Why should I stay with Smugmug for Weddings?

photogmommaphotogmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,644 Major grins
edited August 4, 2007 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
Consider this Andi's frustration post. And my wishlist, which I know repeats much of what other people have said.... But I feel the need to get it out.

Having done a few portrait shoots, I can say that, for the most part, I'm very happy with SM. The quality, as always, rocks. And the clients fine ordering relatively easy to do.

But having done my third wedding (this one for my sister-in-law, who rocks), i have found SM to be less than perfect. What would I do to improve things? See my list....
  • FAVORITES for customers - With upwards of 450 photos to look at in 8 different galleries (getting ready, wedding, reception, etc.), my clients have a VERY hard time trying to figure out what to buy. Sure, I know many people are going to say "cut down on the number of photos", but it's hard when you've done the rehearsal, that dinner, and all the wedding day activities. And they're family and you KNOW whow and what you're looking at. What I want is for my customer to be able to make a "favorites" list - or several of them! - that they can continue to add/delete to/from as they'd like. And if they want, they can let me see it. Why? Point #2...
  • BOOKS - Since SM doesn't offer books, I'm forced to do this through another vendor. And because my bride is 4 hours away, I'm having to make her add comments to each of the photos she'd like. And, based on comments so far, she's going to request about 250 photos. (I'm still working out books so no comments on how I did it, please! LOL!) Have you EVER sat down and made 250 comments? OMG! It's a complete pain! You have to enter a code EVERY time and it takes forever. Needless to say, she's very unhappy with this flow. (As am I.) Favorites would help.
  • PACKAGES - I have been hearing rumors of packages forever (at least a year... "stay tuned" :scratch I have and still don't see any!). This would be an IMMENSE thing for my business - both portraits AND weddings. Wow! It would ROCK since just about every one of my client's asks about this!
  • COUPONS - I would love to be able to give coupons to customers that have been especially great to me. Or put them in the paper to track where they are coming from. Or my magazine ads. Or whatever. Or maybe I give a coupon to the Bride and Groom for a discount, but can keep the prices standard for the rest of the people ordering. You get the idea....
  • KEYWORDS AVAILABLE TO CUSTOMER WHEN PW/HIDDEN - I spent a long time (yes, dumb of me not to read) adding keywords to photo on my site for a customer. Worked GREAT for me. But not so great for her - it wasn't visible! Ugh! (I had to unprotect it for the time being - not a great option.) I would LOVE to have a check box for that gallery saying "share keywords" "yes/no".
And a few others, for giggles and grins:
  • CUSTOMIZABLE EMAILS - I understand that when you send a link to someone using the "share photos" option, that you can't customize the look/feel of that email. Seems almost like a no-brainer to have that tool at a pros fingertips.
  • PRICING PRESETS - Instead of having to set up a new gallery for each of my pricing presets, I would love to have presets in a drop down just like you see in customizing a gallery. Why? Because it's SO much cleaner. Better yet, a special table-like matrix a la Excel would be even better! I could see VERY easily what my pricing is.
  • ADD TO ORDER - As a thank you for some of my larger orders, I would LOVE to either remove the cost for a certain print or ADD a new print at no cost to them. Sort of a "surprise! thanks!". Sure, i can order and send it to them, but I don't always have their address - and that costs extra shipping (and burns more carbon!).
So where am I going with all this? Based on my level of frustration with this particular wedding, I'm starting to look around at other options for my next wedding in September. I have spend FAR MORE time doing silly little things than I should have to because of how things are structured with SM.

And I need you to convince me not to take my wedding business elsewhere. (Sure, I'm not a bajillion dollar pro like some, but I expect that after I take Shay's class in Denver, I will be! :rofl )

(One thing I should add is that I do love SM. I will keep my personal site here and I'll probably keep my portraits here unless I find a better solution.)

A frustrated Pro Smugmugger.


