My old Tibook saw about 3 wifi networks in my house (townhome). The new Macbook sees 13-14. I will have to see how far it can work from my airport base station.
The built in isight is weird too. If you are in a dark room and close to the screen everything takes on a blue cast from the light of the display. :uhoh
Here is a video showing how easy it is to replace the ram and hard drive on the Macbook. My ram is due to be delivered today and I may try a hard drive uprgrade on my own.
Twenty 1DmkII files converted to 100% High Quality JPGs.
G5 DP 2.7 8gb ram, 265 sec
Macbook 2.0 2gbb ram, 265 sec
Exactly the same amazing. The Macbook actually seemed to render the thumbnails faster. I will have to test that more when I have time. The G5 does whoop it with ACR, same files to jpg 8, 56 sec vs 257 sec (238 for my TI PB 1ghtz, 1gb ram). As I have time I will do some more tests. I actually want to see the Canon software performance differences in OSX and XP on the Macbook.
Adobe give us CS3. Universal of course.
So far I am very happy with the Macbook, not perfect, but very nice. The wifi range still amazes me. The tests were the first thing to make the fan really kick on, you know it is definitely on, but not too bad.
The G5 does whoop it with ACR, same files to jpg 8, 56 sec vs 257 sec (238 for my TI PB 1ghtz, 1gb ram). As I have time I will do some more tests. I actually want to see the Canon software performance differences in OSX and XP on the Macbook.
Only in Photoshop, but Bridge renders thumbnails quickly. They have to rewrite photoshop to use the Intel chip, right now photoshop is running through emulations software and it slows it down.
Here are some tests. The ones that really count are the applications that are universal at this point.
Only in Photoshop, but Bridge renders thumbnails quickly. They have to rewrite photoshop to use the Intel chip, right now photoshop is running through emulations software and it slows it down.
Here are some tests. The ones that really count are the applications that are universal at this point.
Ah, that's right, forgot about that. CS3 is the soultion.
Has anyone tried running Parallels Workstation instead of Boot Camp? No rebooting, just XP emulation in OS X. That might be my next task. Then again I would not be surprised to see easier XP access in 10.5, maybe something similar to user switching?
Twenty 1DmkII files converted to 100% JPGs set to 8 with PS in XP. I had to do it a different way, via image processor, but it worked and took 106 seconds.
I only have the trial version of PS CS2 for both OSX and XP right now. I hope these times start to change with universal applications. All times for my Macbook.
The ability to run a second display on the all of them is a nice feature, plus up to 2 GB of ram.
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
i'm happy that i havent sent my early build 15" MBP in to get fixed yet, fingers crossed for an upgrade!
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
Believe me it is how I feel too, but I did just load maps onto a Garmin GPS and went right back to OS X.
which is a phrasebook for translating windows to mac and back.
And in Mac Help (at the Finder/desktop) pick New to Mac: Windows user
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
It was sunset and it is art.
Twenty 1DmkII files converted to 100% High Quality JPGs.
G5 DP 2.7 8gb ram, 265 sec
Macbook 2.0 2gbb ram, 265 sec
Exactly the same amazing. The Macbook actually seemed to render the thumbnails faster. I will have to test that more when I have time. The G5 does whoop it with ACR, same files to jpg 8, 56 sec vs 257 sec (238 for my TI PB 1ghtz, 1gb ram). As I have time I will do some more tests. I actually want to see the Canon software performance differences in OSX and XP on the Macbook.
Adobe give us CS3.
So far I am very happy with the Macbook, not perfect, but very nice. The wifi range still amazes me. The tests were the first thing to make the fan really kick on, you know it is definitely on, but not too bad.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Only in Photoshop, but Bridge renders thumbnails quickly. They have to rewrite photoshop to use the Intel chip, right now photoshop is running through emulations software and it slows it down.
Here are some tests. The ones that really count are the applications that are universal at this point.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
or a non-Adobe product that is universal.
For starters the installer looks a lot nicer in XP (not a big deal, but it shows what they care about). It also installs a lot faster.
Twenty 1DmkII files converted to 100% JPGs set to 8.
G5 DP 2.7 8gb ram, 175 sec
Macbook 2.0 2gbb ram, 360 sec
Macbook running XP via Boot Camp, 100 sec and the rendering is faster.
Anyone want to buy a G5. :uhoh
I presume the Garmin mapsource software runs properly in bootcamp?
I'm emptying my piggy bank atm
So far it seems to work very well. I am using City Nav v7 and Topo USA. I don't know what normal is, but I am very happy so far.
Note that you will need a genuine XP install disk with Service Pack 2. The boot camp page has full details.
I hope that Parallels emulation software will work the same as boot camp, but I have not had time to try that yet.
I only have the trial version of PS CS2 for both OSX and XP right now. I hope these times start to change with universal applications. All times for my Macbook.
PS boot in
OSX ~40 sec
XP ~17 sec
time for XP to load via bootcamp ~40 sec
Capture One Pro loads ~10 sec in OS X
Thanks, I was starting to wonder about the echo in here, or to really believe that all the Macaddicts are on the dgrins shootout.
Thanks Patch