Andy's Un-Official Unsolicited Mac Advice Thread



  • cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited November 21, 2005
    David_S85 wrote:
    I'll bet you can run all of smugmug on just a partition with that monster from your study. rolleyes1.gif
    Well, except that the 970MP cpus in there (aka G5s) that Apple is using don't have hardware support for partitioning. For that you need to move over to the power line of processors, such as the current power5+ systems, top of the line is p595 at 64x 1.9Ghz 64bit processors, 2 TB of memory, and 28.1 TB of internal storage (several EB if you go with external storage options.) One logical partition on that puppy could certainly run all of smugmug, and then some.... though for decent uptime, you'd want a second machine geographically distant. icon10.gif

    (This does actually bring up a point I've always wondered about... what hardware *does* smugmug/dgrin run on?)
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited November 21, 2005
    cabbey wrote:

    (This does actually bring up a point I've always wondered about... what hardware *does* smugmug/dgrin run on?)

    We're kinda quiet about what and where, due to security reasons... but you can get a little flavor from Onethumb's post here
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited November 24, 2005
    The Apple Store is having a sale tomorrow (Friday, Novemember 25th).
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited November 25, 2005
    Here's the stuff that's on sale

    .Mac, $68 / yr instead of $99 that's nice. A few other good deals, too.
  • actorguy1actorguy1 Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited November 25, 2005
    Just use Citrix...
    jmathew wrote:
    Thanks for the help -

    In terms of what I need, speed may not be a big issue. I mainly need to just be able to get on to web-based hospital information systems - citrix based, and as long as I can make the connection and get on I'd be happy, even it its a bit slower. I wont need to be running any applications that I couldnt do on the mac....I think....or at least I hope. Hopefully the buy/sell boards on here and FM wont work on my mac, so I can quit spending so much $$$.

    Sorry i just saw your post but all you need to do is get citrix for your mac (free download) and if you have a high speed connection, you should be able to work just fine. I use my Mac at home and connect to our network via VPN and use Citrix. Very little speed degredation as far as I can tell.
  • cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2005
    boingy, boingy, boingy....
    Not only is my quad shipping, but it shipped fully a week before they said it would. And thanks to the anti-recomendation over in the digidarkroom software thread I'm saving $500 by skipping on Apperature.

    Sorry, just had to share... I'm going back to bouncing off the walls in giddy anticipation now. This will be such a HUGE upgrade from the Mac I mainly use today... a G3 Powerbook... heck it will even be a step up from my main unix workstation today, a dual athlon 1800+. I can't wait to see how fast dcraw is on this thing.
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
  • jimfjimf Registered Users Posts: 338 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2005
    cabbey wrote:
    And thanks to the anti-recomendation over in the digidarkroom software thread I'm saving $500 by skipping on Apperature.  Sorry, just had to share... I'm going back to bouncing off the walls in giddy anticipation now. This will be such a HUGE upgrade from the Mac I mainly use today... a G3 Powerbook... [...] I can't wait to see how fast dcraw is on this thing.

    Well, don't necessarily ditch Aperture purely on account of its renderer. I have plenty of complaints about it now that I have started using it for a lot of images (sometimes it does a great job, other times it just sucks, and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of in-between) but Aperture has other strengths that make it interesting nonetheless.

    I have never used iView (or other commercial archiving systems) and if you have it, plus a good renderer (I like PS CS2 and C1, never liked PS CS or dcraw) Aperture may be totally redundant. I am finding Aperture to be a very useful part of my workflow, though -- I haven't used anything that makes it so easy to rip through a lot of shots and separate the wheat from the chaff. The interface is first-rate in that respect, way better than C1. Its tagging is kind of primitive, and there are some really screwy interface behaviors (like when you're browsing images in date sorted mode and drag an image into a stack that isn't contiguous with the image it switches into "custom" sorting mode and your whole stack disappears to the end of the browser -- grr), but compared to what I used to do for image management it is a monster step up.

    I find Aperture to be useful for bulk conversions (like dumping a whole directory to JPEGs for upload to the web[1]) and quick prints. It's definitely Not There Yet for high quality output (although it doesn't *always* suck, depends on the image) ... but then again if I want a terrific print I'm probably going to use Photoshop on it anyway.

    My use of it is to pick the image I want, then I export master to PS CS2 and edit and print from there. Previously I would browse, do simple changes, and render to 16-bit TIFF in C1 (C1's browsing SUCKS but I love its renderer) then final editing and printing in PS. Aperture plus upgrading to PS CS2 allows me to ditch C1 and reduce the time spent going from a set of images to a print.

    YMMV, but it's saving me so much time in image selection that I think it's worth the money despite the renderer. I rather expect Apple to improve its renderer over time, too; they're getting beaten up over it.

