A Day in the Life of Dgrin! - THE BIG REVEAL!...

PaulThomasMcKeePaulThomasMcKee Registered Users Posts: 429 Major grins
edited May 16, 2008 in The Dgrin Challenges
Well, The Big Reveal is finally here! If you participated in the “A day in the life of Dgrin” challenge by taking photo’s on April 19th, this is the thread to post up to ten of your best from the day into. It’s been hard to wait the whole week to see how everyone spent their day last Saturday. But, as they say, “good things come to those who wait” and it will be a lot of fun to see everyone’s photos.

Remember to put all ten of your photos into a single post. Feel free to add as much descriptive text as you’d like. If you have a bunch more photos from last Saturday that you’d like to share, please post a link to an externally hosted gallery.

I’m hoping to keep this thread just for the photos and descriptions in order to make it easier for folks to browse each other’s photos without having to wade through all the discussion. So, let’s keep the comments and conversation going over in the “A day in the life of dgrin! (an unofficial challenge)…” thread.

Thank you to everyone who took up the “A day in the life” challenge…Let’s do it again in about 5 months! (September)



  • PaulThomasMcKeePaulThomasMcKee Registered Users Posts: 429 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    Distance Traveled: 250 miles; Gas: $40; Ferry: $12; Hail Storms: 7; Snow Showers: 3; Thunder & Lightening Storms: 1; Lighthouses visited: 5….Getting to spend the day doing what I love – PRICELESS!


    Info about Mukilteo Lighthouse



    Info about West Point Lighthouse



    Info about Alki Point Lighthouse



    Info about Brown's Point Lighthouse



    Info about Point Wilson Lighthouse


    Also at PaulThomasMckee.com
  • CuongCuong Registered Users Posts: 1,510 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    I play chauffeur for my daughter on Saturday mornings taking her to gym practice. I've shot several of her competitions in the past year but never her practice sessions. This is the my first time shooting the team during practice. Lighting in most gymnasiums is inadequate and flash photography isn't allowed. This gym is no exception. Even though the roof skylights do provide some additional valuable light, I still have to set the ISO on my 30D to 3200 to ensure an adequate shutter speed.

    Gymnastics is a year-round sport that takes a tremendous amount of dedication and practice from the athletes, and support from the parents. I always admire my daughter's commitment and dedication to her sport.

    I hope you enjoy these as much as I do taking them.

    1. Breakfast of Champions

    2. Concentration

    3. Lift-off

    4. Side Handstand

    5. Strategic Position

    6. Good to Go

    7. Good Cast

    8. Taking a Breather

    9. Vault

    10. Blocking

    "She Was a Little Taste of Heaven – And a One-Way Ticket to Hell!" - Max Phillips
  • hedlesshedless Registered Users Posts: 9 Big grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    Ahhh... the day has come!
    Unfortunately it was a hazy and windy day. Thought I'd make my theme on Walnut Creek yuppies, but found that to be a waste for my camera. :D Thus I dragged my wife out with me to go up to the hills to try and capture the sunset light on Mt Diablo. Due to the haze, the trail to the vista point longer than I expected, and making my poor wife withstand the gail winds I had to change plans. Don't get me wrong though, I like the challenge! So its not my best, plus I'm a newbie. I hope you enjoy and let me know in the other thread what you think. And thanks Paul for setting this up!










  • FlyingginaFlyinggina Registered Users Posts: 2,639 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    Saturday in Paris
    We left our rented apartment late in the morning.

    1. The sidewalk cleaner was at work on our street. The truck beside him is designed for the narrow streets that are found in much of the city.


    We picked up the métro at the Rue St Maur station. Destination the Latin Quarter on the left bank.



    The woman sitting across from me was texting and seemed oblivious to her surroundings.



    First order of business after arriving on the other side of the Seine was lunch. We chose Balzar, hangout of intellecutals in the 1920s and 30s and still popular with the faculty at the Sobonne. Today it seemed mostly filled with European tourists. (You don't see so many Americans here at the moment, in large part I suspect because of the weak dollar.)



    Our plan was to view the exposition of photographs on the fence in front of the Luxembourg gardens. On our way, we were sidetracked by an exhibit in the Place de la Sorbonne of photographs by Marc Riboud of the 1968 strikes, stoppages and mass demonstrations known simply as "mai 68."



    The Riboud photograph below shows the remains of trashed cars along with other debris piled high on the Boulevard St Michel. The Sorbonne is in the background of both the 1968 and the 2008 photos.



    The fence outside the Luxembourg Garden is often used for photo expositions. Currently on display are 80 outstanding photographs by photojournalists that have appeared over the last 30 years in the Figaro Magazine.



