Unofficial LPS 15 Feedback Thread

Post your favorites here, tell us why and beat those judges. That's the game folks: ante up.
(Psst: Don't vote for you own, we know you like it the best)
(Psst: Don't vote for you own, we know you like it the best)
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SO many great entries, but these are 2 of my favorites
Of course I hope to best them, but losing to a great photo is definitely something I can live with.
(I wonder why there are no CG entries - they would have their best chance with this topic! - or maybe they're just that good now)
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
Just well done!!! I think this has been the best to date, just fantastic! I do not envy the judges!!!!!
I had a great time putting this together, just look at it! There is some amazing stuff here! Well done everyone, and good luck!
Top ten, plus a few more. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Bah! Pick! You can do it!
But anyway, here it is:
There were so many amazing excellent entries, how can anyone choose? But here is my best attempt. I leaned toward the photos that took extra or special skills to capture. The ones that made me wonder "now just how was that done".
Congraulations to the LPS 15 class. You are awesome!!!
[FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif] The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer. ~Author Unknown
Olympus EVolt 500
In No Particular Order
Top Ten
Best of luck to everyone
#5 Shear Contrivances
You guys are killing me!
I think this entire thread needs to be a featured gallery all unto itself.
OK OK... Only YOU could get me to respond to this. I was just so worn out from yet another horse show weekend in which I couldn't go to bed on time, as I was watching my Red Sox into the wee hours....
So... soooo many entries to consider, very very low percentage of throwouts.. I had 35 in my initial pass. These 13 are my favorites because they both moved me and they each took a different route from the usual. Why 13? Because I say so, that's why..... In no particular order:
006 tlee: Through the Jaded Mist
Soooo delicate!
008 ulrikft: Ghosts of Autumn
My favorite on the monochromatic side. This was like the first contestant tossing a long javelin throw, and no one else came close all day.
021 nelsonstuff: A Dad's Saturday Night
Moved me because my two girls are no longer that small and have other things to do on Saturday nowadays..
022 sherstone: Berry Border
Makes me long for Thanksgiving dinner. Or breakfast.
031 vandana: Drop City
Was briefly my desktop background, but my younger daughter's picture was there when I woke up...
036 quark: Raindrop in Red
Have any of you tried to see what's reflected by the drop?
057 MrsCue: Cerulean Dream
Very soft indeed!
066 Awais Yaqub: Journey Back to Time
This shot mesmerizes me somehow. The ramparts sometimes look like a cliff.
100 indiegirl: Woodland Sprite
Darn you for getting your life in order at the last minute and snapping your finger for this one.. It's just that easy for you!
101 annnna8888: Fall Hues
Considering your body of work, I so want to visit this country... I can tell the effort that went into the final image.
108 chandi: Watercolors
I'm going to learn how to do this one..
109 tsk1979: Bangled
To think you almost entered a cropped version, which would have ruined it. The inclusion of the neck and hair give the image a fanciful feminine feel.
127 leaforte: Winters Beginning
It feels cold just to look at it, but the lines of the composition are what makes it work. You confused me when you couldn't make your mind up on which to enter. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
#13 October Stew
The pastel colors and detail really draw me in.
#14 Lonely Reflections
Beautiful composition and colors
#22 Berry Border
Beautiful abstract composition with many classic composition elements.
#38 Journey into the Mist
I'm a sucker for these type of fog pictures. Extremely simple but conveys a lot of visual impact.
#48 Alien Emotions
Strong colors really drew me into the picture.
#49 Fall's Final Fling
Beautiful colors and composition. Almost like a painting in many respects.
#86 Morning Gold
Beautiful backlit subject. Nice control of the exposure with lots of interesting elements.
#91 Art Alley
I liked this shot as soon as I saw it. The beautiful lighting and strong colors drew me in instantly.
#100 Woodland Sprite
The bold colors and soft image really work well. Coupled with the pale skin everything really works.
#101 Fall Hues
Lighting and colors really stunning.
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
Congrats are in order to everyone!! Good Luck to ALL!!
I'm rooting for everyone, myself included
Speaking of judges... are they a secret this time? or have they just not been choosen yet? I don't see them listed on the entry thread?
It will be interesting to see the comments from the judges. This will be a tough round to for them. I am proud of my image that I submitted...but looking at the is top 15 at best.
I would agree with your post here and else where...the quality level has gone up high...amazing work as been submitted of the last couple months.
Winston, I was wondering the same thing myself...
Although, I think for this round and viewing the outstanding compositions, I can understand Shay may be taking time to pick the appropriate judges...He might be looking for photographers that have extensive experience in the photography world?? Maybe due to the vast amount of entrants he might be looking for more than the typical 5??
Speaking of which.....Did Bistiart enter this round?
The judges list has been posted!
I don't recall seeing an entry from Bistiart?
When I can take a breather today, I intend to get my top picks up, too. It'll probably be more like the top 50... but... DANG!
Thanks for listing me as one of your top tens. I appreciate it. Overwhelming number of spectacular photos.
Good luck to everyone.:D
here's as far as I could narrow my favorites down.
What a tough choice. My first pass through I had 32 favs. I truly had to go back through and choose ones that to me fit the theme. There are some amazing images that I didn't choose, simply because they didn't say "colorful" or "monochromatic" as well as these did. I tried to stay clear of images that had been converted into monochromatic or items put together just because they were colorful. To me there was something about the challenge of finding monochromatic/colorful in existence rather than generated. The one true exception for me was "Curiosity" .....the conversion and tint were just too beautiful to pass over.
Well done and kudos to everyone.
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GIVING BACK - How will you give?
Thank you Havelock, considering the amazing images that have been entered this round, this truly is a compliment.
Peter, I made your top 12! Thank you.
Granted, I would love to be one of the official top ten.......but if not, considering it's only my second time entering....simply having a few people put mine in their top is an improvement for me over last round and quite a compliment.
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GIVING BACK - How will you give?
Nikon D300
Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8
Nikon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6
Nikon 50mm f/1.8D
[SIZE=-3]Mary Beth Glasmann Photography[/SIZE]
I'm still a bit floored by the sheer number of entries this round. Crazy!
Oh, and I apologize for the distortion of some of these wonderful images. I'm just brand new with CS3 and have a ton to learn!
My favourites 5 in random order:
Lonely reflection by photogmomma
Drop City by vandana
Early morning silence by
Cerulean Dream by MrsCue
Heated Pool by sunsetsailor
Great Round!
Canon EOS 30D, Canon 50mm f/1.4, Sigma 70-200 f/2.8, Sigma 18-50 f/2.8, Tokina 12-24 f/4. Sigma 1.4 TC, Feisol 3401 Tripod + Feisol ballhead, Metz 58 AF-1 C, ebay triggers.
many thanks to those who've picked my photo as a favorite! that's so encouraging for my first entry. I agree with those who have had pity on the judges...there are a lot of fantastic shots up.
Above is my group of 10 that most caught my eye...looks like I'm drawn to horizontal monochromatics...though the woodland sprite is stunning! beautiful work, indiegirl!
*moves to "W" column*
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.