Nice sequence Linda.
May be it would look better if the 3 photos would have the same treatment ...
The light in the second shot looks a bit different from the others witout any reason.
Forgive me. AI Servo ?
Nice sequence Linda.
May be it would look better if the 3 photos would have the same treatment ...
The light in the second shot looks a bit different from the others witout any reason.
Forgive me. AI Servo ?
Thanks, Antonio. Yes, I was fooling with White balance settings and also noticed (after I posted ) that the one was different.
No I didn't use AI Servo but I'm gong to try shooting again today with it turned on.
Portrait, Wedding & Event Photography
A speedy one ...
Two dirty ones ...
A smiley one ...
Yesterday when I was photographing that baby.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Don't you have one with the cookie in the air and the dog with the mouth opened just before the cooky goes into his mouth ?
Can we see that please ?
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Clara (Border Collie) and her friend Oliver (American Eskimo Spitz) having fun on a summer evening.
Clara wasn't about to part with that tennis ball!
Looks like someone got goosed!
May be it would look better if the 3 photos would have the same treatment ...
The light in the second shot looks a bit different from the others witout any reason.
Forgive me. AI Servo ?
No I didn't use AI Servo but I'm gong to try shooting again today with it turned on.
I want to see those pictures ! Oh yes I do !
YYeees !
Well done !
But I want to see photos you are shooting today !
(just kidding when I say: I want !)
Here are today's three:
Tired, Hot, and Happy
I drool for frisbees
But these photos are very goood !
We all need practice.:D
Yesterday, Saturday, at the beach.
350 D + 1.4 multiplier + 70-200 IS L USM f/2.8
My Shots
Nicely done.
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Cincinnati Smug Leader
Unsharp at any Speed
Unsharp at any Speed
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8, playing with the built-in "Soften Filter" of the Pentax K10D.