    Inside the gardens, people enjoyed one of the first warm days of April.



    As we entered the métro at the Odéon station on our way home, we came upon a small demonstration - this one having something to do with customizing diesel fuel - at least I think it did. I have no idea what the point of it was.



    All in all, a pleasant Saturday in Paris.

    Thanks for looking.

    "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus

  • fayefaye Registered Users Posts: 33 Big grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    My Saturday
    First, a shot for my Photo-a-Day project:


    Next, a shot for my SoFoBoMo (Solo Photo Book Month) project. The theme is "What Remains":


    Then, there were chores to take care of:


    Flowers to cut from the garden:


    And, after dinner, a car show!


    Just a normal Saturday...

    blog ~ Galleries ~ Facebook
  • eoren1eoren1 Registered Users Posts: 2,391 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    My Ordinary Day
    My Day In the Life

    Turned out to be a pretty ordinary day. Had to work in the morning so only started shooting around 1pm.
    Here's my son trying to help my daughter swing a bit faster than intended.

    Strapped into the car seats and ready to go to the park


    I was in charge of both of them while my wife picked up Passover dinner (courtesy of Whole Foods). They cooperated for a few shots in the grass.



    Passover begins.

    Bath time with the requisite trucks.

    A quick story and off to bed.

  • TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    First off let me say that this was a blast! Putting the new D300 (yes, it still has that new camera smell!) through its paces was thrilling. Second, it was much more difficult finding the shots I wanted than I really expected. Although there wasn't any real ground rules around the subject matter, I decided that I would chronicle a typical weekend day in my life around the areas that I frequent the most. I had originally planned to start at sunrise but doh! - someone overslept, which is entirely unusual for me.

    So I grabbed a quick shower and headed to first street to see if the surf was up. Amazingly, there was a solid chest to head high swell; however, after 200 frames, I decided that I just didn't have the glass necessary to reach the action up close and tight. I pretty much turned a machine of a camera into a snapshot box. I was getting ready to pack it in when out of the corner of my eye I saw this boy sprinting down the beach to greet his dad as his dad exited the surf; the two of them reaching for each other's hand in a father/son bonding moment that most don't associated with us old surfers. 10:40 EST and I had my first shot. Nothing fabulous but a keeper nontheless.


    Three minutes later another opportunity, a bit unexpected, literally landed at my feet. This beautiful little fella modelled for a few moments before taking flight. A nearby tourist was amazed that a butterfly was on the beach. He was even more in disbelief when I told him that we often came across butterflies when fishing 70+ miles offshore.


    As luck would have it, this weekend was the opening day of the Tidewater Volleyball Association tournament season. Even more incredible, the weather had been cold and rainy for most of the week and was forecasted to change to stormy in the evening, but this Saturday, we hit just shy of 90 degrees and sunny. I packed up my gear and hiked 10 blocks down to where the courts are set to find everyone excited to finally break out of there winter clothes and enjoy the VB sun. From a 11:00 till 12:30 or so, I hungout with the players and made a few captures. Usually I'm playing but after seeing the results, I'm looking forward to shooting more vball. 11:16 a.m. EST.

    For the girls....

    For the guys...

    For me :D .....

    While I probably could have lingered around the games for the rest of the afternoon, I was getting a bit hungry and I had to tend to Yellowman. Yellowman? Yea, Yellowman. One of my clients is big into the team building thing and as new people come into her organization, she gives them this little yellow dude and they have to use them to represent themselves. I've been putting it off for some time now but I figured that I would throw Yellowman in my camera bag and let him hang with me for the day. I had already snagged a couple of shots of him down by the jetty trying to get his surf on so I thought he deserved a ice cold frosty beverage. The perfect place would be on the deck at Bubbas on Lynnhaven Inlet. After a 20-minute drive from the oceanfront and a 30 minute wait for a table, Yellowman and I kicked back with a couple crabcake sandwiches and a little refreshment. It is 1:14 p.m. and can you tell that Yellowman is happy? Oddly enough, no one seemed to noticed that I was sitting at a table by myself and snapping shots of a plastic doll. I have to do something about that shirt and please don't ask why he is not wearing any pants.....


    After lunch, Yellowman and I ran by my parents for a quick visit with dad (mom had been out of town for over week so I know he would like some company) and then we drove out to my place in Chesapeake to let my dog out and download some of the day's take. Packed up the gear again and back down to the oceanfront. The plan was some cool architecture shots of 17th Surf Shop at night but crowds filling the street pretty much spelled doom for that plan. I figured I was better off roaming the beach until sunset. As soon as I hit the parking lot, a old Chevy 3100 caught my eye. 5:30 p.m. EST...


