I went to Alviso, CA (marshy, southern SF Bay area) and caught two trains going by -- and here I thought those were abandoned RR tracks due to photos I'd seen of people on the tracks...
Then I went to check up on the white pelicans and other bird life at one of the Baylands Parks, this one at San Antonio Rd and Terminal. Got some interesting shots, but certainly nothing SF2 worthy.
Another gray day today, but I may head out to our local farmer's market, again not expecting to find anything challenge worthy.
I do have an idea for tomorrow if I can get hubby up earlier than usual.
I haven't processed my images yet... and, I don't really want to use this thread for my pics, not nice to "hijack" a thread, right?
My camera hasn't been out of its bag in over a week. The way my life looks at the moment, I am not going to be able to shoot anything before next Tuesday...
When you talk about planning shots, it is absolutely mandatory for me. I consider myself lucky if I can work in more than 2 hours of shooting time in a two week period. Every LPS shot I have taken has been meticulously planned down to the two hour window it is going to be shot in. I end up improvising only if something goes wrong with the plan.
Wow, now that's a tight window!!! (And look how well you do!!!!!!!)
I pick my ideas very carefully because I know I am shooting without a net. If the idea falls through, I'll be without an entry for the round. So far that's happened only once, for LPS#2 and in that case a rather funky, offbeat opportunity presented itself on the last weekend. For LPS 9 and 10 I picked higher risk ideas because I knew I had already qualified. Both of them tested my improv skills to pull out anything at all.
The semi finals are tough. After the last semi round, I decided that I would have to take some risks to have any chance of winning. So this time around I have picked an idea that I think has a chance of winning, but also has a fair chance of not happening at all. If I end up without a shot for this round, I still have a good idea and hopefully I'll get a chance to try again in SF#3.
I did also arrange to take a day off work so I have some time for less focused shooting during the SF. Unfortunately for me that means only an 9am-6pm day which is not exactly optimal for getting the best shots.
I haven't processed my images yet... and, I don't really want to use this thread for my pics, not nice to "hijack" a thread, right?
I can understand that you might want to start up your own thread to post your potential entry photos, but I have no problem with you using this thread.
Actually, I'm enjoying the involvement of everyone and the way the thread is turning into a collection of thoughts and descriptions of approaches to shooting. I'm going to keep my diary for the round in here, buit hopefully everyone will still feel the urge to contribute as well.
It's not my camera's fault, I'm just visually illiterate
Wow, so many statements have been made in this thread that I can identify with:
"Better to be lucky than good"
"oh, crap what do I do now."
"This is my first semi-final and first time to shoot without a theme. ...Yikes! I don't feel I am a very creative type either."
I guess I have some things in common with the other semifinalists after all. Well, except for the talent part, heh.
I have entered three of the LPS contests. My two that finished in the top ten were planned and thought out shots that were just a matter of executing correctly through repeated trials (exploding soda can and balloon release). My submission that got no votes was my attempt to do what many have suggested on this thread - just capture something great in front of your camera. Given that brief history, to follow the advice of "this is already a place where you better stick to what you do best" - I believe I had better think of something good.
Something that oftens triggers my creativity is to look at other inspiring photos. I also went to the last semifinal winners to see what it took the last round. One that really caught my eye was the spoon of honey and bee (which I assume involving some merging of pictures). This is the type of thing I hope I am able to come up with - something that is great conceptually. But so far, I've got very little simmering.
I miss a couple of things about the set themes - one is the structure of the contest being provided for me... the theme being open just kind of leaves my mind wandering off on endless tangents that's probably going to have me falling back on the "hope I capture something great in front of my camera" which didn't work out well last time. The other bad thing for me about an open theme is that the great photographers who submit great pictures won't be disqualified because in the judges opinion, they didn't follow the theme. My lone crutch is gone!
The one positive I am taking out of the open theme is that I get to shoot whatever I want over the next couple of weeks. So far I am thinking that will be something to do with nature or wildlife. Ah the possiblities! Well, enough ramblings... just needed a bit of a catharsis myself.
Dee's quest on Tuesday Aug 7
I find this thread so interesting... I'm so glad you started it and thanks for saying you'd like to see my "rejects" for the LPS SF2. I went to Alviso and a Baylands area... here are a few I like, but don't deem semifinals worthy...