  • I SimoniusI Simonius Registered Users Posts: 1,034 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2007
    Consider this Andi's frustration post. And my wishlist,

    hey those all sound like GREAT suggestions!
  • urbanariesurbanaries Registered Users Posts: 2,690 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2007
    While I am happy with smugmug has afforded me in terms of website presence (albeit not without a surprise learning curve in web development), as I turn the corner in my business toward higher end demographics and weddings, some basic needs off the top of my head not being currently fulfilled by smugmug...

    Book creation and ordering capability
    CDs directly to consumers
    cobranded print packaging
    gift certs/codes/packages
    favoriting/custom user experience.

    It seems the days of being all things to all people might be coming to a crossroads. Is truth simply that the cash cow for SM is big volume sales of the 19-cent prints, and business decisions sustaining standard accounts and pro accounts are just not as profitable? Like Andi, I am shopping for other services.

    And to be fair, neither of us are big volume photographers. We represent the "just starting out/part timers" crowd. I can't imagine how smugmug could meet my needs if and when I go full time, and at my target demographic.

    If the answer is no, pro accounts are not a top priority, that's completely fair, and I respect Smugmug's business model. But as it stands, for portrait photographers who generate and sell large volumes of prints, smugmug seems to be a square peg. (as opposed to fine art photographers, who don't have the consumer product demands as us "sell outs" :)...I imagine smugmug meets their needs very well). Are the $30 accounts so outrageously outnumbering the pro accounts that the economy of scale is insurmountable? I am very curious, as I have been with smugmug ten months and have sold 1,012 prints as of today. Maybe that's a small number in the smugmug scale of things. I don't have a point of reference.

    ETA: it seems the way to go with books these days is collaboration. Flickr and Blurb are really maximizing their partnership, Pictage and Leather Craftsmen....let's grab ASUKA or Graphistudio before someone else does! ;)
    Canon 5D MkI
    50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
    ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2007
    Ya'll have some great ideas here clap.gif

    I think you'll be pleased with some things we've got in the works. I won't be letting on, no no no, but trust me we hear you!

    Thanks for taking the time to let us know how important this stuff is to you guys bowdown.gif
  • I SimoniusI Simonius Registered Users Posts: 1,034 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    urbanaries wrote:

    ETA: it seems the way to go with books these days is collaboration. Flickr and Blurb are really maximizing their partnership, Pictage and Leather Craftsmen....let's grab ASUKA or Graphistudio before someone else does! ;)

    definitely dig the teming up with book-guys idea! However as the POTN book team discovered when they went with 'Blurb' shipping costs abroad can be prohibitive - goota check out the end user business experience as well as SM's business perspective with themmwink.gif
  • urbanariesurbanaries Registered Users Posts: 2,690 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    Simon King wrote:
    definitely dig the teming up with book-guys idea! However as the POTN book team discovered when they went with 'Blurb' shipping costs abroad can be prohibitive - goota check out the end user business experience as well as SM's business perspective with themmwink.gif

    graphistudio is in italy....thumb.gif

    are there book producers in the UK we should offer up?
    Canon 5D MkI
    50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
    ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
  • I SimoniusI Simonius Registered Users Posts: 1,034 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    urbanaries wrote:
    graphistudio is in italy....thumb.gif

    are there book producers in the UK we should offer up?

    There may well be but I have had no experience of them to date...from the POTN book building experience I would say the only way to tell is to order the same book from all of them

    As it stands I haven't really had time to check out the UK options. Probably best to check with the POTN book team as thereare a few UK guys who might have already gone through it. I'm still up to my ears in house stuff for a little while yet ( nearly got the kitchen floor tiling right - but not quite..:bash )

    Might give it a look nopw I've had the prompt once the house refurb is finishedrolleyes1.gif
  • photogmommaphotogmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,644 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    Ya'll have some great ideas here clap.gif

    I think you'll be pleased with some things we've got in the works. I won't be letting on, no no no, but trust me we hear you!