    The real surprise of the day came a little while later. I was heading back down towards the volleyball courts when I stumbled across this wedding on the beach. Talking about rolling the dice. Spring can be volatile at best in this area and seeing that it rained the day before and the day after, they got horseshoe lucky but the day was gorgeous and wedding looked perfect. I was tempted to walk right up to the party and start shooting but I saw they had someone on retainer doing the real work and I figured it would be beyond rude to crash the fun. I ended up taking this one from the boardwalk racked out at 200mm. They definitely have a day to remember. 5:39 p.m. EST.


    So far I have been shooting in that light that we simply just do not love - ultra-bright, wide open sunlight. It was getting later and I began trying to figure out where I wanted to be for the magic time. The wind had picked up as a storm front was moving in and the potential sunset at the oceantfront went to bust. I considered the options and I decided that I was better off over at the Lynnhaven Inlet/Bayside of VB as opposed to the main beach. On the way to my truck, I heard the roar of machines and barely got my camera up in time to catch these three cold-chillin while cruising the strip. 5:52 p.m. EST.


    At first I wasn't feeling it. Judging by the look of the sky and the weather moving in, sunset was going to be less than extraordinary. Instead of heading directly to Lynnhaven to scout a shooting location, I drove up to north beach to see if the Cavalier or Edgar Cayce Center offered any opportunities. The clouds had thickened and grayness had descended. I was about to give up when something caught my in the west, a slim break in the clouds with sunlight streaming through. Dayum, sunset was quickly approaching and I was nowhere near where I needed to be. I made a mad dash across VB and on a whim decided that Long Bay Pointe was the place to be. Luckily, the light gods smiled on me and I captured the final shot of the day moments before the light disappeared. 7:28 p.m. EST.


    All-in-all, a good day and great assignment. I hope you enjoyed the images as much as I enjoyed capturing them. Thanks for looking!
  • HoofClixHoofClix Registered Users Posts: 1,156 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    62nd Running of the Block House Steeplechase; Tryon, NC
    First of all, we’re all much obliged to Paul for having this idea to help keep us all involved and on our toes!

    April 19th, 2008 in my town was the day of the 62nd running of the Block House Steeplechase. It’s the heralding of spring, when we all look forward to a nice day in the sun. Some take it on the more traditional side, others not so much, but we all look forward to putting away the sweaters until the fall. I’m in charge of the committee that works starting the day after this year’s race to the day before next year’s, all to prepare for what will be the 63rd running. I, unfortunately, had to wear a coat-n-tie, which you will not get to see! I chose these images because they were more representative of the big party and parades that take place as part of the whole day, less about any of the six actual races that take place beginning at 2PM. Since in this case I’m also a race official, I really couldn’t carry around and big glass, so I tied my hands and one leg behind my back and used my little Coolpix! It can be done! Some of the noise is just plain bad imagery, but much of it was the off-and-on downpour that took over the day.

    So shortly after 7AM we all start arriving to put the final touches on preparations to let 25,000 people start entering at 10AM. An empty race-place from the top of the hill. Though the address of this chase is in NC, The top of the hill from where I was standing is in SC, the home of US steeplechasing... Notice the red sky at morning:
    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
    The first official thing on the schedule is the hat contest. They compete in several categories, “Appropriate,” “Unusual,” and “Funny.” The winner in the Appropriate category:
    Next to come are the foxhunters. The local foxhunting club provides four who will be the “outriders,” who are basically a mounted on-course safety patrol. They mostly go catch loose horses which have “policed” their riders, but they bring in the hounds to open the day:
    The local carriage club also gets to be part of the parade. The horse is a Welsh Cob. From the looks of these two, it does seem there’ll be no playin’ pattie-fingers in the holy water anywhere close by:
    Eventually the jockeys must all show up at the official scales. Since these are handicapped races, the weight the horse carries must be equalized based on its winning record. The jockey comes with his saddle and all gear to be weighed. In this case, the scale-master said she was looking for “One More Pound:”
    Now what would an article about a horse race be without a picture of some actual racing horses? Here’s the one where I was lucky enough that the Coolpix got the right instant. I was at the top of the tower:
    The trumpeter calls all horses to the start!:
    Nothing could be finer than to be young Carolina girls:
    The coming winner of the feature race of the day!
    The last two races of the day are called the “Foxhunter’s Cups,” in which local amateurs (non-professional jockeys) race in two divisions, one for thoroughbreds, the other for anything but. This is one of the entrants mounting her very excited “Dangerous Liaison.” What makes this person the story of the day is that she is there being helped by her husband, her sons, and last year’s winner. This horse was ready to go, and eventually placed a very close second.
    The same lady who was riding Liaison in the Thoroughbred race also rode a little pony called “Rocky” in the non “TB” race. Even though he came in last out of seven, Rocky was the crowd favorite, so he stood for some interviews and to sign a few hoof-graphs for his fans after the run:
    For those of you wanting to know more about steeplechasing, here is the Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steeplechase_(horse_racing)
    www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
    and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
  • johnlogukjohnloguk Registered Users Posts: 137 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    My day as an unofficial tourist guide for a friend!
    OK I've tried to submit this with the photos in the body of the message, but it didn't work. I am html challenged, and the photos were probably too big or something, maybe someone can advise?