    By the way, C1 on the Quad renders a 6MP CRW frame to 16-bit TIFF in nine seconds flat. My G4 powerbook took 5 minutes. I would be surprised if dcraw saw that kind of performance jump but you'll be happy relative to your old hardware in any case. And I, too, was bouncing off the walls when the Quad showed up.

    [1] While I haven't done it myself I have seen examples of reduced-resolution images produced by Aperture and they suck. But it does a pretty good job at full resolution.
    jim frost
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2005
    cabbey wrote:
    Not only is my quad shipping, but it shipped fully a week before they said it would. And thanks to the anti-recomendation over in the digidarkroom software thread I'm saving $500 by skipping on Apperature.

    Sorry, just had to share... I'm going back to bouncing off the walls in giddy anticipation now. This will be such a HUGE upgrade from the Mac I mainly use today... a G3 Powerbook... heck it will even be a step up from my main unix workstation today, a dual athlon 1800+. I can't wait to see how fast dcraw is on this thing.

    Congrats - it's a great machine, I love mine. It's.... fast....
  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2005
    lynnesite sent me this freeware app, AppleJack. It's a handy disk repair app, that you access through single user mode at startup. You restart, hold cmd-s and then type in applejack auto. Nice, easy, free.
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  • cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2005
    jimf wrote:
    I haven't used anything that makes it so easy to rip through a lot of shots and separate the wheat from the chaff.
    I have a set of scripts I use today on linux that help me with that, I expect to port them to the mac. Oddly enough, I call them the main script "thresh". xzicon_smile_cool.gif
    jimf wrote:
    I find Aperture to be useful for bulk conversions (like dumping a whole directory to JPEGs for upload to the web[1]) and quick prints.
    Again, something I script... but then I'm a unix geek.
    jimf wrote:
    It's definitely Not There Yet for high quality output (although it doesn't *always* suck, depends on the image) ... but then again if I want a terrific print I'm probably going to use Photoshop on it anyway.

    My use of it is to pick the image I want, then I export master to PS CS2 and edit and print from there. Previously I would browse, do simple changes, and render to 16-bit TIFF in C1 (C1's browsing SUCKS but I love its renderer) then final editing and printing in PS. Aperture plus upgrading to PS CS2 allows me to ditch C1 and reduce the time spent going from a set of images to a print.

    YMMV, but it's saving me so much time in image selection that I think it's worth the money despite the renderer. I rather expect Apple to improve its renderer over time, too; they're getting beaten up over it.
    Yes, exactly, why I'm waiting for v2. Heck, if the main thing it's good at is threshing the wheat from the chaff, maybe I should polish my scripts up and sell 'em... a mere $100... a steal at twice the price. icon10.gif
    jimf wrote:
    By the way, C1 on the Quad renders a 6MP CRW frame to 16-bit TIFF in nine seconds flat. My G4 powerbook took 5 minutes. I would be surprised if dcraw saw that kind of performance jump but you'll be happy relative to your old hardware in any case. And I, too, was bouncing off the walls when the Quad showed up.
    Well, C1 I suspect is fully threaded, so it's using all 4 cpus... and it's quite likely vectorized, so it's using altivec too. So far as I know, dcraw today doesn't have any of that... BUT... that's one of the things on my project list to go off and investigate/implement. (The main reason for the quad is actually software development, not photo... it just happens that it will make that a lot better too... not to mention editing video, that's the quad's killer app, rendering HD content... not still frames.)

    And having just hauled it down from the front door... all I have to say at this point is DEAR GAWD THAT'S HEAVY. eek7.gif I've moved dual 2.7s around at work... they aren't this heavy. Welp, enough of a rest, time to clear some space and get this bad boy unwrapped.
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited December 15, 2005
    Apple has some really good advice here. The first line is especially funny.
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  • jimfjimf Registered Users Posts: 338 Major grins
    edited December 15, 2005
    cabbey wrote:
    Again, something I script... but then I'm a unix geek.

    Me too, actually. I have a bunch of scripts for doing image management and backup. But I haven't yet seen a good batch renderer (no, dcraw doesn't do it for me) and there's really no comparison between a really good image management UI and scripts.

    (FWIW, I wrote xloadimage if you go back that far. Ahh, image display on X11, I hardly miss ye. Thank God DEC is out of business.)
    Yes, exactly, why I'm waiting for v2.

    I figured I don't lose much by jumping early; Apple's upgrades tend to be about $100 so if you presume v2 is going to do a good job that's my sunk cost.

    (shrug) I have spent more money on worse things :-)

    jim frost
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2005
    Apple Care story
    My nearly 3 year old 1GHz 17" powerbook was just a little broken, the keyboard had stopped lighting and the latches on the case didn't work perfectly. My secretary had a little free time, so I asked her to make an appointment and take it to the genius bar and see if they would fix it.