    Thanks for taking the time to let us know how important this stuff is to you guys bowdown.gif

    Andy, having worked for a major software company that also had internet based solutions for many years, I understand how careful you have to be to manage your customer's expectations. But getting a "stay tuned" answer each time gets frustrating.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't need to hear you say, "Andi! We'll have those books and favorites online by August 1st and I'll be happy create your first book for you!"

    But it would be nice to hear something like, "We hear you loud and clear. We have some new features and functionality that will be geared directly towards the portrait and wedding professional photographers and we expect it to be released within the next 6 months." (And if it's released in 4 months or 4 weeks, you've exceeeded your expectations with me!)

    By hearing something like this, I know that you're going to be addressing things that I'm interested in. But by hearing "I think you'll be pleased with some things we've got in the works. I won't be letting on, no no no, but trust me we hear you!", I have no clue what to expect OR when to expect it OR even if it will impact my wedding business!

    I'm really not trying to be a pain. I'm just trying to make my life easier for the next two weddings I have booked!

    Thanks for letting me get it all out! :D (As if you had a choice. Laughing.gif!)
  • photogmommaphotogmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,644 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    urbanaries wrote:
    It seems the days of being all things to all people might be coming to a crossroads. Is truth simply that the cash cow for SM is big volume sales of the 19-cent prints, and business decisions sustaining standard accounts and pro accounts are just not as profitable? Like Andi, I am shopping for other services.


    If the answer is no, pro accounts are not a top priority, that's completely fair, and I respect Smugmug's business model. But as it stands, for portrait photographers who generate and sell large volumes of prints, smugmug seems to be a square peg.

    And I have to reiterate what Lynne said... If you aren't planning on developing in the direction of the wedding and portrait photographer, I completely understand and respect that. But I'd really like to know so I can make decisions based on that.

    Thanks for giving us a forum to get this out.
  • Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007

    I'm going to have to climb on the band-wagon with Andi and Lynne on a couple of points:
    • I also understand about managing customer expectations, not over-promising, and making sure that everything that is actually stated is met. But, the lowest common denomintor of this mentality is that nothing is said. This results in
    • "Stay Tuned - you'll like what you see" without giving any idea of what sorts of things are in the offing. It's very difficult to do any real planning and/or make business decisions based on this sort of very non-answer.
    • I recently stumbled across a change that is in the offing - the changes to the shopping cart, but the only because I was trying to track down a post someone else had made. The title grabbed my interest. Is there a place to look for these sorts of announcements?
    • Coupons/packages/virtual galleries (which would solve one of Andi's problems - the favorites)/teaming with publishers; These are all things that would be so cool to have.
    • Virtual galleries (VG) - this would solve so many small, irritating, and time consuming problems.
      • Easing customer experience. The 450 photo scenario to which Andi is referring. I got around that by grouping photos into galleries. One for the preparation, one for the ceremony, one for the portraits, one for the reception special events, etc
      • Front page slide shows - as implemented now, I have to copy photos from one gallery to another.
      • It would so much easier to just indicate that a VG is comprised of this image and this one and that one.
      • Removing an image from the VB would be nothing more than removing the reference from the list.
      • Version 1 of the interface could be as crude as developing a list of URLs for each of the images to be used.
      • I'll grant I'm glossing over the finer points of the implementation and this would mean that this would have to be a customizable feature --> so it would be Pro/Power account user feature only. That's probably where it belongs anyway.
      • Any Pro/Power user who wants the VG would also already implemented other customizations - little worry about learning curver there.
    • How about the ability to order prints of an entire gallery. The last time I did this (some 200 images), it took me more the 30 minutes to go through the process. Most of that time was waiting for all the thumbs to download each time. Another significant time was spent waiting on the server to render the pages, before the first bit of HTML response was sent back down the wire.
  • DblDbl Registered Users Posts: 230 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    I agree with the others on this one. Not giving us any idea of a time frame for some of these ideas does nothing for a small business owner. I will use one quick example, coupons and packages. June of 2005 and there are earlier posts than that. http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=13042&highlight=photo+packages Over two years of we're working on it?