    Anyway, here is the link to see the same images in a gallery anyway, hope that works rolleyes1.gif


    Hey I finally managed to post the images properly, they're on page 3 of this thread, yippeeeeeeeee
  • jrnylstjrnylst Registered Users Posts: 69 Big grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    My husband has been planning for months to mountain bike the 102-mile-long White Rim of Canyonlands National Park in a day (WRIAD) on April 19. He initially planned this epic ride back in November, but Canyonlands' upper elevations were uncharacteristically blanketed with eight to twelve inches of white stuff when we arrived. The third Saturday in April was the next available date. Shooting Day in the Life while running SAG wagon and trying to get in a little bit of camera-toting mountain biking without murdering my D300 only added to my own sense of adventure. I was absolutely drooling over potential photo ops.

    Unfortunately, my luck ran out hours after my 4Runner turned 222,222 miles just outside Las Vegas less than 60 hours before the Chosen Day, and we were stranded on a desert isle called Cedar City while my transmission was shipped into civilization to be rebuilt.

    Humor aside, there are worse places to be stranded. The car could have broken down in Primm, where we engaged in a little bit of off-roading to get a shot of the odometer as it turned. It could have broken down as we bypassed Las Vegas via Hoover Dam and Lake Mead. The tranny could have failed in any of the Utah national parks we planned to visit on our way to Moab. Heavens, it could have dropped out the vehicle literally in the middle of nowhere on the remote White Rim! Can you imagine the tow bill? Happily, my 4Runner is an intelligent life form with keener wit than me. It chose a bank drive-through inside city limits as a suitable destination for me to kiss my money goodbye.

    With rental car under our belt, an estimated week at a decently priced hotel and an extra three to four days of vacation time arranged with both our employers, my husband and I ventured out to see things I’d always wanted to see but never had time for because I've always been on a tight time schedule when passing through this part of the world. We set out to determine what would be the best venue for our improvised Day in the Life. Bryce won morning honors, but the crowds we experienced there and Zion's shuttle requirement discouraged our afternoon destination goal.

    We got up at 3:30 a.m. April 19 in order to get the tripod set up on the banks of Bryce Canyon in time for sunrise, only to almost die of heart failure when the tripod collapsed in high wind while bearing the weight of my 300m metal tank as I attempted to capture the pink nearly full moon set. The tripod died a premature death and has been suitably and appropriately buried. Night shooting planned for much later in the day would have to be handheld via high ISO. Dang it!

    All was not lost, however. The camera and lens are fine. I successfully captured most of what I planned that morning. We snuck in a two-hour nap at the hotel in the middle of the day. We then pointed the rental car and drove west, hoping to come across something photogenic. After a while, that didn't seem to be the wisest choice, so we hung a quick left and discovered a state park we didn't know existed. We spent the rest of the daylight hours in Snow Canyon, then caught a few more surprises in St. George proper.

    The best pictures, of course, were the unplanned jewels. My one regret is the staged pre-Earth Day shot I’d planned but was unable to carry out due to extremely potent airstream everywhere we went.
    I had a great time planning, re-planning and re-re-planning my Day in the Life, and I'm looking forward to the next one. Maybe we could do this quarterly, showcasing the seasons?
    A Photo "Quilt"

    Sunrise at Bryce

    Cactus at Snow Canyon State Park

    Sunset in Ivins, Utah

    St. George temple at night

    My individual top ten shots are here.

    Other Day in the Life photos are here.
    alias Snowcatcher, but still a jrnylst at heart
  • Mr. 2H2OMr. 2H2O Registered Users Posts: 427 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    A Busy Day of Shooting
    I had two events to shoot on Saturday. The first one was for a wonderful local organization called The Raleigh Rescue Mission (http://raleigh-rescue.org/). They are devoted to helping the homeless progress so they can stand on thier own two feet. The event was a volunteer appreciation luncheon held at a local restaurant.

    1. Here is the event coordinator and hostess


    2. This was only one of many dishes passed around - the biggest chunk of lasagna I have ever seen.


    3. A good time was had by all


    After that event, I went home to dump my cards and prepare for the next event. It was outdoors and I was expecting rain so I donned my bathing suit and a quick dry t-shirt and ball cap. I had prepared a bag to protect my camera.

    The event was for Middle School students at my church where I volunteer to work with the MS and HS students in ministry. Although our main emphasis is to teach them God's Word and encourage them to live Godly lives according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we do have events to just let them get crazy...so this event was called YUCK! Now, imagine this...over 150 Middle School students and an event titled YUCK! I think you can guess whats coming up next:

    4. We began with an egg toss - expressing the joy of success and the agony of defeat when trying to catch an egg from30 ft.


    5. We had each student go through an obstacle course. One of the obstacles was a long tube filled with ketchup, chocolate sauce, and this cool stuff called Yuck - its a powder that you add water to and it grows into a slimy gelatin. They didn't know what was in the tube before they went in...yea, we're really mean...


    6. Well, as the rain started things got even more messy...I hope his mom got the back of his shirt clean...somehow...


    7. Some got into it more than others...yes folks, that is chocolate syrup on his face.


    8. Some of our High School students helped out too. Yes, we did have spaghetti on the slip and slide.


    9. He's one of our Pastors preparing the giant slip-and-slide tarp with shaving cream...


    10. She pretty much sums up the event for everyone who participated.


    - Mike
    Olympus E-30
    IR Modified Sony F717
  • lisaplisap Registered Users Posts: 294 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    My Day With Nature In Ontario, Canada :)
    Thanks Paul for initiating such a fun challenge. :)

    I went hiking with a friend and then met up with my family for a picnic. I also went exploring in the backyard after we got home to look for more things to photograph. The weather was beautiful, although all that sunshine was way too bright.

    Most of the photos I took are nature related and I discovered I really like textures and I can't wait to get a macro lens!! (I also discovered that the old body wasn't in quite as bad shape as I thought :D )

    I did take more photos, some just for fun so I had more memories of the awesome day I had. You can find them here: http://piellusch.smugmug.com/gallery/4772014_KL3ki#283148378_daLor
    (please excuse the messy state of my site as I'm still trying to customize it and change it from a personal site to a more public one)

    Here are my favourite 10:

    #1 - I almost missed the sunrise!


    #2 - Old and rusty


    #3 -

    #4 - Doesn't quite fit the nature 'theme', but was something we came across on the hike.



    #7 - This is one of my favourites.

    #8 - Think you see a caterpillar? Look again....


    #10 - After taking the photos of the very alive looking pine cones above, I turned around and saw this dead looking tree with these pine cones on it. This is another one of my favourites.

    Thanks so much for looking. :)

    -- Lisa P.
  • tagtag Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited April 26, 2008
    I just joined dgrin and this is my first post. It was a weather challenged day in Seattle on April 19th so I played it safe and took some shots at the Seattle Cherry Blossom & Japanese Cultural Festival held at the Seattle Center.






  • pyroPrints.compyroPrints.com Registered Users Posts: 1,383 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    Not my best photo day ever. I was a bit distracted by the news of the Demise of the LPS. But I got some decent snapshots:

    My new car =c)

    Spring's here

    Driving through New Jersey

    Caution: Humans

    Damn Machines, always telling me what to do

    Fair Lawn synagogue

    Introducing Jordan

    My brother and his new beau

    My "special" friend

    Passover Dish (The story of the Korban Pesach is therefore retold at the Passover Seder, and the symbolic food which represents it on the Seder Plate is usually a roasted lamb shankbone, chicken wing, or chicken neck.)
    pyroPrints.com (my little t-shirt shop)
    pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
  • anwmn1anwmn1 Registered Users Posts: 3,469 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    Shooting a wedding on the 19th
    This day coincided with my first wedding as the primary photographer so I was ever so excited and nervous. The bride was late, the church was dark and had no areas outside to use for photographs, one of the groomsmen were late, some of the groomsmen left right after the wedding(not waiting to do pictures), and we had very limited time at the reception hall. Needless to say I didn't get what I wanted to get out of this :cry

    Here are 10 random shots as I have not been able to edit very much the past week-

    1. The dress in the window shot (well... frosted window)

    2. Getting Ready

    3. More getting ready








    Look forward to looking at everyones day in the life - but I have a 7 hour shoot today. :ivar
    "The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"

    Aaron Newman

    Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
  • David WilliamsDavid Williams Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited April 26, 2008
    North Norfolk Coast
    A bitterly cold day but very enjoyable. I walked down to the beach and then, in the car to see if I could capture a little bit of spring!










  • TangoTango Registered Users Posts: 4,592 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    Saturday 500 miles from home:

    #1 power breakfast with dgrins own Patherfinder, covert style

    #2 entryway to Marc Muench studio, wow you should see those prints!

    #3 self portrait of one happy guy, this is one heck of a way to spend a saturday!

    #4 seeing the light with new techniques

    #5 Ahh....shootout time with a great group of people

    #6 surfer scouting

    #7 old school

    #8 allure of the west coast

    #9 moonrise

    #10 moonlite rendezvous

    what a day!wings.gif
    Aaron Nelson
  • GreensquaredGreensquared Registered Users Posts: 2,115 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    A Day in my Life
    Recording the ordinary was a fun challenge for me. I wanted wanted to show snips of my everyday life in the somewhat abstract. I used available light only, shallow dof, a fixed 50mm lens and minimal pp.

    Breakfast - not exciting, but they tell me it can help reduce my cholesterol!

    Water my tomato plants we started from seed

    Time to tackle the dishes...

    And the laundry...

    And pay the bills...

    Todd, surrounded by his 4 computers and masses of geek books, putting in some overtime.

    The girls sit down for storytime

    And we then head outside to release the butterflies we grew from caterpillars

    After making dinner for the family, I head out to feed the horses

    A busy day's end

    I realize now that my view of my life is a tad "skewed". rolleyes1.gif
    Psalm 62:5-6

  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    A day in the life... Snow, quick to arrive and leave.
    This is a small 10 photo essay that depicts the day of April 19, 2008. Waking up to the latest snow fall we have had on Vancouver Island that I can remember. The day ended with 85% of the snow melted.

    Thanks PTM for the fun!

    01 The Shed

    02 Cold road

    03 Oyster bay

    04 Snow sentinels

    05 Breakfast

    06 Melting

    07 Sun bath

    08 Watching the sun go down

    09 Sunset ripples

    10 Main street evening walk

    Large version slide show available here

    Thanks again Paul for starting this.:D
  • TPBinKCTPBinKC Registered Users Posts: 194 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    I was lucky that day; there was a kite festival at a community college near our house. It was nice and windy to start off, good for the kites but causing us to wear sweatshirts and jackets.
    1 My daughter hugs her Mickey for me after putting on her Mickey and Minnie sweatshirt. "I love Mickey!!!"

    2 It was overcast early but I caught a little break of blue behind this fast moving kite.

    3 There were numerous huge kites that look as much like balloons as they do kites.

    4 Should this guy be nervous?

    5 This pig (?) felt watched…

    6 This is the infamous (notorious) Kite Pirate. He was reeling in a couple hundred feet of hand made plastic kites. There were all made out of the plastic bags from stores. As he packed them away I could have done a survey of the most shopped stores.

    7 There were so many different kites, flags and other wind blown devices that I can not do them justice here. Balloons (?) were tethered to the ground and kids could play with them. This one managed to smile throughout the whole day…

    8 The only reason smiley was not covered with kids in the above photo was that they were mostly all lined up down the hill for a candy drop. Here are the first kids to arrive at the candy landing zone.

    9 This guy kept an eye out for us all day.

    10 After a short nap we went to the mother-in-law’s house. This is my daughter listening to her grandmother read a story.
  • ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    I don't have 10 pics to share, but I'll share what I've got.

    In the morning, my husband did some family bicycle maintenance, including attaching this bell to my bike's handlebars.

    At about 1:30, the chilly weather suddenly took another step and added some small hail to the mix.

    And then it became SNOW, which is rare around here in January, let alone April!

    The sight of the blooming trees and flowers with snow falling was definitely different.

    Unfortunately, that's all I got for the day.

    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
  • dcorrindcorrin Registered Users Posts: 19 Big grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    shooting shooters
    [FONT=Futura Bk, sans-serif]I started out to shoot one theme, and discovered a more focused one during processing.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Futura Lt, sans-serif]Botanica, Wichita Botanical Garden, 19 April 2008[/FONT]

    [FONT=Futura Bk, sans-serif]Lots of people were carrying a camera at Botanica Saturday afternoon. There were lots of point and shooters, and I didn't even notice [/FONT]
    [FONT=Futura Bk, sans-serif]the folks who probably used their cell phones. And there were some professionals, like this gentleman reading the light meter,[/FONT]


    [FONT=Futura Bk, sans-serif]and this group[/FONT]


    [FONT=Futura Bk, sans-serif]Others were just capturing the fauna.[/FONT]



    [FONT=Futura Bk, sans-serif]For others, I'm not sure what they were shooting, but they were there with a camera.




