I still have that major concern about the "do not show address" and the MAP link. I'm being serious. A couple of jobs are not worth taking the risk of having a break-in...
Actually, just noticed this as well...can that be disabled? Or should I just piut in some random address so my actual addy is not map linked?
I did update my ad a bit, still tinkering and still need that featured photo...
RE: Do not show address
Do not show address simply leaves the actual street address OUT OF sight from viewers. You may also want to UNcheck "Show Contact Name".
The MAP link will still however display your map location, that is a site wide feature.
Hope that helps? I will talk to them about the possibility of allowing to disable that map feature but, it's pretty late in the game for me to be asking of this, they are working VERY hard on finishing touches to the site since it's ready to go live in three days!!!!
I still have that major concern about the "do not show address" and the MAP link. I'm being serious. A couple of jobs are not worth taking the risk of having a break-in...
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
The MAP link will still however display your map location, that is a site wide feature.
Hope that helps? I will talk to them about the possibility of allowing to disable that map feature but, it's pretty late in the game for me to be asking of this, they are working VERY hard on finishing touches to the site since it's ready to go live in three days!!!!
Well, I guess I wil try to change the address, or cancel the account altogether...
Well, I guess I wil try to change the address, or cancel the account altogether...
OK, there is no way for me to change my account info or close it.
Mark, this is BAD. This is 100% Roach Hotel: one way in, no way out.
Please let them know I want my planetbuzz account closed, cancelled, annulled, nilified, whatever. I'm not kidding.
You can change ANYTHING in the Master Control Panel.
However, I have already asked you be removed. You are a bit harsh but, I hold no grudge.... its your business how you feel. And your feelings are all that matter.
OK, there is no way for me to change my account info or close it.
Mark, this is BAD. This is 100% Roach Hotel: one way in, no way out.
Please let them know I want my planetbuzz account closed, cancelled, annulled, nilified, whatever. I'm not kidding.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
You can change ANYTHING in the Master Control Panel.
However, I have already asked you be removed. You are a bit harsh but, I hold no grudge.... its your business how you feel. And your feelings are all that matter.
Best of success,
Thanks for understanding!
Best of luck with whole thing, too!
RE: Map feature
UPDATE: the Map link will very soon be a feature you can turn off and on at will in your Master Menu. If you check "hide address" in your settings AND check off Hide Map.... your address will not be viewable.
Remember: the site is still NOT live to the public till June 26 (two days) so there are bound to be a few more last minute changes / additions.
I want to thank Nicholai for bringing this address concern to my attention.
Of course not everyone will want their address hidden away.
The MAP link will still however display your map location, that is a site wide feature.
Hope that helps? I will talk to them about the possibility of allowing to disable that map feature but, it's pretty late in the game for me to be asking of this, they are working VERY hard on finishing touches to the site since it's ready to go live in three days!!!!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
OK, there is no way for me to change my account info or close it.
Mark, this is BAD. This is 100% Roach Hotel: one way in, no way out.
Please let them know I want my planetbuzz account closed, cancelled, annulled, nilified, whatever. I'm not kidding.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Map feature can be turned off, address completely hidden from view
I believe that was your main concern... and it's been addressed (no pun :-)
Any one wanting to be removed would contact customer service and they would verify info, and remove upon request on a case by case basis.
Looks like I gotcha covered.... and smiling now :-)
Be well,
Thank you, Mark!
It's been great to hear from the seniour CS rep. It's not every day that multimillion dollar companies do that.. And even more rare that they actually listen to a feeloader's concerns and actually address them!
I think I'm a happy camper now! Will see how it goes!:D
Glad to see you're staying!
I'm happy to see you staying on board with your complimentary listing after Planetbuzz was so quick to address any and all of your concerns in a timely manner. This really is a GREAT company and I have since been retained as an employee :-)
Thank you, Mark!
It's been great to hear from the seniour CS rep. It's not every day that multimillion dollar companies do that.. And even more rare that they actually listen to a feeloader's concerns and actually address them!
I think I'm a happy camper now! Will see how it goes!:D
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
RE: Map
We are working on this but, we are going live in about one day and 8 hours and the heat is on to finish the site coding, and such. The site as been completely redesigned since you joined.... it's just the redesign is not ready to 'show". At some point today or tomorrow you'll be able to disable the address being shown in completely.
Thank you for your patience while they are finalizing the website look and feel but be assured, you WILL be able to keep your address hidden from view it's already on "the list" of priorities and will be in effect BEFORE the site goes live :-)
For now, I would suggest (if it's really important to you not to have your exact address shown) that you simply put in a "wrong address" temporarily IF you want to... till the map on/ off is running.