    How long do we continue to accept "we're working on it, and its on the radar". As others have mentioned we don't need the actual date but a realistic time frame seems like a logical response so we can do some planning for our business growth.

    I honestly can't imagine that many successful vendors would get away with this type of response with their customers.

    Canon Gear
  • photogmommaphotogmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,644 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
      • Easing customer experience. The 450 photo scenario to which Andi is referring. I got around that by grouping photos into galleries. One for the preparation, one for the ceremony, one for the portraits, one for the reception special events, etc
      • Front page slide shows - as implemented now, I have to copy photos from one gallery to another.
      • It would so much easier to just indicate that a VG is comprised of this image and this one and that one.
      • Removing an image from the VB would be nothing more than removing the reference from the list.
      Just a note - I actually break my galleries up the same way (by event during the wedding weekend), but that doesn't help someone unless they want to add the photo to their cart, delete them, add others - that's the only real way to create a VG, as you're mentioning.....

      Also, to have a slideshow be more dynamic, you can always refer to keywords rather than using a gallery. My URL, for example, for the slideshow is currently http://www.tippiepics.com/keyword/spring (and it's about to change) and all I do is change out the keyword in the different galleries and then update the URL in my Footer in customization... (Thought it might be helpful!)

      Thanks for all your other comments. I am glad to see I'm not the only one feeling like this. :D
    • jenna16jenna16 Registered Users Posts: 30 Big grins
      edited July 27, 2007
      no timeframe for releases
      Dbl wrote:
      I agree with the others on this one. Not giving us any idea of a time frame for some of these ideas does nothing for a small business owner. I will use one quick example, coupons and packages. June of 2005 and there are earlier posts than that. http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=13042&highlight=photo+packages Over two years of we're working on it?

      How long do we continue to accept "we're working on it, and its on the radar". As others have mentioned we don't need the actual date but a realistic time frame seems like a logical response so we can do some planning for our business growth.

      I honestly can't imagine that many successful vendors would get away with this type of response with their customers.

      I too find this policy not only ridiculous and the defense of it is plain silly. The idea that a small family company with a couple dozen employees (I think) has a strict company policy that can't be changed is not credible to me. Hold a meeting and decide to change the policy! There are no shareholder meetings, etc. Perhaps there is a board, but I just don't buy the idea that this so-called policy is written in stone like the Magna Carta. SM needs to demonstrate a little security in its ability to meet some basic development deadlines, out of respect for the 1000s of people who base their businesses on SM's technology. I hope SM decides to rethink this policy soon.
    • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
      edited July 27, 2007
      jenna16 wrote:
      I too find this policy not only ridiculous and the defense of it is plain silly.
      Ouch, I'm so sorry you find our policy to be ridiculous and us silly for trying to meet expectations of our customers.

      See, if we told you "Feature X will be out on September 25th" and we missed it, because of something beyond our control (or within our control), we'd be slammed by our pros.

      We have a strong, long record of innovating and enhancing our complete product offering.
    • GJMPhotoGJMPhoto Registered Users Posts: 372 Major grins
      edited July 28, 2007
      Andy...I don't think you're "Getting It"
      Andy wrote:
      Ouch, I'm so sorry you find our policy to be ridiculous and us silly for trying to meet expectations of our customers.

      See, if we told you "Feature X will be out on September 25th" and we missed it, because of something beyond our control (or within our control), we'd be slammed by our pros.

      You're not getting the point...you're reacting to something that's NOT being said (and more importanty NOT reacting to what IS being said).

      Every software company has a pipeline of enhancements and fixes. They are shared with their customers to allow them to plan and make their own business decisions. Some of their lists have dates (often identified by month, quarter, or even year). Some are not about dates at all: I've seen: Gold, Silver, Bronze rated or "Must Have Soon, Want to Have, Nice to Have, If Time Permits".