I have entered three of the LPS contests. My two that finished in the top ten were planned and thought out shots that were just a matter of executing correctly through repeated trials (exploding soda can and balloon release). My submission that got no votes was my attempt to do what many have suggested on this thread - just capture something great in front of your camera. Given that brief history, to follow the advice of "this is already a place where you better stick to what you do best" - I believe I had better think of something good.
Excellent summation of the thread Dee.
To me this is the important message.
One thing I know is that, dynamic range aside, I rarely if ever push the technology of my camera beyond what's it's capable of. So capturing a photo that draws people in isn't about having the highest resolution or the latest release camera, it's about having an idea and communicating the idea well, visually.
So, while I'm open to capturing that lucky moment, I'm not relying on it to produce a winning photo - that takes planning and preparation, especially for me because I think I'm visually illiterate.
It's not my camera's fault, I'm just visually illiterate
Thinking on this, I believe that most of my shots have been planned. Because of the "heat" factor here, time is a big limitation, to go out and shoot around High Noon is "suicide" sort to speak.., and I do hold another job, bills gotta be paid..lol
Me personally, although Florida is Beautiful, I find it very photographically challenged, all Flatlands. No Mts., not alot of variances of "nature", Palm Trees Galore, and most of the places that could give you interesting photos, there is an admittance fee, but I always keep my eye open for the unexpected, I go NO where w/o my companion.
My camera bag due to the heat factor is.....a "cooler"...Yes, a Red Flowered Cloth Cooler, with net pockets on the side, rolls on wheels (cuz I got tired of carrying the camera bag on my shoulder). It actually looks like a little carryon suitcase.. but the most important factor for doing this, because it protects my equipment from the heat, since I travel so much .
As stated before, I get a title in my head, and I go from there, and then I start contemplating on what I can do to make or how I can improvise to make that title/idea come alive.
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
The SF does encourage me to be creative about finding time to shoot. I am stuck all day in a "Quality Leadership" conference which has the upside that I don't actually need to be alert at work today. I decided to take advantage of that and set the alarm for 5am to go out shooting before work. I drove by one of my favorite places to shoot at dawn, but with the dingy sky the light was bad enough that I didn't bother getting out the camera. I went back to the highway and drove south but by the time I got to the bridge (Golden Gate) it was just past 6 and any early morning character I might have caught was gone. So I headed off into the headlands to spend an hour scouting a place to shoot that I might come back to on a better day. I stopped and walked down a thin steep trail to a little surfer's beach. There were about 10 seals hanging out in the water right off shore so I slapped on the 70-300 and took a few shots:
A couple seal pups:
And mama:
Then I spent a little while playing with ideas that I might use here if the light was better. If you look closely, you'll see the golden gate in the first one.
Note that all of these are full color. The day itself did the B&W conversion.
Back home by 8, I loaded this into Lightroom and dumped out as JPEGs for upload. Then it is off to work followed by getting Miles (my 3 year old) in bed. My next opportunity to think about the SF will be around 8:30pm. No real progress on the challenge today, but seeing the seal pups made it all worth while.
Note that all of these are full color. The day itself did the B&W conversion.
I hear you there.
It was similar across the Atlantic. Holland is known for it's grey skies, but today was ridiculous.
Ah well, gave me an opportunity to keep working on ideas.
Day 3, 22:00
Not much happening outside today, so I ended up doing two things.
I spent the day capturing some of my safe images in my home studio and I worked on other ideas for my entry.
I often try to visualise a shot before I go out shooting, but when I visualise purely in my head, I sometimes have difficulty picking the weak aspects of a composition. So some days when I get home from shooting I then think, Ï wish I'd done it this way". As a result, sometimes I roughly sketch what I'm thinking about, which gives me something more solid to work with. Since starting this approach, it's saved me many times because when I've arrived at a location, I can instantly see the things that I need to keep out of the frame (I used to miss them a lot). The dreaded pole coming out of someone's head was something I used to do, but rarely if ever do it now.
So, I spent the afternoon (I have this week off work) just refining my ideas for the entry. I have quite a few rejects and a few that I'm going to shoot.
Here's one of the rejects:
Luckily for me, Holland has tonnes of windmills and the most famous place (Kinderdijk) is a location I've spent a fair bit of time shooting at. So I had initially thought about this particular shot with a view to having a very relaxed feeling to the photo, tied in with an old/traditional theme.
But, this one was a big reject because, while I know I can easily get this shot, it was a bit weak with almost all the leading lines pointing towards a dead part of the frame. I have another shot for Kinderdijk though, so I'll probably visit it on Saturday (skies permitting).
It's not my camera's fault, I'm just visually illiterate
I can see the windmills, but is there a way to assure the boat will be there? I hope your weather will cooperate.
We have SUN today, yay, but we are waiting to hear about my daughter's car at the repair shop (we have to pay for it, so we can pick it up when she comes home from work after the shop closes up), and my hubby has a quick appointment we have to go to, so here I have sunshine, and we're stuck in town! No trips up or down the coast.
And while it's sunny now (mid day) there's no guarantee how long the sun will last due to the constant threat of an encroaching fog layer.
The SF does encourage me to be creative about finding time to shoot. ... I decided to take advantage of that and set the alarm for 5am to go out shooting before work. I drove by one of my favorite places to shoot at dawn, but with the dingy sky the light was bad enough that I didn't bother getting out the camera. ...There were about 10 seals hanging out in the water right off shore so I slapped on the 70-300 and took a few shots:
Those harbor seals are adorable! I know of a place down the coast where they hang out, and it's a short climb down to where I can sit and watch them. I've been meaning to scout that out again, it's been 7 or 8 years since I climbed down there, but now that I have a telephoto and it would be worth the short climb.
You get more done in your time before work than I can imagine! Wow... that's probably the real secret to being a good photographer...
I can see the windmills, but is there a way to assure the boat will be there? I hope your weather will cooperate.
Luckily, I have access to an old wooden construction boat. So if I'd wanted to do this, then it would be possible to put the boat wherever I wanted, but this image isn't on my plan now.
It's not my camera's fault, I'm just visually illiterate
Luckily, I have access to an old wooden construction boat. So if I'd wanted to do this, then it would be possible to put the boat wherever I wanted, but this image isn't on my plan now.
Ah, too bad, it would be a nice image with the boat
...Me personally, although Florida is Beautiful, I find it very photographically challenged, all Flatlands. No Mts., not alot of variances of "nature", Palm Trees Galore, and most of the places that could give you interesting photos, there is an admittance fee, but I always keep my eye open for the unexpected, I go NO where w/o my companion. ..
Don't let yourself fool yourself.
We all have this sort of excuses. You don't have mountains, Dee and Peter have no sun, Aaron has no ocean, Ken has no time, I have no right brain..:-)
The list goes on and on. It's all about making yourself do it. Some work better with a plan, some go by the fly of their pants... It all doesn't matter.
Instead of complaining on what you can't do, concentrate on what you can. Sometimes the subject is right under your very nose, it's only a matter of looking hard enough!
Donna, I can certainly relate to not having that much 'scenic' to shoot at. I laughed because I always think of Florida as a huge photo op! I live in Southern California, which everyone (who doesn't live here) thinks is full of great scenery too. But all I live around is homes, office buildings, and freeways. And summer.....well, it quite often means overcast days at the beach. So I guess we all have our 'challenges' to meeting the challenge!
After reading this thread last night, I attempted to focus on what I might be able to do. I much prefer having a theme. I thought about assigning myself a theme, but it wouldn't be enforceable (hehehe!). So I went on one of my favorite photographer's sites and studied the various galleries to great length. Mostly what I was looking at was something I could borrow from and utilize with the subject matter I have available to me. I was looking for mood, or a certain type of lighting, or a story. I wasn't looking to duplicate, but inspiration to challenge myself into doing something I haven't tried yet. That idea appeals to me, even though at the same time I want to stay within a certain comfort zone! I came across a few things I realized I had been meaning to try, but haven't yet. My worry is that even though I have some ideas, many depend on other people being available. I'd sure like to have something in mind that I had more control over. Tonight after work I'm going to another concert in the park which is where I captured my entry for the last challenge. I'm not really expecting to 'find' my image there, even though the lighting should be right. But I always go everywhere with my camera just in case! I need to get out and shoot as I haven't gone for a few days and I'm getting rusty!!!
although Florida is Beautiful, I find it very photographically challenged, all Flatlands. No Mts., not alot of variances of "nature", Palm Trees Galore
Hey Hey, I could mapquest you to a few new piers if you'd like!
Don't let yourself fool yourself.