Time Is Running Out!!!!!!
UPDATED June 24, 2008 almost 5pm EST
You now have only ONE day and approx. 7 hours left (as of this writing) to get in with a "grandfathered in" complimentary display with all the power features included on the site.
After that, there will STILL be complimentary displays.... but they won't have all the Power features. Get in there NOW and get your setup and for those who have already setup, start sprucing up your sweet display ads! :-)
I'm happy to report that many, many people on Dgrin & Smugmug have taken this opportunity to get their complimentary display... the t he displays they setup are really looking NICE!!!!!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
For now, I would suggest (if it's really important to you not to have your exact address shown) that you simply put in a "wrong address" temporarily IF you want to... till the map on/ off is running.
I hope that helps?
Since PB uses Google maps to show address, the only thing really needed to avoid the pinpoint location is to allow empty Address1 line. RIght now it's mandatory and can't be empty. But Google maps work fine with just city-state-zip.
Mark, will you please pass this idea onto PB folks?
Thanks a bunch for trying to "chip in", Nikolai.
I think it better to allow the option to disable the map function rather, more choices / options for the business owner. However, you are absolutely right about that and I'll pass along your suggestion just the same.
Since PB uses Google maps to show address, the only thing really needed to avoid the pinpoint location is to allow empty Address1 line. RIght now it's mandatory and can't be empty. But Google maps work fine with just city-state-zip.
Mark, will you please pass this idea onto PB folks?
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
In case you missed this in the first post update?
In case you missed this update I just plugged into the first post....
UPDATED June 25, 2008: As of this date, please note that EVERY display ad that is placed BEFORE the June 26, 2008 public launch will remain a complimentary listing (grandfathered in so to speak).
The company has EXTENDED the complimentary listings for all new ones for two more weeks. After that, there will still be complimentary display ads offered but, they will not include the Powerbar that appears on the top of each ad now, nor the logo.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
In case you missed this update I just plugged into the first post....
UPDATED June 25, 2008: As of this date, please note that EVERY display ad that is placed BEFORE the June 26, 2008 public launch will remain a complimentary listing (grandfathered in so to speak).
The company has EXTENDED the complimentary listings for all new ones for two more weeks. After that, there will still be complimentary display ads offered but, they will not include the Powerbar that appears on the top of each ad now, nor the logo.
A few weeks after June 26, launch date, the full feature rich PowerAds will be 19.95 for the entire year! And the Featured (top position) PowerAds will be offered at the current rates. Also note: there are even MORE incredible features being added to increase the excellent value of having a presence on the site...... REALLY excellent next generation features! Most business people (in their surveys) have stated that 19.95 for the entire year was quite reasonable for such a feature rich display. They are not top of page positions but, they are easy to grab a few cities at a reasonable value for a presence.
hi, I'm not really clear on how to grab cities that are not on my address. When I go to the "buy top position" page I only see options for the city that matches my address, but there are really 4 or 5 cities that a person in the area could serve.
The programers and, the entire crew are still working hard at getting it live as quickly as possible. There are some last minute alterations, additions, F.A.Q. etc. still being finished up. Thank you for keeping your eye on things, the site is so awesome!
I doubt they are going to get it done by tonight, I'm sorry to say. They want to make SURE this is a smooth opening so, they're going to continue testing and finishing till it's "right".
Thank you for your patience. Meanwhile, get those complimentary displays up there for your business! :-)
The countdown clock is gone but it still looks like it's not up and running yet. When you search is stilll comes back and says no searches are allowed until June 26.
The countdown clock is gone but it still looks like it's not up and running yet. When you search is stilll comes back and says no searches are allowed until June 26.
Yep - I just tried it with the same results.
I'm happy to give them the time to get it right, but maybe update the banners with a date not in the past
The homepage now says open for searches on June 30. We did some testing and want to correct a few things before going live. We could have gone live yesterday but, it was agreed to make everything in perfect order before allowing the public in.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. This is one of the most ambitious projects I've ever been involved in but, it's worth every minute to complete everything the right way.
Maybe this has been covered previously but I didn't see it so I'll ask.
How does the general public find out about this site anyway? Via a web search for "yellow pages" or something like that? Just curious what the plan is to get people to find the site and start using it.
Clock countdown
UPDATED June 30... still working at it! Thanks for your patience.
You'll likely notice there is no more "countdown clock" up. They are working hard at getting the site to be up and live some time on Monday. Ran into a snag during testing and, working to iron it out before going live.
The countdown clock is gone but it still looks like it's not up and running yet. When you search is stilll comes back and says no searches are allowed until June 26.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
The template thing is cool So that could be used for something like a business running specials?...the customer clicks on that button and goes to the other page with your custom info in there? Maybe a new tutorial posted on planetbuzz explaining how to use that new feature would be good.
Thank you
Thank you for your suggestion, that's a great idea to include it in with our FAQ or general info for setup / usage.
yes, the whole purpose of those "Action keys" are to give the viewer that is looking at your display, a multimedia experience... instead of the way the other business engines are doing it, simply giving a weblink and maybe a map location. We feel that by allowing the advertiser to provide a multitude of information regarding what they do, what they specialize in, it could sway that viewer to chose the advertiser they are viewing as their choice for the business or services they are looking for. And let's face it, if they are looking up wedding photographers in Florida (or ?) they are already considering hiring someone for that service... or they wouldn't be searching.
By allowing these types of advanced features to be included in your displays, we are empowering you to convince your prospect YOU are the right person for the job. Or at the very least, for them to call in and investigate if you are :-)
Short answer is yes, you use those Action Keys as tools to display everything and anything you can (photos, samples, brochures, contact sheets, About ?). Think of your display as a mini website.... because it is!!! Use that template to put up samples of your work or samples with rates associated with that sample ? For example: you can display a family portrait then list pricing for portraits, then show a pet portrait and show a pricing structure for pet photos.
The viewer can get a ton of information, without even having to leave the Planetbuzz.com search they are in!
The template thing is cool So that could be used for something like a business running specials?...the customer clicks on that button and goes to the other page with your custom info in there? Maybe a new tutorial posted on planetbuzz explaining how to use that new feature would be good.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Actually, just noticed this as well...can that be disabled? Or should I just piut in some random address so my actual addy is not map linked?
I did update my ad a bit, still tinkering and still need that featured photo...
DeNic Photography | Portfolio | Group Blog
Canon 50D | 50 1.8 | 17-50 2.8 | 70-200 4L
Do not show address simply leaves the actual street address OUT OF sight from viewers. You may also want to UNcheck "Show Contact Name".
The MAP link will still however display your map location, that is a site wide feature.
Hope that helps? I will talk to them about the possibility of allowing to disable that map feature but, it's pretty late in the game for me to be asking of this, they are working VERY hard on finishing touches to the site since it's ready to go live in three days!!!!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Well, I guess I wil try to change the address, or cancel the account altogether...
OK, there is no way for me to change my account info or close it.
Mark, this is BAD. This is 100% Roach Hotel: one way in, no way out.
Please let them know I want my planetbuzz account closed, cancelled, annulled, nilified, whatever. I'm not kidding.
You can change ANYTHING in the Master Control Panel.
However, I have already asked you be removed. You are a bit harsh but, I hold no grudge.... its your business how you feel. And your feelings are all that matter.
Best of success,
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Thanks for understanding!
Best of luck with whole thing, too!
UPDATE: the Map link will very soon be a feature you can turn off and on at will in your Master Menu. If you check "hide address" in your settings AND check off Hide Map.... your address will not be viewable.
Remember: the site is still NOT live to the public till June 26 (two days) so there are bound to be a few more last minute changes / additions.
I want to thank Nicholai for bringing this address concern to my attention.
Of course not everyone will want their address hidden away.
The MAP link will still however display your map location, that is a site wide feature.
Hope that helps? I will talk to them about the possibility of allowing to disable that map feature but, it's pretty late in the game for me to be asking of this, they are working VERY hard on finishing touches to the site since it's ready to go live in three days!!!!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Ok... all fixed up!!
Map feature can be turned off, address completely hidden from view
I believe that was your main concern... and it's been addressed (no pun :-)
Any one wanting to be removed would contact customer service and they would verify info, and remove upon request on a case by case basis.
Looks like I gotcha covered.... and smiling now :-)
Be well,
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Thank you, Mark!
It's been great to hear from the seniour CS rep. It's not every day that multimillion dollar companies do that.. And even more rare that they actually listen to a feeloader's
I think I'm a happy camper now! Will see how it goes!:D
I'm happy to see you staying on board with your complimentary listing after Planetbuzz was so quick to address any and all of your concerns in a timely manner. This really is a GREAT company and I have since been retained as an employee :-)
Happy Nilolai day!!!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
DeNic Photography | Portfolio | Group Blog
Canon 50D | 50 1.8 | 17-50 2.8 | 70-200 4L
We are working on this but, we are going live in about one day and 8 hours and the heat is on to finish the site coding, and such. The site as been completely redesigned since you joined.... it's just the redesign is not ready to 'show". At some point today or tomorrow you'll be able to disable the address being shown in completely.
Thank you for your patience while they are finalizing the website look and feel but be assured, you WILL be able to keep your address hidden from view it's already on "the list" of priorities and will be in effect BEFORE the site goes live :-)
For now, I would suggest (if it's really important to you not to have your exact address shown) that you simply put in a "wrong address" temporarily IF you want to... till the map on/ off is running.
I hope that helps?
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
UPDATED June 24, 2008 almost 5pm EST
You now have only ONE day and approx. 7 hours left (as of this writing) to get in with a "grandfathered in" complimentary display with all the power features included on the site.
After that, there will STILL be complimentary displays.... but they won't have all the Power features. Get in there NOW and get your setup and for those who have already setup, start sprucing up your sweet display ads! :-)
I'm happy to report that many, many people on Dgrin & Smugmug have taken this opportunity to get their complimentary display... the t he displays they setup are really looking NICE!!!!!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Since PB uses Google maps to show address, the only thing really needed to avoid the pinpoint location is to allow empty Address1 line. RIght now it's mandatory and can't be empty. But Google maps work fine with just city-state-zip.
Mark, will you please pass this idea onto PB folks?
Thanks a bunch for trying to "chip in", Nikolai.
I think it better to allow the option to disable the map function rather, more choices / options for the business owner. However, you are absolutely right about that and I'll pass along your suggestion just the same.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
In case you missed this update I just plugged into the first post....
UPDATED June 25, 2008: As of this date, please note that EVERY display ad that is placed BEFORE the June 26, 2008 public launch will remain a complimentary listing (grandfathered in so to speak).
The company has EXTENDED the complimentary listings for all new ones for two more weeks. After that, there will still be complimentary display ads offered but, they will not include the Powerbar that appears on the top of each ad now, nor the logo.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
hi, I'm not really clear on how to grab cities that are not on my address. When I go to the "buy top position" page I only see options for the city that matches my address, but there are really 4 or 5 cities that a person in the area could serve.
My Photos
Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
Equipment List - Check my profile
Updated 9:40 pm
The programers and, the entire crew are still working hard at getting it live as quickly as possible. There are some last minute alterations, additions, F.A.Q. etc. still being finished up. Thank you for keeping your eye on things, the site is so awesome!
I doubt they are going to get it done by tonight, I'm sorry to say. They want to make SURE this is a smooth opening so, they're going to continue testing and finishing till it's "right".
Thank you for your patience. Meanwhile, get those complimentary displays up there for your business! :-)
Stay tuned!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
I'm happy to give them the time to get it right, but maybe update the banners with a date not in the past
My Photos
Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
Equipment List - Check my profile
Thank you, Scott.
The homepage now says open for searches on June 30. We did some testing and want to correct a few things before going live. We could have gone live yesterday but, it was agreed to make everything in perfect order before allowing the public in.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. This is one of the most ambitious projects I've ever been involved in but, it's worth every minute to complete everything the right way.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
How does the general public find out about this site anyway? Via a web search for "yellow pages" or something like that? Just curious what the plan is to get people to find the site and start using it.
UPDATED June 30... still working at it! Thanks for your patience.
You'll likely notice there is no more "countdown clock" up. They are working hard at getting the site to be up and live some time on Monday. Ran into a snag during testing and, working to iron it out before going live.
Thank you for your patience.... stay tuned!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Thank you for your suggestion, that's a great idea to include it in with our FAQ or general info for setup / usage.
yes, the whole purpose of those "Action keys" are to give the viewer that is looking at your display, a multimedia experience... instead of the way the other business engines are doing it, simply giving a weblink and maybe a map location. We feel that by allowing the advertiser to provide a multitude of information regarding what they do, what they specialize in, it could sway that viewer to chose the advertiser they are viewing as their choice for the business or services they are looking for. And let's face it, if they are looking up wedding photographers in Florida (or ?) they are already considering hiring someone for that service... or they wouldn't be searching.
By allowing these types of advanced features to be included in your displays, we are empowering you to convince your prospect YOU are the right person for the job. Or at the very least, for them to call in and investigate if you are :-)
Short answer is yes, you use those Action Keys as tools to display everything and anything you can (photos, samples, brochures, contact sheets, About ?). Think of your display as a mini website.... because it is!!! Use that template to put up samples of your work or samples with rates associated with that sample ? For example: you can display a family portrait then list pricing for portraits, then show a pet portrait and show a pricing structure for pet photos.
The viewer can get a ton of information, without even having to leave the Planetbuzz.com search they are in!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!