      Managing your customer's expectations does not absolve you from having a responsibility to SET them at some point! It is not MANAGING expectations to simply not set any! "Don't expect much and everything will work out!" is a lousy model when it comes to product development...you lose customers that way.

      When people are giving you feedback and suggestions, you HAVE to acknowledge them and give them a sense of position in the queue. It's not about a hard date, it's about an understanding of the request and a prioritization of that request.

      I suggest you have an open list of considered enhancements WITH their associated priorities. If you don't want, don't put a release number or a date that you can be held to, but at a minimum, provide an open indication on where our ideas are and how they stack up against the other ideas.

      BTW: There's another benefit for SM: Providing visibility to your pipeline of enhancements will give customers an opportunity to weigh in on requirements, ideas, potential solutions, etc. This may help SM development from becoming a bottleneck for solutions by opening up to the collective brain power of your customer base.

      Don't be defensive...no one is asking you to commit to dates. The "Get It?" point is about undertanding of the problem, prioritization, and status.
      Andy wrote:
      We have a strong, long record of innovating and enhancing our complete product offering.
      Sorry...but this doesn't pass the "So What" test. It's not about trust...it's about information flow. Open up...we don't bite :D

      - Gary.
    • PoseidonPoseidon Registered Users Posts: 504 Major grins
      edited July 28, 2007
      There are some fantastic ideas in this thread. Overall I have been very happy with my Smugmug experience, and my return on investment has been about 10 to 1, so how can I complain right?

      Well, I REALLY like the idea of being able to order an entire gallery! I have had to go elsewhere to get 400 4x6's made of a particular gallery that was already loaded to SM. If there was an option to order that gallery I certainly would have! (This has to be a relatively simple fix right?)

      Allowing my clients to add their favorites to a personal cart would be awesome. Especially if there are photos from multiple galleries.

      Overall I am pleased with SM I have always been, but if SM waits to long, or is just not able to add certain asked for features, I am afraid the people will go elsewere.

      I know the Tom guy at Pictage is pretty tenacious in trying to sign me up!!! Laughing.gif! (I can't say I'll switch, because I have developed a comfortable work flow here, and they are EXPENSIVE!)
      Mike LaPorte
      Perfect Pix
    • xxclixxxxxclixxx Registered Users Posts: 91 Big grins
      edited July 28, 2007
      My 2 Cents

      Cent #1: I would LOVE to have keywords with passworded galleries. I take photos of kids at Church events, which I can't let anyone have access to. But I want parents to be able to click their child's name and see all the photos of them. Instead I have to tell them good luck..

      Cent #2: I also feel its a bit difficult doing various things that should be simple. I like smugmug because I don't have to worry about sending the prints, but when it comes time to customize I'm very limited. I feel like the work is being shoved over to me.. Rather than being able to customize templates, I'm expected to learn advanced javascript and css hacks and to know all the id names and classes and spend hours searching for answers trying to get the site to look how I want.


      PS. I don't view the photos all the time, but lately I've noticed the site loading pretty quick compared to last time I thought about it. I was going to suggest PRO accounts being on a seperate, faster system but it seems the slow problem of before is gone.
      Tim Linden
      Please Vote - External Shopping Cart Links:
    • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
      edited July 28, 2007
      GJMPhoto wrote:
      You're not getting the point..
      OK So, if I'm hearing you right, the discussions had here on Dgrin about features we've yet to release (e.g., Stock Photos, SmugMungous, and more) are not enough - you'd like to see that in "list" form or some other structure? Perhaps it's a matter of cataloging stuff that's already public, in a better fashion.

