The Internet is a funny place. Just because your customer could not reach your website, does not necesseraly mean the Smug is down. There are hundereds of pieces along the way between them, and your photos. If anything is missing, they may not get to see them. Did you try your site after they reported it to you? Was it working then?
You can turn this situation around to your own benefit as well. When it is working, your can get back to your customer, and ask if everthing is OK. They would appreciate your feedback too, and it would like you had good customer service. And it is an added oppertunity to touch base with them. At least you know they came to look at your work. That's a good thing, right?
From what I have seen though, the support and feedback from SmugMug is really top notch. There are not many companies that go to the lengths that they do.
Oh boy, of course I did test it out several times and I could not get on the website myself or my other friend's smugmug site. And what about the ones who didn't call?
Thanks for the business ideas and good intent but, sorry, you are quite hilarious
You have a good 2008 new year.
Site back up, Customizations all gone
My site is back up, but under customizations...everything is gone. Is there work being done ATM? Hopefully everything will return.
We are not going crazy
Go to and click on the San Jose Smug Mug site. I am only getting 6kps from Orlando FL.
It would be nice if SM would have posted something to this affect saying they are doing everything they can...yada...yada.... But instead we are left in the dark to "hope" things get better. It's been 55 minutes and I am still waiting for my one 1MB picture to upload! Good thing I paid to be a Pro member!
I talked to several techs and this is what one said:
I fully understand the frustration. I am working from a backup location right now a my ISP (Comcast) died at about 2pm. It appears to be a regional outage as all of the cable in the area is out. Luckily I have a friend that owns his own ISP in the next town over I definitely did not mean to sound negative with a "sucks to be you" attitude. We will certainly do whatever we can to help get this resolved In this particular case, the problem appears to be in the Dallas area. Looking back at your earlier traceroutes to us, you can see the missing packet in hop 7 in the Dallas area as well.
The problem will probably resolve itself as these internet backbone servers are monitored constantly and if one becomes a problem, the traffic is routed around it until it is fixed.
I will let our people know that there appears to be a problem. I am not sure what we can do about it either but it is something that needs to be addressed.
It would be nice if SM would have posted something to this affect saying they are doing everything they can...yada...yada.... But instead we are left in the dark to "hope" things get better. It's been 55 minutes and I am still waiting for my one 1MB picture to upload! Good thing I paid to be a Pro member!
Everything seems to be working fine. I don't know if you've ever paid for other hosting services, but SmugMug is definitely the most open and responsive I've ever used. *No one* sends out emails to their entire customer base when service is temporarily interrupted. I've used Flickr, PBase, .Mac, and others and SmugMug definitely has the most personal and responsive service.
They guys at SM ARE responsive, I'll give them that. It seems like people from Virginia on down are having the same problem getting to San Jose. This is not a local ISP problem, though.
My one 1MB file finally died after 8hrs and 23 min and only uploaded 25%.
I hope they guy at the switch recovers from his New Year's buzz, soon...
They guys at SM ARE responsive, I'll give them that. It seems like people from Virginia on down are having the same problem getting to San Jose. This is not a local ISP problem, though.
My one 1MB file finally died after 8hrs and 23 min and only uploaded 25%.
I hope they guy at the switch recovers from his New Year's buzz, soon...
Depends on what switch and where. I was getting only about 25kb/s down
from Chicago yesterday and 4600-5100 everywhere else. Guess my ISP
routed thru there to get to San Jose. Today Chicago jumped to about 4800
and Smugmug is now 4100, never has been above ~2100 before, almost
double increase.
At the same time bunches of others say Smugmug working great for them so
I would guess it's your ISP and the routing. Not sure what Smug can do
about this except maybe contacting all these router places and ISP's and
tell them to get their ____ together.:D
Depends on what switch and where. I was getting only about 25kb/s down
from Chicago yesterday and 4600-5100 everywhere else. Guess my ISP
routed thru there to get to San Jose. Today Chicago jumped to about 4800
and Smugmug is now 4100, never has been above ~2100 before, almost
double increase.
At the same time bunches of others say Smugmug working great for them so
I would guess it's your ISP and the routing. Not sure what Smug can do
about this except maybe contacting all these router places and ISP's and
tell them to get their ____ together.:D
... of course I know nuthin' about any of this.
I just had to reply since I was doing all the Bi-otching. I don't know if SM had anything to do with getting the switches from coast to coast back on line, but everything is working fine now and everything is right in the world. :-)
Thanks to Andy, Doc and the gang for all they did.
Happy new year, Team SmugMug!
digitizing your family's memories
I bet it's the Flux Capacitor...
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Yep, it was, and Doc's on vacation in the future again.
Oh boy, of course I did test it out several times and I could not get on the website myself or my other friend's smugmug site. And what about the ones who didn't call?
Thanks for the business ideas and good intent but, sorry, you are quite hilarious
You have a good 2008 new year.
That gave me a nice chuckle!!
My site is back up, but under customizations...everything is gone. Is there work being done ATM? Hopefully everything will return.
Any updates are appreciated.
Go to and click on the San Jose Smug Mug site. I am only getting 6kps from Orlando FL.
It would be nice if SM would have posted something to this affect saying they are doing everything they can...yada...yada.... But instead we are left in the dark to "hope" things get better. It's been 55 minutes and I am still waiting for my one 1MB picture to upload! Good thing I paid to be a Pro member!
I talked to several techs and this is what one said:
I fully understand the frustration. I am working from a backup location right now a my ISP (Comcast) died at about 2pm. It appears to be a regional outage as all of the cable in the area is out. Luckily I have a friend that owns his own ISP in the next town over
I definitely did not mean to sound negative with a "sucks to be you"
attitude. We will certainly do whatever we can to help get this resolved
In this particular case, the problem appears to be in the Dallas area.
Looking back at your earlier traceroutes to us, you can see the missing packet in hop 7 in the Dallas area as well.
The problem will probably resolve itself as these internet backbone servers are monitored constantly and if one becomes a problem, the traffic is routed around it until it is fixed.
I will let our people know that there appears to be a problem. I am not sure what we can do about it either but it is something that needs to be
All the best,
I'm getting 353kbps upload from CT to San Jose--same as from CT to NY. Seems like the issue could be local to you.
Everything seems to be working fine. I don't know if you've ever paid for other hosting services, but SmugMug is definitely the most open and responsive I've ever used. *No one* sends out emails to their entire customer base when service is temporarily interrupted. I've used Flickr, PBase, .Mac, and others and SmugMug definitely has the most personal and responsive service.
My one 1MB file finally died after 8hrs and 23 min and only uploaded 25%.
I hope they guy at the switch recovers from his New Year's buzz, soon...
from Chicago yesterday and 4600-5100 everywhere else. Guess my ISP
routed thru there to get to San Jose. Today Chicago jumped to about 4800
and Smugmug is now 4100
double increase.
At the same time bunches of others say Smugmug working great for them so
I would guess it's your ISP and the routing. Not sure what Smug can do
about this except maybe contacting all these router places and ISP's and
tell them to get their ____ together.:D
... of course I know nuthin' about any of this.
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I just had to reply since I was doing all the Bi-otching. I don't know if SM had anything to do with getting the switches from coast to coast back on line, but everything is working fine now and everything is right in the world. :-)
Thanks to Andy, Doc and the gang for all they did.