MacDaddy 3.0.3

G'day Guys,
I have been working on a rewrite of the MacUploader for a few months, we are very close to releasing it. But I thought I would put it out here for people to play with.
New features include...
- Hierarchical album/cat/sub-cat menus
- Fully featured album creation/editing screen
- Automatic upload recovery from network interruption
- Support iPhoto Events (previously called Rolls)
- Growl notifications
- Lightroom export integration (instructions)
I would like to thanks a few dgrinners that helped out with beta testing and insightful feedback...
Update: version 3.0.3
- Added support for SmugVault
- Added support for automatic album creation with iPhoto (enabled in preferences)
- Fixed bug with exporting images from Lightroom, found by jogle.
- Officially renamed the app MacDaddy.
Update: it's officially released...get it here.
People using 3.0, will need to update manually...I had a bug in my update logic that wasn't working for minor revisions.
If you have any issues, please post them in this thread.
I have been working on a rewrite of the MacUploader for a few months, we are very close to releasing it. But I thought I would put it out here for people to play with.
New features include...
- Hierarchical album/cat/sub-cat menus
- Fully featured album creation/editing screen
- Automatic upload recovery from network interruption
- Support iPhoto Events (previously called Rolls)
- Growl notifications
- Lightroom export integration (instructions)
I would like to thanks a few dgrinners that helped out with beta testing and insightful feedback...
- DavidTO
- cabbey
- rich56k
- BradfordBenn
- scoodog
Update: version 3.0.3
- Added support for SmugVault
- Added support for automatic album creation with iPhoto (enabled in preferences)
- Fixed bug with exporting images from Lightroom, found by jogle.
- Officially renamed the app MacDaddy.
Update: it's officially released...get it here.
People using 3.0, will need to update manually...I had a bug in my update logic that wasn't working for minor revisions.
If you have any issues, please post them in this thread.
This uploader is a huge improvement. Thanks, Dev!
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Don't get me wrong, Dev did a great and efficient job and we love youz on the Mac, I just wish this benefits 90% of customers instead of 10%.
I use locations a lot and have different proxys for home, work and direct conections. OSX handles this very nicely and switches them automatically when I change location.
The old uploader was able to make new galleries but would give an error when uploading, the new uploader just tries over and over to make a connection and says "network interruption uploading paused"
2. Otherwise, seems to work great without the problems seen in the older ones.
3. It might be a lot more than 10% real soon now.
4. If time devoted to Mac support is an issue, I guess Keychain integration for the login isn't coming soon. No big deal, it would just save a step with each new version.
5. I use Growl for lots of things...nice bonus!
G'day Jogle,
I will see what I can work out.
Does anything work ? Or is it only uploading that doesn't work ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I don't believe that devoting time to mac support is the issue, it's rather that it had to be rewritten from scratch. I will add Keychain integration to my list of features to look at for the next release.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Hi David, Just like the last one, I can create a new gallery (which shows up when I go to my smugmug page in a browser) but I can't upload to that gallery or any other.
It really is a step up.
Thanks colorbox
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Any chance of Aperture export integration as well. I know there is already a plug-in for Aperture, I just think this would be an improvement on it.
Michael - main website - smugmug site
And I agree with the poster above--Aperture integration would be cool.
The main push was to get a working version out...due to issues with the previous versions.
I will download aperture and have a play.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
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Top bloke!! Hope you can get it working without too much hastle.
Michael - main website - smugmug site
stream had too few bytes
It doesnt seem to be a big deal, I click "OK", and everything works fine. Running 10.4.10 on PowerPC G5.
Another thing, after using the uploader to create a new gallery (works great,) uploads to that gallery do not appear. It seems I must restart the uploader before I can successfully upload to the newly created gallery.
I also tested mpg uploads - they don't work :cry. Mpg files seems to upload fine, but never appear in the gallery. Nothing in the upload log.
Other than that, no problems. Nested gallery menu is great. Nice work.
...and yes, we are the best 10%. What self respecting photog could use windoze? :smooch
uploading to new galleries works fine without a restart. It just took a few minutes for the image to appear in the gallery.
mpg upload works as well! Again, it just took a while for the thumbs to appear, and 'process.'
sorry for jumping the gun. all in all a great little uploader. It will be my new default. I'm stoked to have images and mpgs working within the same uploader.
If people are getting this error message, it's an issue related to the file, to resolve this follow the step below.
1. Shutdown iPhoto, iTunes etc.
2. Search for
3. Make a backup of this file
4. Delete all copies (not including the backed up one)
5. Run iPhoto, the plist file will be recreated.
6. Now run the MacUploader, and the error message should be gone.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks for the great tool... I 3rd (or 4th) the motion for Aperture integration. In the meantime I'll enjoy this.
Same here!
Wow, mac users are only 10% of the smugmug user base?!
Notice Baldy said, of all customers
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Tripods make pretty good platforms, or those nifty bags of rice that you can mold and shape to just about any surface.
Oh, you meant computing platform... uhm, no, not really.
True, I guess there's a couple hundred of us regular users for every power user, and probably a hundred or so of them for every one of your pro users....
hmm... time for some digging.... ok found a couple versions of the market share numbers, most of them are ~6-9 months out of date, but they all show a trend, and if it is correct, they should have hit 7% market share by now. wow. that's sad. I guess if mac users are "only" 10% of smugmug's user base, then given the share they have of the general market that tells us that mac users know quality, and so more of them tend to favour smug than the other photo sharing sites.
Yeah, that's the ticket.
This article, which is less than a year old, and is relevant to our interests, posits that the Mac may represent up to 40% of Adobe's creative application revenues. Even if you dilute it throughout all of Adobe (much of Adobe revenue comes not from photography, but from Acrobat sold into corporate and government), it still comes out to 20%. The specific market makes a difference, again. (The devil's advocate would point out that Apple used to bring Adobe more than 50% of its revenue back in the early 90s.)
Casually observing home and educational users down at the local coffee shops, one would have to conclude that Apple sells 1 of every 2 laptops. That's not a reliable number either, but shows how specific markets change the numbers dramatically. (Actually, some say Apple now sells more than one of every six laptops, which works out to 18-20% of that market.) I don't think Smugmug would want to base their assumptions on the generic office-tower diluted market share of 5-7% that everybody quotes, and which may be irrelevant here.
So glad to have come accross this newest version!! Version 2 stopped working for me at some point, and this one seems to work perfecly.
Where is the lightroom integration that you mention above? I use lightroom and would be thrilled to be able to incorporate the uploader into my workflow.
Thanks again!!!!
scroll to the bottom of that page.
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As for market share, also keep in mind that it represents the share of new machines sold. But there is a much higher turn around in PCs in terms of how often they are replaced than for Mac owners who tend to replace their machines much less often. I forget the exact numbers which I did read once a long time ago, but it translates once again into a far higher percent of people who actually own Macs than you would get from the market share numbers alone.
G'day Ernie,
This is how it currently works
SmugMug API Developer
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