      Tell me if I'm on the right track, okay?
    • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
      edited July 28, 2007
      xxclixxx wrote:
      but when it comes time to customize I'm very limited.
      We won't leave anyone behind thumb.gif Make a post in the customizing forum, and shout Help! We have lots of folks, Smuggers and volunteer helpers who'd love to get you going. It's rather easy - but you have to take the first step and say what you want, and then we do it for you - and teach (if you want) along the way. Don't wait another minute!
    • jchinjchin Registered Users Posts: 713 Major grins
      edited July 28, 2007
      Andy ... I guess I have to jump on the bandwagon as well here. So here goes my few cents.

      1. COUPON CODES would be a wonderful idea, I would probably get more sales that way.

      2. ORDER THIS GALLERY option would be nice, instead of having to click through the images and add them to the cart. I had to fill a wedding family's order manually through another provider when they wanted a 4x6 copy of all their photos (1100+).

      3. BOOKS or MINI-ALBUMS (like those on DotPhoto) would be nice; of course it means more work for us PRO account holders, we'll probably have to pre-arrange and setup the BOOKS or MINI-ALBUMS.

      4. ADD-TO-ORDER option would be nice for those of us who want to send along a free item (at our expense) to the buyer. Or give us the option of seeing the buyer's shipping address so that we can mail them a gift if we wanted to.

      5. FEATURE NOTIFICATIONS ... it would be nice to get an e-mail when there is a new feature or change in the system. I've noticed that new pricing options were made available this year that I had not setup a default price in my setup.

      OTHERWISE ... SmugMug has been great. thumb.gif I am a part-time wedding photographer and the ability for clients to order their own prints at my pre-set prices helps tremendously.

      PS -- Hearing "it is in the works" and "it is on our radar" for the past 2 years is getting to sound like a broken record. Are you sure Don and his crew are working on SmugMug and not starting another venture? mwink.gif
      Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography
      SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
      (use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
    • GJMPhotoGJMPhoto Registered Users Posts: 372 Major grins
      edited July 28, 2007
      The right track
      Andy wrote:
      OK So, if I'm hearing you right, the discussions had here on Dgrin about features we've yet to release (e.g., Stock Photos, SmugMungous, and more) are not enough - you'd like to see that in "list" form or some other structure? Perhaps it's a matter of cataloging stuff that's already public, in a better fashion.

      Tell me if I'm on the right track, okay?

      A single place to find a PRIORITIZED and CATEGORIZED (as I mentioned in my previous post) list of "coming features" would be a big plus.

      The biggest dissatisfaction (as I'm reading the same posts you are) is not about knowing WHEN an item is coming - It's knowing IF an item is coming! "About When" would be even nicer...but let's at least start with "IF"...a commitment to add a feature.

      Something along the lines of: "Yes...we'll be working on printing books later this year...but we'll probably deliver coupons first" (or whatever) would probably make most of the posters I've read happier. As I read these posts, most people love SM...and are willing to wait...they just want to know it's worth waiting.

      I could be wrong...but I don't think so...anyone else?

      - Gary.
    • DblDbl Registered Users Posts: 230 Major grins
      edited July 29, 2007
      SM is definitely not getting it. Have you read the responses in this thread?

      How long do we continue to accept "we're working on it, and its on the radar". As others have mentioned we don't need the actual date but a realistic time frame seems like a logical response so we can do some planning for our business growth.

      How does your response to any of these questions,

      Ouch, I'm so sorry you find our policy to be ridiculous and us silly for trying to meet expectations of our customers.

      See, if we told you "Feature X will be out on September 25th" and we missed it, because of something beyond our control (or within our control), we'd be slammed by our pros

      make any sense what so ever? Does SM take the time to read each of these responses that people are taking the time to post? I really am at a loss here, what direction is SM headed? Even your non answers don't make a lot of sense. No one is asking for hard dates here, we are asking for information that I and obviously others firmly believe doesn't require a top secret security clearance to obtain, with some idea of when we can expect results.

