My domain not staying logged in. Cant access my account?

EDIT Feb 19 315pm ET: Fixed and live :thumb
EDIT BY ANDY Feb 13th 1pm ET: This is a SmugMug issue, we're working on it. For now, access your account via and you'll be fine. Most folks are having no issues in IE, it seems to be Firefox related.
Our sorcerers are working to fix it. Thanks for your patience!
Hey guys and gals, I'm not sure why, but for some reason, when I try to log in to my usual smugmug account via my personal domain ( ) it logs me in as always, but then when I go to my galleries, it only loads the 'guest' access.
For some reason, it wont show my options as owner, and the only way I can access my own site's setting is via the alternate address issued by smugmug
Can someone give me a bit of help on this? I'm not sure what step to take to proceed from here and my understanding of CSS is still pretty n00b
I'll make an extra special cookie for the first 3 helpers (Andy gets 10% cookie kickback though) :deal
EDIT BY ANDY Feb 13th 1pm ET: This is a SmugMug issue, we're working on it. For now, access your account via and you'll be fine. Most folks are having no issues in IE, it seems to be Firefox related.
Our sorcerers are working to fix it. Thanks for your patience!
Hey guys and gals, I'm not sure why, but for some reason, when I try to log in to my usual smugmug account via my personal domain ( ) it logs me in as always, but then when I go to my galleries, it only loads the 'guest' access.
For some reason, it wont show my options as owner, and the only way I can access my own site's setting is via the alternate address issued by smugmug
Can someone give me a bit of help on this? I'm not sure what step to take to proceed from here and my understanding of CSS is still pretty n00b
I'll make an extra special cookie for the first 3 helpers (Andy gets 10% cookie kickback though) :deal
Professional Ancient Smugmug Shutter Geek
Master Of Sushi Noms
Amateur CSS Dork
Master Of Sushi Noms
Amateur CSS Dork
Your custom domain is not to be used logging in/out, I'm sorry. See also: & smugmug
The main thing I'm concerned with, is that I cannot upload my photos unless I access the account via the pezman.smugmug acct sign in. I'm not sure why this only just started in the past 24 hours or so. Could it be a scripting or CSS bug in my code?
Master Of Sushi Noms
Amateur CSS Dork
I login form the main smugmug page, and it takes me to my home page.
I see the messages notification and all that. But as soon as I go to the galleries or any other page, I'm logged out and only see what guests would see.
I can't do anything.
I have tried logging out, that didn't help.
It was fine last night around 6:30 or so, I even added some photos. But this morning, I can't stay logged in.
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Meantime - use your
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I tried using http://**myactualnickname** and it dosen't keep me logged in when I leave the page.
I will wait patiently for an update
I tried this on my home computer and the computer where I work.
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That does indeed work. And it takes me to my homepage and looged in.
But soon as I click "Gallery" or any other link that is on my homepage. I'm logged out on the page my links go to.
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Your nav bar is taking you to your custom domain. If you change your navbar entries to use a relative site location like <*a href="/galleries">Galleries<*/*a> (after removing the *s) you will stay within the domain that you used to enter the site, either yourname<YOUR nickname> or
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
/gallery/XXXXXXX_aX19G etc
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I'll wait, no big rush....right now
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Thanks for the quick help and resolution.
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I'm having the same problem. Won't log in using custom domain name. Always has in the past?
Might this have something to do with the 12!! updates I just installed for Vista?
I spoke to soon, not working yet
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For me, it's all good in IE6, IE7 and Safari (Mac or Windows). Only in FF2 (Mac or Win) am I having the same issue.
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Be sure you've logged in at and then go to your custom domain.
Let us know.
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In FF/Vista, I have to do the same thing on the home page, but when I proceed to a gallery it won't stay logged in and won't accept another login.
I'll try FF/Ubuntu later.
Okay. I just played around a bit more with FF/Vista and found that: will take me to the subcategory already logged in. takes me to the subcategory but NOT logged in.
It will be a major problem for me if my custom url links stop working.
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I can log in and get to my homepage and see the options for "control panel" and such, but when I click on the navbar to go to my galleries I get logged out. When I click on my navbar links that go to HTML only galleries I stay logged in.
I just installed the new flash slideshow and wanted to move some new photos to my gallery of slide show photos(it's hidden) and can't get into my galleries.
Thanks Andy!
I have always used my custom domain to log in, never had a problem until today.
It works like a charm though, with my way.
I ended changing all my header navcontainer info to "" to stay logged in.
I don't understand why it worked fine for for months, and now all of a sudden it doesn't.
I don't understand I suppose, but why have a PRO account?, if I have to use instead of
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Same problem using FF/Ubuntu. But here's the problem. (I'll test more deeply later, but it seems to be true right across all my browsers.)
If I log in from, that's fine. But I can't navigate using my nav bar or using any other links because they all use my custom hostname and this results in my no longer being logged in on subsequent pages. This means I must either key in all links manually, or use my control panel homepage to navigate around.
This was not a problem before. Sure is now, though.