    [FONT=Futura Bk, sans-serif]Some were working in packs.

    [FONT=Futura Bk, sans-serif]And I didn't notice the photographer in this shot until later. (clear at the back/top, behind the tree behind the baby carriage.)[/FONT]

    Dwight Corrin (dcorrin)
    EOS 5D, EOS 40D
  • VisualXpressionsVisualXpressions Registered Users Posts: 860 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    I started early morning at home, took a few shots of our animals while my Wife was working in the garden...

    Our two minature Donkeys... "Jimmy and Stubby" (from left to right) Stuby had his name changed when one of our horses bit his tail off!

    One of my Daughter's horses "Lilly" a three year old Appaloosa...
    "FEED ME"

    Farm auction season has arrived in south west Pennsylvania... I headed off to a Farm equipment and tool auction to see what I could get cheap! I didn't bid on anything but I got a few shots...

    "The Old Timer Crew"

    "The Bid"

    "Might Just Bid on This One"

    "How'r your crops Doing"

    "If Pa buys a tractor, better get this manual for it"

    After the Auction I noticed there was activity at the Waynseboro Armory... U.S. Army National Guard, 2nd, 104th Cavalry...

    "I'm Ready, when do we deploy?"

    "Ready for Action"

    No Title

    And that's my 10... I decided to go B&W with all my shots, just for fun... Enjoy!

  • vandanavandana Registered Users Posts: 373 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    It was just another big sky, flat land day at Clovis, NM. I forgot about this event, and started shooting late afternoon, but managed 10 shots

    As soon as I stepped into my backyard with a camera, a spring dove mating was in play. I wish I could have gotten a better bokeh, but I was shooting with my 300mm+1.7 TC , with a minimum f stop now of 6.7 ..




    It was time to leave them alone and go shoot some big skies :D

    Spotted some red tail hawks.. No, I didn't wait to see if they would do it !


    a change to wide-angle lens - they were on this tree, one flew away -


    Shooting into the light -


    the flat land -


    The little abandoned barn - I have shot this many times before, didn't dare go in closer in my slippers :)


    the dirt road to get to such locations -


    the day ended in time after 10 or more shots -


    April 19th gallery
  • PexiPexi Registered Users Posts: 85 Big grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    Living on the edge
    Sand, Sea, Sex and Sun. Four clichées with capital S, used by the young, bold and dynamic when they describe the French Riviera. You know, Monaco F1 Grand Prix, Monte-Carlo, Nizza la Bella, Cannes Film Festival and a fair share of wealthy, gorgeous looking women and much too rich playboys. Doesn't sound too bad place to be when you're going to document a day in a life of an amateur photographer, you think.

    Mind you, there's a dark side here too, and it seems that I live there. You see, we Finns have earned a reputation being almost as hard-drinking as Russians and being the fastest nation on the earth (we're talking about motor vehicles here). These might not be the features to be exactly proud of, but at least they are an escape from the ordinary, one would say. Ok, now that we have got the background facts right, you can start to imagine what do I do when I have a bachelor weekend, missus traveling abroad. Yeah, it's living on the edge, full throttle, flat out, straight through the limits of boredom. Resulting photos should be something quite extraordinary, from the outer space, no?

    Except that, instead of jumping on top of my S4R (yes dahling, it's a decently fast and environmentally incorrect motorcycle) and riding the hell out of it in the close by mountains, instead of going to the wild and wet parties in Stars'n Bars in Monaco, or instead of just playing paparazzi, I spent my afternoon doing home-improvement tasks, giving oil treatment to our garden furniture. How cool is that? Right, it's probably the thing called age.

    After 8 years of non-respectful hardcore treatment like below, the texture of the wood starts to look like Keith Richard's face (as my friend Jeremy Clarkson would say), and that might well be the only interesting thing you'll find from these photos. No need to feel too sorry for me, though. I'll manage. And luckily for you, Nikolai took care of documenting those four S things, over there on the other side of the pond.





    Life is pretty straight without motorcycling
  • pyrypyry Registered Users Posts: 1,733 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    It was a busy day too.
    Saturday the 19th was probably the most densely packed array of different things happening at one time in one place I've ever come across.

    I was shooting at an event showcasing a multitude of professions or more specifically the schools teaching these things. And the chosen method of showing what's what was doing the jobs on the site.