      Since the question above about coupons and packages has been mentioned lets look at that as an example. My previous post shows that SM has been telling us they have been "working on it" for in excess of two years. What does that tell me about SM's commitment to the issue? What can I tell my customers that are asking for these types of products? Another year, two, four, what really is it. Would it be difficult to say we plan on implementing that product in the fall of 2007. If you are having trouble with meeting that time frame communicate it to your customers and how you are trying to meet that goal and when.

      This really is just plain good business. I am and always have been puzzled by SM's answer to upcoming features. What makes SM so different than any other customer orientated business? What if one of your vendors said "we are working on an upgrade to our servers, I know you are having trouble with them crashing, but we just don't comment on new upgrades to our equipment. I don't know what you should tell your customers, but we assure you it will get fixed....sometime....in the future." How would you as a company react? Would you be happy with that response with your (us) customers complaining?

      I have seen responses from SM about a few make all the noise. Most of those are people like myself that are trying to conduct business for profit. Many are here daily trying to keep up with the latest problems to help insure our customers have a pain free experience. Daily users, the people that spend the most time working with SM are the very users SM says are in the minority. Is it possible that SM is unable to meet the needs of "pros" or power users and the casual user? It would seem you can't make both happy. Pros need more of a PhotoReflect, or PhotoShelter type of experience, average user doesn't.

      As one who falls into both categories I can say as a casual user on my personal site I am more than happy with my SM experience. Every few months some photos go up with a glitch here or there, and I don't have customizations or sell so it works fine. And if there is a problem nothing is really lost because eventually it will work, no deadlines to meet except my own. As a business owner with a pro site I can say I have become increasingly unimpressed. Loading problems, implementation of features that don't help me sell my product, lack of implementation of products that will help me sell my product and no idea when those issues will be addressed.

      Example, the other day I upload photos to a new gallery on my personal site, the up loader now has pretty green arrows pointing to the drop photos here, looks pretty not sure how it helps anyone who can't read the "drop photos here" that was always there. As a pro, for that matter as a casual user what did that do to help me? Nothing that I can see, yet I still wait for packages, Virtual galleries, a better shopping cart, etc. with no idea of when I might see any of those improvements. A new user that is shopping features among the various photo hosting sites might have no idea that some of the features that are implemented and operating at the competition might be something "on the radar" at SM. Is that in your best interest? If you listed upcoming features along with an estimated date of implementation you may grab a customer that you otherwise would not have a chance of getting.

      It has become increasingly frustrating to be a pro user, not personal user, because SM refuses to give us the information we need to stay competitive and make smart business decisions on what we can offer our clients to improve our bottom line. I do hope you revisit your policy of not keeping your customers abreast of features we need to function efficiently and competitively as a business.

      Canon Gear
    • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
      edited July 29, 2007
      Dbl wrote:

      It has become increasingly frustrating to be a pro user, not personal user, because SM refuses to give us the information we need to stay competitive and make smart business decisions on what we can offer our clients to improve our bottom line. I do hope you revisit your policy of not keeping your customers abreast of features we need to function efficiently and competitively as a business.

      Thanks for posting, and the great feedback. We really do like it when you tell it like it is. I wish we could tell you more. It's frustrating for us, too, believe me :)

      We'll continue to talk about this, it's really great that you guys are taking the time to tell us how important it is to you.

      Thanks again.
    • GJMPhotoGJMPhoto Registered Users Posts: 372 Major grins
      edited July 29, 2007
      Fuel on the fire
      Andy wrote:
      Thanks for posting, and the great feedback. We really do like it when you tell it like it is. I wish we could tell you more. It's frustrating for us, too, believe me :)

      We'll continue to talk about this, it's really great that you guys are taking the time to tell us how important it is to you.

      Thanks again.

      Nothing like pouring some sugar-sweet fuel on the fire.
    • carolinecaroline Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
      edited July 29, 2007
      GJMPhoto wrote:
      A single place to find a PRIORITIZED and CATEGORIZED (as I mentioned in my previous post) list of "coming features" would be a big plus.