We all have this sort of excuses. You don't have mountains, Dee and Peter have no sun, Aaron has no ocean, Ken has no time, I have no right brain..:-)
The list goes on and on. It's all about making yourself do it. Some work better with a plan, some go by the fly of their pants... It all doesn't matter.
Instead of complaining on what you can't do, concentrate on what you can. Sometimes the subject is right under your very nose, it's only a matter of looking hard enough!
Remember: you can do it.
And now the family is having car trouble!!!!! And I can't walk that far, and my bike is broken... and it's back to being dismal gray...
That doesn't mean I having been shooting... I always have my camera with me. It just means nothing SF#2 worthy is happening!
So "IF" the car starts so I can take it to get checked and if I can get the car fixed at a price I can afford, I do have plans for Saturday, if not Saturday then Sunday that don't really count on needing sunshine.
I'm just really pissed right now because I had my car in the shop for the EXACT same problem, had to pay for a tow and they said they fixed it. So far they've been very reliable at fixing our cars. Well, I'm having the same symptom and consider myself lucky that I got the car home -- and to make things worse, one of the things I asked that they fix -- my moonroof wasn't closing -- and thinking they had fixed it, I opened it today, and it wouldn't close, so I sent it all the way back and tried to bring it forward and now it's locked in the open position -- in heavy fog land that means I had to get out a tarp to cover the hole in my roof! (at least I have a tarp!)
My daughter, who borrowed one of our cars to get to work while hers was being checked out, found out that she needs $1600 worth of work done on her car, so unless she just takes it back and drives it until she can save up some money, we're down a car -- if not left with "no" car because she needs to get to work. And hubby has plans for the day.
So life happens, SemiFinals or not!:D
So, I'm thinking "studio" type shot... something I can do on my tabletop... I have a decent flash now, still have my hot lights... so do you think a deer skeleton head would win the challenge? ! Or how 'bout some sea shells?
Maybe it's time I did something totally off the wall, like going through some bags full of magazines and paper and get them ready for the recycle bin... that should be enough to get the creative juices rolling -- or I might try vacuuming, !
And completely off the topic, I've been watching the PBS Travels to the Edge series with Art Wolf, and feeling totally inadequate!
After reading this thread last night, I attempted to focus on what I might be able to do. I much prefer having a theme. I thought about assigning myself a theme, but it wouldn't be enforceable (hehehe!). So I went on one of my favorite photographer's sites and studied the various galleries to great length. Mostly what I was looking at was something I could borrow from and utilize with the subject matter I have available to me. I was looking for mood, or a certain type of lighting, or a story. I wasn't looking to duplicate, but inspiration to challenge myself into doing something I haven't tried yet. That idea appeals to me, even though at the same time I want to stay within a certain comfort zone! I came across a few things I realized I had been meaning to try, but haven't yet.
I do a lot of looking at other photographers' shots both in a general way: why does is work? what do I like about it? how was it done? and also for specific for things I can borrow my own shots: a story, a mood, a composition, the light etc. Given that, I find it odd that many of my LPS qualifier shot ideas come to me essentially fully formed; I am not aware of where the elements have come from. That said, my current working plan for the SF is a blend of two shots I have seen: the story taken from one, the framing and mood taken from the other. I really hope I can pull it off because the image I see in my mind is great.
It's comforting to see, again and again, my thoughts of the last weeks reworded and posted here so well. I was 'kinda' hoping for a theme for the semi. I was pretty sure it would be open, just from looking back at semi#1.
My LPS entry was very much the "better lucky than good" shot. I knew I had something interesting when the shutter closed. I get that from time to time (um, rarely). Usually I'm dissapointed when get home.
What a great thread! / Wow, am I sooo hosed. / What do I do now? / Now, where'd I put that camera....
Don't let yourself fool yourself.
We all have this sort of excuses. You don't have mountains, Dee and Peter have no sun, Aaron has no ocean, Ken has no time, I have no right brain..:-)
The list goes on and on. It's all about making yourself do it. Some work better with a plan, some go by the fly of their pants... It all doesn't matter.
Instead of complaining on what you can't do, concentrate on what you can. Sometimes the subject is right under your very nose, it's only a matter of looking hard enough!
Remember: you can do it.
Wasn't complaining, was stating the obvious..which is very true about Florida, note that I stated "I always keep my eyes open for the unexpected", and I am never without my companion/boyfriend Mr. Olympus. Heck, I'll even get out there in a torrential rainstorm (which I have done) to take photos if I am inclined at the moment...