    This was the kind of place where (among a host of other things):

    You might get a new hair-do:


    They'll make you a cake:

    You could get a silly picture taken:

    And even have your nice car fixed:

    And as if that wasn't enough there was a combined driving show to fill your order in spectacular fashion. Driver Ben Simonsen showing how it's done:

    After all the excitement I went to see the birds, and came across a pretty swan napping on a bed of reeds.

    There's a lot of swans here this time of year, but that time they were all sleeping.

    While strolling around I saw a good number of Coltsfoot flowers, it is very definitely spring when these pop up :D

    I walked by the boat dock where some friends of mine where fixing up ol' Tease. The boat is going in the water on this saturday :D

    Went to shoot some pool too.

    Finally, when I got home with a good day's shooting done, back busted up from carrying a ridiculously heavy set of gear and tired and hungry, this was the view out my window:

    Thanks for arranging this Paul, it was fun!
    Creativity's hard.

  • johnlogukjohnloguk Registered Users Posts: 137 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    A Day in the Life of Dgrin - Lincoln Castle
    A friend asked me to give her the tourist treatment around Lincoln, these few photos were taken in and around Lincoln Castle. All images are using my own "watercolour effect". It helps to keep a theme running through the photos, and also brightened up a grey and blustery day!

    This is a "Locavore" market in Castle Square. All produce was local, from fruit and veg to fishcakes and beer!

    This is inside the Castle, at the site of the old bath house and well

    Some Spring flowers on a rockery inside the Castle

    Some detailing in the Castle Walls

    Walking the battlements

    Lincoln Cathedral from the Castle Observatory Tower

    The Old Prison from the Observatory Tower

    The Old Prison Chapel. The prisoners had to keep their masks on until they were locked in to individual cubicles!

    Shadow Play in the Condemned Cell

    The Cathedral through a window in the Observatory Tower

    Hope you enjoyed your virtual trip, why not visit for real, the first beer is on me?!rolleyes1.gif
  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    I have really enjoyed the wonderful photos that have been shared so far. I almost hate to post my snapshots in the middle of all these beautiful photos, but I'll do it anyway!

    I didn't take very many pictures as I had planned. I got sidetracked in the morning and then forgot!!ne_nau.gif

    Here's what I have:

    1. Texas Bluebonnet:

    2. Several bluebonnets:

    3. Saw this forgotten item midst the flowers:

    4. Another bluebonnet:

    5. A 'volunteer' iris (the neighbor on the other side of our fence has them in her garden. This one just appeared in our yard.):


    6. Another look at the iris:

    7. An iris bud:

    8. The last one for me--a shot of the stray kitty who has 'almost' convinced us to go ahead and adopt her:

    Thanks for looking, and as always c&c welcome. I won't learn how to get better without your tips and good advice (just don't get too technical, OK!?)!

  • JGDJGD Registered Users Posts: 315 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2008
    April 19th. Challenge
    April 19th was the day of the Thurston County Democratic Convention. As I had been elected as an alternate delegate to this convention, I took my camera to record the event for this challenge.

    I tried to focus on the people. The volunteers, the delegates. I usually don't take pics of people, so this was new ground for me. I got over my shyness and would just call out, "May I take your picture?".

    I am used to working with static objects. Shooting on the fly was also a new experience.

    Welcome to the Convention! and let's look at the agenda. 8:43AMdeal.gif


    Meanwhile, Outside there is snow


    One of the volunteers, (I flirted with her all day)::ivar


    Some Democrats:





    The Governor is invited onto the floor of the convention:


    The Governor likes the Democrats:iloveyou.gif


    The Domocrats like the Governor:clap.gif


    More at http://jgdesigns.smugmug.com/gallery/4756404_Qnomr#P-1-16

    For letting me take pictures, This gallery is unprotected and pictures may be copied for any legitimate use by the Democratic Party or in support of the Democratic Party.
    Jim Green Canon 5D: Proceed W/Caution, I tend to get carried Away:dunno
  • bmktdanbmktdan Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited April 26, 2008
    crashing your party
    Well I came too late to the dgrin forum to spend a Saturday taking pictures, but liked the idea of your impromptu photo contest. So this is my Thursday set. Hope you don't mind, but since there are no prizes at stake and it's all in fun, I thought I'd share my 24 hours, even if it's a different 24.

    I've been keeping crazy hours lately. This was taken around 3:30 in the morning. I've finally gotten some studio space set up and decided to give it a go.


    In the afternoon I had photo assignments to complete for Huntington University's PR Department. First, baseball.


    Then tennis.


    And then back to my magnolias. I think I like the black and white version best.


    That would be this one.
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