Use Google Checkout to create PACKAGES and offer COUPON CODES!

I know this has been posted (sortof) before, but, I wanted to document what I did for future reference, and, of course, to help others.
I wanted to offer *package prices* to customers for my little league photos. I wanted this to be EASY to do, and unobtrusive to clients.
So, I found the thread on using PayPal as a purchase now option, but, it wasn't good enough for what I wanted. So, I decided to spend a while to figure it all out. At last, I have a good solution, that works with the new security keys. AND... Without further ado, here's the outcome...
I've been able to integrate Google Checkout into each gallery I wanted, and have multiple drop-down pre-defined package deals. When the customer clicks the google checkout button while viewing the image they want (in smugmug style
[or any other style]), it will automatically create go to Google Checkout with the right price, *AND* a URL of the image *AND* the filename of the photo. So, I can find it via. the URL and place the order via. Smugmug, or fulfill via. some other method with the actual filename picture # I use on my own harddrive.
Let me be clear: You place the google buy now button in the Gallery Description, footer or header -- ONCE, and it will automatically figure out what photo you are looking at when you click "Buy Now!" You do NOT need to place this in the caption of each photo, you don't need to go to each gallery in turn (if placed in the footer), etc.. This is a totally automatic Google Checkout system
Ok, here's what you do...
Add this to your Javascript section:
Then, go to google and create your drop-down checkout button. Here's the secret.. Leave the optional description BLANK. Then, change the first line by adding " onSubmit="setBB_BuyButtonForm(this)" ".. It'll look SOMETHING like this:
Add the WHOLE code, including the change you just made to the gallery description, or captions. You can also add it to the footer and use CSS to control it, but you'll need to create a new div class and then add a bit of CSS to specify which galleries to show it on. I'll post how to do it later if there's a need.
I also surrounded the form code with "< center >" tags to make it prettier.
You can see a working copy here:
Try to order a photo, and you'll see that the description is created automagically based on the photo you're viewing
Oh.... Coupon codes.. Google Checkout natively supports coupon codes. So, check it out!
Hope this is helpful to someone!
Edit: ImageKey is fixed in all templates, so, I've fixed the code to make use of that.
I wanted to offer *package prices* to customers for my little league photos. I wanted this to be EASY to do, and unobtrusive to clients.
So, I found the thread on using PayPal as a purchase now option, but, it wasn't good enough for what I wanted. So, I decided to spend a while to figure it all out. At last, I have a good solution, that works with the new security keys. AND... Without further ado, here's the outcome...
I've been able to integrate Google Checkout into each gallery I wanted, and have multiple drop-down pre-defined package deals. When the customer clicks the google checkout button while viewing the image they want (in smugmug style

Let me be clear: You place the google buy now button in the Gallery Description, footer or header -- ONCE, and it will automatically figure out what photo you are looking at when you click "Buy Now!" You do NOT need to place this in the caption of each photo, you don't need to go to each gallery in turn (if placed in the footer), etc.. This is a totally automatic Google Checkout system

Ok, here's what you do...
Add this to your Javascript section:
function setBB_BuyButtonForm(form) { urlToImage = webServer + "/gallery/" + AlbumID + "_" + AlbumKey + "/1/" + ImageID + "_" + ImageKey + "/Large" + " " + photoInfo[ImageID]['fileName']; form.item_option_description_1.value = urlToImage; form.item_option_description_2.value = urlToImage; form.item_option_description_3.value = urlToImage; form.item_option_description_4.value = urlToImage; }Notice, I have four lines (ascending #'s.. 1, 2, 3, 4... If you have more than 4 selections, add a new line with a new number for each selection....) For example, if you have 5 options, add one more line.
Then, go to google and create your drop-down checkout button. Here's the secret.. Leave the optional description BLANK. Then, change the first line by adding " onSubmit="setBB_BuyButtonForm(this)" ".. It'll look SOMETHING like this:
< form action="" id="BB_BuyButtonForm" method="post" name="BB_BuyButtonForm" onSubmit="setBB_BuyButtonForm(this)" >
Add the WHOLE code, including the change you just made to the gallery description, or captions. You can also add it to the footer and use CSS to control it, but you'll need to create a new div class and then add a bit of CSS to specify which galleries to show it on. I'll post how to do it later if there's a need.
I also surrounded the form code with "< center >" tags to make it prettier.
You can see a working copy here:
Try to order a photo, and you'll see that the description is created automagically based on the photo you're viewing

Oh.... Coupon codes.. Google Checkout natively supports coupon codes. So, check it out!
Hope this is helpful to someone!
Edit: ImageKey is fixed in all templates, so, I've fixed the code to make use of that.
Smugization Central (
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Otherwise, works 100% great!
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
I have the gallery style set to 'traditional' or 'all thumbs' and use this code to obtain the file name:
thus, I grab file name from the JS variable mainPhotoFileName
I have the file name displayed set to yes as well.
I hope this information is helpful - jerryr
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs
Can this be changed to allow multiple pics to be placed in a package?
For example:
Package #1: 1 8x10, 2 5x7, 8 Wallets
Let the 8x10 be IMG_123, the 2 5x7s IMG_456; and the wallets IMG_789
- Gary.
If you wanted to do "Choose 2 pictures, and here's your package" type thing.... I'd probably create a form and have the customer enter the IMG#'s themselves and then complete the google checkout. It's not a bad idea, so, I might hack something up later to do that.
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Yeah...I had been thinking about the same thing. I am using dynamic Google Buy-Nows as well...using a form to let them fill it in and having the buynow dynamically represent what was chosen...but multiple select of photographs within Smugmug is the problem.
I'd be interested in whatever you come up with on this...
- Gary.
But, I'll post a more detailed description later, and hopefully a more detailed option <img src="" border="0" alt="" > BUT, multiple pics/items without full access to the webserver might be VERY hard. I even looked at PayPal, and while they'll do multiple items in a shopping cart, you can't have multiple prices (i.e. multiple packages) per item in a multi-item shopping cart. Too bad :cry
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Here is what I did for a couple of sites I customized.
In the form using the paypal cart, I set up a drop down.
In the drop down, The packages would be listed as follows:
Package #1 - 1 11x10 ($100)
Package #1 - 2 5x7s ($0)
Package #1 - 10 Wallets ($0)
Thus, the customer would select the Package #1 - 1 11x10 and a $250 line item would be in the cart with the file name and link to the appropriate image. Then, the customer would select the Package #1 - 2 5x7 with the appropriate image for the package and the line items would be in the cart, with an amount of $0 for the line item. Then, the customer would select the Package #1 - 2 10 Wallets with the appropriate image for the package and the line items would be in the cart, with an amount of $0 for the line item. The paypal cart has to have a total amount greater than $ .01.
When the customer checks out, an e-mail sent to the photographer and the customer with the information for each line item of the package - the item name, the image link and the image file name.
Seems to work like a charm - jerryr
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs
I am using the paypal shopping cart method.
I tried to make a modification to show the 'filename'
from this:
to this:
And unfortunately it did not work.
* the mainPhotoFileName works for the style 'all thumbs' and 'traditional' but not for 'smugmug'
* do I need any settings on for the 'fileName' to work ?
I am attempting to get the 'fileName' variable to work in the 'smugmug' style.
Any help work be greatly appreciated.
thanks - jerryr
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Again, the mainPhotoFileName variable works with thumbnails and traditional styles, not smugmug.
Thanks for your attention to this - jerryr
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs
mainphotofilename won't work in smugmug style.. It'll only show the first image's filename.
Argh.. I just tested it right now in a different album, and it's not working there. I swear it worked yesterday!
Ok, this is strange.. In one album, when I add the code it works. In another, it doesn't. There's no difference in the code, other than it's not working in one... I'm completely confused too!
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
I'm guessing it's the WAY it was uploaded... I use S*E or Lightroom (plugin) to upload. But, the gallery I just tested was done a while ago via. Photoshop Album. How are you uploading your files?
*Edit*: Just confirmed another gallery.. That's what happened. Somehow some files had their filenames stripped on upload. Odd.. But, the code I gave you worked *everywhere* that the EXIF filename field had info available to show.
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Ok - I turn on the EXIF option on the gallery.
Still no luck showing the photoInfo[ImageID]
Here is the code in my footer (minus the **)
<** div id="testfooter" align="center">
<** script type="text/javascript">
document.write("The photoInfo value for the image is: ");
document.write("The AlbumID and AlbumKey for the image is: ");
document.write(AlbumID + "_" + AlbumKey);
<** /********
<** /div>
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
It is a real shame Google Checkout is not available for Australian sellers yet. Perhaps I can get this to work with PayPal.
Now the next challenge would be to see if you can allow somebody to add images to a cart, keep shopping and then finish by going through Google Checkout.
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The site I found is it's free, and very powerful (it's how I do my printer calibration order page. You can see a demo of some of the features there too.. .)
I'm still trying
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
I have been looking to implement a paypal shopping cart system in order to replace the smugmug cart as unfortunately not living in the US, there are a couple of issues with the smugmug cart including foreign currency, international shipping costs and payment via US$ cheque that my bank would take significant chunk.
As such I have been following this thread in detail to get tips on implementing my own paypal self-fulfilment type cart. I know my cart does not implement coupons or packages, but this thread has still helped enormously - so thanks to all for their assistance!
I am still testing, but all is looking good. I have implemented in one gallery only at the moment as follows:
The remaining things I need to do from a styling perspective are:
1) Take the div out of the gallery description and work out how best to set it up to be positioned best on the site for all gallery pages but be dynamic when pages are resized etc
2) Align the drop down box and the two images.
I am not a CSS guru so I will most likely put this out to the customization forum if I can not work it out over the next day or so.
Again, thanks for the tips in this thread. They have saved me!
Want to save $5 on a smugmug account? Use this coupon code: WzG2eZLQPGrqI
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
I'd like to have that paypal implementation as well.....
Just trying to be helpful here......
If I go to this site page
I see TWO payment systems..... confusing
Which one does one click on Buy Photo or Buy Buttons?
When I DO click the Smugmug Buy Photo button, all I see is an empty cart system with some message that says "wrong permissions". What the heck does that mean to a buyer when a smugmug pro account user (like me) can't figure it out? Not good.
That's all from Florida :-)
I haven't even begun to think about implementing a buy button system yet, I'm still reading and reading posts to learn as much as I can about different options and looks before I jump in.
Happy Friday!
The remaining things I need to do from a styling perspective are:
1) Take the div out of the gallery description and work out how best to set it up to be positioned best on the site for all gallery pages but be dynamic when pages are resized etc
2) Align the drop down box and the two images.
I am not a CSS guru so I will most likely put this out to the customization forum if I can not work it out over the next day or so.
Again, thanks for the tips in this thread. They have saved me![/quote]
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
No problems at all. I completely agree with what you said and really only have the two options on this particular gallery as I keep testing and working through my options. When I determine which way I am going to go, I will only have one choice available - smugmug cart or paypal cart.
Still work in progress, so this is really my test gallery at the moment. I will post the code separately in case you decide to take the plunge and implement your own.
Want to save $5 on a smugmug account? Use this coupon code: WzG2eZLQPGrqI
Here is the code I used to get it all working. Hope it helps.
HTML (I have this in my gallery description at the moment - remove spaces where required):
<A href="">
Want to save $5 on a smugmug account? Use this coupon code: WzG2eZLQPGrqI
Thanks so much for posting it!
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Has anyone figured out how to accomplish this yet?
Also, to avoid the confusion issues with having both the smugmug cart and the google/paypal cart live at the same time on a gallery, is it possible to remove the smugmug cart from a gallery when implement the google/paypal option for packages?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Have a look at the example I linked to a couple of posts earlier. You will notice that when adding something to the cart, paypal will open in a separate window. Within the paypal cart if you click the continue shopping button, it will bring the smugmug window to focus and you keep shopping - this is the main feature I was trying to get to work. As for packages of multiple photos I have not tried this.
Also, while my sample gallery has both smugmug cart and paypal cart turned on while I am still testing, it is easy to turn off the smugmug cart. All you need to do is go into your gallery customisation and turn off the option for people to buy prints.
Want to save $5 on a smugmug account? Use this coupon code: WzG2eZLQPGrqI
Hopefully I can figure out the package pricing for multiple shots in a package. That's really a hot need for the way I sell. Most of my customers have no interest in a package of the same shot. I'll keep digging; there's got to be a way to do it.
This might be helpful:
list of paypal variables:
Add this to Footer:
******** type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var albumtitlepp = YD.get('albumTitle').childNodes[0].innerHTML;
Add this to javascript:
document.formname.on1.value = 'Album Title';
document.formname.os1.value= albumtitlepp + ' File Name: ' + mainPhotoFileName;
The on1 and os1 variables are set and used in the form for paypal.
An example of the use of variables for the paypal cart can be seen in a site I recently customized:
- jerryr
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs
You have a copy of my working code above, but the link to a working paypal system is no longer available.
If anybody is stuck however, dont hesitate to call out and I will see if I can offer assistance.
Want to save $5 on a smugmug account? Use this coupon code: WzG2eZLQPGrqI
I just opened a google checkout account and a mercantic account for a shopping cart. I see that you have code to make a paypal cart open in another window and than continue shopping before this possible to do with google checkout as well???
thanks for the help...
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by what takes our breath away"