I always use the right and left side of my brain....I'm ambidexterous....I write with both hands..:ivar
...You can do it...Isn't that the little choo choo that could??
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
Hey Hey, I could mapquest you to a few new piers if you'd like!
ROTFLMAO...Send it along...I love shooting piers, it is a TEST ! To get different angles, different perspectives, just to see how flexible my body still is (lol), to be able to get into small spaces and not get arrested for trespassing...
You owe me one Mark...in the famous words of the Wicked Witch..."Heheheh I'll Get You My Pretty......"
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
I do a lot of looking at other photographers' shots both in a general way: why does is work? what do I like about it? how was it done? and also for specific for things I can borrow my own shots: a story, a mood, a composition, the light etc. Given that, I find it odd that many of my LPS qualifier shot ideas come to me essentially fully formed; I am not aware of where the elements have come from. That said, my current working plan for the SF is a blend of two shots I have seen: the story taken from one, the framing and mood taken from the other. I really hope I can pull it off because the image I see in my mind is great.
VERY true, cuz in Photography, nothing has NOT been done, just another photographer has come along and attacked it differently, and presented a different view/perspective/pov. Good Luck L.A.
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
Then I spent a little while playing with ideas that I might use here if the light was better. If you look closely, you'll see the golden gate in the first one.
Hey Liquid... guess where I was taking photos today:
Perhaps if I were to blow up your image enough I might see myself waving to you. Actually, it sounds like you were out there much earlier than me, but this is the first time I know of that one dgrinner was shooting the same object I was in the same day. This was my last day to shoot SF objects as we are flying back to sunny, bleak florida tomorrow (Tentacion, I hear you).
This was my last day to shoot SF objects as we are flying back to sunny, bleak florida tomorrow (Tentacion, I hear you).
I sometimes I wish I could see the Golden Gate bridge with brand new eyes!
On another site I visit I see some absolutely amazing views of the Golden Gate and it just reminds me that I need to stop and look anew at something so familiar to me.
People who actually can walk across the bridge can come back with some pretty amazing photos of it.
After living here for over 20 years I'm sometimes puzzled why people are taking pictures of "my" beach in the ugly fog for example, and then I realize to them, with fresh eyes, it's an amazing sight they want to remember!
Just as first time visitors to Florida find all kinds of amazing images to capture... but I agree, I am visually challenged in flat...
I've been enjoying Tom K's photos of Connecticut and Rhode Island shores -- flat they are! Yet he makes some amazing full of depth photos. I keep trying to figure out how he does it. Altho I like water, I much preferred the ocean to the lapping sounds of the Long Island Sound...
OH crap. did anyone see shatch's recent entry? Holy macaroni! Meanwhile I am SO out of ideas. I've never had such photographer's block. Maybe Jose will help. Hose-aaaaaaaaaaay...... :jose
OH crap. did anyone see shatch's recent entry? Holy macaroni! Meanwhile I am SO out of ideas. I've never had such photographer's block. Maybe Jose will help. Hose-aaaaaaaaaaay...... :jose
Nah, I'm good, thanks! My (only) left brain scans the universe for all possible directions, scan should be completed in exactly 10,000,000,000,198.76543 years, so everything is under control
Then I went to check up on the white pelicans and other bird life at one of the Baylands Parks, this one at San Antonio Rd and Terminal. Got some interesting shots, but certainly nothing SF2 worthy.
Another gray day today, but I may head out to our local farmer's market, again not expecting to find anything challenge worthy.
I do have an idea for tomorrow if I can get hubby up earlier than usual.
I haven't processed my images yet... and, I don't really want to use this thread for my pics, not nice to "hijack" a thread, right?
When you talk about planning shots, it is absolutely mandatory for me. I consider myself lucky if I can work in more than 2 hours of shooting time in a two week period. Every LPS shot I have taken has been meticulously planned down to the two hour window it is going to be shot in. I end up improvising only if something goes wrong with the plan.
I pick my ideas very carefully because I know I am shooting without a net. If the idea falls through, I'll be without an entry for the round. So far that's happened only once, for LPS#2 and in that case a rather funky, offbeat opportunity presented itself on the last weekend. For LPS 9 and 10 I picked higher risk ideas because I knew I had already qualified. Both of them tested my improv skills to pull out anything at all.
