Tawny Top Ten
Top nine actually:-) It was a short shoot :rofl
1: IMG_1487:

2: IMG_1507:

3: IMG_1521:

4: IMG_8793:

5: IMG_8797:

6: IMG_8823:

7: IMG_8845:

8: IMG_8864:

9: IMG_8868:

Setup/teaser shots: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=97902
1: IMG_1487:

2: IMG_1507:

3: IMG_1521:

4: IMG_8793:

5: IMG_8797:

6: IMG_8823:

7: IMG_8845:

8: IMG_8864:

9: IMG_8868:

Setup/teaser shots: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=97902
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Zuiko digital 14-45mm 1:3,5-5,6, Zuiko Digital 35mm F3.5 Macro
These are all good. The first first 7 border on great.
The last 2 - will I think they would have worked better had you doubled up on the fabric on her upper body and/or had her loose the bra - quite distracting.
You did an excellent job with the light - I really like the way you reduced the impact of the ambient, got the red reflection on the water, etc. Very nice
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great shots; use of sunlight to point to and frame her,
great legs.
can't pick a fave!
#1,2: Her top matches the sky..good..the blue jeans....wrong choice. I'm sure you have (hoping) you have some tight close ups for that series too.
#3: Fabulous work capturing the entire landscape and lighting her so well..that's great. What isn't appealing is everything is centered, camera is above shooting down on her and the dress doesn't compliment/fit the scene (again MHO).
#5: I love how that setting works for a backdrop on a close up...beautiful.
#6 My fave. Love the dress, the look. I'll bet you have lots to choose from in that series.
The orange fabric: Agree w/Scott..needs doubled up, thicker, and no wrinkles.
Good for you getting out and shooting these scenes. What fun! Keep up the good work!
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
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The color in the shots is fabulous. Here is a thought, this model has a great body, however her skin on her legs, tummy could use a little smoothing. Its noce to see not everyone is perfect and it may not be for Cosmo but it is a little distracting.
I told you she'd look good in red and yellow >.< and you failed to mention the orange!
I kinda like the one strobe effect, makes you appreciate the scenery and natural light more.
I say this a lot no these forums but #7 says "Lookit my butt!"
There must have been a full moon out
These are so good they look fake.
Not a windy night, eh? edit:#4 front thigh bottom side- bruise. #7 front leg calf-red marks from the shoe straps
Now go critique mine!
The ones with the orange, I'm not sure if the black thingy on her leg was part of the 'outfit' but I find it a bit distracting...
other than that, I really enjoy your sessions. Keep up the great job
Looks like a garter belt.
Thank you!
It was quite an unusual sunset for this area, to be honest.
In fact it was so unusual that Tawny texted me 30 minutes prior to the meeting time and asked if the light is bad and we should reschedule. I told her it's gonna be fine, and I guess, I was right!
And you know I always appreciate the feedback, I need it to get better!
I guess I overscared her with the hike difficulty, so she brought an extremely small choice of wardrobe. Usually girls bring a lot of stuff, sometimes we have to leave most of it in the car. This was the first case when the choices were scarse...
There was no way for me to get both body of water and her body in full without getting higher. Dress - I happen to like it,
See? That was taken from abosulutely same position as ##3 and 4.
In fact, there was no other shooting position available unless I wanted to follow my battery pack down off the cliff
I agree, I simply decided not to go too much in the general Barbie/Cosmo direction for this one (had my reasons:-)
Told ya <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/mwink.gif" border="0" alt="" >
As I replied to Scott, that was an inevitabilty <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/ne_nau.gif" border="0" alt="" >
That was my secret weapon :-)
Yep. In fact with two it would be even better <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/deal.gif" border="0" alt="" > Well, that's where the majority of the (male) viewers (and most of desicion makers in fashion industry are males) would look first anyway, so why not making their life easier? <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/mwink.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Thanks! Most of it is real, though, I only did some tummy tuck work and curves..
No, it wasn't <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/ne_nau.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Thank you for noticing that, I will check it out and replace...<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/thumb.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Have you posted already? <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/mwink.gif" border="0" alt="" >
That black thingie is a garter holder. I didn't like it either, but I didn't have much choice..
Might I interject? I'm for a little squeeze here and there [I'm a chick and we love looking good [thinner fuller whatev-we're obsessed with having good boobs] and I was the one to cry GIRDLE. Yes, yes I was.
By all means PS the tuck but it went a little too far in? She has a boxer's build. Square shoulders, full arms, round hips and butt. It looks like an 8 but with an invisible corset. Curious about the originals, now- Wally got me thinking about it, perhaps a poll? On the second one I think the belly button needs to be reduced if that's possible? That might relax the image a bit. The green dress ones look great but on #4 her right arm got curved from the pinch.
I'm being picky, I know.
That's it. I'm right that you want to have no bruises and fly aways and whatnot and are as OCD about as I am? [tho I don't have PS >.<] If you need me to shut it then go for it.
Now we wait for the second session.... I'm anxious already, what colour are her eyes? :lurk
Lol, you do have an OCD case on her... <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/rolleyes1.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Now, the real question is: if I didn't tell you it's PS, would you even notice? <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/mwink.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Please also keep in mind, it's a fashion world, not a family portrait. You should see typical model profile. Amount of PS (and a very rude PS at that, most of the "guys with cameras" have no idea what to do except putting ungodly amount of gausiann blur and using free trasnform making legs like 8 ft long) can be astounding... Mine would be considered as a "minor touchup". <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/rolleyes1.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Here eyes are greyish/blueish.:D
I have an OCD ase on everything. I'm a jerk about red marks, bruises, and flyaway hairs... and with no PS of my own you can imagine what my pictures do to me. :whip
On the second one and the geen dress one, yes. I could. Her belly button was too large to be just a suck it and no pucker. The green dress one her arm is crooked but the other isn't curved in anyway. The first one I thought may or may not have been an excersize in extreme breath holding. The other green dress ones the dress hid the PS very well, so there was no need to comment. Now that I know you PS the exact same way I would I'll be able to help you point out inconsistencies and I hope you'll do the same when I get new softwares. I have a download of PS trial right now, but I won't use it much. I don't plan to buy PS so why eat up the hardrive space.
I'm on a modeling website and I am loosely associated with one her in my city. I know. Oh how I know. I love a bony face. Give me strong cheek bones and a prominent nose and a fine, high forehead. Then I'll see someone just reduce the nose, bring down the hairline and completely warp the face to look like a pixie. It's scary. The "my skin looks like saran wrap" bugs me. I lightly touch the blemishes away and try to keep as many pores as possible because it's skin, not vinyl.
Do you have any thread links to your first modelling portraits? I'd like to see where you started and if I have a pray of ever getting as good as you... even though you are a Canonite.
You are making me pull this icon out a lot...
Can't wait!
I hear you about the inconsitencies. Let me just say I didn't care too much about it this time (had my reasons, again) and it is absolutely doable. I am simply trying to not spend too much time in post for the mid-week shoots. Purely ROI thing.
And speaking of prior work, here's a couple of samples of where I was just 3 months ago:
I think I have improved, even if only a little
3 months?? Holy effing crap. You know. That actually makes sense. You can tell a big difference between my shoot with Jeremy and Kari and the at the Nosc. DGRIN has really helped me learn, and I needed the learnin.
After I got home from the wedding I shot I said "ok. don't look at them, relax and when you get home go to bed." [2 hour drive home.] What'd I do when I got home? Loaded and sharpened/contrasted/etc and uploaded.
Being in business is either going to be good or bad depending if working yourself hard with no breaks is a good thing? Once I'm in a project I can't break out of the work mode. I've started scheduling breaks for myself though. It helps that models are available in spurts and there's lag in activities and getting near death sicknesses.
And a s*%tload of work. You're doing great, Nik.
Did you get a grant or did you just save up like crazy?
Thanks Richard!
I'm booking August now (July's all gone), so hopefully I'll have at least something to entertain you guys with!