my first trip to salt lake with my new set-up.
i caught sunlight just between storms, very happy about that!
i only had 45 minute avail, next trip i will have days on extra time:-)
yes, night shots are great!
i just wish i had better opts to do that, maybe next time!
thanks for sharing, looks like we stood in the exact same spot on the one...:D
This could end up being a great thread. I think that your shots turned out very well (along with the others that have posted examples as well). I enjoyed looking through them.
This is obviously one of the more photographed structures in the country, but it is well deserving of such attention. I will have to dig through the archives and see what I can add to this...
Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to this country and to mankind is to bring up a family. - George Bernard Shaw
Great series Aaron. I'm only 3.5 hours away from Salt Lake and I haven't shot temple square yet. I'm planning on going down the end of March. I'll be staying just a couple blocks from temple square so I'll take my camera. Some great opportunities for some great photos. The history is amazing as well. 40 years in construction! It is an amazing structure. Have you been in the restaraunt on the top floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building (The Old Hotel Utah)? Amazing photo location especially at night.
Great series Aaron. I'm only 3.5 hours away from Salt Lake and I haven't shot temple square yet. I'm planning on going down the end of March. I'll be staying just a couple blocks from temple square so I'll take my camera. Some great opportunities for some great photos. The history is amazing as well. 40 years in construction! It is an amazing structure. Have you been in the restaraunt on the top floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building (The Old Hotel Utah)? Amazing photo location especially at night.
i cant wait to see what you come up with
ive been to the memorial building, but not up high...
i will keep that in mind my next trip in summer
It is also nice in the fall ....
You can get a fun reflection shot of the chapel if you point your camera over the wall above the statue of the pioneers.
I'm also heading down tomorrow for the weekend. Hope to spend some time there as well. I'll look a Dgrin smile behind a 20D.
That's two dgrinners and their 20D's down there this weekend - anyone else? Let's hope for nice weather! Look forward to seeing some of your shots Steve.
Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to this country and to mankind is to bring up a family. - George Bernard Shaw
Temple Square Shooting
As far as the landscaping goes, the grass is still trying to recover from the snow. However, they should have tons of tulips out.
Weather - Friday is going to be a better day for shooting than Saturday.
This is a beautiful shot of a beautiful building. Do I remember right, this is the one you can hear the church bells from?
Not sure about the bells. I was visiting my brother in Salt Lake a year ago and we went down to the Temple. I convinced them to take my son back with them so I could wander around down town for a little while. Not even sure which direction this is from the Temple just it was a few blocks.
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Not sure about the bells. I was visiting my brother in Salt Lake a year ago and we went down to the Temple. I convinced them to take my son back with them so I could wander around down town for a little while. Not even sure which direction this is from the Temple just it was a few blocks.
its directly east, stay on south temple if my memory is correct...i lived a few blocks from there for a few months.....never heard a bell....but then again, at that time i didnt care for the finer things in life......
now, in this stage of life, here in i enjoy the clock tower bells on the tabernacle building daily...
Had a great weekend...(7 photos)
Just got back from a couple of days in Salt Lake City with my family. Had a great time. Here are a couple of photos from Temple Square...
Reflection of Temple Spires in a window of a restored log cabin similar to those lived in by the first settlers of the Salt Lake Valley. Shot with a Lensbaby.
Don't know when to stop...more can be seen at my web site. MORE HERE...
You should have shot it at night. I think it is much better with the lights on.
From last March-
From across the street
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
i just wish i had better opts to do that, maybe next time!
thanks for sharing, looks like we stood in the exact same spot on the one...:D
This is obviously one of the more photographed structures in the country, but it is well deserving of such attention. I will have to dig through the archives and see what I can add to this...
Here's a few from December.
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those are my favs too, i think i will try a print with #3
Scott McPherson
Some of My Photos:
i just stopped wearing a jacket today...:D
looks like you can head home....
look me up, we can go shooting:photo
i cant wait to see what you come up with
ive been to the memorial building, but not up high...
i will keep that in mind my next trip in summer
You can get a fun reflection shot of the chapel if you point your camera over the wall above the statue of the pioneers.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Does St. George ever really get a "winter coat" thinks thou dost protest too much....
Scott McPherson
Some of My Photos:
That's two dgrinners and their 20D's down there this weekend - anyone else?
As far as the landscaping goes, the grass is still trying to recover from the snow. However, they should have tons of tulips out.
Weather - Friday is going to be a better day for shooting than Saturday.
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Thanks for the weather update. I can't wait to see tempertures above 40. Haven't seen those for months. Better break out the shorts.
Some of My Photos:
I don't miss Eastern Idaho in a lot of ways!
There is an old Catholic church a few blocks from the Temple that is pretty cool as well. You may be interested in shooting that as well.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
This is a beautiful shot of a beautiful building. Do I remember right, this is the one you can hear the church bells from?
Some of My Photos:
Not sure about the bells. I was visiting my brother in Salt Lake a year ago and we went down to the Temple. I convinced them to take my son back with them so I could wander around down town for a little while. Not even sure which direction this is from the Temple just it was a few blocks.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
its directly east, stay on south temple if my memory is correct...i lived a few blocks from there for a few months.....never heard a bell....but then again, at that time i didnt care for the finer things in life......
now, in this stage of life, here in i enjoy the clock tower bells on the tabernacle building daily...
Just got back from a couple of days in Salt Lake City with my family. Had a great time. Here are a couple of photos from Temple Square...
Reflection of Temple Spires in a window of a restored log cabin similar to those lived in by the first settlers of the Salt Lake Valley. Shot with a Lensbaby.
Don't know when to stop...more can be seen at my web site.
Some of My Photos: