>> dgrin challenge 34, minimalism <<

dgrin challenge 34 is here. it will run from monday, march 7th 2005 at 12:00:01 a.m. nyc time, through monday, march 21st at noon nyc time. the guest judge for the challenge will be the winner of challenge 33, as determined by the voters.
remember, in order for everyone to benefit, you should be commenting and critiquing for others as much as you expect to get for yourself. you've got to give to get!
challenge 34 is all about minimalism. some links to help you:
i don't have too much in the way of minimalism, i'm going to try and shoot along with you guys this challenge
here's a winning shot by dgrinner penelope
some links found by ginger
this thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. you must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible.
all of the rules of the dgrin photo challenges apply, please read them!.
***challenge 34 will close to entries on monday, march 21, 2005 at 12 noon nyc time***
enjoy (challenge) photography,
remember, in order for everyone to benefit, you should be commenting and critiquing for others as much as you expect to get for yourself. you've got to give to get!
challenge 34 is all about minimalism. some links to help you:
i don't have too much in the way of minimalism, i'm going to try and shoot along with you guys this challenge

here's a winning shot by dgrinner penelope
some links found by ginger
this thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. you must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible.
all of the rules of the dgrin photo challenges apply, please read them!.
***challenge 34 will close to entries on monday, march 21, 2005 at 12 noon nyc time***
enjoy (challenge) photography,
This discussion has been closed.
A leaf frozen in ice . I took a lot of pictures of ice since they were making some real interesting geometric shapes with the melting that has been going on here. Nothing however had or held much interest. I saw many frozen leaves but none had the color or seperation I was looking for ,untill I found this one.
Date Taken:2005-03-08 10:46:33Date Digitized:2005-03-08 10:46:33Date Modified:2005-03-10 12:23:35Make:CanonModel: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL Size: 2708x1848 Bytes: 3495045 Aperture: f/2.8 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 50mm (guess: 62mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.0002s (1/4000)
March 8, 2005
Olympus c5050z, Ap priority, f5.0, 1/20 sec, ISO 100, natural light
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
File Name
Camera Model Name
Shooting Date/Time
3/8/2005 3:53:05 PM
Egg, white. 3/10/2005, 6:22 AM.
Nikon D70, 18-70mm kit lens at 70mm. F/6.3, 1/30 sec. +2 EV. (See setup).
Hot Tamale!
Minimalist picture of Hot Tamales... Arriba!
Aperature 8, Speed 1/10, and ISO-64. Taken 3-10-05.
Title: Splat
Date: 03/17/05
Camera: D Reb
Lens: 70-200L f4
Shutter: 1/500
Aperture: F8
ISO 100
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
This struck me as pretty minimal.
Shot March 10, 2005. Canon 20D, large-fine JPG, 28-135 lens. No Photoshop -- straight from camera.
A former sports shooter
Follow me at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjurasz/
My Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/mercphoto?ref=hdr_shop_menu
"There isn't anything to look at", comment on minimalism at its height in the 1960s
photography by ginger
Date: 03/09/05
Camera: D70
Lens: 28-200mm (28mm)
F5.6 1/125
ISO: 200
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Date: 03/08/2005
Camera: 1DMKII
Taken 3-11-05
Canon 20D
28-135mm IS lens
Flash fired
f/ 5.6
ISO 100
A single photograph can tell an entire story and bring back a multitude of memories.
TML Photography
Just to let you know I'm still alive, here's my contribution.
Taken 3/12/05 f22 10 second exposure.
March 9th 2005
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
Date Taken: 2005-03-09 07:45:14 Date Digitized: 2005-03-09 07:45:14 Date Modified: 2005-03-09 07:45:14 Make: NIKON Model: E2100 Size: 777x588 Bytes: 78788 Aperture: f/4.1 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 11.1mm (85mm 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.0016s (10/6195) JPEG Quality: normal Flash: Flash did not fire, auto mode Exposure Program: Normal program
3/13/2005 - ISO 100 - 2 sec - f/11 - 70mm (equiv) - Canon 300D
Photo taken 3/9/05.
Date Taken:2005-03-10 19:02:29Date Digitized:2005-03-10 19:02:29Date Modified:2005-03-11 15:23:10Make:FUJIFILMModel: FinePix S7000 Size: 1170x1046 Bytes: 367170 Aperture: f/3.6 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 14mm (guess: 164mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.05s (10/200)
Date taken: 3-7-05
"Color Control"
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Taken: 03-12-05
Taken 13 of March 2005
Sony DSC F707.
here's a link
Nikon D70
2005/03/11 18:45:00
Compressed RAW (12-bit)
Image size: Large (3008 x 2000)
Lens: 17-35mm F2.8 D
Focal Length 35 mm
Exposure Mode:Aperture Priority
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
1/10 sec - F/2.8
Exposure Comp: 0EV
Sensitivity: ISO 400
Optimize Image: Normal
White Balance: Auto
AF Mode: AF-S
Flash Sync Mode: Not Attatched
Color Mode: Ia (sRGB)
Tone Comp: Auto
Hue Adjustment: 0
Saturation: Normal
Sharpening: Auto
Image Comment:
Had the class to myself today so i snapped this shot. seemed minimal to me
Date Taken 03/14/05 (Thanks!)
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
Soft Batch Cookie
taken: 3-17-05
Fuji S3000
Aperture Focus Photography
ISO 64, f/2.2 @ 1/50s
Camera: Sony DSC-F828
Date and time: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 08:58:46pm
ISO 64, f/2.2 @ 1/50s, manual exposure
focal length: 19.4mm
flash: none
light source: tungsten
white balance: manual
Camera: Sony DCS-W12
Date:3rd March
Exp:1/25sec f2.8 iso100
F length: 38mm
my stuff is here.....
Date Taken: 2005-03-15 11:36:45
Model: NIKON D100
Aperture: f/6.3
Focal Length: 300mm (450mm 35mm)
Exposure Time: 0.002s (1/500)
JPEG Quality: fine
Exposure Program: Manual
Exposure Bias: -1