Yesterday I was shooting with ISO 1600, manual mode, using shutter speeds 25" and 30" and moving the aperture until I got EV -1, 0, +1. Noise, noise, noise. I'm using EOS 20D and relying on its metering. Maybe I need much wider bracketing?
Will try your measurbate method (not sure if I understood it correctly, though , english is my second language), thanks for advice!
If your EV is 0 at ISO 1600 with shutter speed of 30", you can change it to ISO 800 with a shutter speed of 60", or 400 for 120". I'd try ISO 200 for 4 min... I'm pretty much a beginner, but that is what has worked for me.
The most difficult part about this assignment was trying to bring the image into focus. Auto focus does not work in these situations because there is nothing for the camera to focus on. Next time I'll bring a bigger flash light to illuminate my bag to focus on.
I must admit that the camera has an amazing ability to pick up light and colors in the darkest situations.
The most difficult part about this assignment was trying to bring the image into focus. Auto focus does not work in these situations because there is nothing for the camera to focus on. Next time I'll bring a bigger flash light to illuminate my bag to focus on.
I must admit that the camera has an amazing ability to pick up light and colors in the darkest situations.
Very nice, thank you very much!
Yeah, flashlight helps. Another thing is a general knowledge of the fact that at f/8 you get hyperfocal fairly quickly (unless you're using a very long lens), so you can simply do manual focusing by the lens' scale.
And the idea is that every single dgrinner has to download the image, open it in EXIF aware tool and only then get basic info? Why is adding few lines so hard?
Date Taken 2007-10-14 18:58:39
Exposure Time 10s
Aperture f/22.0
this assignment is *not* about a long exposure .
It's about shooting in what an untrained human eye percieves as a "pitch black" environment.
A 10 sec shot taken at 7 pm, ISO 100 at f/22 hardly qualifies (compare to my sample taken at 10 pm, iso 800, f/4.5 and 30 sec)
this assignment is *not* about a long exposure .
It's about shooting in what an untrained human eye percieves as a "pitch black" environment.
A 10 sec shot taken at 7 pm, ISO 100 at f/22 hardly qualifies (compare to my sample taken at 10 pm, iso 800, f/4.5 and 30 sec)
And what about the other one I posted ?
Just an EXIF comment ?? :D:D
And what about the other one I posted ?
Just an EXIF comment ?? :D:D
It looks like a "30 min after the sunset" shot, either HDR-ed or processed with highlights/shdows treatment. Very cool vista, but, again, not what this assignment is about.
It looks like a "30 min after the sunset" shot, either HDR-ed or processed with highlights/shdows treatment. Very cool vista, but, again, not what this assignment is about.
I'm sorry Nikolai. You are wronge. Neither one nor the other.
Well, it's really hard to find a place without light pollution in D.C. land, so I tried to work with it instead. I did attempt this while in the Poconos, but it was a crescent moon and a one-minute exposure wasn't long enough to get much more than blackness. I don't yet have the capability to do a longer exposure than that without adding camera shake.
Well, it's really hard to find a place without light pollution in D.C. land, so I tried to work with it instead. I did attempt this while in the Poconos, but it was a crescent moon and a one-minute exposure wasn't long enough to get much more than blackness. I don't yet have the capability to do a longer exposure than that without adding camera shake.
My attempt... EXIF
Kerry, thank you for trying.
Yes, I guess no light pollution and semi-clear skies are pretty much mandatory for the primary goal, but I'm glad you get it a whurl!
I may be hooked
I may be hooked but I am no where near what I had hoped to get. I love all of your pictures and mine- well- they aren't nearly the same. I can't pick up the colors. Any tips? I want to go back with a cable release and try a longer exposure but there really was a good bit of light from the 1/2 moon and no clouds. How much better could I make it with a longer exposure? Uping the ISO gave me too much noise and there is a good bit at 800 already.
These were shot on Friday night after 11.
This is SOOC
Model NIKON D200
Date/time original 10/20/2007 11:20:15 PM
Shutter speed value 30.000008 s
Aperture value f/5
ISO speed ratings ISO 800
Exposure bias value 0.67 eV
Metering mode Spot
Flash Flash did not fire
Focal length 17 mm
White balance Auto white balance
I may be hooked but I am no where near what I had hoped to get. I love all of your pictures and mine- well- they aren't nearly the same. I can't pick up the colors. Any tips? I want to go back with a cable release and try a longer exposure but there really was a good bit of light from the 1/2 moon and no clouds. How much better could I make it with a longer exposure? Uping the ISO gave me too much noise and there is a good bit at 800 already.
Thank you! Great entries!
I like how it turned up, at least after the tweaking.
I think the biggest difference between the circumstances yours and mine was that I had an almost full moon, so the amount of light was probably twice as much with the identical settings.
Another thing you can try (if you up to do it again) is to take several shots and then blend them. It's not 100% identical to a single long shot exposure, but very close to it.
Another thing you can try (if you up to do it again) is to take several shots and then blend them. It's not 100% identical to a single long shot exposure, but very close to it.
Thanks and I am definetely going to try it again, and again, and again. I really want at least one great shot like this. I just might try a little closer to home.
My attempt.... This is probably killed by the stars and the lights in the background, but I didn't get nearly as interesting a photo shooting Mt Crested Butte. (It was cool, but the movement of the moon killed that one. !)
Feedback? (Well, aside from the fact that it's still sort of boring... !)
My attempt.... This is probably killed by the stars and the lights in the background, but I didn't get nearly as interesting a photo shooting Mt Crested Butte. (It was cool, but the movement of the moon killed that one. !)