      The biggest dissatisfaction (as I'm reading the same posts you are) is not about knowing WHEN an item is coming - It's knowing IF an item is coming! "About When" would be even nicer...but let's at least start with "IF"...a commitment to add a feature.

      Something along the lines of: "Yes...we'll be working on printing books later this year...but we'll probably deliver coupons first" (or whatever) would probably make most of the posters I've read happier. As I read these posts, most people love SM...and are willing to wait...they just want to know it's worth waiting.

      I could be wrong...but I don't think so...anyone else?

      - Gary.

      Sorry Gary I do think you are wrong, I think it is unreasonable and niave to expect Smugmug to provide the level of information you and some others appear to be insisting upon.
      My business is not wedding or event photography so my requirements are different, but if there was a certain feature I required that IS NOT available on Smugmug then I would look elsewhere or adapt to Smugmug, while hoping that it may be something that Smugmug might offer in the future.

      Producing a prioritised and categorized list of forthcoming developments seems to me like opening the door to any competitiors to jump in first.

      I have no wish to inflame this discussion as it is obviously something you feel very strongly about, but I did want to make a comment from "the other side of the fence". I do hope that for all concerned parties a satisfactory compromise can be reached.
      With best wishes,
      Mendip Blog - Blog from The Fog, life on the Mendips
      www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+

    • I SimoniusI Simonius Registered Users Posts: 1,034 Major grins
      edited July 29, 2007
      another comment from the 'other side of the fence'mwink.gif

      SM is as it is and when we sign up we haven't done so expecting such and such features to be additional parts of the package within any given time frame

      It is one thing to lend wheight to a request for such and such a feature, quite another to demand that it's anticipated date or order of priority be published

      There are many other companies that don't divulge things in the pipeline(Canon , Applemwink.gif ) and presumably with good reason (discussmwink.gif )

      I can understand the frustration about and the arguement for the need to have published info on things that affect ones business but it's pertinant to remember that SM is not defaulting on any promise to do so and one cannot automatically expect ( no matter how strong the reasoning) that one compay fit its business strategy in with anothers' just because the other deems it necessary.

      Yes were are SMs customers but the service they provide IS what they provide and what we subscribed to, not the promise of another.
    • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
      edited July 29, 2007
      GJMPhoto wrote:
      Nothing like pouring some sugar-sweet fuel on the fire.
      I could say the same thing naughty.gif

      Come on now, I'm dead serious in my reply above, where you think it's sugar sweet, I'm telling you, the rest of the posters that we're seeing this.

      Would you prefer I say nothing, and not acknowledge the postings?
    • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
      edited July 29, 2007
      GJMPhoto wrote:
      A single place to find a PRIORITIZED and CATEGORIZED (as I mentioned in my previous post) list of "coming features" would be a big plus.


      It's a start. Thanks.
    • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
      edited July 29, 2007
      jchin wrote:

      5. FEATURE NOTIFICATIONS ... it would be nice to get an e-mail when there is a new feature or change in the system. I've noticed that new pricing options were made available this year that I had not setup a default price in my setup.
      We did send out notices to all our customers, and especially pros, with notes into your control panel messaging system.

      Did you miss these?
    • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
      edited July 29, 2007
      jchin wrote:

      2. ORDER THIS GALLERY option would be nice, instead of having to click through the images and add them to the cart. I had to fill a wedding family's order manually through another provider when they wanted a 4x6 copy of all their photos (1100+).
      But multiple photos, select all (one button), add to cart. That's how to do it now. Just making sure you are aware of this.
      Are you sure Don and his crew are working on SmugMug and not starting another venture? mwink.gif
      :bigbs Uhm, not.
    • Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
      edited July 29, 2007
      Andy wrote:

      This is an excellent start and is EXACTLY what I was looking for - one-stop shopping for a list of enhancements that are planned, in production, or already on-line.

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