding what you think ought to be sharp and what ought to be blurred! I had some 40 of those shots taken over this past weekend, and others did come more in line with what you like, but they had other things wrong that made them unenterable, such as stray people and trucks, etc., that would have been distracting. And when this person bought the photo, well.... The rider is jubilantly crossing the finish line, and most important to her was that fact that the horse's head was in focus, and that he was up and attentive, feeling free!
And, being a Nikonite, I wouldn't even consider owning an IS lens!
I did use the Nikon 70-200VR on this one, but I don't ever use that feature. It is the very randomness of what is in focus that I try to go for. This is a much practiced technique of mine, and VR, or IS, only works against what I'm doing. Things move a long way in 1/60 second.
I do promise Dgrinners, that I'll try to use another technique for LPS10. You can find a thread on my event in the Sports section, if you haven't already found it!
Onward! / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
No surprise there. I knew it was a stretch to convey the theme (as most of my entries have been lately). But to respond, fire and smoke is oppressive (to me at least) because A) its harder to breath in smoke and 2) when fire is bearing down on your house, one would feel, well, oppressed by it. Call it natural oppression rather than the popular political version of the theme.
Plus, I thought maybe the dousing of the flames with the water would convey a sense of relief or freedom from the stress of the fire coming at the house as well.
Thanks for the comments though, it’s much appreciated.
Mine was a real stretch, no doubt..Vultures waiting to pick the bones of the oppressed, didn't work:D Glad you liked the shot, made my day
#8 Vandana Don't Fence Me In
#13 Sherstone Run For It
#14 Pat664422 Up Up & Away
#16 Indiegirl Can't Find A Better Man
#18 PaulThomasMcKee Workin For The Man
#19 Liquid Air A Glimpse
#25 PyroPrints Those Who Would ...
#33 Hurricanesteve Behind Enemy Lines
#54 eoren1 These Truths...
#61 Nee7x7 Boxed In