    Well, turns out they said they couldn't fix it; had to send back to Apple, but it would only take 3 days, would that be OK? Since this is not my only computer (!) I said, sure, WTF. I could live without it for 3 days.

    3 days pass. 1 week passes. I get email, repair is on hold waiting for a needed part. Another week passes. I call them. They need a part, no ETA. I ask them, a week? a month? a year? No answer. It will be fixed when it's fixed.

    Yesterday I called again. Same story. I suggest they put the hard drive into a different computer. No can do, they don't have any computers (this is Apple, remember). I remind them that they do have computers, but that doesn't seem to help. May I talk to your manager, please.

    On hold for 30 minutes, then I am talking to the manager. I suggest the disk swap, but Apple doesn't do that. Repair and manufacturing are not only on different continents, but different companies (manufacturing is outsourced, repair also for all I know.) I explain that since I did buy Apple Care it only makes sense for them to fix my computer in some reasonable amount of time. Yes, but that only extends your warranty.

    Then he says, OK, OK, OK, enough already. Here's the deal, take it or leave it. Go to the Apple Store page and look at the 17" powerbook there. We'll send you a new one of these. But you lose your data, memory upgrade. What you get is what's on sale now and that's it. Your old computer goes back to the "manufacturer" for scrap.

    Lucky it's not my only computer and so I have a complete backup (actually redundancy). Go for it. I get improved resolution, 1.67GHz, 120 instead of 60G drive. I lose my 1G memory upgrade, but Crucial has a 2G upgrade kit for $200.

    So for $200, I have a new PB ready to sell when the Intel version hits the streets. Should have much better resale value.

    I wonder if I'll be able to buy an new 3 year Apple Care plan for it? My old one seems to have been a fine deal once a little moxie and persistence were added.

    FWIW, this experience was a little better than dealing with IBM, Dell, or HP. I once got HP to provide a new computer after they repaired one 3 times and it broke within a month each time. But it took them about a month to "manufacture" it.
    If not now, when?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2005
    rutt wrote:
    My nearly 3 year old 1GHz 17" powerbook was just a little broken,

    Applecare rawks. DavidTO had a similar story, not as fortunate outcome but good nonetheless. Great story, Rutt! I moved it to the big Apple thread.
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2005
    Andy wrote:
    Applecare rawks. DavidTO had a similar story, not as fortunate outcome but good nonetheless. Great story, Rutt! I moved it to the big Apple thread.

    "Rawks" not "Rocks" is a good description. Not really perfect, but eventually human. If you add up the time we spent on it and consider what we earn/hour, we probably got the upgrade just about at it's street value.
    If not now, when?
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2005
    rutt wrote:
    "Rawks" not "Rocks" is a good description. Not really perfect, but eventually human. If you add up the time we spent on it and consider what we earn/hour, we probably got the upgrade just about at it's street value.

    Well, maybe we're not actually that highly paid, but I'm still ticked off that it was so hard.
    If not now, when?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2005
    rutt wrote:
    Well, maybe we're not actually that highly paid, but I'm still ticked off that it was so hard.

    It took me 15mins of phone time with Apple to get my "non-gettable" RMA on Aperture - becuase I had opened the package... but they relented.
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2005
    Andy wrote:
    It took me 15mins of phone time with Apple to get my "non-gettable" RMA on Aperture - becuase I had opened the package... but they relented.

    I guess that's the point. They will relent if you persist. It's much harder to get Dell or HP or IBM or Sony to relent in my experience. Especially with Dell and HP it's pretty easy to get routed to someone in India who really has no authority to do anything to help. An associate of mine spent a whole day on the phone with Dell, mostly on hold and eventually they just hung up on him. And there was no record of any of it, so he had to start fresh. Service like that is so bad, that it's actually worthless. Just buy something cheap enough that you can actually just replace it when it breaks. Or learn to fix it yourself.
    If not now, when?
  • SCS_PhotoSCS_Photo Registered Users Posts: 112 Major grins
    edited December 24, 2005
    rutt wrote:
    I guess that's the point. They will relent if you persist. It's much harder to get Dell or HP or IBM or Sony to relent in my experience. Especially with Dell and HP it's pretty easy to get routed to someone in India who really has no authority to do anything to help. An associate of mine spent a whole day on the phone with Dell, mostly on hold and eventually they just hung up on him. And there was no record of any of it, so he had to start fresh. Service like that is so bad, that it's actually worthless. Just buy something cheap enough that you can actually just replace it when it breaks. Or learn to fix it yourself.

    Tell me about it... The first generation G4 iBook I'm using right now spent about 6 months total (3 seperate visits) back to Apple. I spent hours on the phone, 1st time they shipped it back after a month because I had YDL installed on it. Second time they replaced the faulty logic board with yet another faulty board. 3rd time, after the 1 year warranty had expired and it started acting up again, they finally took it after some forceful haggling with the tech person. I had to argue that the last replacement board was a Lemon before they sent me the box. I didn't do the applecare thing because I was short on money at the time. I'm not sure I would do it again... Not with apple's QC problems with laptops. At least not 1st generation ones.