The semi finals are tough. After the last semi round, I decided that I would have to take some risks to have any chance of winning. So this time around I have picked an idea that I think has a chance of winning, but also has a fair chance of not happening at all. If I end up without a shot for this round, I still have a good idea and hopefully I'll get a chance to try again in SF#3.
I did also arrange to take a day off work so I have some time for less focused shooting during the SF. Unfortunately for me that means only an 9am-6pm day which is not exactly optimal for getting the best shots.
I can understand that you might want to start up your own thread to post your potential entry photos, but I have no problem with you using this thread.
Actually, I'm enjoying the involvement of everyone and the way the thread is turning into a collection of thoughts and descriptions of approaches to shooting. I'm going to keep my diary for the round in here, buit hopefully everyone will still feel the urge to contribute as well.
"Better to be lucky than good"
"oh, crap what do I do now."
"This is my first semi-final and first time to shoot without a theme. ...Yikes! I don't feel I am a very creative type either."
I guess I have some things in common with the other semifinalists after all. Well, except for the talent part, heh.
I have entered three of the LPS contests. My two that finished in the top ten were planned and thought out shots that were just a matter of executing correctly through repeated trials (exploding soda can and balloon release). My submission that got no votes was my attempt to do what many have suggested on this thread - just capture something great in front of your camera. Given that brief history, to follow the advice of "this is already a place where you better stick to what you do best" - I believe I had better think of something good.
Something that oftens triggers my creativity is to look at other inspiring photos. I also went to the last semifinal winners to see what it took the last round. One that really caught my eye was the spoon of honey and bee (which I assume involving some merging of pictures). This is the type of thing I hope I am able to come up with - something that is great conceptually. But so far, I've got very little simmering.
I miss a couple of things about the set themes - one is the structure of the contest being provided for me... the theme being open just kind of leaves my mind wandering off on endless tangents that's probably going to have me falling back on the "hope I capture something great in front of my camera" which didn't work out well last time. The other bad thing for me about an open theme is that the great photographers who submit great pictures won't be disqualified because in the judges opinion, they didn't follow the theme. My lone crutch is gone!
The one positive I am taking out of the open theme is that I get to shoot whatever I want over the next couple of weeks. So far I am thinking that will be something to do with nature or wildlife. Ah the possiblities! Well, enough ramblings... just needed a bit of a catharsis myself.
I find this thread so interesting... I'm so glad you started it and thanks for saying you'd like to see my "rejects" for the LPS SF2. I went to Alviso and a Baylands area... here are a few I like, but don't deem semifinals worthy...
Alviso grasses abstract
Baylands -- A panic fly away of little birds...
A study of grasses
The busy white pelicans
Early sunset due to the fog bank from the coast
Sunset's afterglow
Excellent summation of the thread Dee.
To me this is the important message.
One thing I know is that, dynamic range aside, I rarely if ever push the technology of my camera beyond what's it's capable of. So capturing a photo that draws people in isn't about having the highest resolution or the latest release camera, it's about having an idea and communicating the idea well, visually.
So, while I'm open to capturing that lucky moment, I'm not relying on it to produce a winning photo - that takes planning and preparation, especially for me because I think I'm visually illiterate.
Me personally, although Florida is Beautiful, I find it very photographically challenged, all Flatlands. No Mts., not alot of variances of "nature", Palm Trees Galore, and most of the places that could give you interesting photos, there is an admittance fee, but I always keep my eye open for the unexpected, I go NO where w/o my companion.
My camera bag due to the heat factor is.....a "cooler"...Yes, a Red Flowered Cloth Cooler, with net pockets on the side, rolls on wheels (cuz I got tired of carrying the camera bag on my shoulder). It actually looks like a little carryon suitcase..
As stated before, I get a title in my head, and I go from there, and then I start contemplating on what I can do to make or how I can improvise to make that title/idea come alive.
A couple seal pups:
And mama:
Then I spent a little while playing with ideas that I might use here if the light was better. If you look closely, you'll see the golden gate in the first one.
Note that all of these are full color. The day itself did the B&W conversion.
Back home by 8, I loaded this into Lightroom and dumped out as JPEGs for upload. Then it is off to work followed by getting Miles (my 3 year old) in bed. My next opportunity to think about the SF will be around 8:30pm. No real progress on the challenge today, but seeing the seal pups made it all worth while.
I hear you there.
It was similar across the Atlantic. Holland is known for it's grey skies, but today was ridiculous.
