Testing the waters: LPS I Book

Hello Dgrinners and LPS participants!
One of the ideas that was brought up when Markham announced the Smug/Blurb partnership was a book centered around the LPS contest. We want to hear your thoughts and ideas about such a project. Do you like this idea? Hate it? Have reservations? What would you like to see (or not see) in such a book if it were made available? Would there be any make-or-break situations that you semi/finalists can anticipate for this?
Like the book for the Glacier 2007 shootout, no profits would be made by SM/Dgrin for the project. It's just for the community to share and preserve their experiences and images.
Toss your two cents right here in this thread because I'd be more than happy to help turn it into a reality if there is the right interest. :thumb
You may now return to your regularly scheduled laughter and good lolcats cheer.
One of the ideas that was brought up when Markham announced the Smug/Blurb partnership was a book centered around the LPS contest. We want to hear your thoughts and ideas about such a project. Do you like this idea? Hate it? Have reservations? What would you like to see (or not see) in such a book if it were made available? Would there be any make-or-break situations that you semi/finalists can anticipate for this?
Like the book for the Glacier 2007 shootout, no profits would be made by SM/Dgrin for the project. It's just for the community to share and preserve their experiences and images.
Toss your two cents right here in this thread because I'd be more than happy to help turn it into a reality if there is the right interest. :thumb
You may now return to your regularly scheduled laughter and good lolcats cheer.

Also included: the drama, the controversy, and the climax from the contest too!
I wonder, and would like to hear, how some of the other photographers would feel - will there be issues around publishing without compensation etc.
I also wonder if this, and other dgrin communtiy books, could be sold such that there are proceeds and those proceeds go to fund a chosen charity. It might be a really great way for "us" to give something to the greater community.
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
How much, if any, text are you thinking would be put in? I would think no more than a paragraph per image.
I'd buy one!
i would like to only see top tens of each lps #, and all semi, & final shots
i believe the sales wouldnt be very high...meaning only people published in it would buy it....
with some exceptions...like me...
My Gallery
It is a great idea!!
Schmoo power rules.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Anyone? Bueller? *crickets chirping*
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
I only made it into the points in one round, but I'd be happy to write my thoughts down and send you guys an O-rez piccie.
Well, as one of the "winners", I would like the book to be limited to the photos in the DGrin LPS gallery which would include all of the qualifying finalists, the semifinal finalists, and all of the entries from the finals. Including any more than that would most likely make the book too big and therefore more expensive.
I like the idea of including at a minimum: title of image, basic shot (exif) details, information about the photographer (name, location, website) and an optional paragraph about the image supplied by the photographer.
I would have no problem having my photos included in the book.
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Are there any permissions issues?
Ditto this. I have three photos in the gallery and I would love this book.
I am game and willing to contribute information about setups and behind the scenes thoughts if that is where the book is headed.
Otherwise I would buy such a book, it is a year of many of "our" lives, it would be a great keepsake.
dont get us rolling on that again<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/eek7.gif" border="0" alt="" > .... however feel free to use any of my posts<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/mwink.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Wouldn't that take a book all on it's own?
If we transcribed the existing threads it may already be more than one volume
I think we need a 3 volume set.
Volume 1 - photos
Volume 2 - To Photoshop or to not Photoshop (Is it real or ....)
Volume 3 - What Judging!! (All the "suggestion" for future and past improvement)