New photo tools?
I like the new layout of the photo tools and if I'm not mistaken there are a few new things too right? Looks great. Keep it up 
Hopefully this is not old news...I'm slow sometimes...LOL

Hopefully this is not old news...I'm slow sometimes...LOL
The drag to arrange tool, for example, lets you select multiple photos to arrange at a time instead of just one. Hopefully the pro pricing tool, rotate tool, and a few others are a whole lot more obvious than they were before.
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I don't think "undefined" was here before:
Is there a way to show the image numbers like before? Without visible image numbers, I have to delete photos one by one.
Reason I ask is we had image numbers, which represented what position of the gallery they were in. We felt safe eliminating those. But we also used to let you display filenames.
I'm sorry. Yes, I mean file names. You used to have position numbers to the right of each row but you could also see the file number if you cursored over an image. With those features, I could easily find and select large numbers of photos to delete from a gallery. With the current features, I only see the photo so, I have to select them one by one from the viewing style by way of "Delete Photo" in Photo Tools. For my wedding galleries, clients often reference images they would prefer be taken off prior to opering the gallery to the public.
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Yes, but on XP and on my Linux box (Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 4 (Nahant Update 4) while using FF 2. I have no issues on IE (6 or 7)
Also, the "Delete Photos" tool needs to have an option to show filenames under the images.
Also.. a Bulk-Edit Geography would be VERY nice!
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I was another fan of Expert Arrange too.
to recap, seems like moving more than few photos the tool times out. sometimes the photos are moved if you give it time (after timing out), and sometimes nothing.
any date when it's expected to be fixed?
btw, deleted theme and user CSS with WebDev and undefined still shows but
is also part of every heading after Pros with two additional ones at the bottom.
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I'm kidding, of course. That tool needs some love and we think we've got something good in the works. This pass on the tools was mainly to improve look and UI.
Can we please have the file name display in this tool ... it would definitely help when moving the photos around.
Okay, so I still don't see a response to this question. But I do see two people in this thread requesting file names be visible again in the bulk delete function-- plus there's another thread (that wasn't even started by me) requesting the same thing. The file names used to be visible-- was there a reason for removing them?
What would it take to make them visible again? I really can't imagine why this feature was removed... anyone care to enlighten me? Having file names visible is a MAJOR time saver when bulk deleting. Just my two cents, but SM has taken a huge step backwards by removing file names in this feature.
If anyone has a work around that doesn't double or triple my time and work using the bulk delete feature (which is useless without file names-- seriously... I now have to delete photos individually in the galleries to make sure I have the right photo-- having file names visible in the bulk delete gallery did not require this).
So what's the story?
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Here's another one.
So that's four requests including mine-- all within days of the file names being removed. And the help desk tells me they have another similar request. I guarantee if you poll the active pros here, they will tell you they DO use the file names in sorting and deleting.
With all due respect, I would say most SMer's don't actually sell prints/downloads from their websites, so why is that an option? What I'm saying is there are probably many features on SM that aren't used by most of the users. That doesn't mean they aren't useful tools!
The problem with no file names for bulk deleting is that for most PRO users, uploads to a single gallery often include hundreds of photos. Even using Star*Explorer, there ends up being several duplicate files. Many of these files LOOK very similar-- especially as a small thumbnail. So deleting files based on their appearance is impossible if you want to be accurate. This is where the file names are crucial-- similar to the bulk arrange feature. It simply doesn't work without access to the file names-- you literally have to go to the bulk arrange screen, write down the file names, then go back to the gallery view and hunt down the duplicate files one by one to delete them.
With the file names visible, it's a one step process to go to the bulk delete page, check which file names are duplicates, and delete 'em in one step.
And for anyone shooting events or weddings-- this really is a vital feature/tool. Event shooters have to get their photos posted and sorted fast and SM has put a MAJOR speedbump in the workflow by removing file names in the bulk delete function.
And... I'd just like to point out that including file names with thumbs is pretty much a standard feature for image editing & sorting. Bridge, Lightroom, Photo Mechanic -- even Mac and Windows thumbnail views all offer this feature. Even PBase offers this! I'm just surprised to see that SM actually removed a feature, especially one as crucial at showing file names for bulk delete. And if the reason for removing the file names is that most users don't use them in bulk delete, well, that's not a very good reason at all in my opinion. And it's an even worse reason when it substantially increases the workflow of posting and sorting images.
I strongly urge SM to reconsider this decision to remove file names on the bulk delete function.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Here's an example... imagine I messed up the color effects on a few photos in a public gallery. I have those same photos in a backup gallery, along with hundreds of other photos from that day. The process is to look at the filenames of the photos i messed up, then go find them in the big backup gallery and make a second copy of each. Then I use the move tool to bring them to the public gallery.
It's pretty common for me to have a bunch of similar looking pictures in the backup gallery... Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart. I think it's obvious that filenames make the job easy (and yet it's still 200% harder than it needs to be... where's the "copy to another gallery" tool??).
What's the downside of displaying filenames (optionally)?
Also, please add that preview feature from the bulk delete tool to the keyword/caption tool.
Maybe it's just a two-time occurence.
Hmm.. I must be missing something here. When I want to move some images to the front of my gallery, I go to "Arrange Photos" and click on each image that belongs at the top (or click and drag, now!) and then click "quick move: start". It gets the job done quickly, and leaves me on a page where it's easy to scoot other photos around if needed.
Would that work for you?
So as far as I know, we still list filenames on tools where there is no preview feature. The filenames are shown on the Edit Keywords/Captions tool, for instance. On the other tools, hovering your mouse over the info icon on each thumbnail displays the filename, caption, and a larger image. Is it the effort involved with hovering your mouse that is the problem? Or is there a tool where we're missing the filenames entirely?
As I keep mentioning, the bulk delete tool does NOT show file names -- even when you hover over the thumbs. Your help desk is aware of this issue.
But... even if it did work with hovering, yes, it is unrealistic to expect a user to hover over hundreds of images individually to see the file names. Imagine if Bridge or Lightroom or Aperture or Photo Mechanic or even Windows or Macs required you to do this? It really is a photo editing STANDARD to display (without hovering) filenames with thumbs. What I don't get is why SM is trying to argue against this? You've removed a very, very, very useful feature this is standard to almost all photo editing software and photo websites.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Drag to Arrange does not seem to have the hover feature to display filenames. It really would be nice to have the file names displayed ... plz keep in mind that some of us having aging eyes