Ah well, gave me an opportunity to keep working on ideas.
Day 3, 22:00
Not much happening outside today, so I ended up doing two things.
I spent the day capturing some of my safe images in my home studio and I worked on other ideas for my entry.
I often try to visualise a shot before I go out shooting, but when I visualise purely in my head, I sometimes have difficulty picking the weak aspects of a composition. So some days when I get home from shooting I then think, Ï wish I'd done it this way". As a result, sometimes I roughly sketch what I'm thinking about, which gives me something more solid to work with. Since starting this approach, it's saved me many times because when I've arrived at a location, I can instantly see the things that I need to keep out of the frame (I used to miss them a lot). The dreaded pole coming out of someone's head was something I used to do, but rarely if ever do it now.
So, I spent the afternoon (I have this week off work) just refining my ideas for the entry. I have quite a few rejects and a few that I'm going to shoot.
Here's one of the rejects:
Luckily for me, Holland has tonnes of windmills and the most famous place (Kinderdijk) is a location I've spent a fair bit of time shooting at. So I had initially thought about this particular shot with a view to having a very relaxed feeling to the photo, tied in with an old/traditional theme.
But, this one was a big reject because, while I know I can easily get this shot, it was a bit weak with almost all the leading lines pointing towards a dead part of the frame. I have another shot for Kinderdijk though, so I'll probably visit it on Saturday (skies permitting).
I can see the windmills, but is there a way to assure the boat will be there? I hope your weather will cooperate.
We have SUN today, yay, but we are waiting to hear about my daughter's car at the repair shop (we have to pay for it, so we can pick it up when she comes home from work after the shop closes up), and my hubby has a quick appointment we have to go to, so here I have sunshine, and we're stuck in town! No trips up or down the coast.
And while it's sunny now (mid day) there's no guarantee how long the sun will last due to the constant threat of an encroaching fog layer.
Those harbor seals are adorable! I know of a place down the coast where they hang out, and it's a short climb down to where I can sit and watch them. I've been meaning to scout that out again, it's been 7 or 8 years since I climbed down there, but now that I have a telephoto and it would be worth the short climb.
You get more done in your time before work than I can imagine! Wow... that's probably the real secret to being a good photographer...
Luckily, I have access to an old wooden construction boat. So if I'd wanted to do this, then it would be possible to put the boat wherever I wanted, but this image isn't on my plan now.
Ah, too bad, it would be a nice image with the boat
Don't let yourself fool yourself.
We all have this sort of excuses. You don't have mountains, Dee and Peter have no sun, Aaron has no ocean, Ken has no time, I have no right brain..:-)
The list goes on and on. It's all about making yourself do it. Some work better with a plan, some go by the fly of their pants... It all doesn't matter.
Instead of complaining on what you can't do, concentrate on what you can. Sometimes the subject is right under your very nose, it's only a matter of looking hard enough!
Remember: you can do it.
After reading this thread last night, I attempted to focus on what I might be able to do. I much prefer having a theme. I thought about assigning myself a theme, but it wouldn't be enforceable (hehehe!). So I went on one of my favorite photographer's sites and studied the various galleries to great length. Mostly what I was looking at was something I could borrow from and utilize with the subject matter I have available to me. I was looking for mood, or a certain type of lighting, or a story. I wasn't looking to duplicate, but inspiration to challenge myself into doing something I haven't tried yet. That idea appeals to me, even though at the same time I want to stay within a certain comfort zone! I came across a few things I realized I had been meaning to try, but haven't yet. My worry is that even though I have some ideas, many depend on other people being available. I'd sure like to have something in mind that I had more control over. Tonight after work I'm going to another concert in the park which is where I captured my entry for the last challenge. I'm not really expecting to 'find' my image there, even though the lighting should be right. But I always go everywhere with my camera just in case! I need to get out and shoot as I haven't gone for a few days and I'm getting rusty!!!
Hey Hey, I could mapquest you to a few new piers if you'd like!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
And now the family is having car trouble!!!!! And I can't walk that far, and my bike is broken... and it's back to being dismal gray...
That doesn't mean I having been shooting... I always have my camera with me. It just means nothing SF#2 worthy is happening!
So "IF" the car starts so I can take it to get checked and if I can get the car fixed at a price I can afford, I do have plans for Saturday, if not Saturday then Sunday that don't really count on needing sunshine.
