Just make a thread announcing the contest, rules, and prize. The prize could be something simple like a book or DVD about photography.
That would definitely go a lot farther in gauging the actual interest then this thread could ever do.
Personally (as already said), i love the idea and would be willing to work with anyone to help organize it - if this sort of thing is allowed on dgrin then why not?
Anyone who is interested in organizing a contest for P&S, PM me and lets see what we can come up with.
To Everyone who thinks this is a good idea:
Why not just do it?
With all due respect, I honestly DON'T think it's a good idea (and if you do, try dpreview:-)
First P&S only, then Nikon P&S only, then Pentax P&S under 5mp only, then pink motorola razr cellphones only...
I hate to repeat this, but "it's not the camera", guys!
I'm not saying that LPS should be "one and only type of challenges/contest ever" here at dgrin, but the segregation by gear is IMHO akin to segregation by race, or gender, or home country, or something else that is impossible or very hard to change.
Let's just be "photographers", not "pentaxians" or "point-and-shooters"
With all due respect, I honestly DON'T think it's a good idea (and if you do, try dpreview:-)
First P&S only, then Nikon P&S only, then Pentax P&S under 5mp only, then pink motorola razr cellphones only...
I hate to repeat this, but "it's not the camera", guys!
I'm not saying that LPS should be "one and only type of challenges/contest ever" here at dgrin, but the segregation by gear is IMHO akin to segregation by race, or gender, or home country, or something else that is impossible or very hard to change.
Let's just be "photographers", not "pentaxians" or "point-and-shooters"
You make some good points. The reason I think it is a good idea is for the fun/challenge of it. Going out with only a pocket cam really does present some interesting challenges and would make the contest interesting. I'm not saying to try and take over LPS or anything (obviously that would just be silly). I'm just saying as a fun challenge.
I still think that a cellphone-camera contest would be a blast. I mean we are talking about mostly the worst digital cameras you can find (there are always exceptions), but I've seen some very interesting and artistic photos come out of cell phone cameras.
Worthy points Nikolai. I suggested P&S purely with the idea of a "beginners" type of competition. I imagined many folks with P&S cameras were beginners like myself, learning before getting fully blown DSLRs.
I suggested P&S as a way to make an "entry point" type of competition. Maybe it would be better to say, lets have a competition where there is no post processing and cropping involved, ie, straight from the camera. I have no idea how this could be worked in reality though.
Sort of a "back to basics" type of approach, that judges on using a camera to capture an image. Not a competition on producing a stunning image via post processing.
Worthy points Nikolai. I suggested P&S purely with the idea of a "beginners" type of competition. I imagined many folks with P&S cameras were beginners like myself, learning before getting fully blown DSLRs.
I suggested P&S as a way to make an "entry point" type of competition. Maybe it would be better to say, lets have a competition where there is no post processing and cropping involved, ie, straight from the camera. I have no idea how this could be worked in reality though.
Sort of a "back to basics" type of approach, that judges on using a camera to capture an image. Not a competition on producing a stunning image via post processing.
Make sense?
Kevin, I see your points but...
imagine you're going against Mark (Muench) and his G9. Do you honestly think you (or me, anybody else, for that matter) would stand a chance?
That's why I'm saying, that in a competition such a gear-based limiation is purely artificial and counter-productive.
However, if we're not talking about competition, the whole dgrin is your playingfield Post your best images in the Cool Shots, get seriously whipped in the Whipping Post or simply play with our Weekly assignments and see if you can produce a better picture at least once a week.
New Idea
I think we should have a sort of "naked" photo contest, where entrants are forbidden to tweak the images at all. Like what you shot, is what you get. NO PHOTOSHOPPING.
I think we should have a sort of "naked" photo contest, where entrants are forbidden to tweak the images at all. Like what you shot, is what you get. NO PHOTOSHOPPING.
You mean, we're supposed to submit RAW files? Because, you know, all the modern cameras do quite a lot of in-situ processing before saving so called "SOOC" jpeg...
I was trained, and have a degree in fine art photography. I was taught all my photography tricks in the darkroom, or how to get them in the shot without having to minipulate them later. I'm just getting into digital photography, and I'm definitly not up to par with most of you in photoshop or digitial editing skills. I might be the only person on dgrin with this problem, it being a digital photography forum and all - but I think it would be fun to have some people think outside of the photoshopped box so to speak.
I was trained, and have a degree in fine art photography. I was taught all my photography tricks in the darkroom, or how to get them in the shot without having to minipulate them later. I'm just getting into digital photography, and I'm definitly not up to par with most of you in photoshop or digitial editing skills. I might be the only person on dgrin with this problem, it being a digital photography forum and all - but I think it would be fun to have some people think outside of the photoshopped box so to speak.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but there is no such thing as a non-processed digital image. RAW files are as close as you can get to it, but even in that case one has to use some sort of software at least to look at them, and the thing is - different software packages would present different pictures.
If you're thinking of having a contest with some gear/workflow related limits, you have to be very, very careful about where you're going to draw the line, and, most of all, how you're going to enforce it. Because, you know, I can take a picture with my dSLR, do all I want with it in PS, then paste it into a cell-phone originated "mule" - and you will never be able to tell what exactly had happened.
Besides, no matter where you'd draw this line, there will be a lot of people outside it who would feel outcasted and demand a redraw - or another contest.
I'd say: let's not think in terms of the contest, let's simply go out, shoot with what we have/like, process or not, post the results in the appropriate section, enjoy the comments - and be simply photographers, artists who paint with light - without introducing any artificial barriers.
I'd say: let's not think in terms of the contest, let's simply go out, shoot with what we have/like, process or not, post the results in the appropriate section, enjoy the comments - and be simply photographers, artists who paint with light - without introducing any artificial barriers.
As a PS-moron, I'll throw in my 2 cents. I've been entering the LPS contests since the start. All I know how to do is take my RAW files and process them in lightroom. My PS skills (and I use that term lightly) are/were limited to the clone brush tool.
However, this round, my image was missing something and two kind souls pointed me to 'layer masks'. I'm by no means an expert at PS now but I did add another valuable tool to my limited arsenal.
I would take this contest as a chance for immense growth in all aspects of photography - from the capture to the digital darkroom. I look at some of the past LPS winners and am in awe of the manipulated ones as well as the minimally photoshopped ones. Just dive in and you will quickly develop your style. You're also guaranteed to learn somethings along the way - whether you shoot with a P/S (which do have manual settings) or a dSLR.
I'd say: let's not think in terms of the contest, let's simply go out, shoot with what we have/like, process or not, post the results in the appropriate section, enjoy the comments - and be simply photographers, artists who paint with light - without introducing any artificial barriers.
How about a couple of threads on Dgrin - 1 for cell phone cameras and one for point and shoots?
That would let everyone have a place to put those photos, and inspire the rest of us as to what could be done within the limits of the technologies.
It does not have to be a competition, it can be an informative and useful thing.
The great thing about the internet, is that there are as many flavors of photography forums as one could possibly imagine. Some are more gear/format oriented and others focus on the subject or end result. What I personally love about DGrin compared to other forums I've frequented (StevesForums, DPreview, to name just two) is that it doesn't matter if I shoot Canon digital, Leica film, Hasselblad MF or an LG camera phone....I'd still find other photographers who share my love for portraits in the people forum.
ETA: Starting a thread (as opposed to creating a forum) can be done by anyone, so just do it!
I was trying to point out a reasonable solution to the OP desire for a forum.
By OP, do you mean original poster? That would be me, if that is the case.
When the next competion comes along, I am going to try my level best to enter each round. There is no way I can compete with the majority of the folks here. I just do not have the skill for that. Or the knowledge.
Who I can compete against, is myself. And golly, I am going to give myself a good go for it!
After all that bravado, I am still very much intimidated though. The pics I see in the comps, or what people have submitted for critism, are SO good. I do not have fancy software like photoshop, or lightroom. I stretched my budget just getting the G9, let alone any accessories. I just have to make do with what I can accomplish in or with the camera.
I know there are free options like "The gimp", but the learning curve is so steep. And for now, I face enough of a challenge to just get a nice photo, let alone manipulate it. Never mind just trying to balance work, family and hobby.
Bring on the next "Last Photographer Standing". Please don't leave me alone, as the only outclassed, out camered, out lensed, out flashed, out lightboxed, out photoshopped and out tallented as the last & only amateur left standing! (Or cringeing!! )
I know there are free options like "The gimp", but the learning curve is so steep. And for now, I face enough of a challenge to just get a nice photo, let alone manipulate it. Never mind just trying to balance work, family and hobby.
Download The Gimp, it has a learning curve but after you get the basics down the possibilities seem endless. I just saved a picture I took that was way too dark to see the people in it. I started playing with the brightness and contrast sliders and there they were! Not a prize winning photo, but a good snapshot of people at a party.
Bring on the next "Last Photographer Standing". Please don't leave me alone, as the only outclassed, out camered, out lensed, out flashed, out lightboxed, out photoshopped and out tallented as the last & only amateur left standing! (Or cringeing!! )
Why not just do it?
Just make a thread announcing the contest, rules, and prize. The prize could be something simple like a book or DVD about photography.
That would definitely go a lot farther in gauging the actual interest then this thread could ever do.
Personally (as already said), i love the idea and would be willing to work with anyone to help organize it - if this sort of thing is allowed on dgrin then why not?
Anyone who is interested in organizing a contest for P&S, PM me and lets see what we can come up with.
~ Lisa
First P&S only, then Nikon P&S only, then Pentax P&S under 5mp only, then pink motorola razr cellphones only...
I hate to repeat this, but "it's not the camera", guys!
I'm not saying that LPS should be "one and only type of challenges/contest ever" here at dgrin, but the segregation by gear is IMHO akin to segregation by race, or gender, or home country, or something else that is impossible or very hard to change.
Let's just be "photographers", not "pentaxians" or "point-and-shooters"
You make some good points. The reason I think it is a good idea is for the fun/challenge of it. Going out with only a pocket cam really does present some interesting challenges and would make the contest interesting. I'm not saying to try and take over LPS or anything (obviously that would just be silly). I'm just saying as a fun challenge.
I still think that a cellphone-camera contest would be a blast. I mean we are talking about mostly the worst digital cameras you can find (there are always exceptions), but I've seen some very interesting and artistic photos come out of cell phone cameras.
I suggested P&S as a way to make an "entry point" type of competition. Maybe it would be better to say, lets have a competition where there is no post processing and cropping involved, ie, straight from the camera. I have no idea how this could be worked in reality though.
Sort of a "back to basics" type of approach, that judges on using a camera to capture an image. Not a competition on producing a stunning image via post processing.
Make sense?
Kevin, I see your points but...
imagine you're going against Mark (Muench) and his G9. Do you honestly think you (or me, anybody else, for that matter) would stand a chance?
That's why I'm saying, that in a competition such a gear-based limiation is purely artificial and counter-productive.
However, if we're not talking about competition, the whole dgrin is your playingfield
I think we should have a sort of "naked" photo contest, where entrants are forbidden to tweak the images at all. Like what you shot, is what you get. NO PHOTOSHOPPING.
Yes, RAW files.
I was trained, and have a degree in fine art photography. I was taught all my photography tricks in the darkroom, or how to get them in the shot without having to minipulate them later. I'm just getting into digital photography, and I'm definitly not up to par with most of you in photoshop or digitial editing skills. I might be the only person on dgrin with this problem, it being a digital photography forum and all - but I think it would be fun to have some people think outside of the photoshopped box so to speak.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but there is no such thing as a non-processed digital image. RAW files are as close as you can get to it, but even in that case one has to use some sort of software at least to look at them, and the thing is - different software packages would present different pictures.
If you're thinking of having a contest with some gear/workflow related limits, you have to be very, very careful about where you're going to draw the line, and, most of all, how you're going to enforce it. Because, you know, I can take a picture with my dSLR, do all I want with it in PS, then paste it into a cell-phone originated "mule" - and you will never be able to tell what exactly had happened.
Besides, no matter where you'd draw this line, there will be a lot of people outside it who would feel outcasted and demand a redraw - or another contest.
I'd say: let's not think in terms of the contest, let's simply go out, shoot with what we have/like, process or not, post the results in the appropriate section, enjoy the comments - and be simply photographers, artists who paint with light - without introducing any artificial barriers.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
As a PS-moron, I'll throw in my 2 cents. I've been entering the LPS contests since the start. All I know how to do is take my RAW files and process them in lightroom. My PS skills (and I use that term lightly) are/were limited to the clone brush tool.
However, this round, my image was missing something and two kind souls pointed me to 'layer masks'. I'm by no means an expert at PS now but I did add another valuable tool to my limited arsenal.
I would take this contest as a chance for immense growth in all aspects of photography - from the capture to the digital darkroom. I look at some of the past LPS winners and am in awe of the manipulated ones as well as the minimally photoshopped ones. Just dive in and you will quickly develop your style. You're also guaranteed to learn somethings along the way - whether you shoot with a P/S (which do have manual settings) or a dSLR.
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
How about a couple of threads on Dgrin - 1 for cell phone cameras and one for point and shoots?
That would let everyone have a place to put those photos, and inspire the rest of us as to what could be done within the limits of the technologies.
It does not have to be a competition, it can be an informative and useful thing.
ETA: Starting a thread (as opposed to creating a forum) can be done by anyone, so just do it!
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Alas, I'm afraid I fall into "the rest of us" category, the ones that are inspired, not inspiring.
I was trying to point out a reasonable solution to the OP desire for a forum.
The camera phone I have only takes pictures of the inside of my pants pocket. I would like to see some good phone photos, though.
By OP, do you mean original poster? That would be me, if that is the case.
When the next competion comes along, I am going to try my level best to enter each round. There is no way I can compete with the majority of the folks here. I just do not have the skill for that. Or the knowledge.
Who I can compete against, is myself. And golly, I am going to give myself a good go for it!
After all that bravado, I am still very much intimidated though. The pics I see in the comps, or what people have submitted for critism, are SO good. I do not have fancy software like photoshop, or lightroom. I stretched my budget just getting the G9, let alone any accessories. I just have to make do with what I can accomplish in or with the camera.
I know there are free options like "The gimp", but the learning curve is so steep. And for now, I face enough of a challenge to just get a nice photo, let alone manipulate it. Never mind just trying to balance work, family and hobby.
Bring on the next "Last Photographer Standing".
I still think a thread of point and shoot photos would be interested. I need to go back through mine and see if I have any that are worthy of posting.
Download The Gimp, it has a learning curve but after you get the basics down the possibilities seem endless. I just saved a picture I took that was way too dark to see the people in it. I started playing with the brightness and contrast sliders and there they were! Not a prize winning photo, but a good snapshot of people at a party.
That's the spirit!
We have a heap of Shots forums, please, post away!!!