Feedback? (Well, aside from the fact that it's still sort of boring... !)
Andi, thank you!
It does look like a day shot
What's an EXIF on this one?
This was taken at about 9:18pm. It's pitch dark - or would be if the moon wasn't almost full. I found one of those lights, focused and then turned it to manual so I could make several exposures. I'm doing a self portrait project so this is why I was doing it after seeing your assignment:
I used my flash to put me in the photo. the green and red are from the back of my flash (580EX with the panel lit as well as the "ready" light). I made several other exposures "flashing" myself all around the park. I was pleasantly surprised by the result! (Click photo to bring it to my self portrait gallery where you'll find the EXIF for this shot.)
Very cool idea, Nik! I've never done an exposure this long at night. And certainly not with such cool results! I"ll be trying this again soon....
This was taken at about 9:18pm. It's pitch dark - or would be if the moon wasn't almost full. I found one of those lights, focused and then turned it to manual so I could make several exposures. I'm doing a self portrait project so this is why I was doing it after seeing your assignment:
I used my flash to put me in the photo. the green and red are from the back of my flash (580EX with the panel lit as well as the "ready" light). I made several other exposures "flashing" myself all around the park. I was pleasantly surprised by the result! (Click photo to bring it to my self portrait gallery where you'll find the EXIF for this shot.)
Very cool idea, Nik! I've never done an exposure this long at night. And certainly not with such cool results! I"ll be trying this again soon....
Great entries, Andi! Thank you so much for sharing!
It's exactly what I was looking for: day-like shots in the pitch black conditions!
If your EV is 0 at ISO 1600 with shutter speed of 30", you can change it to ISO 800 with a shutter speed of 60", or 400 for 120". I'd try ISO 200 for 4 min... I'm pretty much a beginner, but that is what has worked for me.
Can't wait to see your shots!
The most difficult part about this assignment was trying to bring the image into focus. Auto focus does not work in these situations because there is nothing for the camera to focus on.
I must admit that the camera has an amazing ability to pick up light and colors in the darkest situations.
Very nice, thank you very much!
Yeah, flashlight helps. Another thing is a general knowledge of the fact that at f/8 you get hyperfocal fairly quickly (unless you're using a very long lens), so you can simply do manual focusing by the lens' scale.
Being a noob, I was not aware of that this tidbit. I took a few shots at f/8, but the lens I was using did not capture enough light at f/8 @ 30 sec.
Hey, but that's why you have these assignments, to learn!!
Exif embeded. Not a good picture I think.:cry
I like this one. Too short exposure may be ??...
this assignment is *not* about a long exposure
It's about shooting in what an untrained human eye percieves as a "pitch black" environment.
A 10 sec shot taken at 7 pm, ISO 100 at f/22 hardly qualifies (compare to my sample taken at 10 pm, iso 800, f/4.5 and 30 sec)
And what about the other one I posted ?
Just an EXIF comment ??
I'm sorry Nikolai. You are wronge. Neither one nor the other.
I am sorry Nikolai to insist with you on this matter:
How do you know it was not dark enought ?
Can you see the look of the day in Portugal at that time in any web-cam around here ?
Was the time set correctly on the camera ?
My attempt...
Kerry, thank you for trying.
Yes, I guess no light pollution and semi-clear skies are pretty much mandatory for the primary goal, but I'm glad you get it a whurl!
I may be hooked but I am no where near what I had hoped to get. I love all of your pictures and mine- well- they aren't nearly the same. I can't pick up the colors. Any tips? I want to go back with a cable release and try a longer exposure but there really was a good bit of light from the 1/2 moon and no clouds. How much better could I make it with a longer exposure? Uping the ISO gave me too much noise and there is a good bit at 800 already.
These were shot on Friday night after 11.
This is SOOC
Model NIKON D200
Date/time original 10/20/2007 11:20:15 PM
Shutter speed value 30.000008 s
Aperture value f/5
ISO speed ratings ISO 800
Exposure bias value 0.67 eV
Metering mode Spot
Flash Flash did not fire
Focal length 17 mm
White balance Auto white balance
This one was tweeked in LR:
And this has NR done.
And finally:
The above was tweeked in LR also.
I like how it turned up, at least after the tweaking.
I think the biggest difference between the circumstances yours and mine was that I had an almost full moon, so the amount of light was probably twice as much with the identical settings.
Another thing you can try (if you up to do it again) is to take several shots and then blend them. It's not 100% identical to a single long shot exposure, but very close to it.
Thanks and I am definetely going to try it again, and again, and again.
Feedback? (Well, aside from the fact that it's still sort of boring...
Andi, thank you!
It does look like a day shot
What's an EXIF on this one?
Whoops! Sorry!
This was taken at about 9:18pm. It's pitch dark - or would be if the moon wasn't almost full. I found one of those lights, focused and then turned it to manual so I could make several exposures. I'm doing a self portrait project so this is why I was doing it after seeing your assignment:
I used my flash to put me in the photo. the green and red are from the back of my flash (580EX with the panel lit as well as the "ready" light). I made several other exposures "flashing" myself all around the park. I was pleasantly surprised by the result! (Click photo to bring it to my self portrait gallery where you'll find the EXIF for this shot.)
Very cool idea, Nik! I've never done an exposure this long at night. And certainly not with such cool results! I"ll be trying this again soon....
Great entries, Andi! Thank you so much for sharing!
It's exactly what I was looking for: day-like shots in the pitch black conditions!
Thanks! It was a great idea for the assignment!
30 seconds 200 ISO. Full Moon.