I'm just really pissed right now because I had my car in the shop for the EXACT same problem, had to pay for a tow and they said they fixed it. So far they've been very reliable at fixing our cars. Well, I'm having the same symptom and consider myself lucky that I got the car home -- and to make things worse, one of the things I asked that they fix -- my moonroof wasn't closing -- and thinking they had fixed it, I opened it today, and it wouldn't close, so I sent it all the way back and tried to bring it forward and now it's locked in the open position -- in heavy fog land that means I had to get out a tarp to cover the hole in my roof! (at least I have a tarp!)
My daughter, who borrowed one of our cars to get to work while hers was being checked out, found out that she needs $1600 worth of work done on her car, so unless she just takes it back and drives it until she can save up some money, we're down a car -- if not left with "no" car because she needs to get to work. And hubby has plans for the day.
So life happens, SemiFinals or not!:D
So, I'm thinking "studio" type shot... something I can do on my tabletop... I have a decent flash now, still have my hot lights... so do you think a deer skeleton head would win the challenge?
Maybe it's time I did something totally off the wall, like going through some bags full of magazines and paper and get them ready for the recycle bin... that should be enough to get the creative juices rolling -- or I might try vacuuming,
And completely off the topic, I've been watching the PBS Travels to the Edge series with Art Wolf, and feeling totally inadequate!
I do a lot of looking at other photographers' shots both in a general way: why does is work? what do I like about it? how was it done? and also for specific for things I can borrow my own shots: a story, a mood, a composition, the light etc. Given that, I find it odd that many of my LPS qualifier shot ideas come to me essentially fully formed; I am not aware of where the elements have come from. That said, my current working plan for the SF is a blend of two shots I have seen: the story taken from one, the framing and mood taken from the other. I really hope I can pull it off because the image I see in my mind is great.
My LPS entry was very much the "better lucky than good" shot. I knew I had something interesting when the shutter closed. I get that from time to time (um, rarely). Usually I'm dissapointed when get home.
What a great thread! / Wow, am I sooo hosed. / What do I do now? / Now, where'd I put that camera....
Wasn't complaining, was stating the obvious..which is very true about Florida, note that I stated "I always keep my eyes open for the unexpected", and I am never without my companion/boyfriend Mr. Olympus. Heck, I'll even get out there in a torrential rainstorm (which I have done) to take photos if I am inclined at the moment...
I always use the right and left side of my brain....I'm ambidexterous....I write with both hands..
ROTFLMAO...Send it along...I love shooting piers, it is a TEST ! To get different angles, different perspectives, just to see how flexible my body still is (lol), to be able to get into small spaces and not get arrested for trespassing...
You owe me one Mark...in the famous words of the Wicked Witch..."Heheheh I'll Get You My Pretty......"
VERY true, cuz in Photography, nothing has NOT been done, just another photographer has come along and attacked it differently, and presented a different view/perspective/pov. Good Luck L.A.
Hey Liquid... guess where I was taking photos today:
Perhaps if I were to blow up your image enough I might see myself waving to you. Actually, it sounds like you were out there much earlier than me, but this is the first time I know of that one dgrinner was shooting the same object I was in the same day. This was my last day to shoot SF objects as we are flying back to sunny, bleak florida tomorrow (Tentacion, I hear you).
I sometimes I wish I could see the Golden Gate bridge with brand new eyes!
On another site I visit I see some absolutely amazing views of the Golden Gate and it just reminds me that I need to stop and look anew at something so familiar to me.
People who actually can walk across the bridge can come back with some pretty amazing photos of it.
After living here for over 20 years I'm sometimes puzzled why people are taking pictures of "my" beach in the ugly fog for example, and then I realize to them, with fresh eyes, it's an amazing sight they want to remember!
Just as first time visitors to Florida find all kinds of amazing images to capture... but I agree, I am visually challenged in flat...
I've been enjoying Tom K's photos of Connecticut and Rhode Island shores -- flat they are! Yet he makes some amazing full of depth photos. I keep trying to figure out how he does it. Altho I like water, I much preferred the ocean to the lapping sounds of the Long Island Sound...
In the summer, we call the ocean "Lake" Pacific.
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Want to assign each other a theme? I have been the anti-theme poster child, and now karma is coming back to get me, and she stole my mojo.:flush
Thank god we have emotithingys to fall back on.
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers