Toys, wonderful toys!
Greetings! I'm a casual photographer who now and then gets collared into doing large-scale portrait work (think 'school portrait' style environments, with long lines of waiting folks). I moved from 35mm systems to digital back during the release of the Canon D30.
One of my nastier personality streaks is the urge to accessories and build out infrastructure. As a result I'm one of those guys who lugs around pelican-cases full of filters, cables, adapters and brackets, just in case one of the various bits and pieces might come in handy on that shoot.
The most commonly used accessory group for me has been flashes: I've got a pair of 550EX's and two 420EX's that I mount on lighstands with 'brollys and trigger with an ST-E2. Yes, I was one of the ones bitten terribly by the 10D's ST-E2 firmware bug. Both grumbles and kudos to canon for having and then fixing the problem! I also have a love for macro works, though I'm still building out a proper rail and lighting kit for that. The third moneysink is astrophotography; something I've dipped into and out of over the last few years. I fear how much one can spend for night-sky shooting if one isn't careful.
Baldy asked me here 'cause he knows of my acessorizing and completionist streaks. I've played with a lot of the side-accessories for the Canon systems and am familiar with many others. With some time and contributions this forum should hopefully turn into a good place to ask about new toys as they show up or to get a helpful answer on existing tools that you might need for any given shoot.
So... what kinds of things are on your wishlists? Currently I've got on order a proper rain cover for the 10D as I'm after some good storm photography. Being able to take the camera anywhere and everywhere is a goal of mine.
One of my nastier personality streaks is the urge to accessories and build out infrastructure. As a result I'm one of those guys who lugs around pelican-cases full of filters, cables, adapters and brackets, just in case one of the various bits and pieces might come in handy on that shoot.
The most commonly used accessory group for me has been flashes: I've got a pair of 550EX's and two 420EX's that I mount on lighstands with 'brollys and trigger with an ST-E2. Yes, I was one of the ones bitten terribly by the 10D's ST-E2 firmware bug. Both grumbles and kudos to canon for having and then fixing the problem! I also have a love for macro works, though I'm still building out a proper rail and lighting kit for that. The third moneysink is astrophotography; something I've dipped into and out of over the last few years. I fear how much one can spend for night-sky shooting if one isn't careful.
Baldy asked me here 'cause he knows of my acessorizing and completionist streaks. I've played with a lot of the side-accessories for the Canon systems and am familiar with many others. With some time and contributions this forum should hopefully turn into a good place to ask about new toys as they show up or to get a helpful answer on existing tools that you might need for any given shoot.
So... what kinds of things are on your wishlists? Currently I've got on order a proper rain cover for the 10D as I'm after some good storm photography. Being able to take the camera anywhere and everywhere is a goal of mine.
What did you use to cover the back LED on your 10D to keep it from scratching? I just know mine is getting some scratches with use...
Hey Tug, how did you learn portrait lighting?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
LCD display, you mean? I don't. It gets all nosegreasy sometimes and I wipe it with a lenscloth. I've yet to find a solution that I like that doesn't deterr easy use of the screen.
A bit of it was just from my schooling. Photo lighting and video lighting are somewhat related, and amidst all the video/film training we had some still photo courses. The rest was from internet research, and more importantly, just *doing*.
The portrait work I'm doing is for a local science fiction convention. I take pictures of all the costumers and some of the Guests of Honor and such. I've done it for the last four years now as a volunteer/participation thing, and as a way to learn. Someday I hope they'll pay me.
Warning: big image file. A sample shot from 2002.
If you'd like, I'll dig up and post some of the links on studio-lighting that I liked.
Yes please, I'd like to see your links. I have a passing acquaintanship with 3-point lighting, but that's about it. Your shot is really good.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam