Just got a new Sony A100 and wanted to get feedback on a couple of pics I tokk of one of my dogs, Cassie. My other dog, Homer, doesn't know what to think of this big black contraption in my hand so he runs away for now.
I have tons to learn, coming from P&S cameras. I did take photography in high school nad was really good at it, but that was a few years ago. Anyway, here are the pics...
It's been hot for a couple of weeks, so i took my 2 dogs down to the river for a swim to cool of. My one dog looks like a 110 lb drowned rat when wet, so I'l spare you those photos. This is Gilligan on the walk back, as he stopped to smell some clover ...
New toys: Mamiya 645 Pro Tl with 80mm,55mm,150mm,120,220,and Polaroid backs:wink
Nikon D100 with MB-D100,Nikon D70S,Nikon N90S with grip,Sigma 18-200 DC, Sigma 20mm,Nikon AF 70-300,Nikon 17-55 AF-S, Nikon, 500mm Reflex, and about 15 other old school Nikon lenses inherited from my dad...
took this picture today, it cracks me up every time I look at it. We're baby sitting the boston terrier for my in-laws while they are on vacation. The mutt is our dog. They were getting a little too close to the lens while I was shooting when they started playing and I got this dumbfounded look in the middle of the confusion
(Just got my new flash, which I think is the root of the confusion, they're used to seeing my camera, but not with the flash on top)
took this picture today, it cracks me up every time I look at it. We're baby sitting the boston terrier for my in-laws while they are on vacation. The mutt is our dog. They were getting a little too close to the lens while I was shooting when they started playing and I got this dumbfounded look in the middle of the confusion
(Just got my new flash, which I think is the root of the confusion, they're used to seeing my camera, but not with the flash on top)
It's almost like you can relate to his feeling of "Hey who is this guy"
New toys: Mamiya 645 Pro Tl with 80mm,55mm,150mm,120,220,and Polaroid backs:wink
Nikon D100 with MB-D100,Nikon D70S,Nikon N90S with grip,Sigma 18-200 DC, Sigma 20mm,Nikon AF 70-300,Nikon 17-55 AF-S, Nikon, 500mm Reflex, and about 15 other old school Nikon lenses inherited from my dad...
Unsharp at any Speed
Cincinnati Smug Leader
At the beach
Unsharp at any Speed
My Shots
sort of
XTi, G9, 16-35/2.8L, 100-300USM, 70-200/4L, 19-35, 580EX II, CP-E3, 500/8 ...
DSC-R1, HFL-F32X ... ; AG-DVX100B and stuff ... (I like this 10 years old signature :^)
Mimi (she hates cameras expecting a flash ... doesn't understand I don't like to use flash
Zoe (and that you see above in the previous post):
And Nala (and that you see above a number of posts back):
(well ok, as about the 2nd and 3rd pictures ever taken with my new D-SLR I was experimenting with DOF...
New here and to the world of DSLR Photography.
Just got a new Sony A100 and wanted to get feedback on a couple of pics I tokk of one of my dogs, Cassie. My other dog, Homer, doesn't know what to think of this big black contraption in my hand so he runs away for now.
I have tons to learn, coming from P&S cameras. I did take photography in high school nad was really good at it, but that was a few years ago. Anyway, here are the pics...
Bessie never likes to mis the opportunity to have her pic taken, had been sleeping in this plant and just woken up
How do I get this to show in the message please ?
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
The secret is [noparse]
Thank you very much:D
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
Unsharp at any Speed
Not fair !
Show us the photos will you, please ?!
Wow...they look like dingos
At the beach when I was shooting kitesurf.
Should the picture be rotated CCW ?!
This is Tootsie:
Both are my two favorite dogs in the world.
"Never leave home without a camera"
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Name is Rowdy
14 months old and 128 lbs
Nikon D100 with MB-D100,Nikon D70S,Nikon N90S with grip,Sigma 18-200 DC, Sigma 20mm,Nikon AF 70-300,Nikon 17-55 AF-S, Nikon, 500mm Reflex, and about 15 other old school Nikon lenses inherited from my dad...
(Just got my new flash, which I think is the root of the confusion, they're used to seeing my camera, but not with the flash on top)
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
It's almost like you can relate to his feeling of "Hey who is this guy"
Nikon D100 with MB-D100,Nikon D70S,Nikon N90S with grip,Sigma 18-200 DC, Sigma 20mm,Nikon AF 70-300,Nikon 17-55 AF-S, Nikon, 500mm Reflex, and about 15 other old school Nikon lenses inherited from my dad...