Wow- New Look Control Panel !!
Just went to my control panel and it has a whole new look - Is this brand new or am I behind the times ?? What ever, very nice, thanks Smugmug:D
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Good job
You noticed!
We made some other changes tonight as well, so keep an eye on our Release Notes . An update will be coming soon.
I only noticed because I was bored at work and was fiddling with my site ...
Hope everything is going well with you. I love the recipes you posted the other day too !
yo Andew..
what photographing bikini-clad models getting you bored these days
We should catch up for a beer at some point.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
me too also as well included!
That;s MUCH better!:D
Vote for: SmugMug Two factor authentication
but love it
ahh ok - see the section now.
loved it when I first saw it but wondered where the note or message was - thought, well hoped it just wasn't a funky glitch as it was so much nicer!
We haven't released last night's release notes yet but we will, soon
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hee hee and I just got called on not understanding most of the release notes 'anyway' *
so technically void on a good day but you have made life easier - many thanks
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Hi All,
I really like the look of the new control panel... very sleek and organized.
My SM site:
Not really, but somebody ALWAYS complains about every change. I just wanted to be the first.
It really does look better and seems to be easier to use. Thanks for the work.
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
I like the new control panel a lot. Here's one nit that could be easily fixed (you already use a solution to this in the Smugmug view).
The tabs don't work with the back key in the browser. Here's an example:
- Open the control panel
- Hit the Stats tab
- Click on the comments link to see recent comments
- Hit back in the browser to get back to the control panel or hit the control panel breakcrumb link
- You're sent back to the News tab in the control panel, not to the tab you were on. It makes drilling in and coming back less friendly than it could be.
Presumably, this could be fixed by using anchors in the history list for each tab rather than just pure dynamic JavaScript that never gets into the history list. This would also allow people to bookmark individual tabs.Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
PS: Whaaaaat - no mention of the filesize thing?
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I noticed that earlier, but didn't know that was a recent change with the control panel upgrade.
How about allowing users to set a default tab each time they access the control panel? That or possibly remembering the last tab selected and use that for the next time.
And the "Homepage" tab should be renamed "Galleries" since it really does not replicate most user's customized homepage.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Ansel Adams
it's called homepage, as it contains all the stuff that people have removed from their homepage by clicking 'hide'.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
O.k....and you can call me David, too.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
sorry reading is hard
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I've actually discussed this with Andy a little already, but I'm interested in the discussion. The things that I don't like are:
- My primary reason for going to the control panel was for the Stats, and now that takes 2 clicks (ctrl panel ->Stats). Even if I could bookmark it, that still requires extra effort on my part to bookmark it on every browser/location I use, when I used to get the stats when I just clicked "Control Panel". Now, I can't even refresh the Stats page - I get taken to "News"
Am I the only one who blows a significant part of his day looking at the stats page and hitting "Refresh" several times an hour just to see little changes in the download numbers?
- I can easily parse the old control panel for the information I want. I get greatly annoyed at having to search through tabs. Or if I want to see info in 2 tabs (Stats, Customize), I have to flip between them when it was much easier for me to just have it all on one page. (I realize I may be unusual in this and I actually get into heated design arguements with the UI guys at work about that.)
- Looking through the source html, it's still downloading all the same info as before, but the script is just set to hide information from me. And that just frustrates me.
- I really don't like not having the option to go back. Clearly most of you like the new layout and that's fine. But it would have been nice to have a back door with the old one still available as an account preference for folks like me (or is it just me?) who strongly preferred the old style...
But it's seriously bad enough that I'm considering learning the API just to try to simulate the old behavior, but one of the things I liked about smugmug was that the old default behavior was exactly what I wanted already with no work on my part.
Fundamentally, I got all the info I wanted with 1 click before, and now it takes more. I don't see that as a good thing.
I wouldn't mind the new layout so much if "Control Panel" took me to Stats and not News. If I could customize it so hitting "Control Panel" took me to Stats and Customize together, I would actually prefer this to the old layout.
Just interested to know why you spend a "significant part" of your day doing this ? No sarcasm intended here, genuinely curious
Caroline - Follow me on G+
So very easy:
1) use SmugManager as I suggested (cool cool Firefox Addon
2) even without SmugManager, you could easily just save the link to your stats page as a book mark in your browser, and hey, even put it in your browser toolbar - then it's always "Front and Center"
Thanks again for taking the time to tell us how you feel though, we really do crave this.
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Since it's all done in javascript, the url doesn't change when I change tabs within the control panel. (I'm using Mozilla on WinXP right now) At work (Mozilla, Linux), I remember seeing something change in the url, like a "#tab2" in the url- I think because they disable some javascript over there, so the page falls back to a straight url.
However, in both cases, with or without the "#tab2," in the url, saving the bookmark doesn't retain the "Stats" tab, and the bookmark brings me to the News tab. (I just tried it just now to make sure) (Hitting "refresh" while in the Stats tab also takes me back to the News tab.)
and it looked like it was heavily based on URLs, so it would be subject to the same limitation - not being able to bookmark the inner Stats tab.
The Firefox xpi had a lot of paths to js, but since it was more or less a binary, I couldn't tell if it shared the dependency on URLs or whether he was constructing the targets through the API.
It would be this link:
for all your stats
for a gallery (XXXXXX) 's stats
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