    Anyway... Theres a little crack on the LCD mounting, but other than that and a slightly crooked keyboard, its fine. I'll keep it until it dies completely, which better be a while, being that the first 14 months I had it it was basically useless.
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited December 24, 2005
    Well I have the new computer, but it was torture. The worst part is how completely confused they were internally. Was I supposed to get it tomorrow or a month from now? Apple is still better than HP, Dell, and Sony, but they are working on erasing that product differentiation. When they get those Intel products out, I predict they will feel able to close this gap.
    If not now, when?
  • jimfjimf Registered Users Posts: 338 Major grins
    edited December 24, 2005
    rutt wrote:
    Well I have the new computer, but it was torture. The worst part is how completely confused they were internally. Was I supposed to get it tomorrow or a month from now?

    Didja order a Quad? That really was torture: When I ordered it the ship date shifted two weeks later than I expected based on a pre-order pricing effort, then people started saying they got theirs early but when would mine ship? Then mine shipped (almost the exact day that I originally thought it would ship) but it was due to show up at the office on the Friday after Thanksgiving when, of course, no one would be there to sign for it.

    Luckily UPS beat their shipment and got it to me the day before Thanksgiving. My wife made the turkey, I messed around with computer hardware. A great weekend, really.
    jim frost
  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited December 26, 2005
    A cool widget. Sysstat
    Moderator Emeritus
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  • patch29patch29 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,928 Major grins
    edited December 26, 2005
    Does anyone have any ideas for this problem?

    My friend's 11 year old niece was lucky enough to get a 14" ibook for Christmas. They had me install the extra ram, update the software and install a game. The last being the problem. I have not witnessed what happens, but they told me the game is locking up after a few minutes and does it even after the system is rebooted. The ibook is above the minimum book specs, the lowest is 32mb of VRam which is the min. The system is running 10.4.3, I checked with Macsoft's website and there are no updates or any troubleshooting issues. So I don't know what to tell them, other than to call tech support for the game, or not play games. umph.gif Any gamers or parents who install their kids games and have a similar problem?
  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited December 26, 2005
    patch29 wrote:
    Does anyone have any ideas for this problem?

    My friend's 11 year old niece was lucky enough to get a 14" ibook for Christmas. They had me install the extra ram, update the software and install a game. The last being the problem. I have not witnessed what happens, but they told me the game is locking up after a few minutes and does it even after the system is rebooted. The ibook is above the minimum book specs, the lowest is 32mb of VRam which is the min. The system is running 10.4.3, I checked with Macsoft's website and there are no updates or any troubleshooting issues. So I don't know what to tell them, other than to call tech support for the game, or not play games. umph.gif Any gamers or parents who install their kids games and have a similar problem?

    What's the game? Have you repaired permissions, repaired the disk directory? It could be the RAM, I suppose...
    Moderator Emeritus
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  • patch29patch29 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,928 Major grins
    edited December 26, 2005
    DavidTO wrote:
    What's the game? Have you repaired permissions, repaired the disk directory? It could be the RAM, I suppose...

    Zoo Tycoon 2, no, no and it is so new they have not done much with it, so I think the ram would mess with other programs too, so a few days of using it should show that. ne_nau.gif

    I will see if her mom can try fixing permissions. Thanks. I forget about that since I run macaroni. :D
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 26, 2005
  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited December 26, 2005
    patch29 wrote:
    Zoo Tycoon 2, no, no and it is so new they have not done much with it, so I think the ram would mess with other programs too, so a few days of using it should show that. ne_nau.gif

    I will see if her mom can try fixing permissions. Thanks. I forget about that since I run macaroni. :D

    Ooooh. My daughter would love that (she has the first version) if I could pry her away from World of Warcraft...go figure ne_nau.gif
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  • cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited December 27, 2005
    DavidTO wrote:
    A cool widget. Sysstat

    the one thing I wish it had (or any other tool under OS/X for that matter) are the various temperatures, like the cpu temps, the harddrive temp, the case air temp... they should all be available somewhere, I know they are unders linux, but I've been totally unable to find anything that can show them to me under OS/X.
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited December 27, 2005
    cabbey wrote:
    the one thing I wish it had (or any other tool under OS/X for that matter) are the various temperatures, like the cpu temps, the harddrive temp, the case air temp... they should all be available somewhere, I know they are unders linux, but I've been totally unable to find anything that can show them to me under OS/X.

    Any of these work?
    Moderator Emeritus
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  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited December 27, 2005
    I downloaded and installed this widget: 49821274-L.jpg (click on it!)
    Moderator Emeritus
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